
1`Business 企业 A business is an organization in which basic resources (inputs), such an

materials and labor, are assembled and processed to provide goods or services

(outputs) to customers.

Manufacturing Business 制造企业

Merchandising Business 商业企业

Service Business 服务性企业

Proprietorship 独资企业 A proprietorship is owned by one individual

Partnership 合伙企业 A partnership is owned by two or more individuals

Corporation 公司制企业 A corporation is organized under state or federal statutes as a

separate legal entity.

Profit 利润

Business Stakeholder 企业相关着business stakeholder is a person or entity having an interest in

the economic performance of the business.

Accounting 会计

Financial Accounting 财务会计

Managerial Accounting 管理会计

Private Accounting 私用会计(企业会计):Accountants employed by a business firm or a

not-for-profit organization are said to be engaged in private

accounting .

Public Accounting 公共会计(会计师事务所) :Accountants and their staff who provide

services on a fee basis are said to be employed in public

accounting .

Accounting Equation 会计恒等式

Assets 资产 The resources owned by a business

Liabilities 负债 The rights of the creditors, which represent debts of the business Owner’s Equity 所有者权益The rights of the owners.

Business Transaction 企业交易 A business transaction is an economic event or condition

that directly changes an entity’s financial condition or directly affects its

results of operations

Accounts Payable 应付账款

Accounts Receivable 应收账款

Expenses 费用

Prepaid Expenses 预付费用

Account Form 账户格式

Report Form 报告式

Net Income 净收入

Net Loss 净损失

Revenue 收入

Financial Statements 财务报表 financial statements, provide summarized information to

the owner

Balance Sheet 资产负债表A list of the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity as of a specific date. Income Statement 利润表A summary of the revenue and expenses for a specific period of time. Statement of Owner's Equity 所有者权益变动表Shows the reason for the change in each

owner’s equity account that have occurred during a specific

period of time.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 公认会计原则

Statement of Cash Flows 现金流量表 A summary of the cash receipts and disbursements for a

specific period of time.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) 注册会计师

2`Account 账户An account is a separate record to show the increase and decrease of each

financial statement item.

Ledger 分类账A group of accounts for a business entity is called a ledger

Chart of Accounts 科目表 A list of the accounts in the ledger is called a chart of account Revenues 收入类账户

Expenses 资产消耗

Drawing 提款账户

Balance of the Account 账户余额

Debits 借方金额

Credits 贷方金额

T Account T 型帐 An account can be drawn to resemble the letter T, it is called a T account. Double-Entry Accounting 复式记账会计

Journal Entry 日记账分录

Journal 日记账

Journalizing 日记簿记账2

Posting 过账

Two-Column Journal 二栏式日记账

Unearned Revenue 预收收入 The liability created by receiving the cash in advance of

providing the service is called unearned revenve.

Trial Balance 试算平衡

3`Cash Basis 现今制(收付实现制) period in which cash is received or paid

Accrual Basis 应计制(权责发生制) period in which they are earned

Adjusting Process 调整程序

Accruals 应计项目

Deferrals 递延项

Deferred Expenses 递延费用(预付费用)have been initially recorded as assets but are

expected to become expenses

Accrued Expenses 应计费用 (accrued liabilities)

Deferred Revenues 递延收入(预收收入)have ben initially recorded as liability bu are

expected to become revenues

Accrued Revenues 应计收入(accrued assets)

Prepaid Expenses 预付费用

Adjusting Entries 调整账户

Unearned Expenses 预收费用?

Adjusted Trial Balance 调整试算平衡

Accumulated Depreciation累计折旧

Depreciation 折旧

Book Value of the Asset 资产账面价值

Depreciation Expense 折旧费用

Contra Accounts 备抵账户 accumulated depreciation accounts

Fixed Assets 固定资产(plant assets )

4`Accounting Cycle 会计循环

Work Sheet 工作底稿

Current Assets 流动资产Cash and other assets that are expected to be converted into cash,

sold, or used up usually in less than a year are current assets.

