Unit 7
1, Incandescent with our energies, having outgrown the family and the formlessness of our transiting years, we are impatient to pour ourselves into the exactly right form-our own way of living in the world.
这时的我们精力最为充沛,已不再需要家庭的呵护,也已度过了转型期的稚嫩,正急于寻求一种最适合自己的生活 —— 在这个世界上属于我们自己的生活方式。
2, ...they reached the jumping-off point by the tender age of 16 or 18 or 20 and had to make their move ready or not...
3, Given the permissiveness to experiment, the prolonged schooling available, and the moratoria allowed, it is not unusual for an adventurer to be nearly 30 before firmly setting a course.(line 19-22)
4, . And to form the capacity for intimacy without losing in the process whatever constancy of self we have thus far assembled.
5, Every weekend would find him behind a camera or building bookcases for friends, vigorously testing the various creative streaks that might lead him to a satisfying lifework. 他要么在忙着拍照,要么在为朋友做书橱,精力充沛地试验着各种创造性,这些创造性或许能引导他找到一种富有满足感的终身事业。
6, The daughter of an ego-boosting father taught to try anything she wished so long as she didn’t bail out before reaching the top, decided to become a traveling publicist.
7, The Trying Twenties is one of the longer and more stable periods, stable, that is, in 接受考验的二十岁是人生中一段较为漫长且更为稳定的一个阶段,说它稳定,则是与它之前和之后更为不稳定的人生阶段相比较而言的。
8, Although each nail driven into our first external life structure is tentative, a tryout, once we have made our commitments we are convinced they are the right ones.
9, The momentum of exploring within the structure generally carries us through the twenties without a major disruption of it. (line 68-70)
10, ...we cannot imagine that possibilities for a better integration will occur to us later on, when some inner growth has taken place...
11, Yet people who slip into a ready-made form without much self-examination are likely to find themselves following a locked-in pattern.(line 85-87)
12, The balance struck between these two impulses makes for differences in the way people pass through this period of provisional adulthood.
13, When clients would deal with me as an equal, I’d think, I got away with it...
14, So we hasten to try on life’s uniforms and possible partners, in search of the perfect fit
所以我们在追寻着最完美最合适自己的一切的过程中,匆忙地尝试着各种生活方式和可能的伴侣。 15, Perfect is that person we imbue with the capacity to enliven and support our vision or the person we believe in and want to help. 完美”的人是那位被我们灌输在头脑中的能激活并支持我们幻想的人,或是那位我们信任并愿意帮助的人。
16, And like the fictional Werther, he suffered from an infatuation with a married woman, an unreachable woman, whose very mystery invited his fantasies of perfection.
17, Goethe’s hero struck such a chord in young people throughout Europe that a wave of suicides followed the book's publication.
18, She may be seen as...the guarantor of his immortality through the conversion of his seed.
19, The illusions of the twenties, however, may be essential to infuse our first commitments with excitement and intensity, and to sustain us in those commitments long enough to gain us some experience in living.
20, But clearly, or so it seems, we have only to apply our strong minds and sturdy wills to the wheel of life, and sooner or later our destiny will bend under our control.
但是很明显地,或看来如此,我们只有把我们坚强不屈的意志力运用到生活中去, 这样迟早我们的命运将掌握在自己的手中。
21,For if we didn’t believe in the omnipotent force of our intelligence, if we were not convinced that we could will ourselves into being whatever kind of persons we wish to be, it wouldn’t make much sense to try. Doubts immobilize.(line 166-170)
22,But upon discovering our very first independent form, we may assume it is the forever one and cling to it obstinately.
23,That the parental figures, unknowingly internalized as our guardians, provoke the very feelings of safety that allow us to dare all these great firsts of the twenties. They are also the inner dictators that hold us back.
24,...the deep tugs of the past: by identification s with our parents and the defense mechanisms we learned in childhood.
25,Well into our forties, we will still be dredging up exactly those suppressed parts we are now making every effort to ignore.
Unit 5
1,A lot of us lose life’s tougher confrontations by a frontal attack when a touch of humor might well enable us to a win.
2,… and the Market’s harmony must be constantly
3,...he met stiff opposition from his Commander-in-Chief regarding the elements that called for the most
4,… Marshall pushed his argument so hard that he began to ever stronger resistance. 在与总统越来越激烈的争论中,马歇尔据理力争,并开始酝酿更强有力的反驳。
5,… suicidal despair was the big killer in these citadels of degradation...
