Moment in Peking
It was now deep winter. Winter in Peking in insurpassable, unless indeed it is surpassed by the other seasons in that blessed city. For Peking is a city clearly marked by seasons, each perfect in its own way and each different from the others.
In that city, man lives in civilization and yet in nature, where the maximum comforts of the city and the beauties of rural life are perfectly blended and preserved, where, as in the ideal city, man finds both simulation for his mind and repose for his soul. What great spirit organized this pattern of life so that here at last the ideal of human living should be realized?
True, Peking is naturally beautiful, with its lakes and parks inside the city and its girdle of the transparent blue Jade River and its skirt of the purple Western Hills outside. The sky also helps: if the sky were not such a clear deep blue, the water of the Jade Spring could not be such a transparent jade green, nor the slopes of the Western Hills such rich lavender and purple.
True, also, the city was planned by a master architect as no other city was ever planned on this earth, with a breadth of human spirit, an understanding of sublimity and grandeur and the amenities of domestic living, paralleled nowhere else. But Peking as a human creation was not the work of any one, rather the joint product of generations of men who had the instinct for beautiful living.
Climate, topography, history, folk customs, architecture, and the arts combined to make it the city that it is. The human element in the life of Peking is the great thing. The unmistakable poise and leisurely accent of the speech of a Pekinese boy, girl, man or woman is sufficient evidence of this human culture and this geniality of lie. An accent is but the spiritual voice of a whole people.
注:《京华烟云》是林语堂旅居巴黎时,于1938年8月至1939年8月间用英文写就的长篇小说,英文书名为《Moment in Peking》,讲述了北平曾、姚、牛三大家族从1901年义和团运动到抗日战争三十多年间的悲欢离合和恩怨情仇,并在其中安插了袁世凯篡国、张勋复辟、直奉大战、军阀割据、五四运动、三一八惨案、“语丝派”与“现代评论派”笔战、青年“左倾”、二战爆发,全景式展现了现代中国社会风云变幻的历史风貌。
据说林语堂原本打算将《红楼梦》译作英文介绍给西方读者,因故未能译成,此后决定仿照《红楼梦》的结构写一部长篇小说,于是写出了《京华烟云》。上面这段文字节选自小说第十二章“北京城人间福地 富贵家神仙生活”,重点对北京城的描写。可以看出不管是中文版还是英文版,文笔都是栩栩如生浑然天成,体现了文学大家细腻饱满的笔触。
本文系有道词典原创内容,除与有道词典签署内容授权协议的网站外,其他任何网站或单位未经允许不得非法盗链、转载和使用,违者必究。如需使用或投稿,请联系[email protected]。
Moment in Peking
It was now deep winter. Winter in Peking in insurpassable, unless indeed it is surpassed by the other seasons in that blessed city. For Peking is a city clearly marked by seasons, each perfect in its own way and each different from the others.
In that city, man lives in civilization and yet in nature, where the maximum comforts of the city and the beauties of rural life are perfectly blended and preserved, where, as in the ideal city, man finds both simulation for his mind and repose for his soul. What great spirit organized this pattern of life so that here at last the ideal of human living should be realized?
True, Peking is naturally beautiful, with its lakes and parks inside the city and its girdle of the transparent blue Jade River and its skirt of the purple Western Hills outside. The sky also helps: if the sky were not such a clear deep blue, the water of the Jade Spring could not be such a transparent jade green, nor the slopes of the Western Hills such rich lavender and purple.
True, also, the city was planned by a master architect as no other city was ever planned on this earth, with a breadth of human spirit, an understanding of sublimity and grandeur and the amenities of domestic living, paralleled nowhere else. But Peking as a human creation was not the work of any one, rather the joint product of generations of men who had the instinct for beautiful living.
Climate, topography, history, folk customs, architecture, and the arts combined to make it the city that it is. The human element in the life of Peking is the great thing. The unmistakable poise and leisurely accent of the speech of a Pekinese boy, girl, man or woman is sufficient evidence of this human culture and this geniality of lie. An accent is but the spiritual voice of a whole people.
注:《京华烟云》是林语堂旅居巴黎时,于1938年8月至1939年8月间用英文写就的长篇小说,英文书名为《Moment in Peking》,讲述了北平曾、姚、牛三大家族从1901年义和团运动到抗日战争三十多年间的悲欢离合和恩怨情仇,并在其中安插了袁世凯篡国、张勋复辟、直奉大战、军阀割据、五四运动、三一八惨案、“语丝派”与“现代评论派”笔战、青年“左倾”、二战爆发,全景式展现了现代中国社会风云变幻的历史风貌。
据说林语堂原本打算将《红楼梦》译作英文介绍给西方读者,因故未能译成,此后决定仿照《红楼梦》的结构写一部长篇小说,于是写出了《京华烟云》。上面这段文字节选自小说第十二章“北京城人间福地 富贵家神仙生活”,重点对北京城的描写。可以看出不管是中文版还是英文版,文笔都是栩栩如生浑然天成,体现了文学大家细腻饱满的笔触。
本文系有道词典原创内容,除与有道词典签署内容授权协议的网站外,其他任何网站或单位未经允许不得非法盗链、转载和使用,违者必究。如需使用或投稿,请联系[email protected]。