



Option about Consumption could be various among public, which could be divided into two main ideas, to enjoy at present and to prepare for the future. This article will present these two main ideas and a point of view of the article.

There is a point of view that it’s worth to keep a relatively high level of deposit in personal property in the order that it lowers the risk of having nothing at all overnight and prepares for the consumption of high price in the future. Meanwhile, another main idea about consumption can be totally different. It emphasizes the importance of Crape diem, of which supporters usually live paycheck-to-paycheck and use credit card in the consumption while leaving the debt to the future.

Proper saving for the future and enjoying in the moment with self-restraint is my principle in consumption. This point of view can be considered as a combination of both ideas mentioned above. Living in the moment is an important way leaded to happy live while proper level of deposit helps a lot in facing unknown accidents. what’s more, consuming with credit card would lead to high debt level and endless circulation of earning money, making debt, and repaying the debt. So here, credit card is strongly against and good plan and strong self-restraint are highwaysaa lead to happy live.




Option about Consumption could be various among public, which could be divided into two main ideas, to enjoy at present and to prepare for the future. This article will present these two main ideas and a point of view of the article.

There is a point of view that it’s worth to keep a relatively high level of deposit in personal property in the order that it lowers the risk of having nothing at all overnight and prepares for the consumption of high price in the future. Meanwhile, another main idea about consumption can be totally different. It emphasizes the importance of Crape diem, of which supporters usually live paycheck-to-paycheck and use credit card in the consumption while leaving the debt to the future.

Proper saving for the future and enjoying in the moment with self-restraint is my principle in consumption. This point of view can be considered as a combination of both ideas mentioned above. Living in the moment is an important way leaded to happy live while proper level of deposit helps a lot in facing unknown accidents. what’s more, consuming with credit card would lead to high debt level and endless circulation of earning money, making debt, and repaying the debt. So here, credit card is strongly against and good plan and strong self-restraint are highwaysaa lead to happy live.


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