6,Frank knew that humor was one of the soul's best survival weapons, since it can create, if only for moments, aloofness from horror.
7,“others the of laughter”:
Unit 3
1,The Ant and the Grasshopper, which is devised to bring home to the young the useful lesson that in an imperfect world industry is rewarded and giddiness punished.(line 4-6)
2,I apologize for telling something which everyone is politely, but inexactly supposed to know...(line 7-8)
3,I do not ascribe it to perversity on my part, but rather to the inconsequence of childhood, which is deficient in moral sense, that I could never reconcile myself to the lesson.(line 19-21) 其中的寓意我一直难以接受。我认为不是因为自己过于执拗,而是因为儿时不合逻辑的思维,那时尚未形成健全的道德观。
4,In this summary (and I have discovered since, entirely human) fashion I sought to express
my disapproval of prudence and common-sense.(line 23-26)
5. I never saw anyone wear an expression of such deep gloom.(line 29-30)
He was the first one that I ever saw who appeared to be so gloomy.
6. I suppose every family has a black sheep.(line 43)
I take it as a fact that every family has a person who brings embarrassment and loss of respect to the family.
7. Tom had been a sore trial to his for twenty years.(line 44)
For twenty years Tom had been troublesome and annoying as a test of his family’s patience.
8. For twenty-five years I've said that Tom would end in the gutter. And we shall see how he likes that.
For twenty-five years I've said that Tom would end in poverty and let's see how he feels when he lives in poverty.
9. He would listen to no expostulations. (line 50)
• He wouldn't listen to any earnest and kindly reasoning against what he was doing at all.
10. He made a steady income from his friends and he made friends easily.(line 60)
• He borrowed money regularly from his friends and he was so charming that he won
friendship easily.
11. He did not waste his charm on him.(line 64)
• He got what he wanted from his brother with his attractiveness.
12. George was a serious man and insensible to such enticements.(line 65)
• George was so sincere that he was easily fooled by his brother's tricks.
13. Once or twice he fell to Tom’s promises of amendment and gave him considerable sums in order that he might make a fresh start.(line 66-68)
14 He had high spirit, an unfailing gaity and incredible charm.
他兴高采烈,快乐无比, 魅力十足。
15. I never grudged the contributions he regularly levied on me for the necessities of his existence.
16,I never lent him fifty pounds without feeling that I was in his debt.(line 104)
Unit 2
1,This peculiar attitude is based on several premises which either singly or combined tend to uphold it.(line 11-12)
This peculiar attitude is based on several misconceptions about love, which most people, generally, believe one or more of.
2,The problem of love is the problem of an object, not the problem of a faculty.(line30) The problem of love is how to find a right person to love, not the ability of loving a person. “爱不需要学习”这种看法的第二个前提是:人们想当然地认为,爱的问题在于“对象”,而不在于“能力”。
3,love was supposed to develop once the marriage had been concluded.(line 42)
it is assumed that once you get married, love is sure to be developed accordingly.
4,In the United states, while considerations of a conventional nature are not entirely absent, to a vast extent people are in search of “romantic love”, of the personal experience of love which then should lead to marriage.(line 46-50)
5,This new concept of freedom in love must have greatly enhanced the importance of the object as against the importance of the function.(line 50-52)
6,. …today the fashion demands more domesticity and coyness.(line 66)
today women who are shy and care more about the home than their profession are more attractive to men
7,At any rate, the sense of falling in love develops usually only with regard to such human commodities as are within reach of one’s own possibilities for exchange.(line 70-73) 无论如何,通常只有在这些人性化的商品在自身有可能进行交换的情况下,才会培养起爱上某人的感觉。 8,I am out for a bargain;the object should be desirable from the standpoint of its social value,and at the same time should want me, considering my overt and hidden assets and potentialities.(line 73-76)
9,The third error leading to the assumption that there is nothing to be learned about love lies in the confusion between the initial experience of “falling” in love, and the permanent state of being in love, or as we might better say, of “standing” in love.(line 87-91)
10,This miracle of sudden intimacy is often facilitated if it is combined with, or initiated by, sexual attraction and consummation.(line 96-98)
11,There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet, which fails so regularly, as love.(line 110-113)
12,the mastery of art must be a matter of ultimate concern
in order to win love, people must first master the art of love which is far more important, and without which, love will always remain elusive
13,Could it be that only those things are considered worthy of being learned with which one can earn money or prestige, and that love, which “only” profits the soul, but is profitless in the modern sense, is a luxury we have no right to spend much energy on?(line 149)
Unit 1
1, ...in your quest for a winning image, you must be capable of identifying such mirages. in search of a winning image, you must be able to recognize such false impressions
2,One of the common misread images stems from what people think about eye contact. One of the common misunderstood images is due to people's opinion of eye contact; People who use eye contact as a criterion often interpret a person's image wrongly.
