

1.let/make sb do sth 让某人做某事

2.as much /many/often as possible尽可能多地

3.mind/finish/practise/keep/enjoy/suggest +doing sth (口诀:介意完成练习后继续享受的建议)

4.match A with B 把…与…匹配

5.make a mistake =make mistakes 犯错

6. the way to do sth = a way of doing sth


7.Why not +do sth ?为何不做某事?

8.How about doing sth?=What about doing sth?做某事如何?

9.agree with sb =agree with sb's idea 同意某人观点

10.try to do sth 尽力做某事

try not to do sth 尽量不做某事

try one's to do sth =do one's best to do sth 尽最大努力去做某事

11.What else ?其他的东西呢?else 用在特殊疑问词或者符合不定代词后面

12.need to do sth 需要做某事

don't need to do sth =needn't do sth


13.forget to do sth 忘记做某事

forget doing sth 忘记曾做过某事

14.It is difficult for sb to do sth.某人做某事困难=Sb have difficulty in doing sth .

15.It is a good idea/way to do sth.做某事是个好主意/好方法。

16.know a lot about 更多的了解…

17.look up 查阅;向上看

18.ask for advice about how to improve English征求如何提高英语的建议 (特殊疑问词后跟动词需要用to do 形式,why 除外)

19.suggest doing sth 建议做某事

suggest( that) sb (should) do sth.建议某人应该做某事

advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事

19.smile at 对…微笑;laugh at 嘲笑某人

20.It is natural for sb to sth.某人做某事是很自然的。

21.be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事;不敢做某事(强调恐惧)

be afraid of doing sth 担心某事发生;(强调不情愿某事发生)

22.take /show sb around +地点


23.stop doing sth 停止做某事

stop to do sth 停下来去做某事

Module 1语法填空题

____(learn )English is important ,but it is hard ___ (learn) it ___(good). First, don't stop ____(remember) English words.It is ___(nature) to forget some of them .I suggest you ___(practise) ____(speak) as ____(many) as possible. If you don't understand their Chinese____(mean) ,you can look them ___in the dictionary.What is more,you need ____(ask) someone ___ for advice about ____(learn) it.Try your ___

to know about English.Can you agree ____ me?

八年级上知识点-Module 2

24.in the 1980s在二十世纪八十年代

25.some day (将来) 某一天

26.What 's the population of.....?....的人口是多少?

27.much/a lot taller 高得多

much /a lot more important 重要的多

28.remember doing sth 记得曾做过某事

remember to do sth 记得去做某事

29.as busy as 和…一样忙

30.in the east of 在…的东部(在…的范围内)

to the east of 在…的东部(不在…的范围内)

on the east of 在…的东部(两地接壤)

31.have a population of 有…人口

32.be famous/well-known for 因…而文明

be famous as 作为…而文明

33.be part of 是…一部分

be an important part of 是…的重要一部分

Module 2语法填空题

My hometown ___(lie) on the coast of the Changjiang River . It has a ____population than Hefei because Hefei is the capital of my province.If you ___(visit) my hometown some day, I ____(take) pride in ____(me). My hometown ____(get) bigger and ____(busy) but it is not as big and busy ___Hefei. There is a tall building___(call) the Empire Tower ___the east of my hometown.It is taller than ___ other buildings around it.The weather of my hometown is warmer than ___ of many other places in Anhui. If you visit my hometown, I will ____you around the museum .It is famous ___ its long history.

Let me ___ (be)your guide and wish you ___(have) a nice trip.

八年级上知识点Module 3

34.What's the matter /problem with you?

=What's wrong with you?你怎么了?

35.be hurt …受伤;hurt sb/sth伤害某人/身体部位

36.never mind 没关系=don't mention it not at all没关系;别客气=My pleasure;根本不(用于否定句) 到底, 究竟, 难道不(用于疑问句)

37.plenty of 许多(后跟可数或不可数名词)

38.boring +物;bored +人;more bored/boring

39.What is the score?得分是多少?

40.Good luck to you.祝你好运

41.play against 对抗…;

42.so that 为了;so +形容词/副词...that+句子 ... 如此…以至于…;

43.beat sb 打某人;打败某人

=win against sb 战胜某人

44.lose to sb 输给某人

45.have a chance to do sth =have a chance of doing sth 有机会做某事

46.cheer sb on 为某人加油

cheer sb up 为某人喝彩 ;cheer up振作点

47.be confident to do sth 做某事自信

be confident of 对…有信心

=have confidence in =believe in =trust

48.mean doing sth 意味着做某事

49.What a pity!真遗憾!

50.be pleased with 对…满意

be pleased about 对…感到高兴

51.see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事

see sb do sth 看见某人做了某事

often see sb do sth 经常看到某人做某事

(感官动词:四看:watch/see/look at/notice;两听hear/listen to;一感觉feel 后跟doing sth 或do sth)

52.go jogging 去慢跑go to buy a book去买一本书;go doing sth 去从事户外运动

53.The more,the better .越多越好

54.later on 后来,twenty minutes later


55.happen to sb 发生在某人身上

sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做…

Module 3语法填空题

I joined a ___(run)club last summer because I would like ___(keep) fit and I ____(want) to beat Tom.He always laughed ___ me in public.I didn't want to lose___ anyone else,so I ____(choose) the club ___(make)me ____(strong).I was confident of ___(I).What happened ___me made my parents unhappy .They were so angry ____ Tom that they wanted to find him and asked ____ he laughed at me all the time.I didn't agree with them.A few days ___(late),I had a chance ___(fight) against him .Many classmates cheered me ___. In the end, I won ,but I ___(feel) unhappy when I saw Tom ___(lie) on the ground .I tried ___(help) him ,___ he refused(拒绝) my offer. ____ uncomfortable I was on the

way back home!


