

一. 完成下列单选(10分)

1.—When _________ Born? --I was born in 1990.

A. was I B. were you C. was he D. were they

2.—Where did your father go when he was 22? --He___________.

A. studied English B. met my mother C. went to England D. became a teacher

3.—What __ now? --She is teaching English at a famous college in Beijing.

A. is Mary doing B. does Mary do C. did Mary do D. will Marry do

4.—What does Mars. Black look like? --She is __________.

A. clever B. kind C. hard-working D. slim

5.—Mr. Green likes sports. He__ boating and fishing in his spare time.

--A. often goes B. is going C. only went D. will do

6.—Why do you often go to the park? --_____.

A. Take pictures B. Taking pictures C. Took pictures D. To take pictures

7.—What‟s your___? --Apartment 102, Entrance 2,Building 3,Chaowai Street.

A. name B. address C. number D. work

8.--____ask you some questions? --Sure.

A. Do you B. Will you C. Can I D. Must I

9.—What is Fred‟s______? --David Brown.

A. father B. mother C. father‟s name D. mother‟s name

10.—What_______? --She is a doctor in a famous hospital in Beijing.

A. does Alice do B. did Alice do then C. is Alice doing now D. is Alice going to do

二.a. It looks very nice.

b. I‟ll take it.

c. Can I help you?

d. What colour do you want?

e. Can I try it on?

f. What size do you want?


A: ________1_________?

B: I want to buy a T-shirt.

A: ________2__________?

B: Blue please.

A: _________3_________?

B: Size L.

A: What about this one?

B: _______4____. How much is it?

A: 60 yuan.

B: Hmm, it‟s a little expensive. ___5__?

A: Certainly.

B: OK,_____6_____. Here is the money.

A: Thank you.

三. 阅读理解(30分)


Mr. Hiro Nomura, a Japanese businessman, was visiting Shanghai. Yesterday was a very lucky day for him. On his way to Yu Garden, he left a bag with 300,000 dollars in it on a bus. Two hours later the money was returned to him.

Mr. Nomura didn‟t find that he had lost money until he returned to his hotel. He at once rang the bus station to ask if anyone had found the money. People at the station said that no money had been found. That evening, Mr. Nomura received a telephone call at his hotel from a bus conductor. She said that she had found the bag on the floor of the bus. Inside the bag, she found Mr. Nomura‟s telephone number on his name card.

Mr. Nomura was very happy and he offered to give her 3,000 dollars, but she didn‟t take it.


( )1. Mr. Nomura lost his money in Japan.

( )2. He went to the bus station in a hurry to look for money.

( )3. The bus conductor found the bag of the money on the floor of the bus.

( )4. The conductor got Mr. Nomura‟s telephone number from his name card.

( )5. He gave the conductor some money but she didn‟t take it.


I was downtown(进城) yesterday and decided to stop at the bank to see Alice Green. I thought she might have to go for lunch with me. When I got to the bank, they told me she had just been out for a few minutes. I asked them if she would be back by 11:45, and they said yes. I had some time, so I decided to wait for her. Then I walked over to some chairs by the windows and sat down. I decided to watch the front door because I knew she would come through the door. Finally, I decided not to wait any longer. It was 12:30, and I was sure that she wouldn‟t be back until after lunch. I got up, and I started to walk to the door, somebody called my name. I turned around and was surprised to find that it was Alice. When I said that someone had told me she had been out, she told me she had not left her office all the morning.


( )1. The writer went to the bank to______

A. get some money and he could have lunch with Alice

B. see Alice and ask her to have lunch with him

C. ask Alice to wait for him

D. see Alice and ask her to take a walk with him

( ) 2. The writer decided to wait because someone told him that Alice would be back at ________. A.12:30 B.12:45 C.11:00 D.11:45

( )3.The writer was waiting for Alice _____________.

A. in the shop B. in front of the bank C. not far from the front door D. at the bus stop

( )4.How long did the writer wait for Alice?

A. Half an hour. B.A few minutes. C. Twelve hours. D. More than an hour.

( ) 5.When the writer got to the bank, ________in fact(事实上).

A. Alice was in her office of the bank B. Alice was waiting for him

C. Alice was on her way to the bank D. Alice was just out


Read the passage and then answer the following questions.

People in Beijing watch TV every day. There are all kinds of programmers.

Many people watch the seven o‟clock CCTV news. It lasts thirty minutes.

There is a lot of important news in it. They can learn many things. Many people, old and young, men and

women, like watching „Sports‟. There are a lot of exciting games in it. They can always turn on the TV and find the „Sports‟ programmes. Children like cartoons. Cartoons are very interesting. Sometimes parents join in their children to watch them.

TV programmers are good. But children shouldn‟t watch too much TV. It‟s bad for their eyes.


1. How often do people in Beijing watch TV?

2. There are all kinds of TV programmes, aren‟t there?

3. Most people watch seven o‟clock CCTV news, don‟t they?

4. What other programmers do people like watching?

5. Is there a sports programme?

6. What programmes do children like watching?

7. Children shouldn‟t watch too much TV, should they?

8. Why?


一. 完成下列单选(10分)

1.—When _________ Born? --I was born in 1990.

