

一 考点: 情态动词的用法和辨析,情态动词表示推测和可能,由情态动词引导


二 类型:1 只是情态动词:can, could, may, might, must

2 可做情态动词,可做实义动词:need, dare

3 可做情态动词,可做助动词: will, would, shall, should 4 特殊:have to, ought to, used to

三 特征:1 有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须与行为动词和系动词连用


2 无人称和数的变化。(have to 除外)

Eg: He has to stay here.

3 后接动词原形。

4 具有助动词作用,可构成否定,疑问或简短回答。

四 用法:

1. can ① 表示能力,“能,会”。Eg : Can you play basketball?

② 表示怀疑,猜测,常用于否定句或疑问句。

Eg :Li hua can’t be in the classroom.

③ 表示请求,允许,多用于口语,译“可以”= may.

Eg: you can go now.

④can 开头的疑问句,肯定句,否定句用can或 can’t.

2.could ①can 的过去式,表示过去的能力。

Eg :I could swim when I was seven years old.

②could 开头的疑问句,肯定和否定回答用could, couldn’t如果could 表示现在的委婉,用can 回答。

Eg: Could I have a drink? Yes, you can.

3.may ① 表示推测,“可能,也许”,用于肯定句。

Eg: He may come tomorrow.

② 表示请求,“许可,可以”。Eg: May I borrow your book?


答用mustn’t“不可以,禁止,不许”,不用may not“可能不”。

③表示祝愿。Eg :May you success.

4.might ①表示“可以”,用于过去时中。

Eg: He told me I might smoke in the room.


Eg:He might be doing his lessons now.

5.must ①表示“必须,应该”。


Eg:There is someone knocking at the door.It must be Jim.

③否定句中,mustn’t 表示禁止,“不允许”。

④以must 开头的疑问句,肯定句回答用must,否定回答用needn’t , 表示“不需要,不必”=“don’t have to”.

⑤表示“偏偏”。Eg: Must you play the piano at this time.

6.need ①情态动词:+do,用need 提问或回答,肯定句回答用must ,否定句回答

用needn’t. Eg: You needn’t come to school so early.

②实义动词:+to do ,用助动词提问和否定。

③+doing 表示被动。

④needn’t have done 表示没必要做某事但是做了。

Eg: I actually needn’t have bought so much wine.

7.dare ①情态动词,多用于疑问句,否定句,条件句中。

Eg: I’m afraid you dare not to do such a thing.

注:I dare say 习惯说成“也许,我想”。

Eg: It will rain this afternoon, I dare say.

②实义动词:dare to do ,用于肯定句中,当用于否定句或疑问句时,to 可以省略。Eg: This student doesn’t dare to raise any question in class.

8.shall ①用于第一人称表示征求意见,询问。

Eg: Shall I open the window?

Shall we have lunch here?


Eg: You shall finish your homework first.


9.should ①表示义务,责任“应该”。Eg:We should obey traffic laws.

②作为shall 过去式,用于第一三人称,表示征求意见。Eg:Mr lee

asked if he should get his visa.


Eg: It’s unthinkable that the boy should sing such a beautiful song.


Eg: How should I know?


Eg: You should listen to your teacher.

10.will ①用于第二人称表示询问,请求,也可以表达现在的“意愿”。Eg: Will you

pass me the book?


Eg: I will try my best to help you.


Eg: People will die without air or water.

11.would ①表示过去的意愿或委婉询问。

Eg: Would you tell me the way to the station?

12.have to ①“必须,不得不”,强调客观需要,含有时态的变化。

Eg: I’ll have to ask Jim instead.

②区别:must 表示“必须,应该“,主观看法。

13.ought to ①表示职责,义务或要求,及人们应该去做的正确的事或好事。Eg:

Humans ought to stop polluting nature.

②比should 语气强,ought to 反映客观情况,should表示主观看


③ought to have done 本应该做而没有做。

Eg: You are late. You ought to have arrived five minutes earlier.

