


What ‘s on tonight? 今晚有什么节目?

A pop show on Channel 1 at six. Then at seven thirty there’s a film. 1频道6点有个流行音乐节目,7点30分有部电影。

I don‘t want to see any more of the program. 这个节目我不想再看了

Hi, who has the remote control? 喂,谁拿着电视遥控器呢?

I do. Why, do you want me to change the channel? 在我这儿,怎么,你想让我换个频道?

Yes, please. I can’t stand watching Channel 3 any more. 是的,请你换个台吧,我可受不了这第三频道的节目了。

Would you change the channel? 你能换个台吗?

Would you switch the channel? 你能换个台吗?

Would you change the station? 你能换个台吗?

Peter, give me the remote control. Friends is on. 皮特,把遥控器给我。《老友记》开始演了。 Don ‘t switch the channel. That is my favorite series. 别换台。这是我最喜欢的连续剧。 I think they have pretty good programmes. 我看这个台的节目挺好嘛。

I ’m watching the X-Files. This is the season finale. I don‘t want to miss it. 我正在看《X 档案》。这是这季的最后一集,我不想错过。

You can record it on videotape and watch it tomorrow. 你可以把它录下来,等到明天再看呀。 The best part of a videotape is that you can fast forward through commercials. 看录像带的好处就是看到广告的时候你可以快进。

Put it on MTV, OK? 换“音乐电视”,好吗?

No way. 没门。

Oh, I hate MTV. I’d rather just listen to the radio. 哦,我讨厌“音乐电视”,我宁愿听收音机。

Don ‘t make such a fuss. I’m sure you will like today‘s music. 别那么激动好不好,我敢保证你会喜欢今天的音乐的。

But I’ll change it if you really want. 不过,如果你真的想换,咱们就换吧。

All right. I have no choice. 好吧,我别无选择。

Oh, I don‘t care. 哦,我随便。

OK. Here you go! 好吧,拿去!

What ’s on Channel 8? 8频道演什么呢?

There is interesting film on Channel one. 在一频道有一部有趣的电影

Why don‘t we put it on movie channel? 为什么不调到电影频道呢?

If there’s nothing on movie channel, we can check out the local channel. 如果电影频道没什么好看的,我们就调到地方台。

It ‘s amazing how many channels you can choose. 有这多频道可选,真是太妙了。


What ’s on the box tonight? 今晚有什么电视节目?

Are there any good programs on TV? 有什么好看的节目吗?

Yeah, there are lots, I don‘t know what you like. 节目倒是不少,就是不知道你喜欢哪个。 There ’s a kind of program that I‘m addicted to - I don’t know if you like it or not. 有一类节目不知道你喜欢不喜欢,我可喜欢看了。

What kind of program is it that‘s got you hooked? 什么节目这么吸引你?

The kind that highlights travel around the world and local customs. 这种节目让你不出门就可以周游世界,了解各地的风土人情。

Are you talking about something like “World Tour”? 你说的是《环球旅游》这类的节目?

Everybody likes that program, because it helps expand our knowledge and broaden our horizons. 这类节目不但能使人增长知识,而且能开阔眼界,男女老少都喜欢。

It ’s as if we were visiting those colorful places ourselves. 就像真的到大千世界游览了一番。

I watched the program,too. 我也看了那个节目。

I love watching sports on TV. 我喜欢看电视上的体育节目。

Sometimes I watch game shows. 我偶尔看娱乐节目。 What kind of programs do you like to watch? 你喜欢什么样的电视节目?

I prefer news and science programs. 我更喜欢新闻和科技节目。

Me too. I think they are both informative and entertaining. 我也是。我觉得这两种电视节目既有信息性又有消遣性。

I don‘t care much for soap operas. They are just not my cup of tea. 我不太喜欢肥皂剧,不适合我胃口。

I wonder why TV programs often show a lot of violence. 我想知道为什么电视上总是要展现那么多暴力。

Maybe some people like it. I don ’t know why people like such kind of movies. It is so disgusting and bloody. 也许有一些人喜欢看。我不明白为什么有人喜欢这种电影。太恶心,太血腥了。


Oh, my god, the commercial again. I‘m really tired of it. 哦,天呀,又是广告,我都要烦死了。

You have to stand it if you want to finish your drama. 你要想看完电视剧就得忍受呀。 Why did they put on so many commercials? 他们干嘛要播这么多的广告呀?

I will never buy things that I don’t really need just because of these commercials. 我决不会因为这些广告就去买那些我并不需要的东西。


I ‘m watching TV. 我正在看电视。

You ’ve watched enough for tonight. 今晚你看得够多的了。

I want watch more TV. 我还想看电视。

You left the TV on. 你走了电视还开着。

You forgot to turn the TV off. 你忘了关电视啦。

Sorry about that. 真对不起。



What ‘s on tonight? 今晚有什么节目?