1.have an accident 发生意外

2.except =but =other than 除了…;except for 除了…(用于修正前面的内容)

3.be careful about 关心;在乎

be careful with 注意;小心

4.be the closest to 最靠近…

5.take the underground 乘坐地铁

6.all the time 总是;一直

7.be crowded with 挤满…

8.the best choice 最佳选择

9.on the way to +地点(名词)

on the way there/home 去哪儿的路上;在回家的路上 in the way 挡住去路

10.the way to go to school=the way of going to school 上学的方式

11.the least expensive 最便宜的 =the cheapest

12.The more information,the better信息越多,越好

13.a lot more expensive=much expensive昂贵的多

14.It takes sb +时间+to do sth.=Sb take+ 时间 +to do sth.=It takes +时间+for sb +to do sth.某人花时间做某事 =Sb spend +时间 +(in) doing sth.

15.It costs sb +钱+to do sth.某人花…做某事

16.the second cheapest 第二个最便宜的(序数词+最高级)

17.It is best to do sth.最好做某事It is better to do sth.做某事更好

18.good -better-best 好-更好-最好bad/badly-worse-worst坏-更坏-最坏

far-farther/further-farthest/furthest远-更远-最远;little-less-least 少-更少-最少

19.in a hurry =hurriedly匆忙地

20.make a note of/about 记录


Everyone ____(go ) to school by bus ____ me.I am the ____(far) from the school,so I have to take ___ underground to school everyday.It is the ___(comfortable)way ___(go ) to school.I think it is the best ____(choose) when you want to get to school as____(quick)as possible.It takes me about twenty minutes___(get) to school.It takes less time,but it is a lot ___(fast).When the car(车厢) ____(crowd) with people,you must be careful ____ your money.I have never(从来没有) had an accident ____ the way to school.

八年级上知识点Module 5

1.offer sb sth =offer sth to sb 主动提供某物给某人

offer to do sth 主动提出做某事

2. in the end =finally 最后at the end of 在…尽头;在…结束的时候;

3.take sb to +地点 把……带到某地去bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 bring sth for sb 为某人带某物(有意的)

4.That is the main thing.那是最关键的

5.one of the most famous writers 最著名的作家之一

6.be born in 出生于 某地/某年

be born on 出生于某日

7.return to +地点 返回到某地

return sth to sb =give sth back to sb 把某物归还给某人

8.give a warm welcome to sb =welcome sb warmly 热烈欢迎某人

9.over fifty years 五十多年来

10.at first 一开始(强调后来有所变化)

first=firstly 首先 ;第一步secondly 第二步

11.translate ...into ...把…翻译成…

12.be right for 适合

13.bring ...to life 使…生动;恢复生机

14.the change in sth ....方面的变化a novel by Lu Xun 鲁迅的小说

15.learn a lot about 多了解…


Would you like ___(pay) a visit to the Yellow Mountain ? I ___(bear) in a village ___the south of it. You know, it is famous ___ for ____ (it) beautiful scenery(风景).If you ___(visit ) it some day, I will take you to one of the ____(beautiful ) ____(place) of it.You had better not ____(miss) the chance. I ___(offer) you best service(服务).The villagers here will welcome you ____(warm).You must enjoy____.That is the main thing.Remember ____(bring) something necessary.____ the end, I wish you ____(can) come and know ___our culture(文化)

八年级上知识点Module 6

1.at last =in the end 最后

2.allow doing sth 允许做某事

allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

3.get close to 接近(反义词) stay away from ;keep away from 远离,避开 keep clear of 不接触;避开

4.be in danger 处于危险中

be in trouble 遇到麻烦

5.think of 想到 come up with想出

think about 思考;想到

6.protect sb from保护…不受…的侵袭/危害

7.have a room to live in 有一间居住的房间(当不及物动词充当的不定式修饰名词时,要使用适当的介词)

8.take away 带走;拿走;夺去

put away 收起来 ;give away 捐赠,泄露

9.raise sth 升起某物 sth rise 某物升起

raise money 筹钱

10.such as 例如 ;such as doing sth 例如做某事

11.look after =take care of 照顾,保管

12.in peace 和平地; 安静地

13.do /make research into /on/about 对…研究/调查

14.in order to do sth 为了做…

in order not to do sth 为了不做某事

in order that =so that 为了…(后跟句子)

15.set up 建立; 创办

16.develop /make a plan 制定计划

17.choose from 从…中选择

choose ...as/to be 选…当…

18.be worried about 担心

19.be/become a symbol of 象征着;代表

20.stop sb (from) doing 阻止某人做某事

21.There be +名词+left 有 ……剩下

22.put/leave sth +地点 把…放在/丢在…

23.find out about 了解

find out (经过一番努力) 找到;弄清楚

24.feed on 以……为食;live on 以…为生

feed sb with sth =feed sth to sb


25.add ....to....把加到…里面


Please allow me ___(introduce) a kind of animal ___ danger.They ____(call)pandas . They are ___(lovely) than any _____ animal in China.They become ____ of endangered animals .I am looking forward to ____(raise) as much money as possible ___(save) them .I want to make research into them. In order __(protect) them, we ___(set) up ____(nature) parks to make them ____(live) ____peace.Every year , a large number of tourists visit them.Some of them sometimes leave rubbish in parks . If pandas eat ___, it is bad ___their health.I suggest people ____(not feed) them food such ____ apples,bread and so on.We have the best workers ___(raise) them.If you want to find out ____ their habits (习惯) ,you can get closer ___ them .I think they won't bite you.Don't be ____ (worry) about your safety. There are nine pandas___(leave)

in the park .They are ____lovely that you must love them .


