


Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration, Human Resources, Management Experience



OBJECTIVE: To obtain an entry-level position utilizing my management experience and education


University of North Florida Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration Focusing on Management

Anticipated Graduation, December 2005

Current GPA 3.2

INTERNSHIP Memorial Hospital Jacksonville Presently interning

Human Resource Department

One on one mentoring with a Human Resource Generalist. Verify employment history and status in a timely manner. Process and review FDLE and Kroll background screenings. Screen applications for qualifications then forward

applications to appropriate HR supervisor for review. Develop strategic business management skills. Display an eagerness to learn. Pursue and accept increased responsibility. Demonstrate persistence and seek alternative strategies when

obstacles arise. Display a high level of effort and commitment to performing work. Operate effectively within the organizational structure. Demonstrate

trustworthiness and responsible behavior

St. Johns Seafood and Steaks Mar 2001-Present

Service Manager

Supervise a team of 15-20 employees

Bank of America

Data Entry Operator 2 Jan 2001-Dec2001

Performed complex transactions that included priority accounts and transactions that required error-free work.

Provided overall coordination and maintenance for the banks internal operations


Involved in the review, processing, and research of documentation and transactions for domestic and international, consumer, commercial, and wholesale bank businesses, services, and clients,

Ensured effective and efficient operations support and quality service for the assigned areas internal business partners and external customers and clients, Entered and verified alphanumeric data from a variety of sources including: paper-based, electronic, and phone, into a computer database

Cash Vault Teller

Dec 1999-Jan2001

Responsible for the acceptance, processing, and completion of all commercial cash and non-cash transactions, in accordance with policies and procedures

Training Ford and Harrison Employee Law Seminar,

Certificate of completion, Labor and Employment Law Update

Specialized Skills

MS Office, Windows ME/XP. Medical Terminology

Professional Affiliation American College of Healthcare Executives, Student Member



To obtain a Human Resources assistant position




Teller, Bank of America, Atlanta 01/05 - present

Educated customers about bank products

• Referred products for sale to personal banker Resolved instant issues for customers Provided transaction services to customers

Office Assistant, Southeast Dental, P.C, Atlanta 01/04 ¡V 01/05

• Filed dental insurance claims

• Verified patients¡¦ dental coverage

• Scheduled appointment for patients

• Answered basic questions regarding patients¡¦ benefits and claims

Registrar Office Assistant, Georgia State University, Atlanta 06/02 ¡V 05/03

• Filed and Mailed out Transcripts and Verifications for registrar office Prepared tubes and mail labels for graduation office Prepared microfiches for records office Filed students¡¦ records

Tutor, Gainesville College, Gainesville 06/01 ¡V 08/01

• Tutored middle school students in math Helped students understand the basic concepts of middle school math Sale Clerk, Sears and JC Penney, Gainesville 06/99 ¡V 08/01

• Responded to customer inquires Assisted with customer needs, and cahier


B.B.A in Management, Fall 2005


Strong customer service, highly responsible for the position, ability to accept mistakes and make improvement, fluent in Vietnamese, Microsoft Office 2000



Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration, Human Resources, Management Experience



OBJECTIVE: To obtain an entry-level position utilizing my management experience and education


University of North Florida Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration Focusing on Management

Anticipated Graduation, December 2005

Current GPA 3.2

INTERNSHIP Memorial Hospital Jacksonville Presently interning

Human Resource Department

One on one mentoring with a Human Resource Generalist. Verify employment history and status in a timely manner. Process and review FDLE and Kroll background screenings. Screen applications for qualifications then forward

applications to appropriate HR supervisor for review. Develop strategic business management skills. Display an eagerness to learn. Pursue and accept increased responsibility. Demonstrate persistence and seek alternative strategies when

obstacles arise. Display a high level of effort and commitment to performing work. Operate effectively within the organizational structure. Demonstrate

trustworthiness and responsible behavior

St. Johns Seafood and Steaks Mar 2001-Present

Service Manager

Supervise a team of 15-20 employees

Bank of America

Data Entry Operator 2 Jan 2001-Dec2001

Performed complex transactions that included priority accounts and transactions that required error-free work.

Provided overall coordination and maintenance for the banks internal operations


Involved in the review, processing, and research of documentation and transactions for domestic and international, consumer, commercial, and wholesale bank businesses, services, and clients,

Ensured effective and efficient operations support and quality service for the assigned areas internal business partners and external customers and clients, Entered and verified alphanumeric data from a variety of sources including: paper-based, electronic, and phone, into a computer database

Cash Vault Teller

Dec 1999-Jan2001

Responsible for the acceptance, processing, and completion of all commercial cash and non-cash transactions, in accordance with policies and procedures

Training Ford and Harrison Employee Law Seminar,

Certificate of completion, Labor and Employment Law Update

Specialized Skills

MS Office, Windows ME/XP. Medical Terminology

Professional Affiliation American College of Healthcare Executives, Student Member



To obtain a Human Resources assistant position




Teller, Bank of America, Atlanta 01/05 - present

Educated customers about bank products

• Referred products for sale to personal banker Resolved instant issues for customers Provided transaction services to customers

Office Assistant, Southeast Dental, P.C, Atlanta 01/04 ¡V 01/05

• Filed dental insurance claims

• Verified patients¡¦ dental coverage

• Scheduled appointment for patients

• Answered basic questions regarding patients¡¦ benefits and claims

Registrar Office Assistant, Georgia State University, Atlanta 06/02 ¡V 05/03

• Filed and Mailed out Transcripts and Verifications for registrar office Prepared tubes and mail labels for graduation office Prepared microfiches for records office Filed students¡¦ records

Tutor, Gainesville College, Gainesville 06/01 ¡V 08/01

• Tutored middle school students in math Helped students understand the basic concepts of middle school math Sale Clerk, Sears and JC Penney, Gainesville 06/99 ¡V 08/01

• Responded to customer inquires Assisted with customer needs, and cahier


B.B.A in Management, Fall 2005


Strong customer service, highly responsible for the position, ability to accept mistakes and make improvement, fluent in Vietnamese, Microsoft Office 2000


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