
1. 对。。。有好处

Benefit (vt) sb benefit from 从。。。中受益 Play an important part in…

(1) Taking exercise benefits us mentally and physically.

(2) We benefit from taking exercise mentally and physically.

(3) Taking exercise plays an important part in keeping healthy.

2. …重要、/ 我们要重视。。。

Sth be of great importance

Pay more / much attention to…

3. 应该

(1) s b be supposed / encouraged / expected to do

(2) y ou’d better do

(3) I t’s wise for us to do…

4. 连词

To begin with, besides, what’s more, finally

押题:1. 申请加入“夏令营”(自我介绍,优势,意义)

I’m LiHua, 16 years old, from…middle school. I am eager to take part in the summer camp.

Firstly, I am outgoing and helpful, so I can get along well with other members. Besides, I have a good knowledge of English and I can

communicate with others freely in English. Finally, I also do well in computer, which will benefit me in the activity.

Through this summer camp, I will enrich my knowledge and make my after-school life colorful and meaningful. I can learn from others and develop my ability of independence and teamwork.

2:外国朋友要来天津,你给他简介(1 环境优美,文化古迹;天津人很热情;美食)

Dear …,

I’m so glad to hear that you’ll come to Tianjin. Here I’d like to give you a brief introduction.

To begin with, Tianjin is a beautiful city with a long history and has many places of interest, where you can learn about its history and culture. Besides, when you are here, you’ll easily find the people here are very kind and friendly and they are willing to help the visitors. Also, you’d better taste our delicious food, which is an important part of our culture.

Looking forward to your arrival and wish you a happy time here. Yours…

3. 环保从我做起

In order to live in a clean and fresh environment, we are encouraged to do something to reduce pollution.

Firstly, we’ d better go around by bus or by bike instead of driving cars to reduce air pollution. Besides, we should protect trees and plants around us because they can provide a beautiful living environment for us. What’s more, we are not allowed to throw rubbish around. Finally, saving energy , such as water and electricity, is also important.

All in all, we must protect our environment from ourselves.

4:朋友来信询问暑期计划(读书,旅行,锻炼,环保俱乐部) Dear…,

I’m glad to receive your last letter, in which you asked me about my plan of summer holiday. Here I’d like to share it with you.

To begin with, I will read some books, which will enrich my knowledge. Besides, I plan to travel to HaiNan, where I can relax myself mentally and physically. What’ more, taking exercise is also a part of my plan because I can benefit from it greatly. Finally, as we all know, protecting environment is of great importance, so I will join a club of environmental protection.

That’s my plan about the coming summer holiday. What about yours? Looking forward to your letter.

Yours …


Dear editor,

As students, we’re expected to do as follows. To begin with, we’re supposed to try our best to study, which can enrich our mind. Besides, we’re expected to respect our teachers and share our happiness and problems with them. What’s more, getting along well with other students is of great importance. We can help each other when we are in trouble . Finally, we must pay more attention to environmental protection and avoid wasting.

Only by doing these can we create a wonderful learning environment. Yours…


Nowadays, an increasing number of people worry about students’ safety, such as food, traffic and the Internet.

To begin with, we’re supposed to keep a healthy diet and keep away from junk food. Besides, we must follow traffic rules, which can keep ourselves and others safe. Finally, it’s wise for us to look through the safe websites. We should never tell our personal information to strangers.

All in all, only by doing these can we be safe.

7Generation Gap

In modern society, people pay more attention to the generation gap that means Parents dislike what their children think and do, while children often complain that their parents can not understand them.

There are 2 reasons for the existence of generation gap. First, the environment in which young

people now living is quite different from that of their parents'. Therefore, they often hold different opinion. Second, parents often pay too much attention to children’s study. It often makes children feel nervous.

In rny opinion, generation gap can be bridged as long as both parents and children may have an open talk and tell each other what they think about certain problems. In addition, children should listen to what parents say carefully and patiently even if it has been talked of many times.

8Environmental protection

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. Measures should be taken to protect the environment in which we are living.

First, governments should ban destroying the environment where the factories lie. Second, voices should be made to announce the importance of protecting the environment. Third, companies should pay special attention to the influence that they have on the environment and work out the ways to solve it.

In short, we must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. And I believe that we can bring back a healthful environment if we try our best.


In the past few years, we have suffered a lot of disasters such as the earthquake and the flood. Everyone wants to give a hand to the people in deed. But what are the best ways?

First, in order to help the people to go through the hard times and rebuild their hometown, we can call on everyone in our school, including both teachers and students, to donate money to the people in need. Second, we should try to spread the important information of asking for help and so on. Third, it’s also a good way to encourage them in any way. Finally, remember we should never give up on the halfway no matter how difficult the work is.

As we all know, all for one, and one for all. Helping others means helping ourselves.

