
Table 3

Draft (unaudited) Annual Financial Summaries The Pudong Coffee Shop

Summarised Income Statement (unaudited) for year ended: 31st December 2009 31st December 2008 ¥

Revenue (beverages/drinks) (485000×1.03×1.05) 524528 Revenue (food sales ) (445000×1.03×1.05) Total revenue (food and beverages) ▲Total revenue before price adjustment

(1005795÷1.03) 976500 ▲

Cost of sales(420÷930×976500×1.04) * Gross profit Less Operating expenses: Depreciation of tangible assets Wages and remuneration(130×1.04)** Rental(200×1.04) Utilities(48000×1.04,fixed cost) Garbage collection (10÷930×976500×1.04)* Advertising and promotions (30000×1.04) Operating profit for year Interest payable on loans (262410x7%) Profit (loss) for year Notes:

481267 (458640) 547155 (82,000) (135200) (208000)

(49920) (10920) (31200) 29915 (18369)

▲This title is very important for every variable costs in 2010

*Variable costs for 2010 should be first matched to activity

measured by 2009’s standard and then be adjusted by inflation!!!

**Wage cost is a fixed cost because it is different from traditional

manufacture entity.

The Pudong Coffee Shop

Summarised Balance Sheet (unaudited) at: 31st December 2009 31st December 2008


Goodwill 400,000 Furniture and fittings (246,000-82000) Inventories(COS÷inventory turn over) Cash at bank (b/cing figure) Total assets Owner ’s equity (418,590+profit for the year) Bank loan payable (262400x1.07-100000) Trade payables(COS÷trade payable turnover) Total liabilities and owner’s equity

164000 48048 224911 430136 180799 226044

Draft (unaudited) Annual Financial Summaries (continued) The Pudong Coffee Shop

Summarised Cash Flow statement (unaudited) for year ended: 31st December 2009 31st December 2008

Operating cash flow

Operating profit (loss) for year Add: depreciation 82,000 82,000 Changes in working capital:

Less: Increase in inventories Add: Increase in trade payables Investing activities Financing activities:

Repayment of loan including interest Overall cash flow (deficit) for year Add: Opening bank balance Equals: Closing bank balance ¥

29915 82000 111915 (4048) 19044 126911 Nil (100,000) 198,000

Table 3

Draft (unaudited) Annual Financial Summaries The Pudong Coffee Shop

Summarised Income Statement (unaudited) for year ended: 31st December 2009 31st December 2008 ¥

Revenue (beverages/drinks) (485000×1.03×1.05) 524528 Revenue (food sales ) (445000×1.03×1.05) Total revenue (food and beverages) ▲Total revenue before price adjustment

(1005795÷1.03) 976500 ▲

Cost of sales(420÷930×976500×1.04) * Gross profit Less Operating expenses: Depreciation of tangible assets Wages and remuneration(130×1.04)** Rental(200×1.04) Utilities(48000×1.04,fixed cost) Garbage collection (10÷930×976500×1.04)* Advertising and promotions (30000×1.04) Operating profit for year Interest payable on loans (262410x7%) Profit (loss) for year Notes:

481267 (458640) 547155 (82,000) (135200) (208000)

(49920) (10920) (31200) 29915 (18369)

▲This title is very important for every variable costs in 2010

*Variable costs for 2010 should be first matched to activity

measured by 2009’s standard and then be adjusted by inflation!!!

**Wage cost is a fixed cost because it is different from traditional

manufacture entity.

The Pudong Coffee Shop

Summarised Balance Sheet (unaudited) at: 31st December 2009 31st December 2008


Goodwill 400,000 Furniture and fittings (246,000-82000) Inventories(COS÷inventory turn over) Cash at bank (b/cing figure) Total assets Owner ’s equity (418,590+profit for the year) Bank loan payable (262400x1.07-100000) Trade payables(COS÷trade payable turnover) Total liabilities and owner’s equity

164000 48048 224911 430136 180799 226044

Draft (unaudited) Annual Financial Summaries (continued) The Pudong Coffee Shop

Summarised Cash Flow statement (unaudited) for year ended: 31st December 2009 31st December 2008

Operating cash flow

Operating profit (loss) for year Add: depreciation 82,000 82,000 Changes in working capital:

Less: Increase in inventories Add: Increase in trade payables Investing activities Financing activities:

Repayment of loan including interest Overall cash flow (deficit) for year Add: Opening bank balance Equals: Closing bank balance ¥

29915 82000 111915 (4048) 19044 126911 Nil (100,000) 198,000


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