[转载]莎士比亚动画12部之5[哈姆雷特]视频(Hamlet) 又名&n

(2015-02-13 09:49:52)



原文地址:莎士比亚动画12部之5《哈姆雷特》视频(Hamlet) 又名 王子复仇记作者:Will


Directed byNatalia Orlova Designed byPeter Kotov andNatalia Demidova Originally aired: 7 December 1992 Animation type:Paint on glass

Michael Kitchen as NarratorNicholas Farrell asHamletJohn Shrapnel asClaudiusJohn Shrapnel asThe GhostSusan Fleetwood asGertrudeTilda Swinton asOpheliaJohn Warner asPoloniusDorien Thomas asHoratioAndrew Wincott asLaertes

Shakespeare: The Animated Tales

1 Series 1

1.1 A Midsummer Night's Dream1.2 The Tempest1.3 Macbeth1.4Romeo andJuliet1.5 Hamlet1.6 Twelfth Night

2 Series 2

2.1 King Richard III2.2 The Taming of theShrew2.3 As You LikeIt2.4 Julius Caesar2.5 The Winter's Tale2.6Othello

(2015-02-13 09:49:52)



原文地址:莎士比亚动画12部之5《哈姆雷特》视频(Hamlet) 又名 王子复仇记作者:Will


Directed byNatalia Orlova Designed byPeter Kotov andNatalia Demidova Originally aired: 7 December 1992 Animation type:Paint on glass

Michael Kitchen as NarratorNicholas Farrell asHamletJohn Shrapnel asClaudiusJohn Shrapnel asThe GhostSusan Fleetwood asGertrudeTilda Swinton asOpheliaJohn Warner asPoloniusDorien Thomas asHoratioAndrew Wincott asLaertes

Shakespeare: The Animated Tales

1 Series 1

1.1 A Midsummer Night's Dream1.2 The Tempest1.3 Macbeth1.4Romeo andJuliet1.5 Hamlet1.6 Twelfth Night

2 Series 2

2.1 King Richard III2.2 The Taming of theShrew2.3 As You LikeIt2.4 Julius Caesar2.5 The Winter's Tale2.6Othello


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