
Rights and Requirements of Oracle Program Licenses


It is the responsibility of Oracle’s authorized distribution Partner specified in this Program Use Notification (“PUN”) to ensure that any distribution of Oracle programs and/or program related service offerings to an end user , including you as the identified Customer in this PUN(the “end user”),is subject to a legally binding end user license agreement incorporating the requirements below at a minimum.


(1)Limit the use of the programs that are subject to the end user license agreement to the legal entity that executed the end user license agreement.


(2)Restrict the use of the programs to the internal business operations of the user subject to the terms of the end user license agreement, including the license definition and rules set forth in the order and program documentation, and the Partner Ordering Policy. The end user may allow its agents and contractors(including, without limitation, outsourcer) to use the program for the end user’s internal business operation subject to the terms of such agreement, provide that such end user is responsible for the agent’s, contractor’s and contractor’s compliance with the end user license agreement in such use. For programs that are specifically designed to allow the end user’s customers and suppliers to interact with the end user in the furtherance of the end user’s internal business operation, such use may be allowed under the end user license agreement. Oracle’s license definitions and rules are subject to change.


(3)State that Oracle or its licensor retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to the programs.


(4)State that Oracle programs may contain or require the use of third party technology that is provided with such Oracle programs. Oracle may provide certain notices to the end user in program documentation, ”readme” files, notice files or the installation details in connection with such third party technology. Third party technology will be licensed to the end user either under the terms of the user license agreement, or if specified in the program documentation ,“readme” files, notice files or the installation details, under the separate license terms(“separate terms”) and not under the terms of the end of the end user license agreement(separately licensed third party technology”). The end user’s right to use such separately licensed third party technology under the separate terms are not restricted in any may by the end user license agreement. However, for clarity, notwithstanding the existence of a notice, third party technology that is not

separately licensed third party technology shall be deemed part of the Oracle programs and is licensed to the end user under the terms of the end user license agreement. If the end user is permitted under the end user license agreement to distribute the Oracle programs, the end user must include with the distribution all such notices and any associated source code for separately licensed third party technology as specified, in the form and to the extent such source code is provided by Oracle, and the end must distribute separately licensed third party technology under separate for terms (in the form and the extent separate terms are provided by Oracle). Notwithstanding the foregoing, end user’s rights to the Oracle programs are solely limited to the rights granted in the end user license agreement.


Rights and Requirements of Oracle Program Licenses


It is the responsibility of Oracle’s authorized distribution Partner specified in this Program Use Notification (“PUN”) to ensure that any distribution of Oracle programs and/or program related service offerings to an end user , including you as the identified Customer in this PUN(the “end user”),is subject to a legally binding end user license agreement incorporating the requirements below at a minimum.


(1)Limit the use of the programs that are subject to the end user license agreement to the legal entity that executed the end user license agreement.


(2)Restrict the use of the programs to the internal business operations of the user subject to the terms of the end user license agreement, including the license definition and rules set forth in the order and program documentation, and the Partner Ordering Policy. The end user may allow its agents and contractors(including, without limitation, outsourcer) to use the program for the end user’s internal business operation subject to the terms of such agreement, provide that such end user is responsible for the agent’s, contractor’s and contractor’s compliance with the end user license agreement in such use. For programs that are specifically designed to allow the end user’s customers and suppliers to interact with the end user in the furtherance of the end user’s internal business operation, such use may be allowed under the end user license agreement. Oracle’s license definitions and rules are subject to change.


(3)State that Oracle or its licensor retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to the programs.


(4)State that Oracle programs may contain or require the use of third party technology that is provided with such Oracle programs. Oracle may provide certain notices to the end user in program documentation, ”readme” files, notice files or the installation details in connection with such third party technology. Third party technology will be licensed to the end user either under the terms of the user license agreement, or if specified in the program documentation ,“readme” files, notice files or the installation details, under the separate license terms(“separate terms”) and not under the terms of the end of the end user license agreement(separately licensed third party technology”). The end user’s right to use such separately licensed third party technology under the separate terms are not restricted in any may by the end user license agreement. However, for clarity, notwithstanding the existence of a notice, third party technology that is not

separately licensed third party technology shall be deemed part of the Oracle programs and is licensed to the end user under the terms of the end user license agreement. If the end user is permitted under the end user license agreement to distribute the Oracle programs, the end user must include with the distribution all such notices and any associated source code for separately licensed third party technology as specified, in the form and to the extent such source code is provided by Oracle, and the end must distribute separately licensed third party technology under separate for terms (in the form and the extent separate terms are provided by Oracle). Notwithstanding the foregoing, end user’s rights to the Oracle programs are solely limited to the rights granted in the end user license agreement.



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