3,...a dishonest man feels so ashamed that he’s not telling the truth that he can’t face them directly.
if a dishonest man does not tell the truth, he will feel ashamed and therefore does not have the courage to face other people directly.
4,...so he deliberately includes eye contact in his act.
so he intentionally looks other people straight in the eye.
5,Evaluating a man’s honesty by the way he looks at you makes no more sense than judging his integrity by the way your dog or cat reacts to him.
Judging a man's honesty by the way he looks at you is as illogical as judging his integrity by the way your dog or cat responds to him; It is unreasonable to judge a person’s integrity on the basis of your pet's response to him, and it is equally unreasonable to judge his honesty by eye contact.
6,Even though Tiger happened to be right in my case, I personally put very little faith in an animal’s instinctual ability to judge people.
Although the cat’s judgment of my integrity was coincidentally correct, I myself hardly believe that an animal has a natural ability to judge human integrity.
7...don’t place too much weight on the next fellow’s grip…
don’t attach great importance to a person’s handshake next time.
8,...he has not been blessed with natural looks that generate trust.
he is not fortunate enough to be born with the kind of appearance that makes people trust him
9, ...the clean-cut image can tip the scales in favor of the wrong man in a close election.
In an election in which two candidates have almost an equal opportunity to win, the one with a clean-cut appearance may have more voters than the other who might be more competent
10,To revert to politics.
Let’s come back to the topic of political election.
11....this virtue is only skin-deep.
this merit or advantage does not have a long-lasting effect
12,Just because your dentist has to book you six months in advance doesn't automatically mean that he does the best root-canal work.
The fact that your dentist has to make an appointment with you six months ahead of the actual checkup does not necessarily mean that he is most skilled at dealing with dental diseases.
Unit 7
1, Incandescent with our energies, having outgrown the family and the formlessness of our transiting years, we are impatient to pour ourselves into the exactly right form-our own way of living in the world.
这时的我们精力最为充沛,已不再需要家庭的呵护,也已度过了转型期的稚嫩,正急于寻求一种最适合自己的生活 —— 在这个世界上属于我们自己的生活方式。
2, ...they reached the jumping-off point by the tender age of 16 or 18 or 20 and had to make their move ready or not...
3, Given the permissiveness to experiment, the prolonged schooling available, and the moratoria allowed, it is not unusual for an adventurer to be nearly 30 before firmly setting a course.(line 19-22)
4, . And to form the capacity for intimacy without losing in the process whatever constancy of self we have thus far assembled.
5, Every weekend would find him behind a camera or building bookcases for friends, vigorously testing the various creative streaks that might lead him to a satisfying lifework. 他要么在忙着拍照,要么在为朋友做书橱,精力充沛地试验着各种创造性,这些创造性或许能引导他找到一种富有满足感的终身事业。
6, The daughter of an ego-boosting father taught to try anything she wished so long as she didn’t bail out before reaching the top, decided to become a traveling publicist.
7, The Trying Twenties is one of the longer and more stable periods, stable, that is, in 接受考验的二十岁是人生中一段较为漫长且更为稳定的一个阶段,说它稳定,则是与它之前和之后更为不稳定的人生阶段相比较而言的。
8, Although each nail driven into our first external life structure is tentative, a tryout, once we have made our commitments we are convinced they are the right ones.
9, The momentum of exploring within the structure generally carries us through the twenties without a major disruption of it. (line 68-70)
10, ...we cannot imagine that possibilities for a better integration will occur to us later on, when some inner growth has taken place...
11, Yet people who slip into a ready-made form without much self-examination are likely to find themselves following a locked-in pattern.(line 85-87)
12, The balance struck between these two impulses makes for differences in the way people pass through this period of provisional adulthood.
13, When clients would deal with me as an equal, I’d think, I got away with it...
