

Communication is important in our life. Being good at communicating with others, a lot of people say, is a kind of talent, but I don’t think so . I think it is just an ability or a habit. So what I’m gonna say is the advice for communication.

First, having a full respect which is the premise of communicating. Everyone wants to gain the respect of others, which is decided by human nature. Second ,the basis of each person’s situation is in-depth understanding. To

understand each individual's situation as far as possible is very necessary. Just as an old Chinese saying goes well ‘to know your enemy and yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.’

Third, having a different treatment to different people. It is important to take different strategies for the one who has different personality, family, social status and the

relationship with you. Otherwise, there will be an embarrassing situation as 'no good deed goes unpunished’.

Fourth, being sincere is the key and, of course, the most important one. As the saying goes: sincere to it! And people exchanges. You can not tell the truth in some forced situation, but never lie deliberately in any conditions.

I hope you all can learn to communicate and become a talkative person. Thank you.


Communication is important in our life. Being good at communicating with others, a lot of people say, is a kind of talent, but I don’t think so . I think it is just an ability or a habit. So what I’m gonna say is the advice for communication.

First, having a full respect which is the premise of communicating. Everyone wants to gain the respect of others, which is decided by human nature. Second ,the basis of each person’s situation is in-depth understanding. To

understand each individual's situation as far as possible is very necessary. Just as an old Chinese saying goes well ‘to know your enemy and yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.’

Third, having a different treatment to different people. It is important to take different strategies for the one who has different personality, family, social status and the

relationship with you. Otherwise, there will be an embarrassing situation as 'no good deed goes unpunished’.

Fourth, being sincere is the key and, of course, the most important one. As the saying goes: sincere to it! And people exchanges. You can not tell the truth in some forced situation, but never lie deliberately in any conditions.

I hope you all can learn to communicate and become a talkative person. Thank you.


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