
六、more and more :for rewards worse punishment isdetected unpublished note byaccident inspections victims ofhavingtostay revealed dishonest unlike commit charged demands result hesitate confidential

七、almost as soon:intermediate physically printed isolated anybut pursuing in duplicated remote on experimental christened goals whose impaired removal through transferred resources afford

八、the design of ma:synthesis comparable essential applications substance thermal electrical industrially polishing concrete defined scratch scale proposed objective value obtained known under on

九、Audiences shud :narrowly normal shrinking entertained size barrier thin tools smaller merge compounds machines issues codes portable samples simple means cloned transplantation

十、The t/Space CXV:reduces winged exterior tile developed consists range thick seams through outer sufficiently reentries periodically replaced landed shield employed inaddition via

1. To tru improve the energy efficiency of non-stop computing systems such as switches ,routers,and computers

running algorithmic-intensive operations,systems and chip manufacturers need a way to reduce clock speed by a favor of two,and decrease power by a factor of four or more.要真的提高不间断计算系统的能量,像交换机,路由器,和进行强计算的计算机,系统和芯片制造商需要将时钟速度降低二分之一,将能量减少到四分之一或者更多。

2. Since the time of the emission of this radiation,the universe has increased in size by a factor of 1000,so the

temperature of the photons has decreased by the same factor.从这个放射物的辐射的时代开始,宇宙的组织增加1000倍,因此光子的温度以相同的倍数减少。

3. When the hot plasma of early universe emitted the radiation we now see,it was receding from our location at

about 50times the speed of light.当我梦看到早期宇宙的热等离子体散发辐射的时候,它正以50光年的速度离我们而去。

4. The Uranus is 14 times as large as the mass of the Earth.天王星的质量是地球的14倍。

5. This reaction gives three times as much hydrogen as the reaction of steam with coal.这种反应产生的氢比蒸汽与


6. Diamond tools are generally operated at speeds twice those of carbon-steel.金刚石工具通常以2倍于碳钢尺度


7. In case of electronic scanning the beam-width is broader by factor of two.电子扫描时多数宽度增加了一倍。

8. The output of steel in 1980 was 19times over that in 1970.1980年的钢产量是1970年的20倍。

9. Business may not put much stock in recycling, but when it comes to computing power, researcher ’s work in

creating the first high-quality reversible computing power supply may be the key to unlocking the power of tomorrow ’s computing platforms. 业界可能对回收能量方面没有太大信心,但是谈到计算能力,研究人员从事的创造第一高质量的可逆计算能力的提供可能是开发未来计算平台能力的关键。

10. Reversible computers, or adiabatic systems, recycle their energy to give off extremely little heat, enabling

computing power to continue power where existing technology would falter. 可逆计算机即绝热系统,它能够将能量回收,因此只产生很少的热量,使计算能力在现有计算技术无能为力的情况下继续提升.

11. To stave off these problems, researchers have been investigating alternative computing techniques.Quantum

computing,has garnered significant publicty. 为了避免这些问题,研究人员一直在研究可替代的计算方法。量子计算已经引起了广泛的关注。

12. Much of the energy needed to make that change is given off in the form of a spark in the case of static energy,or

heat in the case of circuitry. 发生这一转变所需的能量在静电情况下表现为瞬间放电,在电路情况下表现为释放热量.

13. The universal chip, dubbed Flattop, is estimated to be several thousand times more energy-efficient than

comparable irreversible circuits.However,the chips were proof-of-concept designs and haven ’t yet been optimized.It wouldn’t be more efficient for practical applications.称作Flattop (芯片界的航空母舰)的通用芯片的能量效率预计比类似的不可逆电路要高几千倍。然而,芯片的设计停留在概念阶段,仍没有优化。实际应用中不会更高效。

14. If a device could pinpoint its location ,it could find an alternative AP before interruptions occur.如果某种设备能


15. Cadmium is a poisonous metal,however,so until long-term toxicity studies of the nanoparticles ate conducted,use

of quantum-dot probes will be limited to animals and tissue samples.镉是一种有毒的金属,然而,因此直到在对纳米颗粒的毒性研究之前,量子点探针的用处都将限制在动物和组织样品中。

16. The computer won ’t go away,he says,but it might fade to the background,since people prefer portability and

devices that turn on instantly instead of having to boot up.电脑不会消失,他说,但是它可能会消逝于背景中,从人们更喜欢轻便以及开机马上使用而不需要启动程序的设备之后。

