

一. 单词拼写。(20分)

1. 肥皂 ______ 2. 茶壶_______

3. 找到 ______ 4. 糟糕的_______

5. 新鲜的_______ 6. 成熟的_______

7. 丈夫 ________ 8. 实情 _______

9. 气候 ________ 10. 温暖的______

11. 下雪 ______ 12. 有时 _______

13. 住 ________ 14. 停留 _______

15. 通常 _______ 16. 到达 ______

17.拿起 ______ 18. 有风的______

19. 3月 _______ 20. 告诉_______


1、——How do you do?


A How are you ? B How old are you ?

C How do you do ? D Thank you very much .

2、——How are you ,Miss Wang ?


A how are you ,miss gao . B I am fine ,thank you .

C you are right ,I am fine . D thank you .

3、——______________________! Are you Mr . Chen ?

——No ,I am not .


A hello; good . B sorry ;excuse me

C hello ok D excuse me ; sorry .

4、_______is a fine day today.

A that B this C it D today

5、The aeroplane is flying _____the sky .

A on B of C out D over

6、They are looking _____ the sky .

A at B over C on D in

7、There is a bridge ______the river.

A. on B over C in D at

8、They ______over the bridge now .

A. walk B walking C are walking D is walking

9、Can she type this letter ___me ?

A. of B at C for D in

10、I usually go to school _____7 o’clock _____the moring .

A. in ;at B at ; in C on ;in D at ; on

11、We usually stay _____home on Sundays.

A. in B on C for D at

12、My father often goes to work ___car.

A. by B in C on D at

13、Look ! he ______the radio.

A. listening to B is listening C is listenig to D listen to

14、What’s the climate ____in your country ?

A likes B like C look like D looks like

15、—— Do you want beef _______lamb?

—— Beef ,please .

A and B yet C but D or

16、____________I don’t like english at all.

A telling you the truth B to tell you the truth

C telling you the true D to tell you the true

17、What’s the matter _______your bike ?

It’s broken.

A with B along C in D about

18. Where __ __ come from?

A. are, you B. do, you

C. did, you D. does, you

19. __ there __ hammers here?

A. is, some B. are, some

C. are, any D. is, any

20. Do you go to school _____bus or ____foot ?

A. by ,on B. by ,by

C. on ,on D. on ,by


1.big______ 2.fat_______ 3.young ______


7.open________ 8.tall ________ 9.late________


1. 桌上有一本书吗?

___________________________________ ?

2. 茶叶在哪儿?

__________________________________ ?

3. 你会沏茶么?


4. 你想要喝咖啡么?

_________________________________________ ?

5. 我丈夫喜欢鸡但我不喜欢。


6. 你来自哪里?

______________________________________ ?

7. 你们国家的天气怎么样?

_______________________________________ ?

8. 夏天天气总是很热。


9. 她们通常做什么?

____________________________ ?

10. 现在几点了?

_____________________________ ?

五. 开心阅读,根据短文内容判断正(T )误(F ).(10分) My name is Tom , I am eleven . This is my room. Look, there is a desk and a bed in it .The bed is next to the desk. My bed is red ,beside the bed is a bookshelf. My book are on it ,on the desk there is a clock ,my cat is sleeping near the desk. My room is small but very nice .I like it very much.

1、Tom is ten years old. ( )

2 、The bed is next to the desk . ( )

3、There is clock on the wall . ( )

4 、T om’s cat on sleeping on the desk . ( )

5、 This room is small but very nice . ( )


On Sundays we often go to the ___1____ near our school. There are many____2_____ in it----tigers, elephants, pandas and monkeys. The ____3_____are very big. They all have ____4_____noses. Their noses can ___5_____ them eat and drink. Tigers are very____6_____. They often run about. They don’t like to ____7_____in the zoo. Many people like

____8_____.They are animals of China. But I like monkeys most(最). We like __10_____ to the zoo . We can____8_____ more (更多) about animals there.

( )1.A.park B.school C.zoo D.the shop

( )2. A.people B.children C.animals D.things

( )3. A.elephants B.tigers C.pandas D.monkeys

( )4. A.long B.short C.free D.small

( )5. A.give B.help C.make D.get

( )6. A.strong B.hungry C.happy D.careful(小心)

( )7. A.eat B.play C.walk D.live

( )8. A.elephants B.pandas C.tigers D.monkeys

( )9. A.go B.going C.are going D.goes

( )10. A.see B.play C.get D.know


Writing. 写作。

写一篇介绍某个场所的小短文(教室,卧室,客厅……)请尽量使用There be 句型以及相应的形容词。


一. 单词拼写。(20分)

1. 肥皂 ______ 2. 茶壶_______

3. 找到 ______ 4. 糟糕的_______

5. 新鲜的_______ 6. 成熟的_______

7. 丈夫 ________ 8. 实情 _______

9. 气候 ________ 10. 温暖的______

11. 下雪 ______ 12. 有时 _______

13. 住 ________ 14. 停留 _______

15. 通常 _______ 16. 到达 ______

17.拿起 ______ 18. 有风的______

19. 3月 _______ 20. 告诉_______


1、——How do you do?


