
2014外研版 必修五 module1


1.accent n. 口音 2.obvious adj. 显然的; 3.underground n. (英)地铁

4.confusing adj.令人困惑的;5.compare vt.比较 6.omit vt. 省略

7.variety n. 种类 8.differ vi. 不同;有区别8.settler n. 移民;定居者

9.remark n. 评论;讲话 10.variation n. 变化 11.steadily adv.持续地

12.satellite n. 卫星 13.switch n. 开关 14.lead to 引起;导致

15.structure n. 结构;体 6.rapidly adv. 迅速地 17.announcement n. 声明

18.edition n. 版 19.cute adj. 逗人喜爱的 20.add vt. 加;增加 21in favour of 同意;支持 22.present vt. 陈述 23.refer to as 称„为

24.attempt n. 努力;尝试 25.simplify vt. 简化 26.combination n. 组合

27.thanks to 幸亏,多亏 29.distinctive adj. 与众不同30.criticize vt. 批评

31.standard adj. 标准的 32.reference n. 参考;查阅


1.confuse A with/and B 把A 和B 相混淆

2.compare. . .with. . . 和„„比较

3.variety of=varieties of 各种各样的

4.have sth.in common (with sb./sth.) 和某人或某物有相同之处.

5.make a difference 有关系;有重要性;

6.be similar to 与„„相似

7.have some/much difficulty(in )doing sth.做某事有些/很多困难

8.quene up站队


1. except 和except for的区别

(1) except 表示“除去,不包括”,强调所排除的“不包括在内”,一般表示同类之间的关系,常同nothing, all, none, nobody, any 等不定代词以及every 连用。

① The office is open every day except Sundays. 除了星期日这家公司每天都营业。

except that+句子

(2)except for也表示“除„以外”,指对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正。I can answer all the questions except for the last one. 除了最后一题外,所有题目我都可以解答。

Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes. 除了几处语法错误外,你的作文写得很好。

2. divide „into „指把整体分成若干个部分

例句:please divide our class into 4 group.

3. Read the passage and find four ways in which British and America are


The way 的用法

意为‘方式,方法’,作先行词,在定语从句中做状语时,引导词用that 或in which, 或不加引导词。

I don’t like the way you spoke to her.

Way 在句子中做主语,宾语时,引导词用that 或which

4. Americans use a flashlight, while for the British,it’s a torch.

While 在句中用作连词,连接两个句子,意为‘而,然而’

You like tennis, while I’d rather read.

5. sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be

confusing. 有时候,同一个单词在意义上有一点细微的差别,这会让人困惑。

本课语法:which 引导的非限制性定语从句

Confusing, confuse sb , be confused about,get confused

6. after all,放在句首或句中意为‘毕竟,终究’,用来说服或提醒对方

例句:Mary didn’t pass the exam,but after all, she had done her best.

7. as much as意思是‘多达„.., „.. 之多’

The price of clothes is as much as 500 RMB.这套衣服的价格高达500元

8. it+be+adj+(for sb.)to do sth

例句:it ’s difficult for us to pass the exam.对我们来说通过这次考试是困难的。

原句是:to pass the exam is difficult for us.但是为了避免头重脚轻,用it 来做形式主语,真正的主语放在后面。

9. suggest 意为‘建议,提议’时它所引导的宾语从句或由它做谓语的主语从句都


He suggested that we should start out earlier.他建议我们早些动身,实际上动身的这个动作还没有发生


His smile on his face suggested that he did well in the test.(已经做过的事情)

