高中英语 虚拟语气用法小结







If I were you,I should study hard.如:If you (一)由if 引导虚拟条件句。如:

had come here,you could have met my brother.这种句子的谓语动词一般分三种情况:

1、假设的条件与现在的事实相反,主从句的谓语动词应为:If 主+动词过去式或were…,主+would/should/could/might+V、(原形)(主句中should 一般只用于第1人称)。如:If it were not for the smowy weather ,we would be all right.

例1、If I you,I would go with him to the party.

A 、was 、were C 、had been D 、will be

析:该句为if 引导的条件句,从主语谓语看“would go”(是与现在事实相反),套用上边句型,从句谓语应为动词过去式,若是be 动词应为were ,所以该题答案应为B 。

2、假设的条件与过去事实相反,其句子结构应为:If+主+had done…,主+would/could/should/mi ght+have done…

例2、 more careful,his ship would not have sunk.

A 、If the captain were Had the captain been

C 、Should the captain be D、If the captain would have been

析:该题题干部分有一谓语动词为would not have sunk,由此可知是对过去事情的虚拟,便可推出从句的谓语动词应为had done形式,再看选项,含

有had done的只有B ,该题正确答案即是B 。(当if 引导的虚拟条件中有were,had,should 时,可省略if ,把were,had,should 提到主语之前)。


从句动词用动词过去式或were to+v(原)或should+v(原),主句用would/should/could/might+v(原)如:

If there were to be meeting this tvening,I would come.如果今晚没有会议的话,我就来。

例3、If it tomorrow,we would have to put off the sport meet. A 、were rain B 、should rain C 、would rain D、will rain

析:根据语境中的tomorrow ,可知是表将来的条件句谓语可用did/werre to/should do,主句用would do根据所给选项只有B 项正确。

(二)由介词without,but for等构成的短语所表示的虚拟条件如:But for the air(=If there were no air),no life on earth could have been developed.如果没有空气,地球上就不可能产生任何生命。

(三)通过上下文体现虚拟条件,句子往往有but,other wise,unfortunately等类似转折词。如:He would gain weight but he doesn't eat enough.(=If he ate much,he would gain weight.)他本可以增加体重,但他吃得不够多。

She ran,othervvise she would have missed her bus.(=If she had not run,she would have missed her bus.)她要是不跑,就错过了这趟公共汽车了。


(一)在wish 后的宾语从句中,表示一种愿望,此时that 常省略,从句谓语常用虚拟语气,分三种情况:

1、I wish 宾语从句表示与现在事实相反,从句中谓语用动词过去式或。如:I were with her now.


如:I wish I had not failed in the last exam.



如:"I wish you would help me to put these things away,"he said. 2、在表建议要求,命令、主张等动词如suggest(建议)advise request,demand ,order, command等词后的宾语从句中,谓语要用虚拟语气,其结构是should+v原 shoudl 可省。如:I suggest that you (should) go home as soon as possible.



suggestion,advice,order,insistance 作主语则表从用should+v(原)should 可省,若它们后跟同位语从句也用should+v(原)如:

Your suggestion that I(should)go abroad is right.

His suggestion is that we(should)have the meeting now.

4、用在would rather,had rather等后的宾从中谓语动词应用过去时或过去完成时。如:

I would rather you were not here.

I'd rather you had been present.我宁愿你当时在场。

5、用在It is important/mecessary/…或It's a pity等结构中的主语从句中。如:It is important that the TOEFL office(should) confirm your registration.


1、在as if/as though从句表不可实现的事。如:

I love her as if/though she were my daughter.

2、It is(high)time that主+ v过去式/should+v原。如:

It is time that the government took/should take measures to proteet the race birds and animals.

3、for fear that主+should+v原。如:

He is working hard for fear that he should fall behind.

4、用在If only句型中,意思是“要是…就好了”。如:

Look at the terrible situation I am in!