1.by the river 在河边 by doing sth 通过做某事 a novel by sb 某人的小说 (强调版权) be beaten by sb 被某人打败 (by体现被动式的主语)

2.have a tea party 开茶话会; 开茶会

3.if 表示“是否”时,引导宾语从句,不能用一般现在时代替将来时。介词后或动词不定式前使用whether 。whether 引导主从,表语从句,whether …or not .

4.a place where rabbits live 兔子居住的地方(定从前面的名词是表示地点的名词且定从不缺主语或宾语时,用where 引导定从)

5.tell the time 报时

6.say what you think is strange 说出你认为奇怪的东西(you think 是插入语)

7.once or twice 一两次;偶尔

8.take sth out of ...从……拿出某物

9.too dark for her to see anything 太暗她看不见

10.land on dry leaves 落在枯叶上

jump down to the ground 跳到地上

11.run by 跑了过去

12.go off =be off(to) 离开(前往…)

13.call sb up 给某人打电话

14.run after 追赶; 追求

15. It looks like it is going to rain.看起来将要下雨。

16.It was not polite of you to sit down.你坐下来不礼貌。

八上英语知识点Module 8

1.change to red 变成红色 ;change ...into...把…变成…

2.talk on the phone 打电话 ;sb be wanted on the phone 有某人的电话;call sb on the mobile phone 给某人打电话

3.side by side 肩并肩,并排

4.think about the risk of the accident 想到事故的危险;risk doing sth 冒险做某事

5.on the corner of the road/desk 在路的拐角/在桌子拐角;in the corner of (室内)

at the corner of the street 在街道的拐角处(室外) round the round 在拐角处,即将来临的

6.a few days earlier 几天之前

7.pick sth up 捡起某物 pick sb up (开车) 接某人

8.climb out of 从…爬出来climb up it(沿着它) 爬上去

9.take a photo of sb 为…拍照;take a photo with sb 和某人合影;take a photo with a mobile phone 用手机拍照,take its photo给它拍照

10.a kind of snake一种蛇 /kinds of snakes 各种各样的蛇

11.in great /a lot of pain 非常痛苦地

12.the next day =the following day 第二天

13.as you know 正如你所知道的;as we say 正如我们所说的;当…时候;因为

14.send sb to +地点(把…送到…)take …to+地点(把…带到…)

15.hurry to hospital =be in a hurry to hospital =go to hospital hurriedly/in a hurry匆匆忙忙去看病

16.for long =for a long time 很久

17.look into 调查;观察;浏览; 朝里面看

18.fall on sb 落在某人身上;fall off /fall(down) from 从……掉下来

19.be always doing sth 总是做某事(抱怨;赞扬)

20.give sb some medicine 给…开药take medicine 服药

21.a good/great number of 许多;大量

22.make a quick decision to do sth 迅速做出决定去做某事

八上知识点Module 9

1.prepare for 为…做准备=get ready for;be prepared/ready for 为…做好准备

2.increase ...to ...增加到;increase...by... 增加了 ; an increase in population 人口的增加;the increasing population 不断增加的人口; have a larger increase in the population 人口有了较大的增长

3.one fifth 五分之一;second thirds 三分之二

4.believe sb =believe what sb says 相信某人说的话 ;believe in sb =be confident of sb 信任某人

5.That is , =That is to say 那就是说

6.mean doing sth 意味着做某事;

mean to do sth 打算做某事

7.hang on =hold on =hold the line =wait a minute 稍等

8. places to live = places to live in但除了place ;a room/hotel to live in

9.close down 倒闭; 停止播音;使…停产

10.It is clear that …很明显…

It is clear that she won't be married to you.很明显她不会嫁给你。

11.make efforts to do sth =make an effort to do sth 努力做某事

12.work to make them even better 致力于使它更好

13.It is cheaper to share a car with someone else than to have a personal car.与他人共用轿车比拥有一辆私家车更便宜。

14.It could be your hometown.它可能是你的家乡(could =may)

15.Let's do everything we can to stop the pollution.让我们尽一切努力去阻止污染。

16.as a result 结果 as a result of 由于

17.be twice as long as sth 有…的两倍长

18.pay for 买=shop for =buy spend +钱+on sth 花钱买某物;spend time (in) doing sth 花时间晕某事; spend the weekend with sb 与某人度过周末

19.more and more +名词 越来越多的more and more +多音节形容词/副词(越来越… )

fewer and fewer 越来越少的;less and less +名词 越来越少的; less and less +多音节形容词/副词 越来越不…

20.die of 死于(疾病;感染) die from死于外因(战争,地震,意外) die from drinking polluted water 死于饮用污染的水


1.Better get going!=We/You had better get going.最好快点走/最好开始行动。 get going 出发;开始;实行

2.between ...and ...在……和…之间

3.wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事

(但不可以说:hope sb to do sth

wish that sb were ...希望某人是…

在wish 后使用相应的过去时态变虚拟)

4.fall through the ice 掉入冰里

5.at least 最少,至少(修饰动词或者数词)

6.all year round 全年; 一年到头

7.turn 变(颜色):turn green 变绿

8.bring 带来 ;take 带去;take/bring sth

with sb 随身携带某物

9.any time you like随时;只要你随意随时都可以

10.find out the way 找到路

11.from time to time 不时, 时常(at times)

12.It is a good idea to do sth.做某事是个好主意。

13.over ten degrees 十度以上

14.make sure +句子(确保; 务必)

make sure of doing sth 务必做某事

15. play a joke on 开…玩笑;取笑

八上英语知识点Module 11

1.to one's surprise 令…吃惊的是

2.take it seriously 认真对待

3.the first time (句子前使用) 第一次

for the first time (句尾使用) 第一次

4.later 后来 ;two days later两天后

later on 后来

5.pay attention to sth/ doing sth对某物/做某事 集中注意力

6.use ...to do sth 使用…做某事=use …for doing sth

7.You can't be serious.你一定是开玩笑吧/你不会当真吧。

8.What a surprise!太令人吃惊了!真让人吃惊!

