
做试题, 没答案? 上自考365, 网校名师为你详细解答!



Ⅰ. 单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)

1.C 2.B 3.d 4.B 5.A

6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B

11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.D

16.C 17.B 18.B 19.B 20.D

Ⅱ. 选择题(每小题2分,共16分)

21.people; are

22.Chicago bulls (were) enjoying (themselves) at the celebration party for the fifth NBA championship

23.One-third of the students (were) willing to write course papers but ten percent of the teachers(prefer)in-class examinations.

24.a) She is one of these girls who (have) trouble running around.

b) This is one of the many houses here which(were) destroyed in the earthquake. 27.a)billiards, bronchitis, dominoes;

b) deer, sheep, Vietnamese

28.a)desk, fish, people

v)butter, laughter, thunder

Ⅲ. 填空(每小题1分,共20分)

29.ever 30.any 31.are always losing

32.is entitled to 33.staying 34.most

35.among 36.between 37.except

38.that 39.that(用which 应看作错误) 40.which

41.which 42.What 43.How

44.be appointed 45.repair 46.earlier

47.for 48.about/around/round

Ⅳ. 改错(每小题1分,共8分) Ⅴ. 改写句子(每题2分,共26分)

57.The passers-by stopped and put their hands into their trouser pockets.

58.If it had not been for too many physicians, Alexandra the great wouldn't have died.

59.The line can't have been engaged all the time. There could/may/might be a fault on it.

全国2002年4月自考英语语法试题参考答案 1

61.when/if(you are) in doubt about deductions on our tax return, call the IRS collect.

62.We carved their names on the stone so that /in order that future generations should/might know what they had done.

63.My boss is a very considerate person, which his predecessor was not at all.

64.More importantly, the government should always be responsive to the public opinions.

65.Excessive exposure to violence on TV is more harmful to children than expected.

66.It is/was at the party that Jack revealed Tom’s scandal.

67.B:No, I don't think so. He hates lawyers.

68.B:You just had a big one.

69.I learned to pack light early in life. I had to.

Ⅵ. 名词解释(每小题2分,共4分)

70.The predictive meaning of modal auxiliaries is concerned with the speaker's assumption or assessment of probability and in most cases indicates the speaker's confidence(or lack of confidence) in the truth of this statement, e.g:It might be warmer there now. It must be John..

71.The basic principle of ellipsis is leaving out something understood and hence produces incomplete sentences with such a structure as to presuppose preceding item. Ellipsis, somehow like substitutions, sets up cohesion on the basis of structural recoverability with reference to the linguistic context. Here are three types of ellipsis: a) Nominal: Why give me two cups of coffee? I only asked for one.

b) Verbal: A: have you seen him before?

B: Yes, I have (seen him before).

c) Clausal: A: Will it rain tomorrow?

B: Perhaps(it will rain tomorrow).

Ⅶ. 简答题(每小题2分,共6分)

72.Simple present is used to refer to the past in situations such as (1) newspaper headlines,(2)photographic captions,(3)stage directions, and (4) utterances with verbs of communication

73.The non-finite verbs are so called because they are not marked for tense or for subjectverb concord.

74.A sentence that starts with a subject of indefinite reference is not very common(e.g.a grocery is across the street.)so we may postpone the new information for end-focus by starting the sentence with ″there ″.

全国2002年4月自考英语语法试题参考答案 2

做试题, 没答案? 上自考365, 网校名师为你详细解答!



Ⅰ. 单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)

1.C 2.B 3.d 4.B 5.A

6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B

11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.D

16.C 17.B 18.B 19.B 20.D

Ⅱ. 选择题(每小题2分,共16分)

21.people; are

22.Chicago bulls (were) enjoying (themselves) at the celebration party for the fifth NBA championship

23.One-third of the students (were) willing to write course papers but ten percent of the teachers(prefer)in-class examinations.

24.a) She is one of these girls who (have) trouble running around.

b) This is one of the many houses here which(were) destroyed in the earthquake. 27.a)billiards, bronchitis, dominoes;

b) deer, sheep, Vietnamese

28.a)desk, fish, people

v)butter, laughter, thunder

Ⅲ. 填空(每小题1分,共20分)

29.ever 30.any 31.are always losing

32.is entitled to 33.staying 34.most

35.among 36.between 37.except

38.that 39.that(用which 应看作错误) 40.which

41.which 42.What 43.How

44.be appointed 45.repair 46.earlier

47.for 48.about/around/round

Ⅳ. 改错(每小题1分,共8分) Ⅴ. 改写句子(每题2分,共26分)

57.The passers-by stopped and put their hands into their trouser pockets.

58.If it had not been for too many physicians, Alexandra the great wouldn't have died.

59.The line can't have been engaged all the time. There could/may/might be a fault on it.

全国2002年4月自考英语语法试题参考答案 1

61.when/if(you are) in doubt about deductions on our tax return, call the IRS collect.

62.We carved their names on the stone so that /in order that future generations should/might know what they had done.

63.My boss is a very considerate person, which his predecessor was not at all.

64.More importantly, the government should always be responsive to the public opinions.

65.Excessive exposure to violence on TV is more harmful to children than expected.

66.It is/was at the party that Jack revealed Tom’s scandal.

67.B:No, I don't think so. He hates lawyers.

68.B:You just had a big one.

69.I learned to pack light early in life. I had to.

Ⅵ. 名词解释(每小题2分,共4分)

70.The predictive meaning of modal auxiliaries is concerned with the speaker's assumption or assessment of probability and in most cases indicates the speaker's confidence(or lack of confidence) in the truth of this statement, e.g:It might be warmer there now. It must be John..

71.The basic principle of ellipsis is leaving out something understood and hence produces incomplete sentences with such a structure as to presuppose preceding item. Ellipsis, somehow like substitutions, sets up cohesion on the basis of structural recoverability with reference to the linguistic context. Here are three types of ellipsis: a) Nominal: Why give me two cups of coffee? I only asked for one.

b) Verbal: A: have you seen him before?

B: Yes, I have (seen him before).

c) Clausal: A: Will it rain tomorrow?

B: Perhaps(it will rain tomorrow).

Ⅶ. 简答题(每小题2分,共6分)

72.Simple present is used to refer to the past in situations such as (1) newspaper headlines,(2)photographic captions,(3)stage directions, and (4) utterances with verbs of communication

73.The non-finite verbs are so called because they are not marked for tense or for subjectverb concord.

74.A sentence that starts with a subject of indefinite reference is not very common(e.g.a grocery is across the street.)so we may postpone the new information for end-focus by starting the sentence with ″there ″.

全国2002年4月自考英语语法试题参考答案 2


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