Ⅰ. 单词荟萃

1. _________ adj . 使人困惑的→ ________ adj . 感到困惑的→confuse v .使人困惑;混淆

2. _____v . 不同,有区别→ different adj . 有区别的,不同的→ _________ n . 区别,差异

3. ______ n . 种类→variation n . 变化→_______ adj . 各种各样的→ ____ v . 变化,不同

4. _____________n .通告;宣告;通知→ _________ vt . 通告,宣告→announcer n .广播员,播音员

5.add v .增加→ _______ n . 增添,增加→ _________ adj . 附加的,另外的→___________ adv . 另外

6. _______ v . 简化→ simple adj . 简单的→ ______ adv . 简单地,仅仅

7. combination n . 组合,结合→________ v . 组合,结合

8. _______v .批评→ _______ n . 批评→ critical adj . 批评的

9. ________n . 参考,查阅→ refer v .谈及,提及,涉及,参考

Ⅲ. 佳句再现

1. It doesn’t ______________________ a teacher speaks British __ American English.


2. The other two areas ______ the two varieties ____ are spelling and pronunciation.


3. The British use prepositions ______ Americans sometimes _____ them„ 英国人使用介词的地方,美国人有时省略„„

4.When the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw _________ _____________ that the British and the Americans are two nations _______ by a common language, he was

obviously _____________ the differences.


5. _______ , there is probably ________________ of pronunciation within the two countries as between them.


6.A Londoner ______________________________ a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.


7.This nonstop communication, the experts think, ________________ for British people and Americans _____________________ .


8.But it has also _____ lots of American words and structures ____________ British English, _______ some people now believe that British English will disappear.


9. ____________it was selling one million copies a year, _________ one of the most popular school books ____ .

到19世纪50年代时,这本书每年都销售一百万册,使它成为最受欢迎的学校用书之 单项选择

1. Do you know the difficulty I had the work?

A. on finishing B. to finish C. finishing D. having finished

2. I know nothing about the young lady____she is from Beijing.

A. except B. except for C. except that D.besides

3. His_____story made us______

A. confusing , confused B. confusing, confusing

C .confused ,confusing D. confused, confused

4. In a-100-people group,32 women smoke_____ 28 men.

A. comparing to B. comparing with C. compared to D. compared with


课本例句:1.The prime minister is making an important announcement at the moment. 首相此刻正在发表一项重要声明。

Announcement ,名词,声明,宣布,动词:announce

例句:Everyone was silent as he announced the list.他宣布这个名单时大家都很安静。

2. How long did it take her to understand what people were saying?

It + takes /took +sb+some time+to do sth

Take 表示花费某人„时间做某事

It took me ten minutes to go to the post office.

Spend 的主语必须是人。spend+on+sth, spend+ving


3. Mary picked up the local accent and she started to use it.

pick up的用法

1. 偶然学会,得到,获得

例句:How did you pick up these information?

2. 捡起:please pick up the paper on the ground.请捡起地上的纸

3. because, since, as ,now that的区别

because, as, for, since这几个词都是表示“原因”的连词,语气由强至弱依次为:because →since →as →for; 其中because, since, as均为从属连词,引导原因状语从句;而for 是并列连词,引导并列句。

because 表示直接原因,它所指的原因通常是听话人所不知道的,其语气最强。常用来回答why 的提问,一般放于主句之后,也可以单独存在。例如:

(1)I stayed at home because it rained. 因为下雨我呆在家里。

since 侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已为人所知的理由,常译为“因为”、“既然”,语气比because 稍弱,通常置于句首,表示一种含有勉强语气的原因。例如:

(1)Since he asks you, you”ll tell him why. 他既然问你,那就告诉他为什么吧。

(2)Since everyone is here, let”s start. 既然大家都到齐了,我们就出发


as 是常用词,它表示的“原因”是双方已知的事实或显而易见的原因,或者理

由不是很重要,含义与since 相同,但语气更弱,没有since 正式,常译为“由


(1)As I had a cold, I was absent from school. 因为我感冒了,所以没去


(2)As Xiaowang was not ready, we went without him. 由于小王没有准备好,


for 用作连词时,与because 相似,但它所表示的原因往往提供上文未交待过的

情况。for 不表示直接原因,表明附加或推断的理由,因此for 被看作等立连词,

它所引导的分句只能放在句子后部(或单独成为一个句子) ,并且前后两个分句

间的逻辑关系不一定是因果关系,其间用逗号隔开,且for 不可置于句首,for

的这一用法常用在书面语中,较正式。例如:(1)The days are short, for it is now December. 白天短了,因为现在已是十二月份。

(2)It must have rained, for the ground is wet. (从“地面潮湿”作出“下

过雨”的推测,但地湿并不一定是下雨所致, for不可以换为because 。)

(3)The ground is wet because it has rained. (“下雨”是“地上潮湿”的



原因) ,for 与because 可以互换使用。例如:

(4)I could not go, for / because I was ill. 我没能去,是因为我病了。

(5)He felt no fear, for / because he was a brave boy. 他没有害怕,因




填空:1.He may be ill, ______he is absent for school.

