
Directions from Hangzhou to naked Stables Private Reserve

杭州 - 裸心|谷 行车索引

Please follow directions closely with special attention to the distance supplied


naked Stables Private Reserve GPS Coordinates: 30.56379,119.867776

我们的GPS坐标: 30.56379,119.867776

Address: No.37, Shangxiazhuang Village, Paitou Town, Dequing County, Zhejiang Province, China, 313200

中国浙江省德清县筏头乡兰树坑村上下庄37号, 313200

1. 从市区走上塘高架。

From the city centre, get onto the SHANGTANG elevated way.

2. 直走进入杭宁高速

Drive straight to HANGNING Highway.

3. 沿杭宁高速,往南京方向一直开22公里

Drive along the HANGNING Highway in the direction of NANJING for 22 km

4. Take the DEQING / MOGANSHAN Exit

往德清/ 莫干山出口下。

5. After the Deqing tollgate, take the road on the left towards WUKANG/ MOGANSHAN. This will lead you onto S304 (use to be called 09 road).


6. Drive along S304 for 7km until you reach a big round about. Go straight on at the

roundabout towards MOGANSHAN


7. Carry on driving along S304 until you see this sign (6km from round about). Stay on

the right side of the road and drive towards MOGANSHAN up a mountain road. 继续沿着S304省道开直到你看见以下路牌(距离大转盘6公里)。沿着马路右边往莫干山方向开上盘山公路。

8. Drive along the winding mountain road for 5km

*be careful of bamboo trucks, local village motorbikes on this winding road.


9. Turn right here onto the village road. *be aware of villagers walking around,

chickens, dogs and bamboo harvest trucks – may sometimes block the roads 向右转(如下图)行驶到乡道 (请小心当地村民,土鸡,狗和货车)

10. Drive along the village road until you reach the end of the village and you will see

naked Stables Private Reserve on your right. At the security check point, please present your booking reference in order to go through security.


11. Drive up the resort driveway until you reach the car park, at which a host will

welcome you.


Directions from Hangzhou to naked Stables Private Reserve

杭州 - 裸心|谷 行车索引

Please follow directions closely with special attention to the distance supplied


naked Stables Private Reserve GPS Coordinates: 30.56379,119.867776

我们的GPS坐标: 30.56379,119.867776

Address: No.37, Shangxiazhuang Village, Paitou Town, Dequing County, Zhejiang Province, China, 313200

中国浙江省德清县筏头乡兰树坑村上下庄37号, 313200

1. 从市区走上塘高架。

From the city centre, get onto the SHANGTANG elevated way.

2. 直走进入杭宁高速

Drive straight to HANGNING Highway.

3. 沿杭宁高速,往南京方向一直开22公里

Drive along the HANGNING Highway in the direction of NANJING for 22 km

4. Take the DEQING / MOGANSHAN Exit

往德清/ 莫干山出口下。

5. After the Deqing tollgate, take the road on the left towards WUKANG/ MOGANSHAN. This will lead you onto S304 (use to be called 09 road).


6. Drive along S304 for 7km until you reach a big round about. Go straight on at the

roundabout towards MOGANSHAN


7. Carry on driving along S304 until you see this sign (6km from round about). Stay on

the right side of the road and drive towards MOGANSHAN up a mountain road. 继续沿着S304省道开直到你看见以下路牌(距离大转盘6公里)。沿着马路右边往莫干山方向开上盘山公路。

8. Drive along the winding mountain road for 5km

*be careful of bamboo trucks, local village motorbikes on this winding road.


9. Turn right here onto the village road. *be aware of villagers walking around,

chickens, dogs and bamboo harvest trucks – may sometimes block the roads 向右转(如下图)行驶到乡道 (请小心当地村民,土鸡,狗和货车)

10. Drive along the village road until you reach the end of the village and you will see

naked Stables Private Reserve on your right. At the security check point, please present your booking reference in order to go through security.


11. Drive up the resort driveway until you reach the car park, at which a host will

welcome you.



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