9.do (some /the) cleaning 扫除;打扫

10.have hair cut 理发

11.put up hands 举手

12.notice sb doing sth 注意到某人正在做某事; notice sb do sth 注意到某人做了某事

13.get to know 渐渐认识,开始认识

14.not a drink but a light meal 不是饮料而是一顿便餐/随茶便饭

15.on the high street在主干道; 在商业街

16.push one's way onto the bus 挤上公交车; push one's way through the crowd 从人群挤过去

17.stand in a line 排队;站队 wait in a line 排队等候;wait one's turn 等待轮到某人

18.touch sb on the shoulder 拍某人的肩膀(face,eye,chest,stomach用in) (head,ear,shoulder,leg用on)

19.call sb by the first name叫某人的名字

20.on the right-hand side of 在…的右边

21.in public =in public places 在公共场合

22.come in with shoes on 穿鞋进来

23.stay out 呆在外面

24.can't wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事

25.make a mistake=make mistakes 犯错


1.first aid 急救

2.imagine doing sth 想象做某事

3.at the bottom of 在…的底部 at the top of 在……的顶部

4.What is wrong with …?…怎么了?

=What is the matter with …?

=What is the problem with…?

Something is wrong with sth.=There is something wrong with sth (某物出了故障)

5.be in trouble 遇到麻烦;有麻烦

have trouble with sth 某物有麻烦

could have trouble (in) doing sth可能做某事有麻烦

6.do harm to ...= be harmful to ...对……有危害=harm ....

7.lift up 抬起;提起

8.warn sb not to do sth警告某人不要做某事=warn sb about /of doing sth 关于做某事警告某人

warn sb about not doing sth 关于某人不做某事给予警告

9.keep clear of 不接触的;避开

10.calm down =cool down 冷静下来

11.be in great /much pain 非常疼痛

12.find out what's the matter with him弄清楚他怎么了(后面宾从语序不变)

13.shout at 冲某人大喊(强调生气)

shout to sb 向某人大喊(担心对方听不到)

shout for help 大声求助 call for help 呼救

14.sit sb on a chair 让某人坐在椅子上

15.such +a/an +形容词+名词+ that +句子


16.cover ....with sth 用…盖在…上

be covered with …盖着…

17.have no/little idea about 不知道;不清楚

18.jump out of 从…跳出去;跳出…

19.run away from 逃出;逃离

move away from 远离…

20.in short 总之,简言之

21.clear ...off.. 清除(积雪)…;(雾) 消散

22.learn about =know about=read about =find out about 了解…

23.What do you think of /about...?=What do you find/like …?=What do you feel about …?你觉得…怎么样?

24.fall down 滑倒,倒下 fall over 摔倒;跌倒 ;fall over sth 被…绊倒

25.sth begin to do sth 某物开始做…

sb begin to do/doing sth 某人开始做某事

26.in three years' time 在三年时间里

27.do everything sb can do to do sth

=do what sb can do to do sth

=do all sb can do to do sth尽某人所能的去做某事

28.for the next few years.未来几年

29.noise pollution= pollution in noise 噪音污染

30.There is nothing sb can do about …某人对…无能为力

____ a cold day , I ___(sit) on a rock by the river when suddenly I saw a rabbit ___(run) by.I ___(run) home ___ a hurry and ___(take) a gun (枪).When I returned ___ the rock , I found ___rabbit ____ (run) away. ____ unhappy I was at that time ! _____(luck), I saw some money on my way back home .I ___(stop) ____(pick) it ___. I wanted to use it ____(buy) something delicious .I was walking so ____(happy) without ____(notice) a stone on the road ____ I fell down . A girl saw me ___(fall) down when she was walking past. She ran up to me and ____(help) me .It was____(friend) ___ her ____(help) me .I asked___(she) ____she lived and ____ her name was and I took some money ___of my pocket ____(thank) her. She didn't

answer my questions . She said it was ____(necessary) ___me to thank her like that ,and then she left without ___(say) anything .I remember she ____(wear) a pink hat. ___ a pretty hat it was ! A few days ____(late), I was walking to school with my good friend _____ suddenly I ___ (see) a girl ____(wave) to me on the ____ side of the road . In order ____(find) out ___ she was, I walked ___ the road . When I got ___(close) to her, I saw her____(clear).She was that girl . She ___(tell ) me we were in ___ same school , ___ we were in different grades. Later on , we became the ___(good) friends. In 2000, we went to university . I often ___(chat) on QQ with her.She seemed to like me as well . One day , I called her up and invited her to dinner .While we ___(have) dinner, I asked her ___she had a boyfriend .___my surprise, she told me she had one . I ___(feel) so ____(bore). ____(sudden), she laughed . She told me her only boyfriend was me . I was too excited ___ say anything. The end of the story was certainly what you could guessed out .