14, So we hasten to try on life’s uniforms and possible partners, in search of the perfect fit
所以我们在追寻着最完美最合适自己的一切的过程中,匆忙地尝试着各种生活方式和可能的伴侣。 15, Perfect is that person we imbue with the capacity to enliven and support our vision or the person we believe in and want to help. 完美”的人是那位被我们灌输在头脑中的能激活并支持我们幻想的人,或是那位我们信任并愿意帮助的人。
16, And like the fictional Werther, he suffered from an infatuation with a married woman, an unreachable woman, whose very mystery invited his fantasies of perfection.
17, Goethe’s hero struck such a chord in young people throughout Europe that a wave of suicides followed the book's publication.
18, She may be seen as...the guarantor of his immortality through the conversion of his seed.
19, The illusions of the twenties, however, may be essential to infuse our first commitments with excitement and intensity, and to sustain us in those commitments long enough to gain us some experience in living.
20, But clearly, or so it seems, we have only to apply our strong minds and sturdy wills to the wheel of life, and sooner or later our destiny will bend under our control.
但是很明显地,或看来如此,我们只有把我们坚强不屈的意志力运用到生活中去, 这样迟早我们的命运将掌握在自己的手中。
21,For if we didn’t believe in the omnipotent force of our intelligence, if we were not convinced that we could will ourselves into being whatever kind of persons we wish to be, it wouldn’t make much sense to try. Doubts immobilize.(line 166-170)
22,But upon discovering our very first independent form, we may assume it is the forever one and cling to it obstinately.
23,That the parental figures, unknowingly internalized as our guardians, provoke the very feelings of safety that allow us to dare all these great firsts of the twenties. They are also the inner dictators that hold us back.
24,...the deep tugs of the past: by identification s with our parents and the defense mechanisms we learned in childhood.
25,Well into our forties, we will still be dredging up exactly those suppressed parts we are now making every effort to ignore.
Unit 5
1,A lot of us lose life’s tougher confrontations by a frontal attack when a touch of humor might well enable us to a win.
2,… and the Market’s harmony must be constantly
3,...he met stiff opposition from his Commander-in-Chief regarding the elements that called for the most
4,… Marshall pushed his argument so hard that he began to ever stronger resistance. 在与总统越来越激烈的争论中,马歇尔据理力争,并开始酝酿更强有力的反驳。
5,… suicidal despair was the big killer in these citadels of degradation...
6,Frank knew that humor was one of the soul's best survival weapons, since it can create, if only for moments, aloofness from horror.
7,“others the of laughter”:
Unit 3
1,The Ant and the Grasshopper, which is devised to bring home to the young the useful lesson that in an imperfect world industry is rewarded and giddiness punished.(line 4-6)
2,I apologize for telling something which everyone is politely, but inexactly supposed to know...(line 7-8)
3,I do not ascribe it to perversity on my part, but rather to the inconsequence of childhood, which is deficient in moral sense, that I could never reconcile myself to the lesson.(line 19-21) 其中的寓意我一直难以接受。我认为不是因为自己过于执拗,而是因为儿时不合逻辑的思维,那时尚未形成健全的道德观。
4,In this summary (and I have discovered since, entirely human) fashion I sought to express
my disapproval of prudence and common-sense.(line 23-26)
5. I never saw anyone wear an expression of such deep gloom.(line 29-30)
He was the first one that I ever saw who appeared to be so gloomy.
6. I suppose every family has a black sheep.(line 43)
I take it as a fact that every family has a person who brings embarrassment and loss of respect to the family.
7. Tom had been a sore trial to his for twenty years.(line 44)
For twenty years Tom had been troublesome and annoying as a test of his family’s patience.
8. For twenty-five years I've said that Tom would end in the gutter. And we shall see how he likes that.
For twenty-five years I've said that Tom would end in poverty and let's see how he feels when he lives in poverty.
9. He would listen to no expostulations. (line 50)
• He wouldn't listen to any earnest and kindly reasoning against what he was doing at all.
10. He made a steady income from his friends and he made friends easily.(line 60)
• He borrowed money regularly from his friends and he was so charming that he won
friendship easily.
11. He did not waste his charm on him.(line 64)
• He got what he wanted from his brother with his attractiveness.
12. George was a serious man and insensible to such enticements.(line 65)
• George was so sincere that he was easily fooled by his brother's tricks.
