
participants when location and number of distractors were taken into account.

Keywords :inhibition of return (IOR),discrimination task, distractors, cue-target integration.



南京师范大学心理学院,南京,210097,[email protected]






The Current Situation of the Seatbelt Usage

Yun Yuhao, Li Jing

School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210097

Abstract :The number of traffic accidents is growing with the increase of car ownership. The non-use of seatbelt has been a key factor which results in injuries and deaths in accidents. It is not hard to imagine that the drivers’willingness for seatbelt wearing gets low without the limitation of traffic laws. However, seatbelt is very important as a safety guarantee system, and correct use of it

could reduce the damage caused by traffic accidents greatly.

The seatbelt usage and drivers’suggestions for improving it were collected by questionnaires of 101residents and deep interview for 3senior drivers in Jiangsu Province. The results of questionnaires indicated:(1)the frequency of seatbelt wearing changed with different locations in car, for example, the front passengers were more likely to wear seatbelt than rear ones; (2)driving years showed the greatest effect to seatbelt usage among all the demographic variables inquired in the questionnaire, in detail, the drivers with below 3-year driving experience wore seatbelt more frequently than drivers with above 3-year diving experience, and gender, occupation, and education background also affected the seatbelt usage in different degrees. The senior drivers told that the comfort level and convenience were the key factors in deciding the seatbelt wearing in deep interview, and they gave some suggestions, for example, they asked for more ventilate materials, and they hoped to develop automatic wearing system and automatic tightness adjuster. The results showed some problems in seatbelt usage. It is expected that the designers, manufacturer and citizens pay attention to the necessity of seatbelt wearing to avoid traffic accident to live well.

Keywords :seatbelt, driving, comfort level, convenience

participants when location and number of distractors were taken into account.

Keywords :inhibition of return (IOR),discrimination task, distractors, cue-target integration.



南京师范大学心理学院,南京,210097,[email protected]






The Current Situation of the Seatbelt Usage

Yun Yuhao, Li Jing

School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210097

Abstract :The number of traffic accidents is growing with the increase of car ownership. The non-use of seatbelt has been a key factor which results in injuries and deaths in accidents. It is not hard to imagine that the drivers’willingness for seatbelt wearing gets low without the limitation of traffic laws. However, seatbelt is very important as a safety guarantee system, and correct use of it

could reduce the damage caused by traffic accidents greatly.

The seatbelt usage and drivers’suggestions for improving it were collected by questionnaires of 101residents and deep interview for 3senior drivers in Jiangsu Province. The results of questionnaires indicated:(1)the frequency of seatbelt wearing changed with different locations in car, for example, the front passengers were more likely to wear seatbelt than rear ones; (2)driving years showed the greatest effect to seatbelt usage among all the demographic variables inquired in the questionnaire, in detail, the drivers with below 3-year driving experience wore seatbelt more frequently than drivers with above 3-year diving experience, and gender, occupation, and education background also affected the seatbelt usage in different degrees. The senior drivers told that the comfort level and convenience were the key factors in deciding the seatbelt wearing in deep interview, and they gave some suggestions, for example, they asked for more ventilate materials, and they hoped to develop automatic wearing system and automatic tightness adjuster. The results showed some problems in seatbelt usage. It is expected that the designers, manufacturer and citizens pay attention to the necessity of seatbelt wearing to avoid traffic accident to live well.

Keywords :seatbelt, driving, comfort level, convenience


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