


(完卷时间:40分钟 总分:100分)

一、 按字母表顺序写出Ff到Mm的大小写形式。8%(每个1 分)


exercise hour bedroom evening

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) go shopping a pair of glasses

( ) ( )

( ) ( )


( ) 1. -- ________ did you do yesterday afternoon? -- I read a book.

A. When

B. What C. Where ( hour to get to school by bike.

A. a B. an

( ) 3. These dirty socks are __________.

A. Wang Tao B. Wang Tao’s C. Sally C. at

( ) 4. -- Does he often go swimming? -- No, ___________.

A. he is B. he does C. he doesn’t

( ) 5. Tomatoes and carrots are vegetables. They_______________ you.

A. are good for B. are bad for C. are good at

( ) 6. --______ did you go to bed last night? ---At half past eleven

A. When B. What C. Where

( ) 7. _______ me a cup of water, please.

A. Bring B. Take C. Walk

( ) 8. He often plays football _____ Sunday.

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 9. This morning I didn’t have breakfast. I’m very _________.

A. hungry B. happy C. angry

( )10. Sally is standing ________ Lily and Julia.

A. on B. between C. up

( ) 11. Girls can wear __________, but boys can’t.

A. dresses B. shorts C. shirts

( )12. How do you _______ your Spring Festival?

A. spend B. make C. take


A. March 12th B. September 1st C. October 1st

( ) 14.-- ________is the girl behind the teacher. --She is Kate.

A. Who B. Whose C. Sally’s

( ) 15. -- What’s your favorite holiday? -- _______.

A. Summer Olympics B. Children’s Day C. Winter

三、找出不同类的单词写在横线上,填序号。6% B. Shanghai C. Guangzhou D. America B. apple C. orange D. peach B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Thursday

B. got C. was D. went B. Christmas C. Thanksgiving D. May B. Coke C. cake D. water


( ) ( ) ( ) the table ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1. I stay in China. I visited the Great Wall and Big Ben.

( ) 2. Candy is good for our teeth.

( ) 3. Teachers’ Day is on September 10th.

( ) 4. We must eat some vegetables every day.

六. 从方框中选择正确的动词填在相应的横线上。8%

does walks clean are be cleaned played took 七、选择方框中正确的短语填空,把相应的序号填在横线上。6%

A. play Taichi B. got up C. goes around

D. high jump E. did housework F. sit around


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



A. Yesterday morning.

B. I’m running.

C. Yes, I do.

D. It’s January 16th.

E. No, there aren’t. ( )1. Do you often exercise? ( )2. Are there any trees on the moon? ( )3. What are you doing? ( )4. When did you go there? ( )5. What’s the date today?

十、选择方框中的句子补全对话, 把相应的序号填在横线上。8%

A:. A: Assistant M: Mother M: Yes, I want a hat.

A: A. Do you like it?

B. Can I help you, Madam?

C. What about this orange one?

D. Can I try it on?

M: I like orange. It’s good. A: Sure… You look beautiful.

M: Yes, I do. I’ll take it.


Hello, my name is Li Ming. I had a good time in the summer vacation. In July I stayed at home. I did my homework and played the piano in the morning. In the afternoon I played ping-pong and then(然后)I went swimming. My favorite sport is swimming. In August I went to Beijing by plane. It’s not very hot in August in Beijing. It’s very cool in the evening. I visited the Great Wall. And I went to the zoo in Beijing. I saw many animals in the zoo. I took many photos. I had a very good time in the summer vacation.

( )1. Li Ming went swimming in the morning in July.

( ) 2. His favorite sport is swimming.

( ) 3. He went to Beijing by train in August

( ) 4. He visited the Great Wall.

( ) 5. He had a good time in the summer vacation.



(完卷时间:40分钟 总分:100分)

一、 按字母表顺序写出Ff到Mm的大小写形式。8%(每个1 分)


exercise hour bedroom evening

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) go shopping a pair of glasses

( ) ( )

( ) ( )


( ) 1. -- ________ did you do yesterday afternoon? -- I read a book.

A. When

B. What C. Where ( hour to get to school by bike.

A. a B. an

( ) 3. These dirty socks are __________.

A. Wang Tao B. Wang Tao’s C. Sally C. at

( ) 4. -- Does he often go swimming? -- No, ___________.

A. he is B. he does C. he doesn’t

( ) 5. Tomatoes and carrots are vegetables. They_______________ you.

A. are good for B. are bad for C. are good at

( ) 6. --______ did you go to bed last night? ---At half past eleven

A. When B. What C. Where

( ) 7. _______ me a cup of water, please.

A. Bring B. Take C. Walk

( ) 8. He often plays football _____ Sunday.

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 9. This morning I didn’t have breakfast. I’m very _________.

A. hungry B. happy C. angry

( )10. Sally is standing ________ Lily and Julia.

A. on B. between C. up

( ) 11. Girls can wear __________, but boys can’t.

A. dresses B. shorts C. shirts

( )12. How do you _______ your Spring Festival?

A. spend B. make C. take


A. March 12th B. September 1st C. October 1st

( ) 14.-- ________is the girl behind the teacher. --She is Kate.

A. Who B. Whose C. Sally’s

( ) 15. -- What’s your favorite holiday? -- _______.

A. Summer Olympics B. Children’s Day C. Winter

三、找出不同类的单词写在横线上,填序号。6% B. Shanghai C. Guangzhou D. America B. apple C. orange D. peach B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Thursday

B. got C. was D. went B. Christmas C. Thanksgiving D. May B. Coke C. cake D. water


( ) ( ) ( ) the table ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1. I stay in China. I visited the Great Wall and Big Ben.

( ) 2. Candy is good for our teeth.

( ) 3. Teachers’ Day is on September 10th.

( ) 4. We must eat some vegetables every day.

六. 从方框中选择正确的动词填在相应的横线上。8%

does walks clean are be cleaned played took 七、选择方框中正确的短语填空,把相应的序号填在横线上。6%

A. play Taichi B. got up C. goes around

D. high jump E. did housework F. sit around


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



A. Yesterday morning.

B. I’m running.

C. Yes, I do.

D. It’s January 16th.

E. No, there aren’t. ( )1. Do you often exercise? ( )2. Are there any trees on the moon? ( )3. What are you doing? ( )4. When did you go there? ( )5. What’s the date today?

十、选择方框中的句子补全对话, 把相应的序号填在横线上。8%

A:. A: Assistant M: Mother M: Yes, I want a hat.

A: A. Do you like it?

B. Can I help you, Madam?

C. What about this orange one?

D. Can I try it on?

M: I like orange. It’s good. A: Sure… You look beautiful.

M: Yes, I do. I’ll take it.


Hello, my name is Li Ming. I had a good time in the summer vacation. In July I stayed at home. I did my homework and played the piano in the morning. In the afternoon I played ping-pong and then(然后)I went swimming. My favorite sport is swimming. In August I went to Beijing by plane. It’s not very hot in August in Beijing. It’s very cool in the evening. I visited the Great Wall. And I went to the zoo in Beijing. I saw many animals in the zoo. I took many photos. I had a very good time in the summer vacation.

( )1. Li Ming went swimming in the morning in July.

( ) 2. His favorite sport is swimming.

( ) 3. He went to Beijing by train in August

( ) 4. He visited the Great Wall.

( ) 5. He had a good time in the summer vacation.


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