

这是申请到美国教汉语的求职信。信的开头先做个解释,自己是如何知道对方需要汉语老师的,实际上也是一种“拉关系”的方法。信中强调自己有四年经验,教外国留学生汉语。最后落款特地注明“双语教学讲师”。 dr. john tribble


international studies

sage college

albany, ny 12180

dear dr. tribble,

mr. huang zhoushan who has just returned from your college informs me that you are considering giving a course of the chinese language to your students in the next academic year and looking for an eligible instructor for the positoin.

i have been teaching chinese for almost 4 years to foreign students residing in china. through my efforts i have come to know well the major differences between english and chinese and found an effective way to achieve satisfactory results in teaching the chinese language.

kindly consider my application for the position and let me know when you have made a decision so that i may have time for necessary arrangements and preparations. i will be available from after this summer session.

sincerely yours, (signature) yang yihong

bilingual instructor


这是申请到美国教汉语的求职信。信的开头先做个解释,自己是如何知道对方需要汉语老师的,实际上也是一种“拉关系”的方法。信中强调自己有四年经验,教外国留学生汉语。最后落款特地注明“双语教学讲师”。 dr. john tribble


international studies

sage college

albany, ny 12180

dear dr. tribble,

mr. huang zhoushan who has just returned from your college informs me that you are considering giving a course of the chinese language to your students in the next academic year and looking for an eligible instructor for the positoin.

i have been teaching chinese for almost 4 years to foreign students residing in china. through my efforts i have come to know well the major differences between english and chinese and found an effective way to achieve satisfactory results in teaching the chinese language.

kindly consider my application for the position and let me know when you have made a decision so that i may have time for necessary arrangements and preparations. i will be available from after this summer session.

sincerely yours, (signature) yang yihong

bilingual instructor


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