
T he present perfect tense 说课

Good morning, distinguished judges. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Today, my presentation will be divided into 5 parts.

Part one is the analysis of the teaching material and the students. My teaching task is to deal with the grammar item

My students are from the past simple tense. And in the future they should learn So it ’s very important for them to master this grammar.

Part two is my teaching aim

present perfect tense.

Part three is the teaching method

’s cognitive level.

Part four is the teaching key and difficult points.

How to let my students discover the grammar rules in a positive and interactive way, not just by receiving what I tell them directly.

Part five is the teaching procedures:

My class will be divided into 4 steps: preparation, presentation, practice, production.

Step one: preparation

First, they should totally understand the passage in our textbook. And then, they themselves begin to generalize the grammar rules by comparing and analyzing the sentences

have / has 在结构中没有实际的含义,不能单独作谓语,必须和后面的动词一起作谓语。

Have 用于主语是其他人称(I you we they). Has 只用于主语是第三人称单数(he she it)。

Step three: practice

In the end, I will set up some activities from different situations on the basis of students’ life experiences and interests.

Mechanical practice: substitution & transformation

Meaningful practice: the newly learned structures are used during the process of communication.

Step four: production

effective English output.

Thus, all the students can do learn something in my class.

T he present perfect tense 说课

Good morning, distinguished judges. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Today, my presentation will be divided into 5 parts.

Part one is the analysis of the teaching material and the students. My teaching task is to deal with the grammar item

My students are from the past simple tense. And in the future they should learn So it ’s very important for them to master this grammar.

Part two is my teaching aim

present perfect tense.

Part three is the teaching method

’s cognitive level.

Part four is the teaching key and difficult points.

How to let my students discover the grammar rules in a positive and interactive way, not just by receiving what I tell them directly.

Part five is the teaching procedures:

My class will be divided into 4 steps: preparation, presentation, practice, production.

Step one: preparation

First, they should totally understand the passage in our textbook. And then, they themselves begin to generalize the grammar rules by comparing and analyzing the sentences

have / has 在结构中没有实际的含义,不能单独作谓语,必须和后面的动词一起作谓语。

Have 用于主语是其他人称(I you we they). Has 只用于主语是第三人称单数(he she it)。

Step three: practice

In the end, I will set up some activities from different situations on the basis of students’ life experiences and interests.

Mechanical practice: substitution & transformation

Meaningful practice: the newly learned structures are used during the process of communication.

Step four: production

effective English output.

Thus, all the students can do learn something in my class.


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