1.let/make sb do sth 让某人做某事

2.as much /many/often as possible尽可能多地

3.mind/finish/practise/keep/enjoy/suggest +doing sth (口诀:介意完成练习后继续享受的建议)

4.match A with B 把…与…匹配

5.make a mistake =make mistakes 犯错

6. the way to do sth = a way of doing sth


7.Why not +do sth ?为何不做某事?

8.How about doing sth?=What about doing sth?做某事如何?

9.agree with sb =agree with sb's idea 同意某人观点

10.try to do sth 尽力做某事

try not to do sth 尽量不做某事

try one's to do sth =do one's best to do sth 尽最大努力去做某事

11.What else ?其他的东西呢?else 用在特殊疑问词或者符合不定代词后面

12.need to do sth 需要做某事

don't need to do sth =needn't do sth


13.forget to do sth 忘记做某事

forget doing sth 忘记曾做过某事

14.It is difficult for sb to do sth.某人做某事困难=Sb have difficulty in doing sth .

15.It is a good idea/way to do sth.做某事是个好主意/好方法。

16.know a lot about 更多的了解…

17.look up 查阅;向上看

18.ask for advice about how to improve English征求如何提高英语的建议 (特殊疑问词后跟动词需要用to do 形式,why 除外)

19.suggest doing sth 建议做某事

suggest( that) sb (should) do sth.建议某人应该做某事

advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事

19.smile at 对…微笑;laugh at 嘲笑某人

20.It is natural for sb to sth.某人做某事是很自然的。

21.be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事;不敢做某事(强调恐惧)

be afraid of doing sth 担心某事发生;(强调不情愿某事发生)

22.take /show sb around +地点


23.stop doing sth 停止做某事

stop to do sth 停下来去做某事

Module 1语法填空题

____(learn )English is important ,but it is hard ___ (learn) it ___(good). First, don't stop ____(remember) English words.It is ___(nature) to forget some of them .I suggest you ___(practise) ____(speak) as ____(many) as possible. If you don't understand their Chinese____(mean) ,you can look them ___in the dictionary.What is more,you need ____(ask) someone ___ for advice about ____(learn) it.Try your ___

to know about English.Can you agree ____ me?

八年级上知识点-Module 2

24.in the 1980s在二十世纪八十年代

25.some day (将来) 某一天

26.What 's the population of.....?....的人口是多少?

27.much/a lot taller 高得多

much /a lot more important 重要的多

28.remember doing sth 记得曾做过某事

remember to do sth 记得去做某事

29.as busy as 和…一样忙

30.in the east of 在…的东部(在…的范围内)

to the east of 在…的东部(不在…的范围内)

on the east of 在…的东部(两地接壤)

31.have a population of 有…人口

32.be famous/well-known for 因…而文明

be famous as 作为…而文明

33.be part of 是…一部分

be an important part of 是…的重要一部分

Module 2语法填空题

My hometown ___(lie) on the coast of the Changjiang River . It has a ____population than Hefei because Hefei is the capital of my province.If you ___(visit) my hometown some day, I ____(take) pride in ____(me). My hometown ____(get) bigger and ____(busy) but it is not as big and busy ___Hefei. There is a tall building___(call) the Empire Tower ___the east of my hometown.It is taller than ___ other buildings around it.The weather of my hometown is warmer than ___ of many other places in Anhui. If you visit my hometown, I will ____you around the museum .It is famous ___ its long history.

Let me ___ (be)your guide and wish you ___(have) a nice trip.

八年级上知识点Module 3

34.What's the matter /problem with you?

=What's wrong with you?你怎么了?

35.be hurt …受伤;hurt sb/sth伤害某人/身体部位

36.never mind 没关系=don't mention it not at all没关系;别客气=My pleasure;根本不(用于否定句) 到底, 究竟, 难道不(用于疑问句)

37.plenty of 许多(后跟可数或不可数名词)

38.boring +物;bored +人;more bored/boring

39.What is the score?得分是多少?

40.Good luck to you.祝你好运

41.play against 对抗…;

42.so that 为了;so +形容词/副词...that+句子 ... 如此…以至于…;

43.beat sb 打某人;打败某人

=win against sb 战胜某人

44.lose to sb 输给某人

45.have a chance to do sth =have a chance of doing sth 有机会做某事

46.cheer sb on 为某人加油

cheer sb up 为某人喝彩 ;cheer up振作点

47.be confident to do sth 做某事自信

be confident of 对…有信心

=have confidence in =believe in =trust

48.mean doing sth 意味着做某事

49.What a pity!真遗憾!

50.be pleased with 对…满意

be pleased about 对…感到高兴

51.see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事

see sb do sth 看见某人做了某事

often see sb do sth 经常看到某人做某事

(感官动词:四看:watch/see/look at/notice;两听hear/listen to;一感觉feel 后跟doing sth 或do sth)

52.go jogging 去慢跑go to buy a book去买一本书;go doing sth 去从事户外运动

53.The more,the better .越多越好

54.later on 后来,twenty minutes later


55.happen to sb 发生在某人身上

sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做…

Module 3语法填空题

I joined a ___(run)club last summer because I would like ___(keep) fit and I ____(want) to beat Tom.He always laughed ___ me in public.I didn't want to lose___ anyone else,so I ____(choose) the club ___(make)me ____(strong).I was confident of ___(I).What happened ___me made my parents unhappy .They were so angry ____ Tom that they wanted to find him and asked ____ he laughed at me all the time.I didn't agree with them.A few days ___(late),I had a chance ___(fight) against him .Many classmates cheered me ___. In the end, I won ,but I ___(feel) unhappy when I saw Tom ___(lie) on the ground .I tried ___(help) him ,___ he refused(拒绝) my offer. ____ uncomfortable I was on the

way back home!