2.______I am well again ,I go on with my work.

4.Carry out research进行试验

Carry out tests on dogs,对狗进行了实验。

Carry on继续

5.as well as

也, 既. 又. 以及, 又, 相当于not only„but also„

I'm learning French as well as English. 我学英语之外还学法语。

6.Now add some more ideas in favour of your choice.

add 加,增加,if you add to five ,you’ll get seven.

add „to „往„里加„please add some salt to the water.请往水里加盐

in favour of 同意,

I ’m in favour of his opinion.

7.Present your ideas to your classmates.向你的同学陈述你的观点。

Present 陈述,提出,赠送

意为“赠送”时常考的用法:present sb with sth 或present sth to sb, present sb with sth.

例句: I will present this doy to my sister.

I will present my sister with this doy。

8.The Chinese refer to their language as Han ,as it became popular among the people during the Han Dynasty.中国人把他们的语言称作汉语,因为它在汉朝

refer to (1)把„称做(2)提到,谈到,例句:He reffered to his experiences in Italy. 他谈到了他在意大利的经历

(3)查阅,参考:Refer to your dictionary when you meet new words.遇到生词时请查字典。


1. I ’m glad you_____this matter in person.

A.lead to B.see to C.turn to D refer to

2. The reporter _______the election results.

A.tell B.announce C.say D.speak

3. He ______some French while he was in Paris.

A. get up B.picked up C.gave up D.took in

4. I ______every Saturday working in an animal hospital.

A.pay B.get C.take D.spend

5. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _____it.

A.in honour of B.in memory of C.in favour of D.in search of

6.She ______her views to her parents very clearly.

A.preserved B.presented C.provided D.supplied

7.That ’s all I have to say.Is there anything you want to ______?

A.talk B.require C.add D.deliver

2014外研版 必修五 module1


1.accent n. 口音 2.obvious adj. 显然的; 3.underground n. (英)地铁

4.confusing adj.令人困惑的;5.compare vt.比较 6.omit vt. 省略

7.variety n. 种类 8.differ vi. 不同;有区别8.settler n. 移民;定居者

9.remark n. 评论;讲话 10.variation n. 变化 11.steadily adv.持续地

12.satellite n. 卫星 13.switch n. 开关 14.lead to 引起;导致

15.structure n. 结构;体 6.rapidly adv. 迅速地 17.announcement n. 声明

18.edition n. 版 19.cute adj. 逗人喜爱的 20.add vt. 加;增加 21in favour of 同意;支持 22.present vt. 陈述 23.refer to as 称„为

24.attempt n. 努力;尝试 25.simplify vt. 简化 26.combination n. 组合

27.thanks to 幸亏,多亏 29.distinctive adj. 与众不同30.criticize vt. 批评

31.standard adj. 标准的 32.reference n. 参考;查阅


1.confuse A with/and B 把A 和B 相混淆

2.compare. . .with. . . 和„„比较

3.variety of=varieties of 各种各样的

4.have sth.in common (with sb./sth.) 和某人或某物有相同之处.

5.make a difference 有关系;有重要性;

6.be similar to 与„„相似

7.have some/much difficulty(in )doing sth.做某事有些/很多困难

8.quene up站队


1. except 和except for的区别

(1) except 表示“除去,不包括”,强调所排除的“不包括在内”,一般表示同类之间的关系,常同nothing, all, none, nobody, any 等不定代词以及every 连用。

① The office is open every day except Sundays. 除了星期日这家公司每天都营业。

except that+句子

(2)except for也表示“除„以外”,指对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正。I can answer all the questions except for the last one. 除了最后一题外,所有题目我都可以解答。

Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes. 除了几处语法错误外,你的作文写得很好。

2. divide „into „指把整体分成若干个部分

例句:please divide our class into 4 group.

