
A. as soon as B. until C. after D. when

2014---2015学年第一学期12现代农艺 ( )10. His teacher told him _______ any more.

A. not to move B. to not move C.didn’t move D. not moving

( )11. The fact _____ the patient recovered from his illness isn’t surpring to

英语期末测试题 班级: 姓名: 成绩:



( )1. whole A .wheelchair B. whether C. whose D. white

( )2. question A. celebration B. traditional C. creation D. suggestion

( )3. honor A. honest B. homeland C. husband D. happy

( )4. wanted A. needed B. worked C. helped D. stayed

( )5. why A. carefully B. fly C. choosy D. sunny


( )1. I knew that the visitor was a woman because I could hear her _____.

A. sound B. voice C. noise D. mouth

( )2.______ he said at the meeting surprised everybody present.

A. What B. That C. Why D. When

( )3. I earn 10 yuan _______ hour as ______ supermarket cashier on


A a ; an B. the ; a C. an ;a D. an ; the

( )4. Many a student _______ busy with their homework.

A. is B. are C. have been D. were

( )5. He wasn’t _______ to lift the box.

A. too strong B. strong enough C. enough strong D. so strong

( )6. What other languages can he speak _______ English ?

A. besides B. except C. in D. about

( )7. E-mail, as well as mobile phones,_______ an important part in our


A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play

( )8. China is ______ larger than the United States.

A. one six B. one sixths C. one sixth D. one sixes

( )9. He didn’t know the news _______ his parents told him about it.


A. that B. what C. which D. when )12. The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself


A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heared

)13. Rose works in a shop, and _______.

A. so does Jack B. so Jack does C. so is Jack D. so Jack is

)14. ________ great progress they have made in their studies!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

)15. She forgot to clean the blackboard. So she was made ______ it by

her teacher.

A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. cleaned

)16. I ______ go hiking rather than ______ football.

A. prefer to; play B. prefers; plays

C. preferred ;to play D. preferred to; to play

)17. This is the school ______ we visited three days ago.

A. where B. / C. when D. what

)18. The students _______ see their new teacher.

A. are eager to B. eager to C. eager to D. eager

)19.A pair of glasses ________ on the table.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

)20. The mother over there is ________ mother.

A. Julia and Mary B. Julia and Mary’s

C. Julia’s and Mary’s D. Julia and Mary’s

)21. Remember _______ me when you arrive.

A. call B. calling C. to call D. having called

)22. Edward will call his friends for help when his car needs _________.

A. to repair B. repairing C. being repaired D. be repaired

)23. The reason why he was late was ______ he overslept.

A. because of B. because C. why D.that


( )24. The tall boy is a friend of _________.

A. our B. my C. myself D. mine

( )25. His answer was so _______ that we were ______ and didn’t know what to say.

A. amazing ; amazed B. amazing ; amazing C. amazed ; amazing D. amazed ;amazed


What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese students often long hours. This is a ’ll find yourself ’ that learning English is like taking Chinese medicine, we mean that like Chinese medicine, the effectslike Chinese medicine.

( )1. A. play B. study C. sleep D. think ( )2. A. at B. in C. for D. with ( )3. A. best B. better C. good D. bad ( )4. A. have B. do C. want D. make ( )5. A. month B. week C. hour D. day ( )6. A. want B. hope C. need D. wish ( )7. A. begin B. return C. go D. are ( )8. A. stronger B. weaker C. strong D. week ( )9. A. say B. guess C. talk D. know ( )10. A. return B. come C. give D. get 四、阅读理解(30分)


Mr. Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, "if anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea."

OK, Dad," said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then. Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening. The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, "Where is your father?" The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, "No more."

The man was very surprised. He asked, "No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?" "Burnt yesterday evening."

( )1. Mr. Brown told his son that _____.

A. he would be away from home for four days B. he would be back in seven days C. he would be back in a month D. he liked a cup of tea

( )2. Mr. Brown wrote the words down on ________.