17. Indeed there are notorious examples,such as the prisoners’dilemma(see below),where the players are drawn into a

bad outcome by each following his best private interests.确实有许多声名狼藉的例子,比如囚徒困境,由于追求个人实力的最大化,而导致全体参与者的困境。

18. In so-called zero-sum games the interests of the players confict totally,so that one person’s gain always is another

loss. 在零和游戏中选手的利益时完全冲突的,一方得到必导致另一方的损失。

19. One aspect of this is the ability to understand when a device is approaching the edge of a Wi-Fi network so that it

can switch over to a GSM service.其中一个观点就是有能力懂得何时接进无线网络里面这样它就能转变成一个GSM 服务。

20. Moore ’ Law-the inevitability of annual improvements in computing power- will help phones get there

soon,provided that battery life can keep up.摩尔规则-计算能力每年提高的必然性将帮助电话的电池寿命能够保持。

21. Gump says t/space will always be ‘commercial to our core’and that it will pursue private space-tourism flights as

aggressively as it does governmental work..Gump说t/space将始终是他们追求的目标,像经营政府工作一样的侵略性去经营商业太空旅游。

22. In truth,although many carriers and vendors slashed R&D dramatically, technology development never reallywent

out of vogue.实际上,虽然许多运营商和设备商大幅的减少R&D的研发费用,但是技术创新的进步从未过时。

23. Elastic deformation in a direction different from that of the applied load results in shape rather than volume

changes;these motions are measured by the shear modulus.当弹性形变的方向和外加荷载的方向不同,材料出现形状变化而不是体积变化,这些变化以剪切模量来测量的

24. If a material shows large elastic changes under small load (low modulus),it tends to respond to larger loads by

deforming plastically(low hardness).如果一个材料在小荷载下产生大的塑形变化,它往往对塑性变形比较大

25. However,this approach is unlikely to produce materials with hardnesses exceeding those of boron nitride/diamond

solid solutions,which are intermediate in hardness between diamond and cubic boron nitride.然而,这种方法是不可能产生硬度比超过氮化硼/金刚石固体的解决方案的硬度在金刚石和氮化硼之间的材料。

26. Superlattices of TiN/AlN or carbon nitride /TiN with a periodcity of 6to 8nm also exhibit hardnesses two to three

times as great as that of the bulk crystalline form of these matericals.超晶格结构或者拥有6-8NM 的周期的氮化物硬度比与这些金属的晶体的容积一样大了1-2倍。

27. Ternary phases of beryllium with other light elements –boron,carbon,nitrogen,and oxygen-could have exciting

properties in their own right or in combination with high valence electron density metals.三元项和其他的轻元素像硼,碳,氧,氮,如果按正常的方式结合或者和高密度金属结合,凭本身的权利就可能有令人惊奇的特性。

28. Because human speech is so amazingly subtle and complex,experts understand only a few of the many effects that

contribute to natural-sounding speech. 因为人类语言是令人惊奇的精妙的和复杂的,专家对自然语言的多种特性知之甚微。

29. While that debate is an important one in terms of possible remedies,we can count the cost that unfettered

spayware is having on individual users as well as on corporate networks.虽然根据一系列可能的补救方法来看这场辩论时重要的,我们可以衡量出这种肆无忌惮的间谍软件对公司网络和个人用户带来的损失。

30. Law enforcement agencies at the federal and state level should be encouraged to aggressively pursue and

prosecute those who clandestinely use spayware to disrupt service,steal data or engage in other illegal activity.应该鼓励联邦政府及各种执法机关积极主动的追捕和起诉那些暗中运用间谍软件破坏服务系统,盗窃数据及进行其他违法活动的人。

31. One possible concept is a device that somehow can store measured data and communicate with the outside world.


32. A signature on a paper message serves as proof that this message was written by the person who signed it .书面文


33. Service providers are approaching the hosted IP telephony opportunity with a ‘have it your way ‘mentality that’s

tailored to a particular enterprise’s needs.服务提供商正在抓住托管IP 电话的机遇运用一种按照你的想法的思维来满足特定企业的需要。

34. The main characteristic of NM is their size ,which falls in the transitional zone between in dividual atoms or

molecules and the corresponding bulk materials.尺寸是纳米材料的主要特征,它的大小刚好介于个体院子和分子相应的块状材料之间。