1.have an accident 发生意外

2.except =but =other than 除了…;except for 除了…(用于修正前面的内容)

3.be careful about 关心;在乎

be careful with 注意;小心

4.be the closest to 最靠近…

5.take the underground 乘坐地铁

6.all the time 总是;一直

7.be crowded with 挤满…

8.the best choice 最佳选择

9.on the way to +地点(名词)

on the way there/home 去哪儿的路上;在回家的路上 in the way 挡住去路

10.the way to go to school=the way of going to school 上学的方式

11.the least expensive 最便宜的 =the cheapest

12.The more information,the better信息越多,越好

13.a lot more expensive=much expensive昂贵的多

14.It takes sb +时间+to do sth.=Sb take+ 时间 +to do sth.=It takes +时间+for sb +to do sth.某人花时间做某事 =Sb spend +时间 +(in) doing sth.

15.It costs sb +钱+to do sth.某人花…做某事

16.the second cheapest 第二个最便宜的(序数词+最高级)

17.It is best to do sth.最好做某事It is better to do sth.做某事更好

18.good -better-best 好-更好-最好bad/badly-worse-worst坏-更坏-最坏

far-farther/further-farthest/furthest远-更远-最远;little-less-least 少-更少-最少

19.in a hurry =hurriedly匆忙地

20.make a note of/about 记录


Everyone ____(go ) to school by bus ____ me.I am the ____(far) from the school,so I have to take ___ underground to school everyday.It is the ___(comfortable)way ___(go ) to school.I think it is the best ____(choose) when you want to get to school as____(quick)as possible.It takes me about twenty minutes___(get) to school.It takes less time,but it is a lot ___(fast).When the car(车厢) ____(crowd) with people,you must be careful ____ your money.I have never(从来没有) had an accident ____ the way to school.

八年级上知识点Module 5

1.offer sb sth =offer sth to sb 主动提供某物给某人

offer to do sth 主动提出做某事

2. in the end =finally 最后at the end of 在…尽头;在…结束的时候;

3.take sb to +地点 把……带到某地去bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 bring sth for sb 为某人带某物(有意的)

4.That is the main thing.那是最关键的

5.one of the most famous writers 最著名的作家之一

6.be born in 出生于 某地/某年

be born on 出生于某日

7.return to +地点 返回到某地

return sth to sb =give sth back to sb 把某物归还给某人

8.give a warm welcome to sb =welcome sb warmly 热烈欢迎某人

9.over fifty years 五十多年来

10.at first 一开始(强调后来有所变化)

first=firstly 首先 ;第一步secondly 第二步

11.translate ...into ...把…翻译成…

12.be right for 适合

13.bring ...to life 使…生动;恢复生机

14.the change in sth ....方面的变化a novel by Lu Xun 鲁迅的小说

15.learn a lot about 多了解…


Would you like ___(pay) a visit to the Yellow Mountain ? I ___(bear) in a village ___the south of it. You know, it is famous ___ for ____ (it) beautiful scenery(风景).If you ___(visit ) it some day, I will take you to one of the ____(beautiful ) ____(place) of it.You had better not ____(miss) the chance. I ___(offer) you best service(服务).The villagers here will welcome you ____(warm).You must enjoy____.That is the main thing.Remember ____(bring) something necessary.____ the end, I wish you ____(can) come and know ___our culture(文化)

八年级上知识点Module 6

1.at last =in the end 最后

2.allow doing sth 允许做某事

allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

3.get close to 接近(反义词) stay away from ;keep away from 远离,避开 keep clear of 不接触;避开

4.be in danger 处于危险中

be in trouble 遇到麻烦

5.think of 想到 come up with想出

think about 思考;想到

6.protect sb from保护…不受…的侵袭/危害

7.have a room to live in 有一间居住的房间(当不及物动词充当的不定式修饰名词时,要使用适当的介词)

8.take away 带走;拿走;夺去

put away 收起来 ;give away 捐赠,泄露

9.raise sth 升起某物 sth rise 某物升起

raise money 筹钱

10.such as 例如 ;such as doing sth 例如做某事

11.look after =take care of 照顾,保管

12.in peace 和平地; 安静地

13.do /make research into /on/about 对…研究/调查

14.in order to do sth 为了做…

in order not to do sth 为了不做某事

in order that =so that 为了…(后跟句子)

15.set up 建立; 创办

16.develop /make a plan 制定计划

17.choose from 从…中选择

choose ...as/to be 选…当…

18.be worried about 担心

19.be/become a symbol of 象征着;代表

20.stop sb (from) doing 阻止某人做某事

21.There be +名词+left 有 ……剩下

22.put/leave sth +地点 把…放在/丢在…

23.find out about 了解

find out (经过一番努力) 找到;弄清楚

24.feed on 以……为食;live on 以…为生

feed sb with sth =feed sth to sb


25.add ....to....把加到…里面


Please allow me ___(introduce) a kind of animal ___ danger.They ____(call)pandas . They are ___(lovely) than any _____ animal in China.They become ____ of endangered animals .I am looking forward to ____(raise) as much money as possible ___(save) them .I want to make research into them. In order __(protect) them, we ___(set) up ____(nature) parks to make them ____(live) ____peace.Every year , a large number of tourists visit them.Some of them sometimes leave rubbish in parks . If pandas eat ___, it is bad ___their health.I suggest people ____(not feed) them food such ____ apples,bread and so on.We have the best workers ___(raise) them.If you want to find out ____ their habits (习惯) ,you can get closer ___ them .I think they won't bite you.Don't be ____ (worry) about your safety. There are nine pandas___(leave)

in the park .They are ____lovely that you must love them .