1. 对。。。有好处

Benefit (vt) sb benefit from 从。。。中受益 Play an important part in…

(1) Taking exercise benefits us mentally and physically.

(2) We benefit from taking exercise mentally and physically.

(3) Taking exercise plays an important part in keeping healthy.

2. …重要、/ 我们要重视。。。

Sth be of great importance

Pay more / much attention to…

3. 应该

(1) s b be supposed / encouraged / expected to do

(2) y ou’d better do

(3) I t’s wise for us to do…

4. 连词

To begin with, besides, what’s more, finally

押题:1. 申请加入“夏令营”(自我介绍,优势,意义)

I’m LiHua, 16 years old, from…middle school. I am eager to take part in the summer camp.

Firstly, I am outgoing and helpful, so I can get along well with other members. Besides, I have a good knowledge of English and I can

communicate with others freely in English. Finally, I also do well in computer, which will benefit me in the activity.

Through this summer camp, I will enrich my knowledge and make my after-school life colorful and meaningful. I can learn from others and develop my ability of independence and teamwork.

2:外国朋友要来天津,你给他简介(1 环境优美,文化古迹;天津人很热情;美食)

Dear …,

I’m so glad to hear that you’ll come to Tianjin. Here I’d like to give you a brief introduction.

To begin with, Tianjin is a beautiful city with a long history and has many places of interest, where you can learn about its history and culture. Besides, when you are here, you’ll easily find the people here are very kind and friendly and they are willing to help the visitors. Also, you’d better taste our delicious food, which is an important part of our culture.

Looking forward to your arrival and wish you a happy time here. Yours…

3. 环保从我做起

In order to live in a clean and fresh environment, we are encouraged to do something to reduce pollution.

Firstly, we’ d better go around by bus or by bike instead of driving cars to reduce air pollution. Besides, we should protect trees and plants around us because they can provide a beautiful living environment for us. What’s more, we are not allowed to throw rubbish around. Finally, saving energy , such as water and electricity, is also important.

All in all, we must protect our environment from ourselves.

4:朋友来信询问暑期计划(读书,旅行,锻炼,环保俱乐部) Dear…,

I’m glad to receive your last letter, in which you asked me about my plan of summer holiday. Here I’d like to share it with you.

To begin with, I will read some books, which will enrich my knowledge. Besides, I plan to travel to HaiNan, where I can relax myself mentally and physically. What’ more, taking exercise is also a part of my plan because I can benefit from it greatly. Finally, as we all know, protecting environment is of great importance, so I will join a club of environmental protection.

That’s my plan about the coming summer holiday. What about yours? Looking forward to your letter.

Yours …


Dear editor,

As students, we’re expected to do as follows. To begin with, we’re supposed to try our best to study, which can enrich our mind. Besides, we’re expected to respect our teachers and share our happiness and problems with them. What’s more, getting along well with other students is of great importance. We can help each other when we are in trouble . Finally, we must pay more attention to environmental protection and avoid wasting.

Only by doing these can we create a wonderful learning environment. Yours…


Nowadays, an increasing number of people worry about students’ safety, such as food, traffic and the Internet.

To begin with, we’re supposed to keep a healthy diet and keep away from junk food. Besides, we must follow traffic rules, which can keep ourselves and others safe. Finally, it’s wise for us to look through the safe websites. We should never tell our personal information to strangers.

All in all, only by doing these can we be safe.

7Generation Gap

In modern society, people pay more attention to the generation gap that means Parents dislike what their children think and do, while children often complain that their parents can not understand them.

There are 2 reasons for the existence of generation gap. First, the environment in which young

people now living is quite different from that of their parents'. Therefore, they often hold different opinion. Second, parents often pay too much attention to children’s study. It often makes children feel nervous.

In rny opinion, generation gap can be bridged as long as both parents and children may have an open talk and tell each other what they think about certain problems. In addition, children should listen to what parents say carefully and patiently even if it has been talked of many times.

8Environmental protection

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. Measures should be taken to protect the environment in which we are living.

First, governments should ban destroying the environment where the factories lie. Second, voices should be made to announce the importance of protecting the environment. Third, companies should pay special attention to the influence that they have on the environment and work out the ways to solve it.

In short, we must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. And I believe that we can bring back a healthful environment if we try our best.


In the past few years, we have suffered a lot of disasters such as the earthquake and the flood. Everyone wants to give a hand to the people in deed. But what are the best ways?

First, in order to help the people to go through the hard times and rebuild their hometown, we can call on everyone in our school, including both teachers and students, to donate money to the people in need. Second, we should try to spread the important information of asking for help and so on. Third, it’s also a good way to encourage them in any way. Finally, remember we should never give up on the halfway no matter how difficult the work is.

As we all know, all for one, and one for all. Helping others means helping ourselves.


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