35. Written language uses a small number of symbols which are easily encoded in digital form and can be combined

in innumerable ways to convey meaning.书面语言正使用少数符号,他们很容易用数字形式变化并且可以用无数方法结合以达表达的意义。

36. The traditional NASA system of awarding expensive ‘cost-plus ’contracts to a few big aerospace firms for its

development work-contracts that stick the space agency with the bill even when the technologies prove unsuccessful-was showing cracks,and Gump saw an opening for himself and Hudson.美国航空航天局选择一些大型航空航天大公司作为合作伙伴进行进一步的研发,然而他们合约一旦达成,及时技术没有成功,美国航空航天局也无法收回投资,这是一种食物,Gump 意识到他和Hudson 的机会来了。

37. Such sooperative behavior can be achieved in repeated plays of the game because the temporary gain from

cheating(confession) can be outweighed by the long-run loss due to the breakdown of cooperation.由于合作破裂所导致的长远性损失远远比招供而获得的暂时性得到严重所以这样合作行为会在重复进行的博弈中实现。

38. Led primarily by start-ups,including Wave 7 Optics and World Wide Packets,and established vendors ARRIS and

Cisco,active Ethernet is finding a sizeable audience among independent ILECs,cable oprators and municipal utility districts.等新型公司以及ARRIS 和Cisco 成熟的设备制造商现在独立成电脑公司。

39. With impassioned pleas like this and billions of private and state dollars pouring into research on human

embryonic stem cells,it ofen seems their therapeutic applications must be just around the corner.随着这样热情洋溢的呼吁以及个人和政府对人类胚胎干细胞的研究资金投入看起来胚胎干细胞的治疗应用就在眼前。

40. PC proponents say phones are too small and connect too sluggishly to the Internet to become effective at tasks

now performed on the luxuriously large screens and keyboards of today’s computers.个人电脑的支持者说手机的尺寸太小,联网速度太慢,从用前带有大显示屏和大键盘相比工作起来效率太低。

41. They are used in several different technologies where a miniaturization of mechanical devices and components

are required due to ,limited space or the impossibility of building it with standard components.他们应用于数个不同的种类技术,在这些技术中由于空间有限或者由于用标准物件建造时不可能的,所以需要小型的机件设备和构件。

1. In some situations of conflict ,any systematic action will be discovered and exploited by the rival在一些冲突当中,任何规律性的行为都会被对手发觉并且利用

2. The extent to which this or other paradigms of injury apply to a wide range of NM needs to be determined人们需要决定在多大程度上将这种或其它范例应用到大量的纳米材料上去

3. Such devices can be configured to be deployed on a pole, vault,fiber strand or even in an MTU/MDU basement人们可以将这种设备配置安装在电线杆上,拱顶,甚至可安装在多单元楼的地下室

4. Because the recordings are destined to be chopped up and reassembled as needed ,a speech sound recorded one day may wind up next to another archived a week later由于这些语言最后肯定还会区别开来按需要重新组合,所


5. This procedure is key ,because once the phonemes are located and labeled ,the software can then precisely catalogue them for use in a searchable database这是关健程序,因为一旦能辨别与标识出音素,软件则能精确地将音素分类建立可搜寻的数据库,以备日后使用

6. In an accelerating universe ,we aer surrounded by a boundary beyond which occur events we will never see在加速膨胀的宇宙里,我们处于一个分界线中,永远不知道分界线以外发生的事情

7. Innovative fabric seats,which can take loads of up to eight Gs,are as comfortable as hammocks,and can be easily stowed to create more space after the craft reaches orbit这种新型布艺座椅不仅像吊床一样舒服,还可以承受高达8个G 的承载,在飞船到达轨道后能方便地折叠起来,以腾出更多的活动空间

8. Canesta ’s first products for phones will be available as plug-ins later this year,but one day they could be cheaply integrated into handsets今年晚些时候,canesta 公司首批供给的产品将以手机副件的形式上市,但有朝一日,它们将以廉价方式融入手机设备中

9. Of course care must be taken to screen the signals to make an accurate assessment of the signal当在扫描这些信号,以对其进行准确评估的时候,务必要小心谨慎

1. PC proponents say phones are too small and connect too sluggishly to the Internet to become effective at tasks now performed on the luxuriously large screens and keyboards of today’s computers个人电脑的支持者说,手机的尺寸太小,连网的速度太慢,从目前带有豪华显示屏以及大键盘的电脑相比,工作效率太低