1.by the river 在河边 by doing sth 通过做某事 a novel by sb 某人的小说 (强调版权) be beaten by sb 被某人打败 (by体现被动式的主语)

2.have a tea party 开茶话会; 开茶会

3.if 表示“是否”时,引导宾语从句,不能用一般现在时代替将来时。介词后或动词不定式前使用whether 。whether 引导主从,表语从句,whether …or not .

4.a place where rabbits live 兔子居住的地方(定从前面的名词是表示地点的名词且定从不缺主语或宾语时,用where 引导定从)

5.tell the time 报时

6.say what you think is strange 说出你认为奇怪的东西(you think 是插入语)

7.once or twice 一两次;偶尔

8.take sth out of ...从……拿出某物

9.too dark for her to see anything 太暗她看不见

10.land on dry leaves 落在枯叶上

jump down to the ground 跳到地上

11.run by 跑了过去

12.go off =be off(to) 离开(前往…)

13.call sb up 给某人打电话

14.run after 追赶; 追求

15. It looks like it is going to rain.看起来将要下雨。

16.It was not polite of you to sit down.你坐下来不礼貌。

八上英语知识点Module 8

1.change to red 变成红色 ;change ...into...把…变成…

2.talk on the phone 打电话 ;sb be wanted on the phone 有某人的电话;call sb on the mobile phone 给某人打电话

3.side by side 肩并肩,并排

4.think about the risk of the accident 想到事故的危险;risk doing sth 冒险做某事

5.on the corner of the road/desk 在路的拐角/在桌子拐角;in the corner of (室内)

at the corner of the street 在街道的拐角处(室外) round the round 在拐角处,即将来临的

6.a few days earlier 几天之前

7.pick sth up 捡起某物 pick sb up (开车) 接某人

8.climb out of 从…爬出来climb up it(沿着它) 爬上去

9.take a photo of sb 为…拍照;take a photo with sb 和某人合影;take a photo with a mobile phone 用手机拍照,take its photo给它拍照

10.a kind of snake一种蛇 /kinds of snakes 各种各样的蛇

11.in great /a lot of pain 非常痛苦地

12.the next day =the following day 第二天

13.as you know 正如你所知道的;as we say 正如我们所说的;当…时候;因为

14.send sb to +地点(把…送到…)take …to+地点(把…带到…)

15.hurry to hospital =be in a hurry to hospital =go to hospital hurriedly/in a hurry匆匆忙忙去看病

16.for long =for a long time 很久

17.look into 调查;观察;浏览; 朝里面看

18.fall on sb 落在某人身上;fall off /fall(down) from 从……掉下来

19.be always doing sth 总是做某事(抱怨;赞扬)

20.give sb some medicine 给…开药take medicine 服药

21.a good/great number of 许多;大量

22.make a quick decision to do sth 迅速做出决定去做某事

八上知识点Module 9

1.prepare for 为…做准备=get ready for;be prepared/ready for 为…做好准备

2.increase ...to ...增加到;increase...by... 增加了 ; an increase in population 人口的增加;the increasing population 不断增加的人口; have a larger increase in the population 人口有了较大的增长

3.one fifth 五分之一;second thirds 三分之二

4.believe sb =believe what sb says 相信某人说的话 ;believe in sb =be confident of sb 信任某人

5.That is , =That is to say 那就是说

6.mean doing sth 意味着做某事;

mean to do sth 打算做某事

7.hang on =hold on =hold the line =wait a minute 稍等

8. places to live = places to live in但除了place ;a room/hotel to live in

9.close down 倒闭; 停止播音;使…停产

10.It is clear that …很明显…

It is clear that she won't be married to you.很明显她不会嫁给你。

11.make efforts to do sth =make an effort to do sth 努力做某事

12.work to make them even better 致力于使它更好

13.It is cheaper to share a car with someone else than to have a personal car.与他人共用轿车比拥有一辆私家车更便宜。

14.It could be your hometown.它可能是你的家乡(could =may)

15.Let's do everything we can to stop the pollution.让我们尽一切努力去阻止污染。

16.as a result 结果 as a result of 由于

17.be twice as long as sth 有…的两倍长

18.pay for 买=shop for =buy spend +钱+on sth 花钱买某物;spend time (in) doing sth 花时间晕某事; spend the weekend with sb 与某人度过周末

19.more and more +名词 越来越多的more and more +多音节形容词/副词(越来越… )

fewer and fewer 越来越少的;less and less +名词 越来越少的; less and less +多音节形容词/副词 越来越不…

20.die of 死于(疾病;感染) die from死于外因(战争,地震,意外) die from drinking polluted water 死于饮用污染的水


1.Better get going!=We/You had better get going.最好快点走/最好开始行动。 get going 出发;开始;实行

2.between ...and ...在……和…之间

3.wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事

(但不可以说:hope sb to do sth

wish that sb were ...希望某人是…

在wish 后使用相应的过去时态变虚拟)

4.fall through the ice 掉入冰里

5.at least 最少,至少(修饰动词或者数词)

6.all year round 全年; 一年到头

7.turn 变(颜色):turn green 变绿

8.bring 带来 ;take 带去;take/bring sth

with sb 随身携带某物

9.any time you like随时;只要你随意随时都可以

10.find out the way 找到路

11.from time to time 不时, 时常(at times)

12.It is a good idea to do sth.做某事是个好主意。

13.over ten degrees 十度以上

14.make sure +句子(确保; 务必)

make sure of doing sth 务必做某事

15. play a joke on 开…玩笑;取笑

八上英语知识点Module 11

1.to one's surprise 令…吃惊的是

2.take it seriously 认真对待

3.the first time (句子前使用) 第一次

for the first time (句尾使用) 第一次

4.later 后来 ;two days later两天后

later on 后来

5.pay attention to sth/ doing sth对某物/做某事 集中注意力

6.use ...to do sth 使用…做某事=use …for doing sth

7.You can't be serious.你一定是开玩笑吧/你不会当真吧。

8.What a surprise!太令人吃惊了!真让人吃惊!