14.used to ①表示“过去常常,过去是“,没有人称和数的变化,可以和过去的

时间状语连用。否定形式:usedn’t to 或didn’t use to ,疑问词将

use提前或Did…use to …?

Eg: He didn’t use to be so careless.

②区别 would :带有主观性,并且现在做不做不知道。Used to :客观


Eg: He would phone me on Sunday.

Eg: I used to be very fond of music when I was young.

③区别:be used to doing (情态动词)习惯于…

Used to do (情态动词)过去是,过去常常…

Be used to do (过去式) 被用来做…

Eg: I am already used to noisy city life here.

My parents used to live in South America.

This machine is used to cut up waste paper.

15.其他:⑴had better do 最好做某事 Eg: You had better stay at home. 否定:had better not do

⑵be able to 与can 表示能力时用法相同,但前者有时态的变化,有


Eg: We will be able to come back next week.


1( ) 1 John___ come to see us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.

A. may B. can C. has to D. must

( ) 2 They ___ do well in the exam.

A. can be able to B. be able to C. can able to D. are able to

( ) 3 -May I take this book out?

-No, you___. A. can't B. may not C. needn't D. aren’t

( ) 4 You___ go and see a doctor at once because you're got a fever.

A. can B. must C. dare D. would

( ) 5 -Can you speak Japanese?

-No, I____. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. may not

2( ) 1 -He___ be in the classroom, I think.

-No, he ___ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.

A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; can't D. may; mustn’t

( ) 2 -Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad?

-Thanks, but you___, I've had enough. A. may not B. must not C. can't D. needn’t difficult. A. may B. must C. can D. need

( ) 4 He isn't at school. I think he ___ be ill. A. can B. shall C. must D. has to

( ) 5 ___ I take this one? A. May B. Will C. Are D. Do

3( ) 1 The children___ play football on the road. A. can't B. can C. mustn't D. must

( ) 2 You ___ be late for school again next time.

A. mustn't B. needn't C. don't have to D. don't need to

( ) 3 -Must I do my homework at once?

-No, you___. A. needn't B. mustn't C. can't D. may not

4( ) 1 His arm is all right. He___ go and see the doctor.

A. has not to B. don't have to C. haven't to D. doesn't have to

( ) 2 He had to give up the plan, ___ he? A. did B. didn't C. does D. doesn't

( ) 3 They had to walk here, ___ they? A. mustn't B. did C. didn't D. hadn't 5( ) 1 He had better stay here, ___ he? A. didn't B. don't C. hadn't D. isn't

( ) 2 You'd better___late next time. A. not to be B. not be C. won't be D. don't be

( ) 3 You'd better ___ your hair ___ once a month.

A. had; cut B. had; cutted C. have; cut D. have; cutted

( ) 4 You___ ask that man over there. Maybe he knows the way.

A. had better not to B. had not better C. had better D. had better not

6( ) 1 -Shall we go and visit the History Museum next Sunday?

A. Here you are B. Sorry, I can't C. Yes, please D. Let me try

( ) 2 -Why don't you ask Mike to go with us?

-Thanks, ___. A. I will B. I won't C. lean D. I may

( ) 3 -___ I take the newspaper away?

-No, you mustn't. You____read it only here.

A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must D. Must; must 7( ) 1 Excuse me. ___ you please pass me that cup?

A. Do B. Should C. Would D. Must

( ) 2 ___ you like to have another try?

A. Could B. Will C. Would D. Do

( ) 3 -Would you like to go boating with us?

-Yes, ___.A. I'd like B. I want C. I'd like to D. I do

8( ) 1 You___ worry about your son. He will get well soon.

A. needn't B. can't C. mustn't D. have to

( ) 2 The poor man needs our help, ___ he?

A. need B. needn't C. does D. doesn't

( ) 3 -Must we do our homework first?

-No, you___. You may have a rest first.