2. They are used in several different technologies where a miniaturization of mechanical devices and components are required due to ,limited space or the impossiblity of building it with standard components在这些技术中,由于空间有限,或者用标准构件来用于建造是不可能,所以需要小烈型的机械设备和构件

3. On August 3,a test,conducted by a company called Transformational Space Corporation ,or t/Spa ce,could signal a whole new direction for NASA,one with the potential to put the agency’s manned space program back on track more quickly and affordably than its primary plan can do alone8月3日,由t/space 公司所进行的实验也许将为NASA 指明新的方向,该公司将可能找到更快更经济的方法,来实施土载人船天计划

4. It is unclear when the shuttles will launch again ,but ultimately NASA plans to replace the system with a multibillion-dollar craft called the Crew Exploration Vehicle(CEV),which will teavel to the moon as well as to the low-Earth-orbit domain of the shuttle尽管航天飞机进行下次发射还是个未知数,当最终NASA 计划投入巨资开发全新的CEV 以代替以往的航天器,这种全新载人航天器将完成从低轨道飞行到飞行到月球等各种任务

5 Enter t/space ,which has been pushing exactly that stategy and which-in light of the trouble with Discovery ’s mission this summer and a suddev shift in NASA’sprevious all-eggs-in-one –basket approach to manned spaceflight –is now emerging as a dark horse near-term candidate to replace the shuttle今年夏天,发现号虽然遇到问题,NASA 突然放弃了以往在载人航天器研究上孤注一掷的方案,而t/sapce 公司正在此时推行了他的航天器替代方案,因此他将是近期侯选者有最具潜力的一匹黑马

6. Getting things to pan out may be less dependent on overcoming the technical challenges ,which t/sapce seems to have well in hand ,than on a far more capricious endeavor :winning continued support from NASA t/sapce 公司能否取得成功,很大程度上并不取快于技术上的挑战,因为他们对比十分有把握,但能否争取到NASA 的持续资金的投入需要他们付出巨大努力

7 .He and Exloration Sytems chief engineer Garry Lyles sent Hudson and Gump ’s proposal straight to Craig Steidle ,head of the Directorate ,and talked him into signing off on an initial $3 million study ,with an option for another $3 million that was later also approved他和探索系统首席工程师Garry 把Hudson 和Gump 的意向书送到了委员会主席Graig 的手里,并说服他与t/space 签订了一份200万美元的研究合同,随后又追加了300万美元

8. As with the public network,understanding an individual or device’s physical lovation will enable a new range of applications that will radically improve existing business processes and information technologies.对公共网络而言,对个人或社会物理位置的定位,在一个新范围的应用很大程度上改进已有的商业运作和信息技术。

9. He points out that the access infrastructure provider,the entity that owens the actual DSL,cable,or Wi-Fi

service,can always determine the location of devices on its network.他指出,投入基础设置提供商,实体电缆,无线服务,总能确定设备在网络上的位置。

10. By comparing the signal strength received from multiple APs,triangulation can more precisely locate a user.通过比较多个接入点的信号强度,三角测量技术能够精确的定位用户。

六 1 for 2 rewards 3 worse 4 punishment 5 is detected 6 unpunished 7 note 8 by accident 9 inspections 10 victims

11 of having to stay 12 revealed 13 dishonest 14unlike 15commit 16 be charged 17demands 18 result 19 hesitate 20 confidential

七 1 intermediate 2 physically 3 printed 4 isolated 5 any but 6 pursuing 7 with 8 duplicated 9 remote 10 on

11 experimental 12 christened 13 goals 14 whose 15 impaired 16removal 17 through 18 transferred 19 resources 20 afford

八 1 synthesis 2 comparable 3 essential 4 applications 5 substance 6 thermal 7 electrical 8 industrially 9 polishing 10 concrete 11 defined 12 scratch 13 scale 14 proposed 15 objective 16 value 17 obtained 18 known 19 under 20 on

九 1 narrowly 2 normal 3 shrinking 4 entertained 5 size 6 barrier 7 thin 8 tools 9 smaller 10 merge 11 compounds 12

machines 13 issues 14 codes 15 portable 16 samples 17 simple 18 means 19 cloned 20 transplantation

十 1 reduces 2 winged 3 exterior 4 tile 5 developed 6 consists 7 range 8 thick 9 seams 10 through 11 outer 12

sufficiently 13 reentries 14 periodically 15 replaced 16 landed 17 shield 18 employed 19 In addition 20 via