13. Once or twice he fell to Tom’s promises of amendment and gave him considerable sums in order that he might make a fresh start.(line 66-68)
14 He had high spirit, an unfailing gaity and incredible charm.
他兴高采烈,快乐无比, 魅力十足。
15. I never grudged the contributions he regularly levied on me for the necessities of his existence.
16,I never lent him fifty pounds without feeling that I was in his debt.(line 104)
Unit 2
1,This peculiar attitude is based on several premises which either singly or combined tend to uphold it.(line 11-12)
This peculiar attitude is based on several misconceptions about love, which most people, generally, believe one or more of.
2,The problem of love is the problem of an object, not the problem of a faculty.(line30) The problem of love is how to find a right person to love, not the ability of loving a person. “爱不需要学习”这种看法的第二个前提是:人们想当然地认为,爱的问题在于“对象”,而不在于“能力”。
3,love was supposed to develop once the marriage had been concluded.(line 42)
it is assumed that once you get married, love is sure to be developed accordingly.
4,In the United states, while considerations of a conventional nature are not entirely absent, to a vast extent people are in search of “romantic love”, of the personal experience of love which then should lead to marriage.(line 46-50)
5,This new concept of freedom in love must have greatly enhanced the importance of the object as against the importance of the function.(line 50-52)
6,. …today the fashion demands more domesticity and coyness.(line 66)
today women who are shy and care more about the home than their profession are more attractive to men
7,At any rate, the sense of falling in love develops usually only with regard to such human commodities as are within reach of one’s own possibilities for exchange.(line 70-73) 无论如何,通常只有在这些人性化的商品在自身有可能进行交换的情况下,才会培养起爱上某人的感觉。 8,I am out for a bargain;the object should be desirable from the standpoint of its social value,and at the same time should want me, considering my overt and hidden assets and potentialities.(line 73-76)
9,The third error leading to the assumption that there is nothing to be learned about love lies in the confusion between the initial experience of “falling” in love, and the permanent state of being in love, or as we might better say, of “standing” in love.(line 87-91)
10,This miracle of sudden intimacy is often facilitated if it is combined with, or initiated by, sexual attraction and consummation.(line 96-98)
11,There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet, which fails so regularly, as love.(line 110-113)
12,the mastery of art must be a matter of ultimate concern
in order to win love, people must first master the art of love which is far more important, and without which, love will always remain elusive
13,Could it be that only those things are considered worthy of being learned with which one can earn money or prestige, and that love, which “only” profits the soul, but is profitless in the modern sense, is a luxury we have no right to spend much energy on?(line 149)
Unit 1
1, ...in your quest for a winning image, you must be capable of identifying such mirages. in search of a winning image, you must be able to recognize such false impressions
2,One of the common misread images stems from what people think about eye contact. One of the common misunderstood images is due to people's opinion of eye contact; People who use eye contact as a criterion often interpret a person's image wrongly.
3,...a dishonest man feels so ashamed that he’s not telling the truth that he can’t face them directly.
if a dishonest man does not tell the truth, he will feel ashamed and therefore does not have the courage to face other people directly.
4,...so he deliberately includes eye contact in his act.
so he intentionally looks other people straight in the eye.
5,Evaluating a man’s honesty by the way he looks at you makes no more sense than judging his integrity by the way your dog or cat reacts to him.
Judging a man's honesty by the way he looks at you is as illogical as judging his integrity by the way your dog or cat responds to him; It is unreasonable to judge a person’s integrity on the basis of your pet's response to him, and it is equally unreasonable to judge his honesty by eye contact.
6,Even though Tiger happened to be right in my case, I personally put very little faith in an animal’s instinctual ability to judge people.
Although the cat’s judgment of my integrity was coincidentally correct, I myself hardly believe that an animal has a natural ability to judge human integrity.
7...don’t place too much weight on the next fellow’s grip…
don’t attach great importance to a person’s handshake next time.
8,...he has not been blessed with natural looks that generate trust.
he is not fortunate enough to be born with the kind of appearance that makes people trust him
9, ...the clean-cut image can tip the scales in favor of the wrong man in a close election.
In an election in which two candidates have almost an equal opportunity to win, the one with a clean-cut appearance may have more voters than the other who might be more competent
10,To revert to politics.
Let’s come back to the topic of political election.
11....this virtue is only skin-deep.
this merit or advantage does not have a long-lasting effect
12,Just because your dentist has to book you six months in advance doesn't automatically mean that he does the best root-canal work.
The fact that your dentist has to make an appointment with you six months ahead of the actual checkup does not necessarily mean that he is most skilled at dealing with dental diseases.