摘 要:元代山水画是中国山水画史上抒情写意的最高峰。元画以高逸为尚,放逸次之。倪云林的山水画是高逸的最典型代表,是中国山水画史上高逸的颠峰。倪云林创作的山水画,以其独特的语言,把中国文人画发展到空前完美的形式。
关键词:山水 抒情 形式 虚静
中图分类号:j2 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1673-9795(2013)06(b )-0000-00
the painting of ni zan
zhao hong
(china academy of art beijing 100029)
abstract : contemporary landscape painting is the highest peak in the history of chinese landscape painting lyrical freehand. yuan painted manhattan is still followed by
romantic and uncontrolled. the manhattan landscape painting of yunlin ni is the most typical chinese landscape painting in the history of manhattan and unprecedented. yunlin ni’s creation of landscape painting, with its unique language,
摘 要:元代山水画是中国山水画史上抒情写意的最高峰。元画以高逸为尚,放逸次之。倪云林的山水画是高逸的最典型代表,是中国山水画史上高逸的颠峰。倪云林创作的山水画,以其独特的语言,把中国文人画发展到空前完美的形式。
关键词:山水 抒情 形式 虚静
中图分类号:j2 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1673-9795(2013)06(b )-0000-00
the painting of ni zan
zhao hong
(china academy of art beijing 100029)
abstract : contemporary landscape painting is the highest peak in the history of chinese landscape painting lyrical freehand. yuan painted manhattan is still followed by
romantic and uncontrolled. the manhattan landscape painting of yunlin ni is the most typical chinese landscape painting in the history of manhattan and unprecedented. yunlin ni’s creation of landscape painting, with its unique language,