
简历样本3RESUMEName: Wang YifangSex: MaleBirth: 28/6/1965, Beijing P. R. ChinaMajor: Computer Software1. Courses Studied:Mathematical Analysis Introduction to Database System Advanced Algebra Software EngineerMathematical Logic Computer Network*Set Theory and Algebra Structure Computer Interactive GraphicsGraph Theory Digital LogicProbability & Statistics Computer ArchitectureTheoretical Computer Science Microcomputer Architecture Introduction to Computing Computer Interface and Peripheral DevicesData Structure Lab. of Digital LogicAssembly Language Lab of PASCAL ProgrammingCompiler’s Principle Lab. of MicrocomputerOperating System Lab. of Compiler DesignUnix & C English (Band 1~6)Specialty English2. Courses Learned by MyselfCombinational Mathematics the Science of ProgrammingAdvanced Operating System Programming in FORTRAN3. Honors□ Fist prize in the national computer contest for non-professional students, 1989.□ Practical Work Fellowship, 1992□ Beijing University Fellowship, 1993.□ Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship, 1994.□ Privilege to enter the Graduate program at Beijing University, waived of the admission test, 1994.4. Professional Experiencea. Course Project* Operating System: developed a SPOOLING system on a virtual machine with a simplified instruction system. (MS DOS environment)* Compiler Design: a practical PASCAL compiler developed on PC. (MS DOS environment)* Database System: an insurance system with simplified functions on INFORMIX 5.0 (UNIX system).b. DBMS testing of Cobase system, which is a research project conducted by the Database Research Group in my department.* I am in charge of the white box testing of the log management subsystem.c. Programming for G/S project, which is directed by Prof. Fang Yu, 1994.* My share of the responsibility is to develop the user interface with Windows 3.1.d. Unix (Chinese Version) testing, sponsored by the Institute of Software, Academia Sinica, 1994.* My task is to test (black box test )the lib functions listed in the Unix manual.e. I am now teaching Computer Architecture to part time students who are going to sit in the national computer qualification test to get their Associate’s Degree.6. Affiliations□ Computer Club Committee member, 1991~1994.□ English Club member, 1993.□ Department Volleyball Team player, 1992.□ Representative of the Student Union, Dept, of Computer Science, Beijing University, 1992.7. Standard Tests□ TOEFL: 653, Oct 1994(61/68/67).□ GRE General: 2220, Oct 1994.(V: 720 97%, Q:790 96%, A:710 90%).□ GRE Subject (Computer Science): 740, 83%, Oct, 1994.8. My MottoLiberty is not easy, but far better to be an unfettered fox, hungry and threatened on its hill, than a well-fed canary, safe and secure in its cage.9. AddressRoom 203,Building 32Beijing UniversityBeijing 1000871P.R. ChinaSignature Date 

简历样本3RESUMEName: Wang YifangSex: MaleBirth: 28/6/1965, Beijing P. R. ChinaMajor: Computer Software1. Courses Studied:Mathematical Analysis Introduction to Database System Advanced Algebra Software EngineerMathematical Logic Computer Network*Set Theory and Algebra Structure Computer Interactive GraphicsGraph Theory Digital LogicProbability & Statistics Computer ArchitectureTheoretical Computer Science Microcomputer Architecture Introduction to Computing Computer Interface and Peripheral DevicesData Structure Lab. of Digital LogicAssembly Language Lab of PASCAL ProgrammingCompiler’s Principle Lab. of MicrocomputerOperating System Lab. of Compiler DesignUnix & C English (Band 1~6)Specialty English2. Courses Learned by MyselfCombinational Mathematics the Science of ProgrammingAdvanced Operating System Programming in FORTRAN3. Honors□ Fist prize in the national computer contest for non-professional students, 1989.□ Practical Work Fellowship, 1992□ Beijing University Fellowship, 1993.□ Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship, 1994.□ Privilege to enter the Graduate program at Beijing University, waived of the admission test, 1994.4. Professional Experiencea. Course Project* Operating System: developed a SPOOLING system on a virtual machine with a simplified instruction system. (MS DOS environment)* Compiler Design: a practical PASCAL compiler developed on PC. (MS DOS environment)* Database System: an insurance system with simplified functions on INFORMIX 5.0 (UNIX system).b. DBMS testing of Cobase system, which is a research project conducted by the Database Research Group in my department.* I am in charge of the white box testing of the log management subsystem.c. Programming for G/S project, which is directed by Prof. Fang Yu, 1994.* My share of the responsibility is to develop the user interface with Windows 3.1.d. Unix (Chinese Version) testing, sponsored by the Institute of Software, Academia Sinica, 1994.* My task is to test (black box test )the lib functions listed in the Unix manual.e. I am now teaching Computer Architecture to part time students who are going to sit in the national computer qualification test to get their Associate’s Degree.6. Affiliations□ Computer Club Committee member, 1991~1994.□ English Club member, 1993.□ Department Volleyball Team player, 1992.□ Representative of the Student Union, Dept, of Computer Science, Beijing University, 1992.7. Standard Tests□ TOEFL: 653, Oct 1994(61/68/67).□ GRE General: 2220, Oct 1994.(V: 720 97%, Q:790 96%, A:710 90%).□ GRE Subject (Computer Science): 740, 83%, Oct, 1994.8. My MottoLiberty is not easy, but far better to be an unfettered fox, hungry and threatened on its hill, than a well-fed canary, safe and secure in its cage.9. AddressRoom 203,Building 32Beijing UniversityBeijing 1000871P.R. ChinaSignature Date 


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