A How are you ? B How old are you ?

C How do you do ? D Thank you very much .

2、——How are you ,Miss Wang ?


A how are you ,miss gao . B I am fine ,thank you .

C you are right ,I am fine . D thank you .

3、——______________________! Are you Mr . Chen ?

——No ,I am not .


A hello; good . B sorry ;excuse me

C hello ok D excuse me ; sorry .

4、_______is a fine day today.

A that B this C it D today

5、The aeroplane is flying _____the sky .

A on B of C out D over

6、They are looking _____ the sky .

A at B over C on D in

7、There is a bridge ______the river.

A. on B over C in D at

8、They ______over the bridge now .

A. walk B walking C are walking D is walking

9、Can she type this letter ___me ?

A. of B at C for D in

10、I usually go to school _____7 o’clock _____the moring .

A. in ;at B at ; in C on ;in D at ; on

11、We usually stay _____home on Sundays.

A. in B on C for D at

12、My father often goes to work ___car.

A. by B in C on D at

13、Look ! he ______the radio.

A. listening to B is listening C is listenig to D listen to

14、What’s the climate ____in your country ?

A likes B like C look like D looks like

15、—— Do you want beef _______lamb?

—— Beef ,please .

A and B yet C but D or

16、____________I don’t like english at all.

A telling you the truth B to tell you the truth

C telling you the true D to tell you the true

17、What’s the matter _______your bike ?

It’s broken.

A with B along C in D about

18. Where __ __ come from?

A. are, you B. do, you

C. did, you D. does, you

19. __ there __ hammers here?

A. is, some B. are, some

C. are, any D. is, any

20. Do you go to school _____bus or ____foot ?

A. by ,on B. by ,by

C. on ,on D. on ,by


1.big______ 2.fat_______ 3.young ______


7.open________ 8.tall ________ 9.late________


1. 桌上有一本书吗?

___________________________________ ?

2. 茶叶在哪儿?

__________________________________ ?

3. 你会沏茶么?


4. 你想要喝咖啡么?

_________________________________________ ?

5. 我丈夫喜欢鸡但我不喜欢。


6. 你来自哪里?

______________________________________ ?

7. 你们国家的天气怎么样?

_______________________________________ ?

8. 夏天天气总是很热。


9. 她们通常做什么?

____________________________ ?

10. 现在几点了?

_____________________________ ?

五. 开心阅读,根据短文内容判断正(T )误(F ).(10分) My name is Tom , I am eleven . This is my room. Look, there is a desk and a bed in it .The bed is next to the desk. My bed is red ,beside the bed is a bookshelf. My book are on it ,on the desk there is a clock ,my cat is sleeping near the desk. My room is small but very nice .I like it very much.

1、Tom is ten years old. ( )

2 、The bed is next to the desk . ( )

3、There is clock on the wall . ( )

4 、T om’s cat on sleeping on the desk . ( )

5、 This room is small but very nice . ( )


On Sundays we often go to the ___1____ near our school. There are many____2_____ in it----tigers, elephants, pandas and monkeys. The ____3_____are very big. They all have ____4_____noses. Their noses can ___5_____ them eat and drink. Tigers are very____6_____. They often run about. They don’t like to ____7_____in the zoo. Many people like

____8_____.They are animals of China. But I like monkeys most(最). We like __10_____ to the zoo . We can____8_____ more (更多) about animals there.

( )1.A.park B.school C.zoo D.the shop

( )2. A.people B.children C.animals D.things

( )3. A.elephants B.tigers C.pandas D.monkeys

( )4. A.long B.short C.free D.small

( )5. A.give B.help C.make D.get

( )6. A.strong B.hungry C.happy D.careful(小心)

( )7. A.eat B.play C.walk D.live

( )8. A.elephants B.pandas C.tigers D.monkeys

( )9. A.go B.going C.are going D.goes

( )10. A.see B.play C.get D.know


Writing. 写作。

写一篇介绍某个场所的小短文(教室,卧室,客厅……)请尽量使用There be 句型以及相应的形容词。


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