

Write at least 60 words about the topic “I‟m proud of myself” (以“ 我为自己感到自豪” 为题写60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。

Use the following points as a reference (以下内容仅供参考)

What kind of person are you ?

What makes you proud of yourself ? (Give an example / examples)

Why are you proud of yourself ?


(A)The wheel of life has rolled fast through the past 15 years. By looking backwards, I „m so proud of myself because I‟ve grown into a strong-minded person. It was the first time for me to climb a high mountain alone. At first, I felt my body was filled with energy. As time went by, tiredness made my step slow down. For many times, the idea of giving up the journey appeared in my mind. But the saying “Accumulated water becomes a river “ enabled me to move on. Though the power of one step seemed so weak, I insisted on climbing to the top. When I succeeded, I felt I had reached a new height in my life. How proud I am being a strong –minded person. (17.5)

(B)I am a sunny boy filled with confidence and the joy of life. As a music lover, playing the piano makes me proud of myself. Every day, I often play the piano for a while to relax myself. Also my family members quite enjoy the wonderful melodies. I believe music is of great power. And playing the piano enables me to learn the joy of life. So I am proud of myself because I bring happiness to my family as well as myself by playing the piano. ( 17 )

(C)I am an optimistic person. There are many qualities I have that made me proud. For example, when my friend feels depressed, I always have a way of cheering him up. If I don‟t get good grades in a test, I do not give up. Instead, I work harder for the nest text. When I see the happy faces of the friends around me, I feel proudest of all. Because I know they feel happy because of me. Perhaps being just myself is the

true answer to why I am proud of myself. ( 16.5)

( D ) As far as I am concerned, there is always a kind of pride in my eyes ---helping others. When I think of it, happiness and confidence filled my heart. I am of the opinion that if you help someone who is in trouble, you‟ll be a successful person. Even if helping others is just a little thing, it can bring us a magical experience. Since I always do my best to help others, I‟m proud of myself when they say ”thank you “ to me. I am looking forward to helping others as often as possible. (16.5)

( E ) I am a humorous person. I always tell jokes to my classmates and my parents. When I see smiles on their faces, I am proud of myself. I also make my classmates fell better when they are in trouble. There is an old saying ”smile makes people younger “ and I bring happiness and smile to them and make them feel happy. So I am proud of myself. (15.5)

( F) I am very proud of myself. My family think I am a kind person. If somebody is in trouble, I will do him a favour with a smile. My kindness helps me to make good friends. Besides, I like drawing very much. My friends are fond of my paintings. They always say ”How beautiful it is!” My family and friends are proud of me. So am I. Because I gave much happiness to them. I will be proud of myself and make others happy forever. ( 15)

( G ) I think I‟m an honest person. I never tell lies to others. Once I was invited to a birthday party. But I soon forgot it. My friend was angry with me. I thought I should find an excuse. After seconds, I decided to tell the truth. To my surprise, she forgave me and said, “ you are a good person because of your honesty. “ How proud I

was ! I made up my mind then. I will be an honest man forever. (14)

( H ) I am a kind helpful people. So I have many friends. Although I am overweight, I am good at running, playing basketball and so on. All my teachers who teached me tell me I am very bright but lazy. Last month I helped the policemen to take hold of the thelf. They were thankful to me and wanted to send me a flag. I told them I was learning from LeiFeng. They all smiled. In one word, I am proud of myself in all things.


( I) I‟m proud of myself because I‟m shanghai people. Shanghai is one of the most attractive cities in the world. A lot of foreigners came to Shanghai to further their studies and live here. So I should also be kind to others. I should also keep the environment clean. As a member of Shanghainese, I will devote myself to making Shanghai a better place. I am very proud of myself. (10)

( J ) In my opinion, I am an honesty and kind boy. Because I‟m often try my best do everything . As we all know, we have only one earth. So when I do something what are protect green or water, I will proud of myself. There is a say ”Doing is better than saying. “ And I often pick up the rubbish and put into the bin so that our earth will become more and more beautiful. ( 9 )

( K ) I am proud of myself. I am proud of myself is my careful. Because carefully is very important. Carefully can help us walk with the win. Carefully can make few mistake. When I in trouble, the carefully can help me solution it. In one word, do anything we must carefully. So, I can proud of myself is my carefully too. ( 7)


Write at least 60 words about the topic “I‟m proud of myself” (以“ 我为自己感到自豪” 为题写60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。

Use the following points as a reference (以下内容仅供参考)

What kind of person are you ?