六、more and more :for rewards worse punishment isdetected unpublished note byaccident inspections victims ofhavingtostay revealed dishonest unlike commit charged demands result hesitate confidential

七、almost as soon:intermediate physically printed isolated anybut pursuing in duplicated remote on experimental christened goals whose impaired removal through transferred resources afford

八、the design of ma:synthesis comparable essential applications substance thermal electrical industrially polishing concrete defined scratch scale proposed objective value obtained known under on

九、Audiences shud :narrowly normal shrinking entertained size barrier thin tools smaller merge compounds machines issues codes portable samples simple means cloned transplantation

十、The t/Space CXV:reduces winged exterior tile developed consists range thick seams through outer sufficiently reentries periodically replaced landed shield employed inaddition via

1. To tru improve the energy efficiency of non-stop computing systems such as switches ,routers,and computers

running algorithmic-intensive operations,systems and chip manufacturers need a way to reduce clock speed by a favor of two,and decrease power by a factor of four or more.要真的提高不间断计算系统的能量,像交换机,路由器,和进行强计算的计算机,系统和芯片制造商需要将时钟速度降低二分之一,将能量减少到四分之一或者更多。

2. Since the time of the emission of this radiation,the universe has increased in size by a factor of 1000,so the

temperature of the photons has decreased by the same factor.从这个放射物的辐射的时代开始,宇宙的组织增加1000倍,因此光子的温度以相同的倍数减少。

3. When the hot plasma of early universe emitted the radiation we now see,it was receding from our location at

about 50times the speed of light.当我梦看到早期宇宙的热等离子体散发辐射的时候,它正以50光年的速度离我们而去。

4. The Uranus is 14 times as large as the mass of the Earth.天王星的质量是地球的14倍。

5. This reaction gives three times as much hydrogen as the reaction of steam with coal.这种反应产生的氢比蒸汽与


6. Diamond tools are generally operated at speeds twice those of carbon-steel.金刚石工具通常以2倍于碳钢尺度


7. In case of electronic scanning the beam-width is broader by factor of two.电子扫描时多数宽度增加了一倍。

8. The output of steel in 1980 was 19times over that in 1970.1980年的钢产量是1970年的20倍。

9. Business may not put much stock in recycling, but when it comes to computing power, researcher ’s work in

creating the first high-quality reversible computing power supply may be the key to unlocking the power of tomorrow ’s computing platforms. 业界可能对回收能量方面没有太大信心,但是谈到计算能力,研究人员从事的创造第一高质量的可逆计算能力的提供可能是开发未来计算平台能力的关键。

10. Reversible computers, or adiabatic systems, recycle their energy to give off extremely little heat, enabling

computing power to continue power where existing technology would falter. 可逆计算机即绝热系统,它能够将能量回收,因此只产生很少的热量,使计算能力在现有计算技术无能为力的情况下继续提升.

11. To stave off these problems, researchers have been investigating alternative computing techniques.Quantum

computing,has garnered significant publicty. 为了避免这些问题,研究人员一直在研究可替代的计算方法。量子计算已经引起了广泛的关注。

12. Much of the energy needed to make that change is given off in the form of a spark in the case of static energy,or

heat in the case of circuitry. 发生这一转变所需的能量在静电情况下表现为瞬间放电,在电路情况下表现为释放热量.

13. The universal chip, dubbed Flattop, is estimated to be several thousand times more energy-efficient than

comparable irreversible circuits.However,the chips were proof-of-concept designs and haven ’t yet been optimized.It wouldn’t be more efficient for practical applications.称作Flattop (芯片界的航空母舰)的通用芯片的能量效率预计比类似的不可逆电路要高几千倍。然而,芯片的设计停留在概念阶段,仍没有优化。实际应用中不会更高效。

14. If a device could pinpoint its location ,it could find an alternative AP before interruptions occur.如果某种设备能


15. Cadmium is a poisonous metal,however,so until long-term toxicity studies of the nanoparticles ate conducted,use

of quantum-dot probes will be limited to animals and tissue samples.镉是一种有毒的金属,然而,因此直到在对纳米颗粒的毒性研究之前,量子点探针的用处都将限制在动物和组织样品中。

16. The computer won ’t go away,he says,but it might fade to the background,since people prefer portability and

devices that turn on instantly instead of having to boot up.电脑不会消失,他说,但是它可能会消逝于背景中,从人们更喜欢轻便以及开机马上使用而不需要启动程序的设备之后。