If only I had follwed your advice.







If I were you,I should study hard.如:If you (一)由if 引导虚拟条件句。如:

had come here,you could have met my brother.这种句子的谓语动词一般分三种情况:

1、假设的条件与现在的事实相反,主从句的谓语动词应为:If 主+动词过去式或were…,主+would/should/could/might+V、(原形)(主句中should 一般只用于第1人称)。如:If it were not for the smowy weather ,we would be all right.

例1、If I you,I would go with him to the party.

A 、was 、were C 、had been D 、will be

析:该句为if 引导的条件句,从主语谓语看“would go”(是与现在事实相反),套用上边句型,从句谓语应为动词过去式,若是be 动词应为were ,所以该题答案应为B 。

2、假设的条件与过去事实相反,其句子结构应为:If+主+had done…,主+would/could/should/mi ght+have done…

例2、 more careful,his ship would not have sunk.

A 、If the captain were Had the captain been

C 、Should the captain be D、If the captain would have been

析:该题题干部分有一谓语动词为would not have sunk,由此可知是对过去事情的虚拟,便可推出从句的谓语动词应为had done形式,再看选项,含

有had done的只有B ,该题正确答案即是B 。(当if 引导的虚拟条件中有were,had,should 时,可省略if ,把were,had,should 提到主语之前)。


从句动词用动词过去式或were to+v(原)或should+v(原),主句用would/should/could/might+v(原)如:

If there were to be meeting this tvening,I would come.如果今晚没有会议的话,我就来。

例3、If it tomorrow,we would have to put off the sport meet. A 、were rain B 、should rain C 、would rain D、will rain

析:根据语境中的tomorrow ,可知是表将来的条件句谓语可用did/werre to/should do,主句用would do根据所给选项只有B 项正确。

(二)由介词without,but for等构成的短语所表示的虚拟条件如:But for the air(=If there were no air),no life on earth could have been developed.如果没有空气,地球上就不可能产生任何生命。

(三)通过上下文体现虚拟条件,句子往往有but,other wise,unfortunately等类似转折词。如:He would gain weight but he doesn't eat enough.(=If he ate much,he would gain weight.)他本可以增加体重,但他吃得不够多。

She ran,othervvise she would have missed her bus.(=If she had not run,she would have missed her bus.)她要是不跑,就错过了这趟公共汽车了。


(一)在wish 后的宾语从句中,表示一种愿望,此时that 常省略,从句谓语常用虚拟语气,分三种情况:

1、I wish 宾语从句表示与现在事实相反,从句中谓语用动词过去式或。如:I were with her now.


如:I wish I had not failed in the last exam.



如:"I wish you would help me to put these things away,"he said. 2、在表建议要求,命令、主张等动词如suggest(建议)advise request,demand ,order, command等词后的宾语从句中,谓语要用虚拟语气,其结构是should+v原 shoudl 可省。如:I suggest that you (should) go home as soon as possible.



suggestion,advice,order,insistance 作主语则表从用should+v(原)should 可省,若它们后跟同位语从句也用should+v(原)如:

Your suggestion that I(should)go abroad is right.

His suggestion is that we(should)have the meeting now.

4、用在would rather,had rather等后的宾从中谓语动词应用过去时或过去完成时。如:

I would rather you were not here.

I'd rather you had been present.我宁愿你当时在场。

5、用在It is important/mecessary/…或It's a pity等结构中的主语从句中。如:It is important that the TOEFL office(should) confirm your registration.


1、在as if/as though从句表不可实现的事。如:

I love her as if/though she were my daughter.

2、It is(high)time that主+ v过去式/should+v原。如:

It is time that the government took/should take measures to proteet the race birds and animals.

3、for fear that主+should+v原。如:

He is working hard for fear that he should fall behind.

4、用在If only句型中,意思是“要是…就好了”。如:

Look at the terrible situation I am in!

If only I had follwed your advice.


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