

North China's Tianjin Municipality(直辖市) has started a “Blue Sky Project” to control the air pollution. Under the project requirements, the air quality in Tianjin is expected to measure up to the national standard by 2007, when two thirds of days in the year will enjoy fairly good or excellent air quality. In order to achieve the goal, Tianjin will take a series of measures such as controlling the use of coal, reducing the dust floating from construction sites, planting trees along the major streets, and replacing petrol with liquid natural gas as the fuel for vehicles. Since people paid little attention to the environmental protection, the air quality in Tianjin has worsened during the past decade. The project has received wide praise and support from the natives. *The newly-discovered “Great Wall” in south China's Hunan ProvincNE-HEe will open to visitors in the near future. “We will try to make it an internationally famous attraction for tourists, ” said Yuan Xinhua, director of the Hunan Provincial Tourism Administration(管理局)。 The main part of the 190-km “Southern China Great Wall” is located in Fenghuang County in western Hunan. Built during the Ming Dynasty(1368—1644)by the local Miao minority people, the Southern China Great Wall is 2.3 m high and 1.7 m wide.

The Chinese have been enjoying themselves by sightseeing or traveling during the Spring Festival this year rather than engaging in the traditional gathering of relatives and friends at home. In the past five days, over 200 000 Beijingers spent the one-week Spring Festival holiday shopping in Tianjin. Low prices of consumer(消费) goods and the convenient railway service enable Beijingers to visit the neighboring city during the day. Meanwhile unlike previous years, an increasing number of Tianjiners went to Beijing during the Spring Festival to visit places of interest in the capital. Tourism had been heating up in the last few years. An increase in income and longer holidays have made it possible for Chinese to relax after a year of work.

1. If “Blue Sky Project” is completed ________.

A. there will be no air pollution in Tianjin

B. the natives can enjoy good air quality most of the year

C. liquid natural gas will have taken the place of coal and petro

D. people will pay less attention to environmental protection

2. According to Mr. Yuan from Hunan, the opening of the Southern China Great Wall is a good way to ________.

A. rebuild the wall

B. help local Miao minority people

C. discover the history

D. arouse foreigners' interest

3. The Chinese would like to go sightseeing or travel during the Spring Festival this year mainly because ________.

A. prices are higher in their native places

B. railway service is getting better and better

C. they are tired of meeting relatives and friends at home

D. they have longer holidays and more money


1. B 。推理判断题。根据…when two thirds of days in the year will enjoy fairly good or excellent air quality可知答案为B 。

2. D 。推理判断题。根据We will try to make it an internationally famous attraction for tourists (将尽力吸引国际游客)可知答案为D 。

3. D。事实细节题。根据An increase in income and longer holidays have made it possible for Chinese to relax after a year of work可知答案为D 。


North China's Tianjin Municipality(直辖市) has started a “Blue Sky Project” to control the air pollution. Under the project requirements, the air quality in Tianjin is expected to measure up to the national standard by 2007, when two thirds of days in the year will enjoy fairly good or excellent air quality. In order to achieve the goal, Tianjin will take a series of measures such as controlling the use of coal, reducing the dust floating from construction sites, planting trees along the major streets, and replacing petrol with liquid natural gas as the fuel for vehicles. Since people paid little attention to the environmental protection, the air quality in Tianjin has worsened during the past decade. The project has received wide praise and support from the natives. *The newly-discovered “Great Wall” in south China's Hunan ProvincNE-HEe will open to visitors in the near future. “We will try to make it an internationally famous attraction for tourists, ” said Yuan Xinhua, director of the Hunan Provincial Tourism Administration(管理局)。 The main part of the 190-km “Southern China Great Wall” is located in Fenghuang County in western Hunan. Built during the Ming Dynasty(1368—1644)by the local Miao minority people, the Southern China Great Wall is 2.3 m high and 1.7 m wide.

The Chinese have been enjoying themselves by sightseeing or traveling during the Spring Festival this year rather than engaging in the traditional gathering of relatives and friends at home. In the past five days, over 200 000 Beijingers spent the one-week Spring Festival holiday shopping in Tianjin. Low prices of consumer(消费) goods and the convenient railway service enable Beijingers to visit the neighboring city during the day. Meanwhile unlike previous years, an increasing number of Tianjiners went to Beijing during the Spring Festival to visit places of interest in the capital. Tourism had been heating up in the last few years. An increase in income and longer holidays have made it possible for Chinese to relax after a year of work.

1. If “Blue Sky Project” is completed ________.

A. there will be no air pollution in Tianjin

B. the natives can enjoy good air quality most of the year

C. liquid natural gas will have taken the place of coal and petro

D. people will pay less attention to environmental protection

2. According to Mr. Yuan from Hunan, the opening of the Southern China Great Wall is a good way to ________.

A. rebuild the wall

B. help local Miao minority people

C. discover the history

D. arouse foreigners' interest

3. The Chinese would like to go sightseeing or travel during the Spring Festival this year mainly because ________.

A. prices are higher in their native places

B. railway service is getting better and better

C. they are tired of meeting relatives and friends at home

D. they have longer holidays and more money


1. B 。推理判断题。根据…when two thirds of days in the year will enjoy fairly good or excellent air quality可知答案为B 。

2. D 。推理判断题。根据We will try to make it an internationally famous attraction for tourists (将尽力吸引国际游客)可知答案为D 。

3. D。事实细节题。根据An increase in income and longer holidays have made it possible for Chinese to relax after a year of work可知答案为D 。


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