3. Read the passage and find four ways in which British and America are


The way 的用法

意为‘方式,方法’,作先行词,在定语从句中做状语时,引导词用that 或in which, 或不加引导词。

I don’t like the way you spoke to her.

Way 在句子中做主语,宾语时,引导词用that 或which

4. Americans use a flashlight, while for the British,it’s a torch.

While 在句中用作连词,连接两个句子,意为‘而,然而’

You like tennis, while I’d rather read.

5. sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be

confusing. 有时候,同一个单词在意义上有一点细微的差别,这会让人困惑。

本课语法:which 引导的非限制性定语从句

Confusing, confuse sb , be confused about,get confused

6. after all,放在句首或句中意为‘毕竟,终究’,用来说服或提醒对方

例句:Mary didn’t pass the exam,but after all, she had done her best.

7. as much as意思是‘多达„.., „.. 之多’

The price of clothes is as much as 500 RMB.这套衣服的价格高达500元

8. it+be+adj+(for sb.)to do sth

例句:it ’s difficult for us to pass the exam.对我们来说通过这次考试是困难的。

原句是:to pass the exam is difficult for us.但是为了避免头重脚轻,用it 来做形式主语,真正的主语放在后面。

9. suggest 意为‘建议,提议’时它所引导的宾语从句或由它做谓语的主语从句都


He suggested that we should start out earlier.他建议我们早些动身,实际上动身的这个动作还没有发生


His smile on his face suggested that he did well in the test.(已经做过的事情)

Ⅰ. 单词荟萃

1. _________ adj . 使人困惑的→ ________ adj . 感到困惑的→confuse v .使人困惑;混淆

2. _____v . 不同,有区别→ different adj . 有区别的,不同的→ _________ n . 区别,差异

3. ______ n . 种类→variation n . 变化→_______ adj . 各种各样的→ ____ v . 变化,不同

4. _____________n .通告;宣告;通知→ _________ vt . 通告,宣告→announcer n .广播员,播音员

5.add v .增加→ _______ n . 增添,增加→ _________ adj . 附加的,另外的→___________ adv . 另外

6. _______ v . 简化→ simple adj . 简单的→ ______ adv . 简单地,仅仅

7. combination n . 组合,结合→________ v . 组合,结合

8. _______v .批评→ _______ n . 批评→ critical adj . 批评的

9. ________n . 参考,查阅→ refer v .谈及,提及,涉及,参考

Ⅲ. 佳句再现

1. It doesn’t ______________________ a teacher speaks British __ American English.


2. The other two areas ______ the two varieties ____ are spelling and pronunciation.


3. The British use prepositions ______ Americans sometimes _____ them„ 英国人使用介词的地方,美国人有时省略„„

4.When the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw _________ _____________ that the British and the Americans are two nations _______ by a common language, he was

obviously _____________ the differences.


5. _______ , there is probably ________________ of pronunciation within the two countries as between them.


6.A Londoner ______________________________ a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.


7.This nonstop communication, the experts think, ________________ for British people and Americans _____________________ .


8.But it has also _____ lots of American words and structures ____________ British English, _______ some people now believe that British English will disappear.


9. ____________it was selling one million copies a year, _________ one of the most popular school books ____ .

到19世纪50年代时,这本书每年都销售一百万册,使它成为最受欢迎的学校用书之 单项选择

1. Do you know the difficulty I had the work?

A. on finishing B. to finish C. finishing D. having finished

2. I know nothing about the young lady____she is from Beijing.

A. except B. except for C. except that D.besides

3. His_____story made us______

A. confusing , confused B. confusing, confusing

C .confused ,confusing D. confused, confused

4. In a-100-people group,32 women smoke_____ 28 men.

A. comparing to B. comparing with C. compared to D. compared with


课本例句:1.The prime minister is making an important announcement at the moment. 首相此刻正在发表一项重要声明。

Announcement ,名词,声明,宣布,动词:announce

例句:Everyone was silent as he announced the list.他宣布这个名单时大家都很安静。

2. How long did it take her to understand what people were saying?

It + takes /took +sb+some time+to do sth

Take 表示花费某人„时间做某事

It took me ten minutes to go to the post office.