Current Liabilities 流动负债

Long-Term Liabilities 长期负债

Post-Closing Trial Balance 结账后试算表

Closing Entries 结账分录

Real Account 实账户

Temporary Accounts (Nominal Accounts ) 虚账户(类似过渡账户)

Income Summary 损益表(反应某一特定时期收入费用状况的报表)

5`Accounting System 会计系统

General Ledger 总分类账

Accounts Payable Subsidiary Ledger 应付账款明细账

Accounts Receivable Subsidiary Ledger 应收账款明细账

Purchases Journal 赊购日记账The purchases journal is designed for recording all

purchases on account.

Cash Payments Journal 现金支出日记账

Revenue Journal 赊销日记账

Cash Receipts Journal 现金收入日记账All transactions that involve the receipt of cash are

recorded in the cash receipts journal

Special Journals 特种日记账

Controlling Account 控制账户

General Journal 普通日记账

6` Multiple-Step Income Statement 多步式损益表

Single-Step Income Statement 单步式损益表

Sales 销售额

Sales Discounts 销售折扣

Sales Returns & Allowances 销售退回及折让

Purchase 购买额

Purchase Discount 购货折扣

Purchase Returns & Allowances 购货退回或折让

Periodic Method 实地盘存制

Perpetual Method 永续盘存制

Merchandise Inventory 商品存货

Cost of Merchandise Sold 商品销售成本

Gross Profit 毛利润

Administrative Expenses管理费用

Selling Expenses 销售费用

Income from Operations 营业收入

Other Expense 其他费用

Other Income 其他收益

Invoice 发票

Credit Memorandum 贷项通知单

Debit Memorandum 借项通知单

FOB Destination 目的地交货

FOB Shipping Point 船上交货

Trade Discounts 商业折扣

7` Cash 现金

Bank Reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表

Check 支票

Remittance advice 汇款通知 Transactions register 交易登记册(交易账簿) Deposit ticket 存款票据

Signature card 签名卡

Drawee 付款人

Drawer 发票人

Payee 收款人

8` Accounts Receivable 应收账款

Notes Receivable 应收票据

Allowance Method 备抵法

Uncollectible Accounts Expense 坏账损失

Direct Write-Off Method 直接冲销法

Aging the Receivables 应收账款账龄分析法 Net Realizable Value 可变现价值

Maturity Value 到期价值

Promissory Note 本票

9`Inventory 存货

Periodic Inventory System 实地盘存制 Perpetual Inventory System 永续盘存制

Average Cost Method 加权平均法

First-in, First-out (FIFO) Method 先进先出法

Last-in, First-out (LIFO) Method 后进先出法

Lower-of-Cost-or-Market (LCM) Method 成本与市价孰低法 Gross Profit Method 毛利率法

Retail Inventory Method 零售价法

10`Fixed assets 固定资产损失

Depreciation 折旧

Residual Value 剩余价值

Book Value 账面价值

Accelerated Depreciation Method 加速折旧法

Straight-Line Method 直线法

Declining-Balance Method 余额递减法

Units-of-Production Method 工作量法

Trade-in Allowance 交换折价

Depletion 折耗

Amortization 摊销

Intangible Assets 无形资产 Copyright 版权

Patents 专利

Goodwill 商誉

Trademark 商标

Boot 补价(附得利益)


Discount 折价

Discount Rate 贴现率

Proceeds 应收票据贴现率 Gross Pay 毛工资

Net Pay 净薪资

Payroll 薪酬

Defined Contribution Plan 确定投入计划 Defined Benefit Plan 确定收益计划 12`Stock 股份

Stockholders 股东

Stockholders ’ Equity 股东权益 Retained Earnings 留存收益 Paid-in Capital 实收资本 Common Stock 普通股

Preferred Stock 优先股

Par 平价

Cumulative Preferred Stock 累积优先股 Nonparticipating Preferred Stock Stated Value 设定价值

Outstanding Stock发行在外股票 Premium 溢价

Treasury Stock 库藏股票

Stock Split 股票分割

Cash Dividend 现金股利

Stock Dividend 股票股利

1`Business 企业 A business is an organization in which basic resources (inputs), such an

materials and labor, are assembled and processed to provide goods or services

(outputs) to customers.

