
Dealing with Classroom Emergencies

An Operation Alert system has been developed for handling emergencies. The University Police Department Communications Center, located on the Tampa Campus, is operational 24 hours a day and should be notified by calling 911 immediately in emergencies. The

non-emergency telephone number for the University Police Department is 974-2628. What should an instructor do if a student has a medical


∙ Immediately call 911 in all instances of serious medical emergencies. Advise the

nature of the illness or injury and your exact location. A police officer will respond and offer assistance; Tampa Fire Rescue will be notified to respond if necessary. In

non-emergency situations, refer students to Student Health Services (974-2331)

which is located adjacent to the USF Bookstore. SHS does not provide transportation services.

What should instructors do if an alarm is set off?

∙ If an evacuation alarm sounds in your building, evacuate your classroom immediately

using the nearest building exit (even if you suspect it is a false alarm). Do not use the elevators. Have students stand clear of the building and do not permit anyone to

re-enter the building until instructed to do so by a police officer (even if the bells stop ringing).

∙ Fire drills are held each semester. You should receive advance notice of scheduled

drills to enable you to plan instructional activities accordingly.

What should an instructor do if a student's conduct in the classroom becomes abusive or dangerous?

∙ It is very important that instructors exercise sound judgment in assessing a potentially

dangerous situation. Remain calm and seek a controlled and rational response. Loud verbal exchanges between instructor and student are usually counterproductive and can lead to other more serious forms of confrontation. Students have certain rights

that must be protected when a discipline issue arises. There are specific procedures dealing with what the instructor should and should not do prior to requesting that a

disruptive student be permanently dismissed from class. For information concerning this issue and what procedure faculty must follow, consult the USF Undergraduate


∙ Call 911 for emergency assistance if a physical confrontation is likely or if other

assistance from the Police Department is necessary. Accurate written records of

significant incidents must be kept and your Department Chairperson should be

immediately advised of the situation.




∙ 在所有严重的医疗紧急事故的情况下,立即拨打911,说明疾病或者受伤情况和你的具

体地址。警察会做出相应的反应并提供帮助;如果必要的话,警察会通知坦帕市的消防救援中心来参与救援活动。在非紧急情况下,可以让学生拨打坐落在USF 书店旁的学生健康服务中心(974-2331).SHS 不提供交通服务。


∙ 如果你所在的教学楼中的疏散警报响了,立即从最近的出口疏散你的学生(即使你怀疑


∙ 消防演习每个学期都会举行。你应该提前收到预定的消防演习的通知,以使你能够相应



∙ 老师对潜在危险情况的合理判断是十分重要的。保持镇定并寻找一项可控的合理措施。


抗形式。在纪律问题产生时,学生当然有权利受到保护。有很多具体的关于老师在永久开除破坏纪律的学生前应该和不应该做什么的程序。为了了解关于这一问题的信息和必须遵守的程序,你可以查询USF 大学生目录。



Dealing with Classroom Emergencies

An Operation Alert system has been developed for handling emergencies. The University Police Department Communications Center, located on the Tampa Campus, is operational 24 hours a day and should be notified by calling 911 immediately in emergencies. The

non-emergency telephone number for the University Police Department is 974-2628. What should an instructor do if a student has a medical


∙ Immediately call 911 in all instances of serious medical emergencies. Advise the

nature of the illness or injury and your exact location. A police officer will respond and offer assistance; Tampa Fire Rescue will be notified to respond if necessary. In

non-emergency situations, refer students to Student Health Services (974-2331)

which is located adjacent to the USF Bookstore. SHS does not provide transportation services.

What should instructors do if an alarm is set off?

∙ If an evacuation alarm sounds in your building, evacuate your classroom immediately

using the nearest building exit (even if you suspect it is a false alarm). Do not use the elevators. Have students stand clear of the building and do not permit anyone to

re-enter the building until instructed to do so by a police officer (even if the bells stop ringing).

∙ Fire drills are held each semester. You should receive advance notice of scheduled

drills to enable you to plan instructional activities accordingly.

What should an instructor do if a student's conduct in the classroom becomes abusive or dangerous?

∙ It is very important that instructors exercise sound judgment in assessing a potentially

dangerous situation. Remain calm and seek a controlled and rational response. Loud verbal exchanges between instructor and student are usually counterproductive and can lead to other more serious forms of confrontation. Students have certain rights

that must be protected when a discipline issue arises. There are specific procedures dealing with what the instructor should and should not do prior to requesting that a

disruptive student be permanently dismissed from class. For information concerning this issue and what procedure faculty must follow, consult the USF Undergraduate


∙ Call 911 for emergency assistance if a physical confrontation is likely or if other

assistance from the Police Department is necessary. Accurate written records of

significant incidents must be kept and your Department Chairperson should be

immediately advised of the situation.




∙ 在所有严重的医疗紧急事故的情况下,立即拨打911,说明疾病或者受伤情况和你的具

体地址。警察会做出相应的反应并提供帮助;如果必要的话,警察会通知坦帕市的消防救援中心来参与救援活动。在非紧急情况下,可以让学生拨打坐落在USF 书店旁的学生健康服务中心(974-2331).SHS 不提供交通服务。


∙ 如果你所在的教学楼中的疏散警报响了,立即从最近的出口疏散你的学生(即使你怀疑


∙ 消防演习每个学期都会举行。你应该提前收到预定的消防演习的通知,以使你能够相应



∙ 老师对潜在危险情况的合理判断是十分重要的。保持镇定并寻找一项可控的合理措施。


抗形式。在纪律问题产生时,学生当然有权利受到保护。有很多具体的关于老师在永久开除破坏纪律的学生前应该和不应该做什么的程序。为了了解关于这一问题的信息和必须遵守的程序,你可以查询USF 大学生目录。




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