
请判断每组划线部分发音是“√”否“×”一致。(5分) 1. try yes fly ( ) 2. class car park ( ) 3. slow sleep small ( ) 4. goose cool school ( ) 5. dear bear pear ( )


( )1.That interesting. I want___her one day.

A.meet B. To meet C, meeting D.to meeting

( )2._____Sundays, we often go____a walk after supper.

A. On; for B.At; to C.In; for D.At;for

( )3.Whose bagis ____,yours or mine?

A.heavy B.heavyer C.the heavy D. Heavier

( )4.Why not _____to music ,Jim?

A.listening B.to listen C.listen D.to listening

( )7.Mr Li is_____than Mr Wu. Mr Wu is ____than Mr Li.

A. Fatter; thinner B.fat; tinner C.fatter ;thin D.fat; thin

( )8.Excuse me ._____do you say that in English?

A.When B.What C.How D.Where

( )9.The boy is 160cm. I am 160cm.The boy is____me.

A.taller than B.as btaller as Ctall as D.as tall as

( )10.---What's the weather like today? ----It's_______.

A.sun and wind B.sunny and windy

C.sunny and wind D.sun and windy



( )1.Do you have any problem? A.No, I don't.

( )2.Can you tell me the way to B.No, he doesn't.

post office?

( )3.How far is it from here? C.OK, let me see.

( )5.Does Jim run faster than Tom? E.Only two.


1. Ben____(run; runs)faster than his father.

2.______(do; does) Tom swim_____(slow;slower) than Lu Tao?

3.The traffic is ____(heavy;heavier) as my mother.

4.I'm as_____(tall;taller) as my mother.

5.Yang Ling does____(well;better) in English than Su Yang. ( )4.How many stops are there? D.It's about a kilometre


3.They___in the playground yesterday afternoon.

4.Did you____with your parents last weekend?

5.Can you___for me?

6.---What are they doing now?---They're_____.

7.----Would you like to _____?---Yes,please.

8.My mother likes_____,but she doesn't like to eat much.


(A )

阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F).

It is spring. The trees turn green. I often go jogging in the street in the early morning . In Nanjing spring is very short. So summer is coming soon. It will be very hot. And it doesn't offen rain. The days get longer and nights get shorter. I like go fishing in the park. My father and I usually go swimming in the evening. Because the sun goes down, it's a litter cool. I like summer.

( )1.It's summer in Nanjing now.

( )2.My father and I like jogging in the park.

( )3.Spring is very shor in every place.

( )4.It isn't raining most of the time in summer in Nanjing.

( )5.In summer evening, the weather is litter cooler than the days.

请判断每组划线部分发音是“√”否“×”一致。(5分) 1. try yes fly ( ) 2. class car park ( ) 3. slow sleep small ( ) 4. goose cool school ( ) 5. dear bear pear ( )


( )1.That interesting. I want___her one day.

A.meet B. To meet C, meeting D.to meeting

( )2._____Sundays, we often go____a walk after supper.

A. On; for B.At; to C.In; for D.At;for

( )3.Whose bagis ____,yours or mine?

A.heavy B.heavyer C.the heavy D. Heavier

( )4.Why not _____to music ,Jim?

A.listening B.to listen C.listen D.to listening

( )7.Mr Li is_____than Mr Wu. Mr Wu is ____than Mr Li.

A. Fatter; thinner B.fat; tinner C.fatter ;thin D.fat; thin

( )8.Excuse me ._____do you say that in English?

A.When B.What C.How D.Where

( )9.The boy is 160cm. I am 160cm.The boy is____me.

A.taller than B.as btaller as Ctall as D.as tall as

( )10.---What's the weather like today? ----It's_______.

A.sun and wind B.sunny and windy

C.sunny and wind D.sun and windy



( )1.Do you have any problem? A.No, I don't.

( )2.Can you tell me the way to B.No, he doesn't.

post office?

( )3.How far is it from here? C.OK, let me see.

( )5.Does Jim run faster than Tom? E.Only two.


1. Ben____(run; runs)faster than his father.

2.______(do; does) Tom swim_____(slow;slower) than Lu Tao?

3.The traffic is ____(heavy;heavier) as my mother.

4.I'm as_____(tall;taller) as my mother.

5.Yang Ling does____(well;better) in English than Su Yang. ( )4.How many stops are there? D.It's about a kilometre


3.They___in the playground yesterday afternoon.

4.Did you____with your parents last weekend?

5.Can you___for me?

6.---What are they doing now?---They're_____.

7.----Would you like to _____?---Yes,please.

8.My mother likes_____,but she doesn't like to eat much.


(A )

阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F).

It is spring. The trees turn green. I often go jogging in the street in the early morning . In Nanjing spring is very short. So summer is coming soon. It will be very hot. And it doesn't offen rain. The days get longer and nights get shorter. I like go fishing in the park. My father and I usually go swimming in the evening. Because the sun goes down, it's a litter cool. I like summer.

( )1.It's summer in Nanjing now.

( )2.My father and I like jogging in the park.

( )3.Spring is very shor in every place.

( )4.It isn't raining most of the time in summer in Nanjing.

( )5.In summer evening, the weather is litter cooler than the days.


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