9.do (some /the) cleaning 扫除;打扫

10.have hair cut 理发

11.put up hands 举手

12.notice sb doing sth 注意到某人正在做某事; notice sb do sth 注意到某人做了某事

13.get to know 渐渐认识,开始认识

14.not a drink but a light meal 不是饮料而是一顿便餐/随茶便饭

15.on the high street在主干道; 在商业街

16.push one's way onto the bus 挤上公交车; push one's way through the crowd 从人群挤过去

17.stand in a line 排队;站队 wait in a line 排队等候;wait one's turn 等待轮到某人

18.touch sb on the shoulder 拍某人的肩膀(face,eye,chest,stomach用in) (head,ear,shoulder,leg用on)

19.call sb by the first name叫某人的名字

20.on the right-hand side of 在…的右边

21.in public =in public places 在公共场合

22.come in with shoes on 穿鞋进来

23.stay out 呆在外面

24.can't wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事

25.make a mistake=make mistakes 犯错


1.first aid 急救

2.imagine doing sth 想象做某事

3.at the bottom of 在…的底部 at the top of 在……的顶部

4.What is wrong with …?…怎么了?

=What is the matter with …?

=What is the problem with…?

Something is wrong with sth.=There is something wrong with sth (某物出了故障)

5.be in trouble 遇到麻烦;有麻烦

have trouble with sth 某物有麻烦

could have trouble (in) doing sth可能做某事有麻烦

6.do harm to ...= be harmful to ...对……有危害=harm ....

7.lift up 抬起;提起

8.warn sb not to do sth警告某人不要做某事=warn sb about /of doing sth 关于做某事警告某人

warn sb about not doing sth 关于某人不做某事给予警告

9.keep clear of 不接触的;避开

10.calm down =cool down 冷静下来

11.be in great /much pain 非常疼痛

12.find out what's the matter with him弄清楚他怎么了(后面宾从语序不变)

13.shout at 冲某人大喊(强调生气)

shout to sb 向某人大喊(担心对方听不到)

shout for help 大声求助 call for help 呼救

14.sit sb on a chair 让某人坐在椅子上

15.such +a/an +形容词+名词+ that +句子


16.cover ....with sth 用…盖在…上

be covered with …盖着…

17.have no/little idea about 不知道;不清楚

18.jump out of 从…跳出去;跳出…

19.run away from 逃出;逃离

move away from 远离…

20.in short 总之,简言之

21.clear ...off.. 清除(积雪)…;(雾) 消散

22.learn about =know about=read about =find out about 了解…

23.What do you think of /about...?=What do you find/like …?=What do you feel about …?你觉得…怎么样?

24.fall down 滑倒,倒下 fall over 摔倒;跌倒 ;fall over sth 被…绊倒

25.sth begin to do sth 某物开始做…

sb begin to do/doing sth 某人开始做某事

26.in three years' time 在三年时间里

27.do everything sb can do to do sth

=do what sb can do to do sth

=do all sb can do to do sth尽某人所能的去做某事

28.for the next few years.未来几年

29.noise pollution= pollution in noise 噪音污染

30.There is nothing sb can do about …某人对…无能为力

____ a cold day , I ___(sit) on a rock by the river when suddenly I saw a rabbit ___(run) by.I ___(run) home ___ a hurry and ___(take) a gun (枪).When I returned ___ the rock , I found ___rabbit ____ (run) away. ____ unhappy I was at that time ! _____(luck), I saw some money on my way back home .I ___(stop) ____(pick) it ___. I wanted to use it ____(buy) something delicious .I was walking so ____(happy) without ____(notice) a stone on the road ____ I fell down . A girl saw me ___(fall) down when she was walking past. She ran up to me and ____(help) me .It was____(friend) ___ her ____(help) me .I asked___(she) ____she lived and ____ her name was and I took some money ___of my pocket ____(thank) her. She didn't

answer my questions . She said it was ____(necessary) ___me to thank her like that ,and then she left without ___(say) anything .I remember she ____(wear) a pink hat. ___ a pretty hat it was ! A few days ____(late), I was walking to school with my good friend _____ suddenly I ___ (see) a girl ____(wave) to me on the ____ side of the road . In order ____(find) out ___ she was, I walked ___ the road . When I got ___(close) to her, I saw her____(clear).She was that girl . She ___(tell ) me we were in ___ same school , ___ we were in different grades. Later on , we became the ___(good) friends. In 2000, we went to university . I often ___(chat) on QQ with her.She seemed to like me as well . One day , I called her up and invited her to dinner .While we ___(have) dinner, I asked her ___she had a boyfriend .___my surprise, she told me she had one . I ___(feel) so ____(bore). ____(sudden), she laughed . She told me her only boyfriend was me . I was too excited ___ say anything. The end of the story was certainly what you could guessed out .


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