What makes you proud of yourself ? (Give an example / examples)

Why are you proud of yourself ?


(A)The wheel of life has rolled fast through the past 15 years. By looking backwards, I „m so proud of myself because I‟ve grown into a strong-minded person. It was the first time for me to climb a high mountain alone. At first, I felt my body was filled with energy. As time went by, tiredness made my step slow down. For many times, the idea of giving up the journey appeared in my mind. But the saying “Accumulated water becomes a river “ enabled me to move on. Though the power of one step seemed so weak, I insisted on climbing to the top. When I succeeded, I felt I had reached a new height in my life. How proud I am being a strong –minded person. (17.5)

(B)I am a sunny boy filled with confidence and the joy of life. As a music lover, playing the piano makes me proud of myself. Every day, I often play the piano for a while to relax myself. Also my family members quite enjoy the wonderful melodies. I believe music is of great power. And playing the piano enables me to learn the joy of life. So I am proud of myself because I bring happiness to my family as well as myself by playing the piano. ( 17 )

(C)I am an optimistic person. There are many qualities I have that made me proud. For example, when my friend feels depressed, I always have a way of cheering him up. If I don‟t get good grades in a test, I do not give up. Instead, I work harder for the nest text. When I see the happy faces of the friends around me, I feel proudest of all. Because I know they feel happy because of me. Perhaps being just myself is the

true answer to why I am proud of myself. ( 16.5)

( D ) As far as I am concerned, there is always a kind of pride in my eyes ---helping others. When I think of it, happiness and confidence filled my heart. I am of the opinion that if you help someone who is in trouble, you‟ll be a successful person. Even if helping others is just a little thing, it can bring us a magical experience. Since I always do my best to help others, I‟m proud of myself when they say ”thank you “ to me. I am looking forward to helping others as often as possible. (16.5)

( E ) I am a humorous person. I always tell jokes to my classmates and my parents. When I see smiles on their faces, I am proud of myself. I also make my classmates fell better when they are in trouble. There is an old saying ”smile makes people younger “ and I bring happiness and smile to them and make them feel happy. So I am proud of myself. (15.5)

( F) I am very proud of myself. My family think I am a kind person. If somebody is in trouble, I will do him a favour with a smile. My kindness helps me to make good friends. Besides, I like drawing very much. My friends are fond of my paintings. They always say ”How beautiful it is!” My family and friends are proud of me. So am I. Because I gave much happiness to them. I will be proud of myself and make others happy forever. ( 15)

( G ) I think I‟m an honest person. I never tell lies to others. Once I was invited to a birthday party. But I soon forgot it. My friend was angry with me. I thought I should find an excuse. After seconds, I decided to tell the truth. To my surprise, she forgave me and said, “ you are a good person because of your honesty. “ How proud I

was ! I made up my mind then. I will be an honest man forever. (14)

( H ) I am a kind helpful people. So I have many friends. Although I am overweight, I am good at running, playing basketball and so on. All my teachers who teached me tell me I am very bright but lazy. Last month I helped the policemen to take hold of the thelf. They were thankful to me and wanted to send me a flag. I told them I was learning from LeiFeng. They all smiled. In one word, I am proud of myself in all things.


( I) I‟m proud of myself because I‟m shanghai people. Shanghai is one of the most attractive cities in the world. A lot of foreigners came to Shanghai to further their studies and live here. So I should also be kind to others. I should also keep the environment clean. As a member of Shanghainese, I will devote myself to making Shanghai a better place. I am very proud of myself. (10)

( J ) In my opinion, I am an honesty and kind boy. Because I‟m often try my best do everything . As we all know, we have only one earth. So when I do something what are protect green or water, I will proud of myself. There is a say ”Doing is better than saying. “ And I often pick up the rubbish and put into the bin so that our earth will become more and more beautiful. ( 9 )

( K ) I am proud of myself. I am proud of myself is my careful. Because carefully is very important. Carefully can help us walk with the win. Carefully can make few mistake. When I in trouble, the carefully can help me solution it. In one word, do anything we must carefully. So, I can proud of myself is my carefully too. ( 7)


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