17. Indeed there are notorious examples,such as the prisoners’dilemma(see below),where the players are drawn into a

bad outcome by each following his best private interests.确实有许多声名狼藉的例子,比如囚徒困境,由于追求个人实力的最大化,而导致全体参与者的困境。

18. In so-called zero-sum games the interests of the players confict totally,so that one person’s gain always is another

loss. 在零和游戏中选手的利益时完全冲突的,一方得到必导致另一方的损失。

19. One aspect of this is the ability to understand when a device is approaching the edge of a Wi-Fi network so that it

can switch over to a GSM service.其中一个观点就是有能力懂得何时接进无线网络里面这样它就能转变成一个GSM 服务。

20. Moore ’ Law-the inevitability of annual improvements in computing power- will help phones get there

soon,provided that battery life can keep up.摩尔规则-计算能力每年提高的必然性将帮助电话的电池寿命能够保持。

21. Gump says t/space will always be ‘commercial to our core’and that it will pursue private space-tourism flights as

aggressively as it does governmental work..Gump说t/space将始终是他们追求的目标,像经营政府工作一样的侵略性去经营商业太空旅游。

22. In truth,although many carriers and vendors slashed R&D dramatically, technology development never reallywent

out of vogue.实际上,虽然许多运营商和设备商大幅的减少R&D的研发费用,但是技术创新的进步从未过时。

23. Elastic deformation in a direction different from that of the applied load results in shape rather than volume

changes;these motions are measured by the shear modulus.当弹性形变的方向和外加荷载的方向不同,材料出现形状变化而不是体积变化,这些变化以剪切模量来测量的

24. If a material shows large elastic changes under small load (low modulus),it tends to respond to larger loads by

deforming plastically(low hardness).如果一个材料在小荷载下产生大的塑形变化,它往往对塑性变形比较大

25. However,this approach is unlikely to produce materials with hardnesses exceeding those of boron nitride/diamond

solid solutions,which are intermediate in hardness between diamond and cubic boron nitride.然而,这种方法是不可能产生硬度比超过氮化硼/金刚石固体的解决方案的硬度在金刚石和氮化硼之间的材料。

26. Superlattices of TiN/AlN or carbon nitride /TiN with a periodcity of 6to 8nm also exhibit hardnesses two to three

times as great as that of the bulk crystalline form of these matericals.超晶格结构或者拥有6-8NM 的周期的氮化物硬度比与这些金属的晶体的容积一样大了1-2倍。

27. Ternary phases of beryllium with other light elements –boron,carbon,nitrogen,and oxygen-could have exciting

properties in their own right or in combination with high valence electron density metals.三元项和其他的轻元素像硼,碳,氧,氮,如果按正常的方式结合或者和高密度金属结合,凭本身的权利就可能有令人惊奇的特性。

28. Because human speech is so amazingly subtle and complex,experts understand only a few of the many effects that

contribute to natural-sounding speech. 因为人类语言是令人惊奇的精妙的和复杂的,专家对自然语言的多种特性知之甚微。

29. While that debate is an important one in terms of possible remedies,we can count the cost that unfettered

spayware is having on individual users as well as on corporate networks.虽然根据一系列可能的补救方法来看这场辩论时重要的,我们可以衡量出这种肆无忌惮的间谍软件对公司网络和个人用户带来的损失。

30. Law enforcement agencies at the federal and state level should be encouraged to aggressively pursue and

prosecute those who clandestinely use spayware to disrupt service,steal data or engage in other illegal activity.应该鼓励联邦政府及各种执法机关积极主动的追捕和起诉那些暗中运用间谍软件破坏服务系统,盗窃数据及进行其他违法活动的人。

31. One possible concept is a device that somehow can store measured data and communicate with the outside world.


32. A signature on a paper message serves as proof that this message was written by the person who signed it .书面文


33. Service providers are approaching the hosted IP telephony opportunity with a ‘have it your way ‘mentality that’s

tailored to a particular enterprise’s needs.服务提供商正在抓住托管IP 电话的机遇运用一种按照你的想法的思维来满足特定企业的需要。

34. The main characteristic of NM is their size ,which falls in the transitional zone between in dividual atoms or

molecules and the corresponding bulk materials.尺寸是纳米材料的主要特征,它的大小刚好介于个体院子和分子相应的块状材料之间。