Manufacturing Business 制造企业

Merchandising Business 商业企业

Service Business 服务性企业

Proprietorship 独资企业 A proprietorship is owned by one individual

Partnership 合伙企业 A partnership is owned by two or more individuals

Corporation 公司制企业 A corporation is organized under state or federal statutes as a

separate legal entity.

Profit 利润

Business Stakeholder 企业相关着business stakeholder is a person or entity having an interest in

the economic performance of the business.

Accounting 会计

Financial Accounting 财务会计

Managerial Accounting 管理会计

Private Accounting 私用会计(企业会计):Accountants employed by a business firm or a

not-for-profit organization are said to be engaged in private

accounting .

Public Accounting 公共会计(会计师事务所) :Accountants and their staff who provide

services on a fee basis are said to be employed in public

accounting .

Accounting Equation 会计恒等式

Assets 资产 The resources owned by a business

Liabilities 负债 The rights of the creditors, which represent debts of the business Owner’s Equity 所有者权益The rights of the owners.

Business Transaction 企业交易 A business transaction is an economic event or condition

that directly changes an entity’s financial condition or directly affects its

results of operations

Accounts Payable 应付账款

Accounts Receivable 应收账款

Expenses 费用

Prepaid Expenses 预付费用

Account Form 账户格式

Report Form 报告式

Net Income 净收入

Net Loss 净损失

Revenue 收入

Financial Statements 财务报表 financial statements, provide summarized information to

the owner

Balance Sheet 资产负债表A list of the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity as of a specific date. Income Statement 利润表A summary of the revenue and expenses for a specific period of time. Statement of Owner's Equity 所有者权益变动表Shows the reason for the change in each

owner’s equity account that have occurred during a specific

period of time.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 公认会计原则

Statement of Cash Flows 现金流量表 A summary of the cash receipts and disbursements for a

specific period of time.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) 注册会计师

2`Account 账户An account is a separate record to show the increase and decrease of each

financial statement item.

Ledger 分类账A group of accounts for a business entity is called a ledger

Chart of Accounts 科目表 A list of the accounts in the ledger is called a chart of account Revenues 收入类账户

Expenses 资产消耗

Drawing 提款账户

Balance of the Account 账户余额

Debits 借方金额

Credits 贷方金额

T Account T 型帐 An account can be drawn to resemble the letter T, it is called a T account. Double-Entry Accounting 复式记账会计

Journal Entry 日记账分录

Journal 日记账

Journalizing 日记簿记账2

Posting 过账

Two-Column Journal 二栏式日记账

Unearned Revenue 预收收入 The liability created by receiving the cash in advance of

providing the service is called unearned revenve.

Trial Balance 试算平衡

3`Cash Basis 现今制(收付实现制) period in which cash is received or paid

Accrual Basis 应计制(权责发生制) period in which they are earned

Adjusting Process 调整程序

Accruals 应计项目

Deferrals 递延项

Deferred Expenses 递延费用(预付费用)have been initially recorded as assets but are

expected to become expenses

Accrued Expenses 应计费用 (accrued liabilities)

Deferred Revenues 递延收入(预收收入)have ben initially recorded as liability bu are

expected to become revenues

Accrued Revenues 应计收入(accrued assets)

Prepaid Expenses 预付费用

Adjusting Entries 调整账户

Unearned Expenses 预收费用?

Adjusted Trial Balance 调整试算平衡

Accumulated Depreciation累计折旧

Depreciation 折旧

Book Value of the Asset 资产账面价值

Depreciation Expense 折旧费用

Contra Accounts 备抵账户 accumulated depreciation accounts

Fixed Assets 固定资产(plant assets )

4`Accounting Cycle 会计循环

Work Sheet 工作底稿

Current Assets 流动资产Cash and other assets that are expected to be converted into cash,

sold, or used up usually in less than a year are current assets.