A. mustn't B. needn't C. may not D. can't


一 考点: 情态动词的用法和辨析,情态动词表示推测和可能,由情态动词引导


二 类型:1 只是情态动词:can, could, may, might, must

2 可做情态动词,可做实义动词:need, dare

3 可做情态动词,可做助动词: will, would, shall, should 4 特殊:have to, ought to, used to

三 特征:1 有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须与行为动词和系动词连用


2 无人称和数的变化。(have to 除外)

Eg: He has to stay here.

3 后接动词原形。

4 具有助动词作用,可构成否定,疑问或简短回答。

四 用法:

1. can ① 表示能力,“能,会”。Eg : Can you play basketball?

② 表示怀疑,猜测,常用于否定句或疑问句。

Eg :Li hua can’t be in the classroom.

③ 表示请求,允许,多用于口语,译“可以”= may.

Eg: you can go now.

④can 开头的疑问句,肯定句,否定句用can或 can’t.

2.could ①can 的过去式,表示过去的能力。

Eg :I could swim when I was seven years old.

②could 开头的疑问句,肯定和否定回答用could, couldn’t如果could 表示现在的委婉,用can 回答。

Eg: Could I have a drink? Yes, you can.

3.may ① 表示推测,“可能,也许”,用于肯定句。

Eg: He may come tomorrow.

② 表示请求,“许可,可以”。Eg: May I borrow your book?


答用mustn’t“不可以,禁止,不许”,不用may not“可能不”。

③表示祝愿。Eg :May you success.

4.might ①表示“可以”,用于过去时中。

Eg: He told me I might smoke in the room.


Eg:He might be doing his lessons now.

5.must ①表示“必须,应该”。


Eg:There is someone knocking at the door.It must be Jim.

③否定句中,mustn’t 表示禁止,“不允许”。

④以must 开头的疑问句,肯定句回答用must,否定回答用needn’t , 表示“不需要,不必”=“don’t have to”.

⑤表示“偏偏”。Eg: Must you play the piano at this time.

6.need ①情态动词:+do,用need 提问或回答,肯定句回答用must ,否定句回答

用needn’t. Eg: You needn’t come to school so early.

②实义动词:+to do ,用助动词提问和否定。

③+doing 表示被动。

④needn’t have done 表示没必要做某事但是做了。

Eg: I actually needn’t have bought so much wine.

7.dare ①情态动词,多用于疑问句,否定句,条件句中。

Eg: I’m afraid you dare not to do such a thing.

注:I dare say 习惯说成“也许,我想”。

Eg: It will rain this afternoon, I dare say.

②实义动词:dare to do ,用于肯定句中,当用于否定句或疑问句时,to 可以省略。Eg: This student doesn’t dare to raise any question in class.

8.shall ①用于第一人称表示征求意见,询问。

Eg: Shall I open the window?

Shall we have lunch here?


Eg: You shall finish your homework first.


9.should ①表示义务,责任“应该”。Eg:We should obey traffic laws.

②作为shall 过去式,用于第一三人称,表示征求意见。Eg:Mr lee

asked if he should get his visa.


Eg: It’s unthinkable that the boy should sing such a beautiful song.


Eg: How should I know?


Eg: You should listen to your teacher.

10.will ①用于第二人称表示询问,请求,也可以表达现在的“意愿”。Eg: Will you

pass me the book?


Eg: I will try my best to help you.


Eg: People will die without air or water.

11.would ①表示过去的意愿或委婉询问。

Eg: Would you tell me the way to the station?

12.have to ①“必须,不得不”,强调客观需要,含有时态的变化。

Eg: I’ll have to ask Jim instead.

②区别:must 表示“必须,应该“,主观看法。

13.ought to ①表示职责,义务或要求,及人们应该去做的正确的事或好事。Eg:

Humans ought to stop polluting nature.

②比should 语气强,ought to 反映客观情况,should表示主观看


③ought to have done 本应该做而没有做。

Eg: You are late. You ought to have arrived five minutes earlier.