A. the wall B. the door

C. a piece of paper D. his son's pocket

( )3. A man came to visit the boy's father on ________.

A. the second day B. the third day C. the fourth day D. the fifth day

( )4. The man was very surprised because _________.

A. he thought the child's father was dead B. the child didn't ask him to sit down C. the child gave him a cup of tea D. he couldn't find that piece of paper

( )5. What was burnt? ___________.

A. The piece of paper B. Mr. Smith C. The visitor D. The boy


Different people have different hobbies. For example, some people like reading, some people like swimming and some people like collecting something and so on. I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and traveling. I used

to read books in my free time. I like reading because I could learn much by reading. At that time, reading was part of my life. Every day, I spent most of my free time reading books, newspapers and magazines. At night, I could hardly get to sleep without a novel in my hand.

But later I found I could only learn from books by reading. I couldn’t get knowledge from others. I needed a change . Traveling is my hobby now. I can visit many different places by traveling. I can learn a lot about people, geography and history. It’s very interesting.

I have many good friends. They all have their hobbies. Ann studies very hard. So her hobby is reading all kinds of books. Tony loves working with her hands, and his hobby is gardening. He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard. Judy is a quiet girl. She likes knitting(编织). She always knits sweaters for her dolls. We have different hobbies, but we are all good friends.

( )1. __________ is not the writer’s hobby according to the passage.

A.Reading B.Swimming C.Skating D.Traveling

( )2:The writer used to _________ before he went to bed.

A.watch TV B.listen to music C.play sports D.read a novel

( )3:The underlined word change refers to _______.

A.from reading to traveling B.from traveling to reading C.from reading to skating D.from writing to skating

( )4. ___________ hobby is gardening.

A.Ann’s B.Judy’s C.Tony’ D.John’s s

( )5:What is the best title of this passage?

A.Different people have different hobbies. B.How to make friends C.Reading is important D.Ways of traveling

(C )

In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.

To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a bule bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea .The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have games there.

Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football.Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.

( )1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup , she must


A. Many football fans B. a very good team . C. many football player D. a big playground

( )2. The next World Cup will be held in_______.

A. 2006 B. 2007 C. 2005 D. 2004

( )3.From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things


A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers

( )4. In “Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some


A. to show their love for their owe country B. to tell the people their stories

C. to show their good wishes for the football teams D. to show their new ideas about football

( )5.Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______.

A. they are interested in football B. they are football fans C. they think their favourite players are great D. all of A,B and C


(A) (B) ( )1. benefit A. to tell somebody that you will do or not do something ( )2.promise B. the aim of something ( )3. retire C. a result

( )4.supply D. the length between two places or things ( )5. effect E. to stop doing one’s jop

( )6. purpose F. to stop something bad from happening ( )7.distance G. an advantage that something gives you ( )8.throw H. in or to a foreign country

( )9.avoid I. to provide somebody with something

( )10.abroad J. to send something from your hand through the air 六、情景对话(10分)

A: Hi, Tom! Tomorrow is Sunday. What are you going to do? B: I’A: I’m going to work on my uncle’s farm. Would you like to come with me? A: About 10 kilometers.

A: We can go there by bus.

B: How long will it take us to get there? A: About half an hour. B:

A: Let’s meet at the bus stop at 7 o’clock. B: 25_____. See you then. A: See you tomorrow.

A. Where and when shall we meet? B. OK.

C. How can we go there? D. What about you? E. Yes, I’d love to.

1、2、 3、4、 5、七、单词拼写(5分)

圣诞) tree.

(诚实的)about your feeling ? 关心) about my study. 假装)not to hear me when I called her.

5. More and more students follow the teacher’s advice and begin to pay ____

(注意) to their spoken English. 八、词形变换(5分)

(high) of this peak ?


( )A B C D

( )A B C D


language. ( )

’( ) A B C D

( ) A B C D


作文题目:My Favorite Color

写作要点:1. 写出你最喜爱的颜色。 2. 你为什么喜欢这种颜色。 字数要求:80---100词左右

A. as soon as B. until C. after D. when

2014---2015学年第一学期12现代农艺 ( )10. His teacher told him _______ any more.

