Personal Qualities ---That Employers Look For---
I have ……
I ’m confident.
I believe in myself/my abilities, but I know my limitations.
I ’m assertive, but not pushy.
I take pride in my work.
I ’m self-assured, but not prideful/boastful/arrogant.
A sense of pride
I’m proud of my achievements.
I’m dedicated.
I work hard to do my best.
I’m persistent.
I stick to my job until I get it done.
I’m determined.
I push to get my job done.
I’m driven to do my best.
I drive hard when I need to.
I’m reliable.
I’m known for reliably doing what I set out to do.
I’m responsible.
I take responsibility./ I have always handled my responsibilities well.
I’m dependable.
My boss knows he can count on me to do what I say I will do.
I’m loyal.
I plan to stick with the company and be a loyal employee./I’m not a job-hopper.
I’m energetic.
I maintain a high level of energy and get the maximum done each day.
I’m highly motivated.
I’m self-motivated and an achiever.
I’m enthusiastic.
My energy and zeal stimulates others to be positive and to do their best.
I’m optimistic.
I can always see the positive side.
A positive attitude
I’m upbeat, positive.
My upbeat spirit motivates others.
I can initiate projects.
I take initiative, start action.
Follow-through 坚持到底
I’m a finisher.
Whenever I start something, I make sure that I complete it (carry it out).
A view of process
I’m process-oriented.
I can break a big task down into logical, sequential steps and carry the process out to completion.
I am visionary.
I can see things that need to be done or developed before others.
I foresee trends, needs, problems and take action to prepare.
A quick mind
I’m quick-minded.
I pick up things quickly./ I quickly master new knowledge or skills.
The ability to learn
I’m trainable, teachable.
I can be trained, I like to learn.
I’m creative.
I like to create/develop new ways.
I’m honest.
I’m a man or woman of integrity.
Tact 圆滑,机智
I’m tactful.
I use tact when negotiating.
I’m considerate of……
I show respect to my colleagues and am sensitive to their (or the customer’s) needs.
I’m polite.
I know how to make the customer feel respected.
Team Spirit
I’m a team player.
I can cooperate well with others.
I’m efficient.
I can make the most of time and resources to get the job done.
I’m effective.
I know how to get the most important things done in the shortest amount of time.
I know what needs to be accomplished and set out to do it.
Clear Goals
I’m a goal-oriented person.
I can set goals and reach them.
Time sense
I can manage my time/I’m time-oriented.
I have the ability to make plans and carry them out according to schedule.
Personal Qualities ---That Employers Look For---
I have ……
I ’m confident.
I believe in myself/my abilities, but I know my limitations.
I ’m assertive, but not pushy.
I take pride in my work.
I ’m self-assured, but not prideful/boastful/arrogant.
A sense of pride
I’m proud of my achievements.
I’m dedicated.
I work hard to do my best.
I’m persistent.
I stick to my job until I get it done.
I’m determined.
I push to get my job done.
I’m driven to do my best.
I drive hard when I need to.
I’m reliable.
I’m known for reliably doing what I set out to do.
I’m responsible.
I take responsibility./ I have always handled my responsibilities well.
I’m dependable.
My boss knows he can count on me to do what I say I will do.
I’m loyal.
I plan to stick with the company and be a loyal employee./I’m not a job-hopper.
I’m energetic.
I maintain a high level of energy and get the maximum done each day.
I’m highly motivated.
I’m self-motivated and an achiever.
I’m enthusiastic.
My energy and zeal stimulates others to be positive and to do their best.
I’m optimistic.
I can always see the positive side.
A positive attitude
I’m upbeat, positive.
My upbeat spirit motivates others.
I can initiate projects.
I take initiative, start action.
Follow-through 坚持到底
I’m a finisher.
Whenever I start something, I make sure that I complete it (carry it out).
A view of process
I’m process-oriented.
I can break a big task down into logical, sequential steps and carry the process out to completion.
I am visionary.
I can see things that need to be done or developed before others.
I foresee trends, needs, problems and take action to prepare.
A quick mind
I’m quick-minded.
I pick up things quickly./ I quickly master new knowledge or skills.
The ability to learn
I’m trainable, teachable.
I can be trained, I like to learn.
I’m creative.
I like to create/develop new ways.
I’m honest.
I’m a man or woman of integrity.
Tact 圆滑,机智
I’m tactful.
I use tact when negotiating.
I’m considerate of……
I show respect to my colleagues and am sensitive to their (or the customer’s) needs.
I’m polite.
I know how to make the customer feel respected.
Team Spirit
I’m a team player.
I can cooperate well with others.
I’m efficient.
I can make the most of time and resources to get the job done.
I’m effective.
I know how to get the most important things done in the shortest amount of time.
I know what needs to be accomplished and set out to do it.
Clear Goals
I’m a goal-oriented person.
I can set goals and reach them.
Time sense
I can manage my time/I’m time-oriented.
I have the ability to make plans and carry them out according to schedule.