14.used to ①表示“过去常常,过去是“,没有人称和数的变化,可以和过去的

时间状语连用。否定形式:usedn’t to 或didn’t use to ,疑问词将

use提前或Did…use to …?

Eg: He didn’t use to be so careless.

②区别 would :带有主观性,并且现在做不做不知道。Used to :客观


Eg: He would phone me on Sunday.

Eg: I used to be very fond of music when I was young.

③区别:be used to doing (情态动词)习惯于…

Used to do (情态动词)过去是,过去常常…

Be used to do (过去式) 被用来做…

Eg: I am already used to noisy city life here.

My parents used to live in South America.

This machine is used to cut up waste paper.

15.其他:⑴had better do 最好做某事 Eg: You had better stay at home. 否定:had better not do

⑵be able to 与can 表示能力时用法相同,但前者有时态的变化,有


Eg: We will be able to come back next week.


1( ) 1 John___ come to see us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.

A. may B. can C. has to D. must

( ) 2 They ___ do well in the exam.

A. can be able to B. be able to C. can able to D. are able to

( ) 3 -May I take this book out?

-No, you___. A. can't B. may not C. needn't D. aren’t

( ) 4 You___ go and see a doctor at once because you're got a fever.

A. can B. must C. dare D. would

( ) 5 -Can you speak Japanese?

-No, I____. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. may not

2( ) 1 -He___ be in the classroom, I think.

-No, he ___ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.

A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; can't D. may; mustn’t

( ) 2 -Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad?

-Thanks, but you___, I've had enough. A. may not B. must not C. can't D. needn’t difficult. A. may B. must C. can D. need

( ) 4 He isn't at school. I think he ___ be ill. A. can B. shall C. must D. has to

( ) 5 ___ I take this one? A. May B. Will C. Are D. Do

3( ) 1 The children___ play football on the road. A. can't B. can C. mustn't D. must

( ) 2 You ___ be late for school again next time.

A. mustn't B. needn't C. don't have to D. don't need to

( ) 3 -Must I do my homework at once?

-No, you___. A. needn't B. mustn't C. can't D. may not

4( ) 1 His arm is all right. He___ go and see the doctor.

A. has not to B. don't have to C. haven't to D. doesn't have to

( ) 2 He had to give up the plan, ___ he? A. did B. didn't C. does D. doesn't

( ) 3 They had to walk here, ___ they? A. mustn't B. did C. didn't D. hadn't 5( ) 1 He had better stay here, ___ he? A. didn't B. don't C. hadn't D. isn't

( ) 2 You'd better___late next time. A. not to be B. not be C. won't be D. don't be

( ) 3 You'd better ___ your hair ___ once a month.

A. had; cut B. had; cutted C. have; cut D. have; cutted

( ) 4 You___ ask that man over there. Maybe he knows the way.

A. had better not to B. had not better C. had better D. had better not

6( ) 1 -Shall we go and visit the History Museum next Sunday?

A. Here you are B. Sorry, I can't C. Yes, please D. Let me try

( ) 2 -Why don't you ask Mike to go with us?

-Thanks, ___. A. I will B. I won't C. lean D. I may

( ) 3 -___ I take the newspaper away?

-No, you mustn't. You____read it only here.

A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must D. Must; must 7( ) 1 Excuse me. ___ you please pass me that cup?

A. Do B. Should C. Would D. Must

( ) 2 ___ you like to have another try?

A. Could B. Will C. Would D. Do

( ) 3 -Would you like to go boating with us?

-Yes, ___.A. I'd like B. I want C. I'd like to D. I do

8( ) 1 You___ worry about your son. He will get well soon.

A. needn't B. can't C. mustn't D. have to

( ) 2 The poor man needs our help, ___ he?

A. need B. needn't C. does D. doesn't

( ) 3 -Must we do our homework first?

-No, you___. You may have a rest first.

A. mustn't B. needn't C. may not D. can't


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