A. not to move B. to not move C.didn’t move D. not moving

( )11. The fact _____ the patient recovered from his illness isn’t surpring to

英语期末测试题 班级: 姓名: 成绩:



( )1. whole A .wheelchair B. whether C. whose D. white

( )2. question A. celebration B. traditional C. creation D. suggestion

( )3. honor A. honest B. homeland C. husband D. happy

( )4. wanted A. needed B. worked C. helped D. stayed

( )5. why A. carefully B. fly C. choosy D. sunny


( )1. I knew that the visitor was a woman because I could hear her _____.

A. sound B. voice C. noise D. mouth

( )2.______ he said at the meeting surprised everybody present.

A. What B. That C. Why D. When

( )3. I earn 10 yuan _______ hour as ______ supermarket cashier on


A a ; an B. the ; a C. an ;a D. an ; the

( )4. Many a student _______ busy with their homework.

A. is B. are C. have been D. were

( )5. He wasn’t _______ to lift the box.

A. too strong B. strong enough C. enough strong D. so strong

( )6. What other languages can he speak _______ English ?

A. besides B. except C. in D. about

( )7. E-mail, as well as mobile phones,_______ an important part in our


A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play

( )8. China is ______ larger than the United States.

A. one six B. one sixths C. one sixth D. one sixes

( )9. He didn’t know the news _______ his parents told him about it.


A. that B. what C. which D. when )12. The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself


A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heared

)13. Rose works in a shop, and _______.

A. so does Jack B. so Jack does C. so is Jack D. so Jack is

)14. ________ great progress they have made in their studies!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

)15. She forgot to clean the blackboard. So she was made ______ it by

her teacher.

A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. cleaned

)16. I ______ go hiking rather than ______ football.

A. prefer to; play B. prefers; plays

C. preferred ;to play D. preferred to; to play

)17. This is the school ______ we visited three days ago.

A. where B. / C. when D. what

)18. The students _______ see their new teacher.

A. are eager to B. eager to C. eager to D. eager

)19.A pair of glasses ________ on the table.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

)20. The mother over there is ________ mother.

A. Julia and Mary B. Julia and Mary’s

C. Julia’s and Mary’s D. Julia and Mary’s

)21. Remember _______ me when you arrive.

A. call B. calling C. to call D. having called

)22. Edward will call his friends for help when his car needs _________.

A. to repair B. repairing C. being repaired D. be repaired

)23. The reason why he was late was ______ he overslept.

A. because of B. because C. why D.that


( )24. The tall boy is a friend of _________.

A. our B. my C. myself D. mine

( )25. His answer was so _______ that we were ______ and didn’t know what to say.

A. amazing ; amazed B. amazing ; amazing C. amazed ; amazing D. amazed ;amazed


What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese students often long hours. This is a ’ll find yourself ’ that learning English is like taking Chinese medicine, we mean that like Chinese medicine, the effectslike Chinese medicine.

( )1. A. play B. study C. sleep D. think ( )2. A. at B. in C. for D. with ( )3. A. best B. better C. good D. bad ( )4. A. have B. do C. want D. make ( )5. A. month B. week C. hour D. day ( )6. A. want B. hope C. need D. wish ( )7. A. begin B. return C. go D. are ( )8. A. stronger B. weaker C. strong D. week ( )9. A. say B. guess C. talk D. know ( )10. A. return B. come C. give D. get 四、阅读理解(30分)


Mr. Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, "if anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea."

OK, Dad," said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then. Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening. The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, "Where is your father?" The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, "No more."

The man was very surprised. He asked, "No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?" "Burnt yesterday evening."

( )1. Mr. Brown told his son that _____.

A. he would be away from home for four days B. he would be back in seven days C. he would be back in a month D. he liked a cup of tea

( )2. Mr. Brown wrote the words down on ________.

