


餐桌摆设,是指餐具在餐桌上的摆设方式。由于顾客对于用餐环境的第一印象,大多来自桌上摆设的外观,因此餐桌摆设是否适当,将影响顾客的用餐心情。对于西餐而言,不同的菜肴所使用的餐具也不同,因此服务人员必须熟悉不同餐具的用法。 Western food restaurant type many, since each restaurant offer products, attract tourists is different, so in the service methods and procedures, degree of variation, the operator should according to the size of the restaurant itself and the amount of service personnel to choose the appropriate service mode. Table decoration, is refers to the tableware on the table decoration mode. Due to the customer for dining environment first impression, mostly from the table decoration appearance, so table decoration is appropriate, will affect the customer's dinner mood. To western-style food is concerned, different dishes the use of tableware is different also, so service personnel must be familiar with the usage of the different tableware.

1.摆设餐具的规则:(The decoration tableware rules)






(1) to eat dish place shall prevail, left put a fork, knife or spoon, put right put snacks tableware, fork development spoon face up, the knife straight when placing edge toward the left, knife cross when placing edge down.

(2) in accordance with the tableware usage, or so on both sides of the tableware shall, in accordance with the use by the outgoing successively put inside.

(3) to avoid table too cluttered, left or right side tableware must not exceed 3 parts.

(4) to be particular about the change of decoration, two kinds of the same shape and size is not the same as the tableware in together. The only exception is left at the same time put two dinner fork, including a fork and knife, the other a pair for single use.

(5) the tableware with chassis with service (such as coffee cup dish), tableware can be put in the chassis (such as coffee spoon on the chassis).

2.摆设洒杯的规则(With a cup of rules)


(2)酒杯摆设以靠近餐盘的大餐刀上端为基准点,依葡萄酒饮用顺序,以左上名下的位置逐一排成一直线,愈先饮用的葡萄酒放在愈右下方的位置,而水杯的位置放在最后饮用的葡萄酒杯的左方。 (1) every time decoration is more than four glass.

(2) glass decoration with near the plate dinner knife on the top is the reference point, in wine drinking order to upper left name one position in a straight line, the first drink wine in the right position, and the position of the glass on the left side of the drinking wine glass.

3.餐具摆设法(Tableware pendulum managed to)


The decoration of the tableware should give consideration to the beautiful, customers convenient access, the waiter service is convenient and the whole restaurant is unified standard.



餐桌摆设,是指餐具在餐桌上的摆设方式。由于顾客对于用餐环境的第一印象,大多来自桌上摆设的外观,因此餐桌摆设是否适当,将影响顾客的用餐心情。对于西餐而言,不同的菜肴所使用的餐具也不同,因此服务人员必须熟悉不同餐具的用法。 Western food restaurant type many, since each restaurant offer products, attract tourists is different, so in the service methods and procedures, degree of variation, the operator should according to the size of the restaurant itself and the amount of service personnel to choose the appropriate service mode. Table decoration, is refers to the tableware on the table decoration mode. Due to the customer for dining environment first impression, mostly from the table decoration appearance, so table decoration is appropriate, will affect the customer's dinner mood. To western-style food is concerned, different dishes the use of tableware is different also, so service personnel must be familiar with the usage of the different tableware.

1.摆设餐具的规则:(The decoration tableware rules)






(1) to eat dish place shall prevail, left put a fork, knife or spoon, put right put snacks tableware, fork development spoon face up, the knife straight when placing edge toward the left, knife cross when placing edge down.

(2) in accordance with the tableware usage, or so on both sides of the tableware shall, in accordance with the use by the outgoing successively put inside.

(3) to avoid table too cluttered, left or right side tableware must not exceed 3 parts.

(4) to be particular about the change of decoration, two kinds of the same shape and size is not the same as the tableware in together. The only exception is left at the same time put two dinner fork, including a fork and knife, the other a pair for single use.

(5) the tableware with chassis with service (such as coffee cup dish), tableware can be put in the chassis (such as coffee spoon on the chassis).

2.摆设洒杯的规则(With a cup of rules)


(2)酒杯摆设以靠近餐盘的大餐刀上端为基准点,依葡萄酒饮用顺序,以左上名下的位置逐一排成一直线,愈先饮用的葡萄酒放在愈右下方的位置,而水杯的位置放在最后饮用的葡萄酒杯的左方。 (1) every time decoration is more than four glass.

(2) glass decoration with near the plate dinner knife on the top is the reference point, in wine drinking order to upper left name one position in a straight line, the first drink wine in the right position, and the position of the glass on the left side of the drinking wine glass.

3.餐具摆设法(Tableware pendulum managed to)


The decoration of the tableware should give consideration to the beautiful, customers convenient access, the waiter service is convenient and the whole restaurant is unified standard.


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