A pop show on Channel 1 at six. Then at seven thirty there’s a film. 1频道6点有个流行音乐节目,7点30分有部电影。

I don‘t want to see any more of the program. 这个节目我不想再看了

Hi, who has the remote control? 喂,谁拿着电视遥控器呢?

I do. Why, do you want me to change the channel? 在我这儿,怎么,你想让我换个频道?

Yes, please. I can’t stand watching Channel 3 any more. 是的,请你换个台吧,我可受不了这第三频道的节目了。

Would you change the channel? 你能换个台吗?

Would you switch the channel? 你能换个台吗?

Would you change the station? 你能换个台吗?

Peter, give me the remote control. Friends is on. 皮特,把遥控器给我。《老友记》开始演了。 Don ‘t switch the channel. That is my favorite series. 别换台。这是我最喜欢的连续剧。 I think they have pretty good programmes. 我看这个台的节目挺好嘛。

I ’m watching the X-Files. This is the season finale. I don‘t want to miss it. 我正在看《X 档案》。这是这季的最后一集,我不想错过。

You can record it on videotape and watch it tomorrow. 你可以把它录下来,等到明天再看呀。 The best part of a videotape is that you can fast forward through commercials. 看录像带的好处就是看到广告的时候你可以快进。

Put it on MTV, OK? 换“音乐电视”,好吗?

No way. 没门。

Oh, I hate MTV. I’d rather just listen to the radio. 哦,我讨厌“音乐电视”,我宁愿听收音机。

Don ‘t make such a fuss. I’m sure you will like today‘s music. 别那么激动好不好,我敢保证你会喜欢今天的音乐的。

But I’ll change it if you really want. 不过,如果你真的想换,咱们就换吧。

All right. I have no choice. 好吧,我别无选择。

Oh, I don‘t care. 哦,我随便。

OK. Here you go! 好吧,拿去!

What ’s on Channel 8? 8频道演什么呢?

There is interesting film on Channel one. 在一频道有一部有趣的电影

Why don‘t we put it on movie channel? 为什么不调到电影频道呢?

If there’s nothing on movie channel, we can check out the local channel. 如果电影频道没什么好看的,我们就调到地方台。

It ‘s amazing how many channels you can choose. 有这多频道可选,真是太妙了。


What ’s on the box tonight? 今晚有什么电视节目?

Are there any good programs on TV? 有什么好看的节目吗?

Yeah, there are lots, I don‘t know what you like. 节目倒是不少,就是不知道你喜欢哪个。 There ’s a kind of program that I‘m addicted to - I don’t know if you like it or not. 有一类节目不知道你喜欢不喜欢,我可喜欢看了。

What kind of program is it that‘s got you hooked? 什么节目这么吸引你?

The kind that highlights travel around the world and local customs. 这种节目让你不出门就可以周游世界,了解各地的风土人情。

Are you talking about something like “World Tour”? 你说的是《环球旅游》这类的节目?

Everybody likes that program, because it helps expand our knowledge and broaden our horizons. 这类节目不但能使人增长知识,而且能开阔眼界,男女老少都喜欢。

It ’s as if we were visiting those colorful places ourselves. 就像真的到大千世界游览了一番。

I watched the program,too. 我也看了那个节目。

I love watching sports on TV. 我喜欢看电视上的体育节目。

Sometimes I watch game shows. 我偶尔看娱乐节目。 What kind of programs do you like to watch? 你喜欢什么样的电视节目?

I prefer news and science programs. 我更喜欢新闻和科技节目。

Me too. I think they are both informative and entertaining. 我也是。我觉得这两种电视节目既有信息性又有消遣性。

I don‘t care much for soap operas. They are just not my cup of tea. 我不太喜欢肥皂剧,不适合我胃口。

I wonder why TV programs often show a lot of violence. 我想知道为什么电视上总是要展现那么多暴力。

Maybe some people like it. I don ’t know why people like such kind of movies. It is so disgusting and bloody. 也许有一些人喜欢看。我不明白为什么有人喜欢这种电影。太恶心,太血腥了。


Oh, my god, the commercial again. I‘m really tired of it. 哦,天呀,又是广告,我都要烦死了。

You have to stand it if you want to finish your drama. 你要想看完电视剧就得忍受呀。 Why did they put on so many commercials? 他们干嘛要播这么多的广告呀?

I will never buy things that I don’t really need just because of these commercials. 我决不会因为这些广告就去买那些我并不需要的东西。


I ‘m watching TV. 我正在看电视。

You ’ve watched enough for tonight. 今晚你看得够多的了。

I want watch more TV. 我还想看电视。

You left the TV on. 你走了电视还开着。

You forgot to turn the TV off. 你忘了关电视啦。

Sorry about that. 真对不起。


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