A. was I B. were you C. was he D. were they

2.—Where did your father go when he was 22? --He___________.

A. studied English B. met my mother C. went to England D. became a teacher

3.—What __ now? --She is teaching English at a famous college in Beijing.

A. is Mary doing B. does Mary do C. did Mary do D. will Marry do

4.—What does Mars. Black look like? --She is __________.

A. clever B. kind C. hard-working D. slim

5.—Mr. Green likes sports. He__ boating and fishing in his spare time.

--A. often goes B. is going C. only went D. will do

6.—Why do you often go to the park? --_____.

A. Take pictures B. Taking pictures C. Took pictures D. To take pictures

7.—What‟s your___? --Apartment 102, Entrance 2,Building 3,Chaowai Street.

A. name B. address C. number D. work

8.--____ask you some questions? --Sure.

A. Do you B. Will you C. Can I D. Must I

9.—What is Fred‟s______? --David Brown.

A. father B. mother C. father‟s name D. mother‟s name

10.—What_______? --She is a doctor in a famous hospital in Beijing.

A. does Alice do B. did Alice do then C. is Alice doing now D. is Alice going to do

二.a. It looks very nice.

b. I‟ll take it.

c. Can I help you?

d. What colour do you want?

e. Can I try it on?

f. What size do you want?


A: ________1_________?

B: I want to buy a T-shirt.

A: ________2__________?

B: Blue please.

A: _________3_________?

B: Size L.

A: What about this one?

B: _______4____. How much is it?

A: 60 yuan.

B: Hmm, it‟s a little expensive. ___5__?

A: Certainly.

B: OK,_____6_____. Here is the money.

A: Thank you.

三. 阅读理解(30分)


Mr. Hiro Nomura, a Japanese businessman, was visiting Shanghai. Yesterday was a very lucky day for him. On his way to Yu Garden, he left a bag with 300,000 dollars in it on a bus. Two hours later the money was returned to him.

Mr. Nomura didn‟t find that he had lost money until he returned to his hotel. He at once rang the bus station to ask if anyone had found the money. People at the station said that no money had been found. That evening, Mr. Nomura received a telephone call at his hotel from a bus conductor. She said that she had found the bag on the floor of the bus. Inside the bag, she found Mr. Nomura‟s telephone number on his name card.

Mr. Nomura was very happy and he offered to give her 3,000 dollars, but she didn‟t take it.


( )1. Mr. Nomura lost his money in Japan.

( )2. He went to the bus station in a hurry to look for money.

( )3. The bus conductor found the bag of the money on the floor of the bus.

( )4. The conductor got Mr. Nomura‟s telephone number from his name card.

( )5. He gave the conductor some money but she didn‟t take it.


I was downtown(进城) yesterday and decided to stop at the bank to see Alice Green. I thought she might have to go for lunch with me. When I got to the bank, they told me she had just been out for a few minutes. I asked them if she would be back by 11:45, and they said yes. I had some time, so I decided to wait for her. Then I walked over to some chairs by the windows and sat down. I decided to watch the front door because I knew she would come through the door. Finally, I decided not to wait any longer. It was 12:30, and I was sure that she wouldn‟t be back until after lunch. I got up, and I started to walk to the door, somebody called my name. I turned around and was surprised to find that it was Alice. When I said that someone had told me she had been out, she told me she had not left her office all the morning.


( )1. The writer went to the bank to______

A. get some money and he could have lunch with Alice

B. see Alice and ask her to have lunch with him

C. ask Alice to wait for him

D. see Alice and ask her to take a walk with him

( ) 2. The writer decided to wait because someone told him that Alice would be back at ________. A.12:30 B.12:45 C.11:00 D.11:45

( )3.The writer was waiting for Alice _____________.

A. in the shop B. in front of the bank C. not far from the front door D. at the bus stop

( )4.How long did the writer wait for Alice?

A. Half an hour. B.A few minutes. C. Twelve hours. D. More than an hour.

( ) 5.When the writer got to the bank, ________in fact(事实上).

A. Alice was in her office of the bank B. Alice was waiting for him

C. Alice was on her way to the bank D. Alice was just out


Read the passage and then answer the following questions.

People in Beijing watch TV every day. There are all kinds of programmers.

Many people watch the seven o‟clock CCTV news. It lasts thirty minutes.

There is a lot of important news in it. They can learn many things. Many people, old and young, men and

women, like watching „Sports‟. There are a lot of exciting games in it. They can always turn on the TV and find the „Sports‟ programmes. Children like cartoons. Cartoons are very interesting. Sometimes parents join in their children to watch them.

TV programmers are good. But children shouldn‟t watch too much TV. It‟s bad for their eyes.


1. How often do people in Beijing watch TV?

2. There are all kinds of TV programmes, aren‟t there?

3. Most people watch seven o‟clock CCTV news, don‟t they?

4. What other programmers do people like watching?

5. Is there a sports programme?

6. What programmes do children like watching?

7. Children shouldn‟t watch too much TV, should they?

8. Why?


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