
Good morning,dear professors,

It’s a great honor for me to sit here and introduce myself. My name is xx. I'm from xx Province. During the past four years, I have been learning in the xx University, majoring in xxx. Under the influence of the courses① I have taken during my four-year study, and the experience of being a volunteer in xxx, I found that my interest is xxx

I am energetic and responsible in nature and, by the way, I am a quick learner. Although I have learnt essential knowledge of xxx, I figure, at present, owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability, I can do things only in a superficial level rather than professionally. So, further study is necessary for me.

After careful consideration, I chose your honorable college of xxxofxxx University. The university and college are both one of the best inchina. I hold the belief that your prestigous college will render me thebesteducation and growth.If I were lucky enough to be admitted to your college, I would be morethan grateful, and I would devote myself to study and exploration.

That’s all.Thank you for your attention.

teaching staff with excellent academic performance, great atmosphere of learnig, Advanced facilities and Ampleresearch funds

Good morning,dear professors,

It’s a great honor for me to sit here and introduce myself. My name is xx. I'm from xx Province. During the past four years, I have been learning in the xx University, majoring in xxx. Under the influence of the courses① I have taken during my four-year study, and the experience of being a volunteer in xxx, I found that my interest is xxx

I am energetic and responsible in nature and, by the way, I am a quick learner. Although I have learnt essential knowledge of xxx, I figure, at present, owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability, I can do things only in a superficial level rather than professionally. So, further study is necessary for me.

After careful consideration, I chose your honorable college of xxxofxxx University. The university and college are both one of the best inchina. I hold the belief that your prestigous college will render me thebesteducation and growth.If I were lucky enough to be admitted to your college, I would be morethan grateful, and I would devote myself to study and exploration.

That’s all.Thank you for your attention.

teaching staff with excellent academic performance, great atmosphere of learnig, Advanced facilities and Ampleresearch funds


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