
Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum

一 地理位置,5A 景区,孙中山生平,建陵时间,墓址选定,设计者,奉安大典(2‟30”)

Located at the southern slope of the Purple Mountain ,Dr Sun Yat-sens Mausouleum is one of the national 5A scenic sots in Nanjing .

He was born in a farmer ‟s family in Cuiheng Village, Xiangshan County ,Guangdong Province in Nov.12th ,1866.When he was young ,he learned medicine in Hongkong ,but later he gave it up for politics. In 1905, Dr Sun Yat-sen set up the Chinese Aillence in Japan, Tokoy, putting forward the Principles of the People. After the Revolution of 1911,he was elected as the Provional President of the Republic of China, and inaugurated in Nanjing on Jan,1st ,w1912.On Mar,12th ,1925,Dr Sun passed away in Beijing because of exhausting work .Influenced by Dr. Sun, Chinese people brought down the corrupt rule of the Qing Dynasty and ended2000 years of feudal monarchy. The construction began in 1926 and not completed until 1929.The outstanding architect, Lu Yanzhi designed the mausoleum in a shape of a bell with a meaning to wake up the Chinese. A grand funeral ceremony was held on June 1st of 1929.

二 陵前部分:孝经鼎,博爱坊,建筑特点,长,宽,墓道长,宽,特点(2‟)

Now please look southward .We can see a Purple-copper tripod located on an octagonal three-story base. Constructed in 1933.It‟s over 4 meters high and has a weight of around 5 tons. We can see three characters carved on it. They ‟re “Wisdom, benevolence, and courage ” in the handwriting of Dr. Sun . Inside of the tripod is the full text of “The Filial Piety” in the handwriting of Ms.Huangtai, Dai‟s mother. Dai jitao is the president of Zhongshan University. Now please turn around.

On the half-moon shaped square stands a stone memorial archery or Paifang, with 4 stone pillars and three doors. It is 12 meters high and 17.3 meters wide. The horizontal board is engraved with “universal love”, that is to say to love the whole world, the handwriting of Dr. Sun. Passing through Paifang there is a pathway of 48 meters long and 40 meters wide, on both sides of which stand orderly pine and cypresses trees, showing the spirit of Dr. Sun is like the trees will be ever-green.

三 陵门 和 碑亭 (2‟30”)

At 3the end of the Avenue stands an entrance tower.It „s the gate of the mausoleum. In front of it is an open cement platform 70meters in width flanked by lawns. On each side of the platform, there is a guardroom roofed by blue-glazed tiles.

The mausoleum Gate has three archways. Four Chinese characters are inscribed on the lintel, meaning “The whole world belongs to the public” written by Dr. Sun and the words are form The Book of Rites.

Now, in front of us is the Tablet Pavilon with a double-glazed and nine ridged roof of blue-glazed titles. In the middle of the pavilion is an 8 meters high stele which was engraved with 24 characters with a meaning of the members of KMT party buried their premier on June 1st .1929. On the back of the stele, there is no words on it. As people think that there are no words capable of representing this giant of modern China.The words are written by Tan Yankai, one of the founder members of KMT.

Are you ready to have an exercise?Which we‟re facing now is a long way to go and that‟s what Dr.Sun wants to tell us we still need to make our efforts to strengthen our country.

All these steps are divided into 8 parts just marked by a stage for each part.3upper and 5 lower,

with a meaning of standing for Three People‟s Principles and Five rights Constitution. The number of staircases from Tablet Pavilion to the Sacrificial Hall is 290.

Now we‟re on the 5th platform. We can see a pair of stonelions and a pair of tripods. Easily you can find there ‟re several holes on the left tripod which were damaged by the Japanese army in 1937, and they always remind us not to forget the history.

Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum

一 地理位置,5A 景区,孙中山生平,建陵时间,墓址选定,设计者,奉安大典(2‟30”)

Located at the southern slope of the Purple Mountain ,Dr Sun Yat-sens Mausouleum is one of the national 5A scenic sots in Nanjing .

He was born in a farmer ‟s family in Cuiheng Village, Xiangshan County ,Guangdong Province in Nov.12th ,1866.When he was young ,he learned medicine in Hongkong ,but later he gave it up for politics. In 1905, Dr Sun Yat-sen set up the Chinese Aillence in Japan, Tokoy, putting forward the Principles of the People. After the Revolution of 1911,he was elected as the Provional President of the Republic of China, and inaugurated in Nanjing on Jan,1st ,w1912.On Mar,12th ,1925,Dr Sun passed away in Beijing because of exhausting work .Influenced by Dr. Sun, Chinese people brought down the corrupt rule of the Qing Dynasty and ended2000 years of feudal monarchy. The construction began in 1926 and not completed until 1929.The outstanding architect, Lu Yanzhi designed the mausoleum in a shape of a bell with a meaning to wake up the Chinese. A grand funeral ceremony was held on June 1st of 1929.

二 陵前部分:孝经鼎,博爱坊,建筑特点,长,宽,墓道长,宽,特点(2‟)

Now please look southward .We can see a Purple-copper tripod located on an octagonal three-story base. Constructed in 1933.It‟s over 4 meters high and has a weight of around 5 tons. We can see three characters carved on it. They ‟re “Wisdom, benevolence, and courage ” in the handwriting of Dr. Sun . Inside of the tripod is the full text of “The Filial Piety” in the handwriting of Ms.Huangtai, Dai‟s mother. Dai jitao is the president of Zhongshan University. Now please turn around.

On the half-moon shaped square stands a stone memorial archery or Paifang, with 4 stone pillars and three doors. It is 12 meters high and 17.3 meters wide. The horizontal board is engraved with “universal love”, that is to say to love the whole world, the handwriting of Dr. Sun. Passing through Paifang there is a pathway of 48 meters long and 40 meters wide, on both sides of which stand orderly pine and cypresses trees, showing the spirit of Dr. Sun is like the trees will be ever-green.

三 陵门 和 碑亭 (2‟30”)

At 3the end of the Avenue stands an entrance tower.It „s the gate of the mausoleum. In front of it is an open cement platform 70meters in width flanked by lawns. On each side of the platform, there is a guardroom roofed by blue-glazed tiles.

The mausoleum Gate has three archways. Four Chinese characters are inscribed on the lintel, meaning “The whole world belongs to the public” written by Dr. Sun and the words are form The Book of Rites.

Now, in front of us is the Tablet Pavilon with a double-glazed and nine ridged roof of blue-glazed titles. In the middle of the pavilion is an 8 meters high stele which was engraved with 24 characters with a meaning of the members of KMT party buried their premier on June 1st .1929. On the back of the stele, there is no words on it. As people think that there are no words capable of representing this giant of modern China.The words are written by Tan Yankai, one of the founder members of KMT.

Are you ready to have an exercise?Which we‟re facing now is a long way to go and that‟s what Dr.Sun wants to tell us we still need to make our efforts to strengthen our country.

All these steps are divided into 8 parts just marked by a stage for each part.3upper and 5 lower,

with a meaning of standing for Three People‟s Principles and Five rights Constitution. The number of staircases from Tablet Pavilion to the Sacrificial Hall is 290.

Now we‟re on the 5th platform. We can see a pair of stonelions and a pair of tripods. Easily you can find there ‟re several holes on the left tripod which were damaged by the Japanese army in 1937, and they always remind us not to forget the history.


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