


1. Can I some soup? A. eat B. has C. have

2. Where is my ? A. hats B. hat C. shoes

3. It’s cold now. You go outside. A. can B. can’t C. have

4. This is the report. A. PE B. weather C. music

5. It’s warm today. Can I my shoes? A. take off B. put on C. wear

6. about New York? A. What’s B. How C. Where

7. is the world weather. A . Here B. How C. Where

8. What time is it Beijing? A. on B . at C. in

9. Is it hot today? --- A. Yes, it isn’t. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is.

10. Is it snowing? ---Yes, . A . its B. it isn’t C. it is

11. ---What’s the weather like? --- A. It’s rainy. B. It’s rain. C. Its rainy.


( )1. A. rainy B. windy C. weather ( )2. A. hat B. shoes C. cold

( )3. A. Singapore B. Sydney C. China ( )4. A. London B. America C.Moscow ( )5. A. like B. kite C. love ( ) 6. A. my B. your C. you


1. let’s (完整形式) 2. new(反义词)

3. her(主格) 4. big(反义词)

5. my(复数) 6. one(序数词)

7. outside(对应词) 8. four(同音词)

9.this(对应词) 10.teacher(所有格形式)


( ) 1. Where’s the library? A. No, it isn’t.

( ) 2. Is this the teachers’ office? B. I have a cold.

( ) 3. Do you have a library? C. It is sunny.

( ) 4. Are you OK? D. No, you can’t.

( ) 5. Can I go outside? E.Yes, we do.

( ) 6. What’s the weather like there? F. It’s next to the art room.



1. 多风的 2. 炎热的 3. 卡片

4. 墙 5. 鞋子 6.下雪的

7. 晴朗的 8. 下雨的 9. 多云的

10. 外面 11.可以,能 12. 暖和的


1. sn y 2. c l 3. c d 4. h t

5. t d y 6. su y 7. r ny 8. w dy

9. w t 10. s 11. w m 12. c d


1. is the like in New York what weather ( ? )

2. is today warm it and sunny ( . )

3. so nice it feels ( . )

4. weather the this is report ( . )

5. I have some soup can ( ? )

6. cold today it is ( ? )

7. very it hot is ( . )

8. hat put a on ( . )

9. warm is in it today Totonto ( ? )

10. your can you kite fly ( ? )




1. Can I some soup? A. eat B. has C. have

2. Where is my ? A. hats B. hat C. shoes

3. It’s cold now. You go outside. A. can B. can’t C. have

4. This is the report. A. PE B. weather C. music

5. It’s warm today. Can I my shoes? A. take off B. put on C. wear

6. about New York? A. What’s B. How C. Where

7. is the world weather. A . Here B. How C. Where

8. What time is it Beijing? A. on B . at C. in

9. Is it hot today? --- A. Yes, it isn’t. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is.

10. Is it snowing? ---Yes, . A . its B. it isn’t C. it is

11. ---What’s the weather like? --- A. It’s rainy. B. It’s rain. C. Its rainy.


( )1. A. rainy B. windy C. weather ( )2. A. hat B. shoes C. cold

( )3. A. Singapore B. Sydney C. China ( )4. A. London B. America C.Moscow ( )5. A. like B. kite C. love ( ) 6. A. my B. your C. you


1. let’s (完整形式) 2. new(反义词)

3. her(主格) 4. big(反义词)

5. my(复数) 6. one(序数词)

7. outside(对应词) 8. four(同音词)

9.this(对应词) 10.teacher(所有格形式)


( ) 1. Where’s the library? A. No, it isn’t.

( ) 2. Is this the teachers’ office? B. I have a cold.

( ) 3. Do you have a library? C. It is sunny.

( ) 4. Are you OK? D. No, you can’t.

( ) 5. Can I go outside? E.Yes, we do.

( ) 6. What’s the weather like there? F. It’s next to the art room.



1. 多风的 2. 炎热的 3. 卡片

4. 墙 5. 鞋子 6.下雪的

7. 晴朗的 8. 下雨的 9. 多云的

10. 外面 11.可以,能 12. 暖和的


1. sn y 2. c l 3. c d 4. h t

5. t d y 6. su y 7. r ny 8. w dy

9. w t 10. s 11. w m 12. c d


1. is the like in New York what weather ( ? )

2. is today warm it and sunny ( . )

3. so nice it feels ( . )

4. weather the this is report ( . )

5. I have some soup can ( ? )

6. cold today it is ( ? )

7. very it hot is ( . )

8. hat put a on ( . )

9. warm is in it today Totonto ( ? )

10. your can you kite fly ( ? )



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