
Read the specific instructions regarding calibration of your meter. Adjustments for calibrations will vary. Separate adjustments for low and high range should be used. 2Fill each of the test vials with distilled water and replace the caps. Place a piece of tape on top of each cap. Clean the vials with tissue and glass cleaner. Turn on the turbidimeter and allow it to warm up for the required amount of time given by the instrument manufacturer. Place one of the vials in the meter and turn it to determine the orientation which gives the lowest NTU measure. Mark the tape on the cap with an arrow to indicate that orientation.

3Empty the vials and rinse with distilled water. In one of the vials, add the low turbidity standard to the 1/4-full mark. Gently swirl the vial and then dispose this solution. Add the standard solution to fill the vial and then insert it into the turbidimeter in the correct orientation. Read the value and adjust the meter to the correct reading if necessary, using the manufacturer instructions. Rinse the vial with distilled water afterwards.

4Add high turbidity standard to another vial to the 1/4-full mark. Gently swirl the vial and then dispose the solution. Fill the vial with the high turbidity standard and insert it into the meter. Read the turbidity and adjust the meter to obtain the correct reading in the high range. Dispose of the calibration solution and then rinse the vial with distilled water.

Sponsored Links

Gas Flow Calibrationwww.e.FlukeCal.com/CalibrationGuide

Download a Free Best Practice Guide On Effective Gas Flow Calibration. Ekonogage by Hemcowww.hemcogages.com/ekonogage

Pin gages, sets and libraries We've got the inventory so call us

Prevent Pump Sand Damagewww.lakos.com

LAKOS Sand Separators Submersible pumps and turbine pumps

Confab Turbidimeterwww.confabinstrumentation.com

Inline monitor measures turbidity 0-2 to 0-2000NTU in process line

Tips & Warnings

Choose a high calibration standard that is nearest to the maximum NTU value of the water being sampled.

Check the calibration of the turbidimeter at least every other day.

Calibration problems in the high range may be due to a worn light bulb.

Calibration problems may occur if the battery charge is low.

In-line process turbidimeter calibration can be adapted to this procedure if there are access ports for calibration and washing solution access. Rinsing between steps is a necessary procedure.

Replace calibration standards before the expiration dates. Use the same cap on each vial to assure the proper orientation and that there is no cross-contamination of samples.

Do not shake the vials when rinsing; this will introduce bubbles.

Read more: How to Calibrate a Turbidimeter | eHow.com


Read the specific instructions regarding calibration of your meter. Adjustments for calibrations will vary. Separate adjustments for low and high range should be used. 2Fill each of the test vials with distilled water and replace the caps. Place a piece of tape on top of each cap. Clean the vials with tissue and glass cleaner. Turn on the turbidimeter and allow it to warm up for the required amount of time given by the instrument manufacturer. Place one of the vials in the meter and turn it to determine the orientation which gives the lowest NTU measure. Mark the tape on the cap with an arrow to indicate that orientation.

3Empty the vials and rinse with distilled water. In one of the vials, add the low turbidity standard to the 1/4-full mark. Gently swirl the vial and then dispose this solution. Add the standard solution to fill the vial and then insert it into the turbidimeter in the correct orientation. Read the value and adjust the meter to the correct reading if necessary, using the manufacturer instructions. Rinse the vial with distilled water afterwards.

4Add high turbidity standard to another vial to the 1/4-full mark. Gently swirl the vial and then dispose the solution. Fill the vial with the high turbidity standard and insert it into the meter. Read the turbidity and adjust the meter to obtain the correct reading in the high range. Dispose of the calibration solution and then rinse the vial with distilled water.

Sponsored Links

Gas Flow Calibrationwww.e.FlukeCal.com/CalibrationGuide

Download a Free Best Practice Guide On Effective Gas Flow Calibration. Ekonogage by Hemcowww.hemcogages.com/ekonogage

Pin gages, sets and libraries We've got the inventory so call us

Prevent Pump Sand Damagewww.lakos.com

LAKOS Sand Separators Submersible pumps and turbine pumps

Confab Turbidimeterwww.confabinstrumentation.com

Inline monitor measures turbidity 0-2 to 0-2000NTU in process line

Tips & Warnings

Choose a high calibration standard that is nearest to the maximum NTU value of the water being sampled.

Check the calibration of the turbidimeter at least every other day.

Calibration problems in the high range may be due to a worn light bulb.

Calibration problems may occur if the battery charge is low.

In-line process turbidimeter calibration can be adapted to this procedure if there are access ports for calibration and washing solution access. Rinsing between steps is a necessary procedure.

Replace calibration standards before the expiration dates. Use the same cap on each vial to assure the proper orientation and that there is no cross-contamination of samples.

Do not shake the vials when rinsing; this will introduce bubbles.

Read more: How to Calibrate a Turbidimeter | eHow.com



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