35. Written language uses a small number of symbols which are easily encoded in digital form and can be combined

in innumerable ways to convey meaning.书面语言正使用少数符号,他们很容易用数字形式变化并且可以用无数方法结合以达表达的意义。

36. The traditional NASA system of awarding expensive ‘cost-plus ’contracts to a few big aerospace firms for its

development work-contracts that stick the space agency with the bill even when the technologies prove unsuccessful-was showing cracks,and Gump saw an opening for himself and Hudson.美国航空航天局选择一些大型航空航天大公司作为合作伙伴进行进一步的研发,然而他们合约一旦达成,及时技术没有成功,美国航空航天局也无法收回投资,这是一种食物,Gump 意识到他和Hudson 的机会来了。

37. Such sooperative behavior can be achieved in repeated plays of the game because the temporary gain from

cheating(confession) can be outweighed by the long-run loss due to the breakdown of cooperation.由于合作破裂所导致的长远性损失远远比招供而获得的暂时性得到严重所以这样合作行为会在重复进行的博弈中实现。

38. Led primarily by start-ups,including Wave 7 Optics and World Wide Packets,and established vendors ARRIS and

Cisco,active Ethernet is finding a sizeable audience among independent ILECs,cable oprators and municipal utility districts.等新型公司以及ARRIS 和Cisco 成熟的设备制造商现在独立成电脑公司。

39. With impassioned pleas like this and billions of private and state dollars pouring into research on human

embryonic stem cells,it ofen seems their therapeutic applications must be just around the corner.随着这样热情洋溢的呼吁以及个人和政府对人类胚胎干细胞的研究资金投入看起来胚胎干细胞的治疗应用就在眼前。

40. PC proponents say phones are too small and connect too sluggishly to the Internet to become effective at tasks

now performed on the luxuriously large screens and keyboards of today’s computers.个人电脑的支持者说手机的尺寸太小,联网速度太慢,从用前带有大显示屏和大键盘相比工作起来效率太低。

41. They are used in several different technologies where a miniaturization of mechanical devices and components

are required due to ,limited space or the impossibility of building it with standard components.他们应用于数个不同的种类技术,在这些技术中由于空间有限或者由于用标准物件建造时不可能的,所以需要小型的机件设备和构件。

1. In some situations of conflict ,any systematic action will be discovered and exploited by the rival在一些冲突当中,任何规律性的行为都会被对手发觉并且利用

2. The extent to which this or other paradigms of injury apply to a wide range of NM needs to be determined人们需要决定在多大程度上将这种或其它范例应用到大量的纳米材料上去

3. Such devices can be configured to be deployed on a pole, vault,fiber strand or even in an MTU/MDU basement人们可以将这种设备配置安装在电线杆上,拱顶,甚至可安装在多单元楼的地下室

4. Because the recordings are destined to be chopped up and reassembled as needed ,a speech sound recorded one day may wind up next to another archived a week later由于这些语言最后肯定还会区别开来按需要重新组合,所


5. This procedure is key ,because once the phonemes are located and labeled ,the software can then precisely catalogue them for use in a searchable database这是关健程序,因为一旦能辨别与标识出音素,软件则能精确地将音素分类建立可搜寻的数据库,以备日后使用

6. In an accelerating universe ,we aer surrounded by a boundary beyond which occur events we will never see在加速膨胀的宇宙里,我们处于一个分界线中,永远不知道分界线以外发生的事情

7. Innovative fabric seats,which can take loads of up to eight Gs,are as comfortable as hammocks,and can be easily stowed to create more space after the craft reaches orbit这种新型布艺座椅不仅像吊床一样舒服,还可以承受高达8个G 的承载,在飞船到达轨道后能方便地折叠起来,以腾出更多的活动空间

8. Canesta ’s first products for phones will be available as plug-ins later this year,but one day they could be cheaply integrated into handsets今年晚些时候,canesta 公司首批供给的产品将以手机副件的形式上市,但有朝一日,它们将以廉价方式融入手机设备中

9. Of course care must be taken to screen the signals to make an accurate assessment of the signal当在扫描这些信号,以对其进行准确评估的时候,务必要小心谨慎

1. PC proponents say phones are too small and connect too sluggishly to the Internet to become effective at tasks now performed on the luxuriously large screens and keyboards of today’s computers个人电脑的支持者说,手机的尺寸太小,连网的速度太慢,从目前带有豪华显示屏以及大键盘的电脑相比,工作效率太低