Current Liabilities 流动负债

Long-Term Liabilities 长期负债

Post-Closing Trial Balance 结账后试算表

Closing Entries 结账分录

Real Account 实账户

Temporary Accounts (Nominal Accounts ) 虚账户(类似过渡账户)

Income Summary 损益表(反应某一特定时期收入费用状况的报表)

5`Accounting System 会计系统

General Ledger 总分类账

Accounts Payable Subsidiary Ledger 应付账款明细账

Accounts Receivable Subsidiary Ledger 应收账款明细账

Purchases Journal 赊购日记账The purchases journal is designed for recording all

purchases on account.

Cash Payments Journal 现金支出日记账

Revenue Journal 赊销日记账

Cash Receipts Journal 现金收入日记账All transactions that involve the receipt of cash are

recorded in the cash receipts journal

Special Journals 特种日记账

Controlling Account 控制账户

General Journal 普通日记账

6` Multiple-Step Income Statement 多步式损益表

Single-Step Income Statement 单步式损益表

Sales 销售额

Sales Discounts 销售折扣

Sales Returns & Allowances 销售退回及折让

Purchase 购买额

Purchase Discount 购货折扣

Purchase Returns & Allowances 购货退回或折让

Periodic Method 实地盘存制

Perpetual Method 永续盘存制

Merchandise Inventory 商品存货

Cost of Merchandise Sold 商品销售成本

Gross Profit 毛利润

Administrative Expenses管理费用

Selling Expenses 销售费用

Income from Operations 营业收入

Other Expense 其他费用

Other Income 其他收益

Invoice 发票

Credit Memorandum 贷项通知单

Debit Memorandum 借项通知单

FOB Destination 目的地交货

FOB Shipping Point 船上交货

Trade Discounts 商业折扣

7` Cash 现金

Bank Reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表

Check 支票

Remittance advice 汇款通知 Transactions register 交易登记册(交易账簿) Deposit ticket 存款票据

Signature card 签名卡

Drawee 付款人

Drawer 发票人

Payee 收款人

8` Accounts Receivable 应收账款

Notes Receivable 应收票据

Allowance Method 备抵法

Uncollectible Accounts Expense 坏账损失

Direct Write-Off Method 直接冲销法

Aging the Receivables 应收账款账龄分析法 Net Realizable Value 可变现价值

Maturity Value 到期价值

Promissory Note 本票

9`Inventory 存货

Periodic Inventory System 实地盘存制 Perpetual Inventory System 永续盘存制

Average Cost Method 加权平均法

First-in, First-out (FIFO) Method 先进先出法

Last-in, First-out (LIFO) Method 后进先出法

Lower-of-Cost-or-Market (LCM) Method 成本与市价孰低法 Gross Profit Method 毛利率法

Retail Inventory Method 零售价法

10`Fixed assets 固定资产损失

Depreciation 折旧

Residual Value 剩余价值

Book Value 账面价值

Accelerated Depreciation Method 加速折旧法

Straight-Line Method 直线法

Declining-Balance Method 余额递减法

Units-of-Production Method 工作量法

Trade-in Allowance 交换折价

Depletion 折耗

Amortization 摊销

Intangible Assets 无形资产 Copyright 版权

Patents 专利

Goodwill 商誉

Trademark 商标

Boot 补价(附得利益)


Discount 折价

Discount Rate 贴现率

Proceeds 应收票据贴现率 Gross Pay 毛工资

Net Pay 净薪资

Payroll 薪酬

Defined Contribution Plan 确定投入计划 Defined Benefit Plan 确定收益计划 12`Stock 股份

Stockholders 股东

Stockholders ’ Equity 股东权益 Retained Earnings 留存收益 Paid-in Capital 实收资本 Common Stock 普通股

Preferred Stock 优先股

Par 平价

Cumulative Preferred Stock 累积优先股 Nonparticipating Preferred Stock Stated Value 设定价值

Outstanding Stock发行在外股票 Premium 溢价

Treasury Stock 库藏股票

Stock Split 股票分割

Cash Dividend 现金股利

Stock Dividend 股票股利


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