Spend 的主语必须是人。spend+on+sth, spend+ving


3. Mary picked up the local accent and she started to use it.

pick up的用法

1. 偶然学会,得到,获得

例句:How did you pick up these information?

2. 捡起:please pick up the paper on the ground.请捡起地上的纸

3. because, since, as ,now that的区别

because, as, for, since这几个词都是表示“原因”的连词,语气由强至弱依次为:because →since →as →for; 其中because, since, as均为从属连词,引导原因状语从句;而for 是并列连词,引导并列句。

because 表示直接原因,它所指的原因通常是听话人所不知道的,其语气最强。常用来回答why 的提问,一般放于主句之后,也可以单独存在。例如:

(1)I stayed at home because it rained. 因为下雨我呆在家里。

since 侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已为人所知的理由,常译为“因为”、“既然”,语气比because 稍弱,通常置于句首,表示一种含有勉强语气的原因。例如:

(1)Since he asks you, you”ll tell him why. 他既然问你,那就告诉他为什么吧。

(2)Since everyone is here, let”s start. 既然大家都到齐了,我们就出发


as 是常用词,它表示的“原因”是双方已知的事实或显而易见的原因,或者理

由不是很重要,含义与since 相同,但语气更弱,没有since 正式,常译为“由


(1)As I had a cold, I was absent from school. 因为我感冒了,所以没去


(2)As Xiaowang was not ready, we went without him. 由于小王没有准备好,


for 用作连词时,与because 相似,但它所表示的原因往往提供上文未交待过的

情况。for 不表示直接原因,表明附加或推断的理由,因此for 被看作等立连词,

它所引导的分句只能放在句子后部(或单独成为一个句子) ,并且前后两个分句

间的逻辑关系不一定是因果关系,其间用逗号隔开,且for 不可置于句首,for

的这一用法常用在书面语中,较正式。例如:(1)The days are short, for it is now December. 白天短了,因为现在已是十二月份。

(2)It must have rained, for the ground is wet. (从“地面潮湿”作出“下

过雨”的推测,但地湿并不一定是下雨所致, for不可以换为because 。)

(3)The ground is wet because it has rained. (“下雨”是“地上潮湿”的



原因) ,for 与because 可以互换使用。例如:

(4)I could not go, for / because I was ill. 我没能去,是因为我病了。

(5)He felt no fear, for / because he was a brave boy. 他没有害怕,因




填空:1.He may be ill, ______he is absent for school.

2.______I am well again ,I go on with my work.

4.Carry out research进行试验

Carry out tests on dogs,对狗进行了实验。

Carry on继续

5.as well as

也, 既. 又. 以及, 又, 相当于not only„but also„

I'm learning French as well as English. 我学英语之外还学法语。

6.Now add some more ideas in favour of your choice.

add 加,增加,if you add to five ,you’ll get seven.

add „to „往„里加„please add some salt to the water.请往水里加盐

in favour of 同意,

I ’m in favour of his opinion.

7.Present your ideas to your classmates.向你的同学陈述你的观点。

Present 陈述,提出,赠送

意为“赠送”时常考的用法:present sb with sth 或present sth to sb, present sb with sth.

例句: I will present this doy to my sister.

I will present my sister with this doy。

8.The Chinese refer to their language as Han ,as it became popular among the people during the Han Dynasty.中国人把他们的语言称作汉语,因为它在汉朝

refer to (1)把„称做(2)提到,谈到,例句:He reffered to his experiences in Italy. 他谈到了他在意大利的经历

(3)查阅,参考:Refer to your dictionary when you meet new words.遇到生词时请查字典。


1. I ’m glad you_____this matter in person.

A.lead to B.see to C.turn to D refer to

2. The reporter _______the election results.

A.tell B.announce C.say D.speak

3. He ______some French while he was in Paris.

A. get up B.picked up C.gave up D.took in

4. I ______every Saturday working in an animal hospital.

A.pay B.get C.take D.spend

5. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _____it.

A.in honour of B.in memory of C.in favour of D.in search of

6.She ______her views to her parents very clearly.

A.preserved B.presented C.provided D.supplied

7.That ’s all I have to say.Is there anything you want to ______?

A.talk B.require C.add D.deliver


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