2. They are used in several different technologies where a miniaturization of mechanical devices and components are required due to ,limited space or the impossiblity of building it with standard components在这些技术中,由于空间有限,或者用标准构件来用于建造是不可能,所以需要小烈型的机械设备和构件

3. On August 3,a test,conducted by a company called Transformational Space Corporation ,or t/Spa ce,could signal a whole new direction for NASA,one with the potential to put the agency’s manned space program back on track more quickly and affordably than its primary plan can do alone8月3日,由t/space 公司所进行的实验也许将为NASA 指明新的方向,该公司将可能找到更快更经济的方法,来实施土载人船天计划

4. It is unclear when the shuttles will launch again ,but ultimately NASA plans to replace the system with a multibillion-dollar craft called the Crew Exploration Vehicle(CEV),which will teavel to the moon as well as to the low-Earth-orbit domain of the shuttle尽管航天飞机进行下次发射还是个未知数,当最终NASA 计划投入巨资开发全新的CEV 以代替以往的航天器,这种全新载人航天器将完成从低轨道飞行到飞行到月球等各种任务

5 Enter t/space ,which has been pushing exactly that stategy and which-in light of the trouble with Discovery ’s mission this summer and a suddev shift in NASA’sprevious all-eggs-in-one –basket approach to manned spaceflight –is now emerging as a dark horse near-term candidate to replace the shuttle今年夏天,发现号虽然遇到问题,NASA 突然放弃了以往在载人航天器研究上孤注一掷的方案,而t/sapce 公司正在此时推行了他的航天器替代方案,因此他将是近期侯选者有最具潜力的一匹黑马

6. Getting things to pan out may be less dependent on overcoming the technical challenges ,which t/sapce seems to have well in hand ,than on a far more capricious endeavor :winning continued support from NASA t/sapce 公司能否取得成功,很大程度上并不取快于技术上的挑战,因为他们对比十分有把握,但能否争取到NASA 的持续资金的投入需要他们付出巨大努力

7 .He and Exloration Sytems chief engineer Garry Lyles sent Hudson and Gump ’s proposal straight to Craig Steidle ,head of the Directorate ,and talked him into signing off on an initial $3 million study ,with an option for another $3 million that was later also approved他和探索系统首席工程师Garry 把Hudson 和Gump 的意向书送到了委员会主席Graig 的手里,并说服他与t/space 签订了一份200万美元的研究合同,随后又追加了300万美元

8. As with the public network,understanding an individual or device’s physical lovation will enable a new range of applications that will radically improve existing business processes and information technologies.对公共网络而言,对个人或社会物理位置的定位,在一个新范围的应用很大程度上改进已有的商业运作和信息技术。

9. He points out that the access infrastructure provider,the entity that owens the actual DSL,cable,or Wi-Fi

service,can always determine the location of devices on its network.他指出,投入基础设置提供商,实体电缆,无线服务,总能确定设备在网络上的位置。

10. By comparing the signal strength received from multiple APs,triangulation can more precisely locate a user.通过比较多个接入点的信号强度,三角测量技术能够精确的定位用户。

六 1 for 2 rewards 3 worse 4 punishment 5 is detected 6 unpunished 7 note 8 by accident 9 inspections 10 victims

11 of having to stay 12 revealed 13 dishonest 14unlike 15commit 16 be charged 17demands 18 result 19 hesitate 20 confidential

七 1 intermediate 2 physically 3 printed 4 isolated 5 any but 6 pursuing 7 with 8 duplicated 9 remote 10 on

11 experimental 12 christened 13 goals 14 whose 15 impaired 16removal 17 through 18 transferred 19 resources 20 afford

八 1 synthesis 2 comparable 3 essential 4 applications 5 substance 6 thermal 7 electrical 8 industrially 9 polishing 10 concrete 11 defined 12 scratch 13 scale 14 proposed 15 objective 16 value 17 obtained 18 known 19 under 20 on

九 1 narrowly 2 normal 3 shrinking 4 entertained 5 size 6 barrier 7 thin 8 tools 9 smaller 10 merge 11 compounds 12

machines 13 issues 14 codes 15 portable 16 samples 17 simple 18 means 19 cloned 20 transplantation

十 1 reduces 2 winged 3 exterior 4 tile 5 developed 6 consists 7 range 8 thick 9 seams 10 through 11 outer 12

sufficiently 13 reentries 14 periodically 15 replaced 16 landed 17 shield 18 employed 19 In addition 20 via


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