The Most Common Habits written by Chinese Student

the most common habits from more than 200 english papers written by graduate chinese engineering students by felicia brittmanthis paper presents some of the most common chinese-english habits observed from over two hundred english technical papers by chinese writers. the habits areexplained and in most cases, example text from an actual paper is given along withpreferred text. an attempt is made to explain how to correct and prevent such some cases a possible explanation of why the habit occurs is also given. this papercan serve as an individual guide to editing technical papers especially when a native english-speaking editor is unavailable.more details can be found in the following attachment.

the most common habits from more than 200 english papers written by graduate chinese engineering students by felicia brittmanthis paper presents some of the most common chinese-english habits observed from over two hundred english technical papers by chinese writers. the habits areexplained and in most cases, example text from an actual paper is given along withpreferred text. an attempt is made to explain how to correct and prevent such some cases a possible explanation of why the habit occurs is also given. this papercan serve as an individual guide to editing technical papers especially when a native english-speaking editor is unavailable.more details can be found in the following attachment.


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