A. the wall B. the door

C. a piece of paper D. his son's pocket

( )3. A man came to visit the boy's father on ________.

A. the second day B. the third day C. the fourth day D. the fifth day

( )4. The man was very surprised because _________.

A. he thought the child's father was dead B. the child didn't ask him to sit down C. the child gave him a cup of tea D. he couldn't find that piece of paper

( )5. What was burnt? ___________.

A. The piece of paper B. Mr. Smith C. The visitor D. The boy


Different people have different hobbies. For example, some people like reading, some people like swimming and some people like collecting something and so on. I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and traveling. I used

to read books in my free time. I like reading because I could learn much by reading. At that time, reading was part of my life. Every day, I spent most of my free time reading books, newspapers and magazines. At night, I could hardly get to sleep without a novel in my hand.

But later I found I could only learn from books by reading. I couldn’t get knowledge from others. I needed a change . Traveling is my hobby now. I can visit many different places by traveling. I can learn a lot about people, geography and history. It’s very interesting.

I have many good friends. They all have their hobbies. Ann studies very hard. So her hobby is reading all kinds of books. Tony loves working with her hands, and his hobby is gardening. He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard. Judy is a quiet girl. She likes knitting(编织). She always knits sweaters for her dolls. We have different hobbies, but we are all good friends.

( )1. __________ is not the writer’s hobby according to the passage.

A.Reading B.Swimming C.Skating D.Traveling

( )2:The writer used to _________ before he went to bed.

A.watch TV B.listen to music C.play sports D.read a novel

( )3:The underlined word change refers to _______.

A.from reading to traveling B.from traveling to reading C.from reading to skating D.from writing to skating

( )4. ___________ hobby is gardening.

A.Ann’s B.Judy’s C.Tony’ D.John’s s

( )5:What is the best title of this passage?

A.Different people have different hobbies. B.How to make friends C.Reading is important D.Ways of traveling

(C )

In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.

To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a bule bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea .The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have games there.

Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football.Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.

( )1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup , she must


A. Many football fans B. a very good team . C. many football player D. a big playground

( )2. The next World Cup will be held in_______.

A. 2006 B. 2007 C. 2005 D. 2004

( )3.From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things


A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers

( )4. In “Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some


A. to show their love for their owe country B. to tell the people their stories

C. to show their good wishes for the football teams D. to show their new ideas about football

( )5.Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______.

A. they are interested in football B. they are football fans C. they think their favourite players are great D. all of A,B and C


(A) (B) ( )1. benefit A. to tell somebody that you will do or not do something ( )2.promise B. the aim of something ( )3. retire C. a result

( )4.supply D. the length between two places or things ( )5. effect E. to stop doing one’s jop

( )6. purpose F. to stop something bad from happening ( )7.distance G. an advantage that something gives you ( )8.throw H. in or to a foreign country

( )9.avoid I. to provide somebody with something

( )10.abroad J. to send something from your hand through the air 六、情景对话(10分)

A: Hi, Tom! Tomorrow is Sunday. What are you going to do? B: I’A: I’m going to work on my uncle’s farm. Would you like to come with me? A: About 10 kilometers.

A: We can go there by bus.

B: How long will it take us to get there? A: About half an hour. B:

A: Let’s meet at the bus stop at 7 o’clock. B: 25_____. See you then. A: See you tomorrow.

A. Where and when shall we meet? B. OK.

C. How can we go there? D. What about you? E. Yes, I’d love to.

1、2、 3、4、 5、七、单词拼写(5分)

圣诞) tree.

(诚实的)about your feeling ? 关心) about my study. 假装)not to hear me when I called her.

5. More and more students follow the teacher’s advice and begin to pay ____

(注意) to their spoken English. 八、词形变换(5分)

(high) of this peak ?


( )A B C D

( )A B C D


language. ( )

’( ) A B C D

( ) A B C D


作文题目:My Favorite Color

写作要点:1. 写出你最喜爱的颜色。 2. 你为什么喜欢这种颜色。 字数要求:80---100词左右


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