
第 10 期 B1 版 Keys: (One possible version)



1. pressure 2. absorbed 3. announced

4. expose 5. ceremony 6. mildest

7. surrounded 8. previous

9. constant 10. acquire


A. 1. accused 2. charged

B. 1. hurt 2. wound 3. harm 4. injuries

C. 1. demands 2. require 3. required


1. (1) impression (2) impressed (3) impressive

2. (1) admiring (2) admirable (3) admiration

3. (1) various (2) vary (3) variety

4. (1) approve (2) approval

5. (1) electric (2) electrical

(3) electronic (4) electricity



1. refer to 2. arranged for

3. is supposed to 4. worried about

5. consisting of 6. over and over again

7. depend on 8. make a list of

9. first aid 10. carry; out


1. (1) left behind (2) Leave; alone

(3) leave; out

2. (1) taken the place of (2) take place

(3) in place (4) in place of

3. (1) catch sight of (2) in sight

(3) lost sight of (4) at sight of

4. (1) The number of (2) A number of

5. (1) broke down (2) broke away from

(3) broken into (4) broke in

(5) broke out


1. fell ill 2. eager to 3. make sense of

4. leave; alone 5. break up

第 10 期 B2 版 Keys:(One possible version, 客


阅读方略 1-2 CC


A. 1. that 2. surrounding 3. to listen

4. what 5. bleeding 6. better

7. to feed 8. accustomed 9. impression

10. because

B. 1. interesting 2. acquaintance

3. inspired 4. to visit

5. had been 6. was talked

7. why 8. that

9. What 10. Thankful

第 10 期 B3 版 Keys: (One possible version, 客




1. invited to 2. do; know 3. tied to

4. If possible 5. Hard; tried

6. Though exhausted 7. are; advanced

8. burnt 9. did; fall 10. if taken


1. experienced 2. inspired 3. polluted

4. grown 5. repaired 6. Devoted

7. untouched 8. asked 9. included

10. puzzled


1. did he believe 2. Worried about

3. receiving 4. had; gone 5. not go




1. It is; that 2. There was a

3. so as to 4. The moment

5. about to; when



1. was to blame 2. Not only can

3. where 4. As you can imagine

5. when necessary 6. should be

7. There is no doubt 8. makes sense

9. informed of 10. consists of


1. Only if we have respect for others can we get respect from others.

2. We’ ll have a picnic by the lake this Saturday unless it rains or it’ s very cold.

3. It’ s worthwhile to take the trouble to explain it fully to the customers.

4. It was my father’ s quick action and his knowledge of first aid that saved my life.

5. Several years later, I dropped medicine and took up law.

6. Many countries are faced with the problem of how to speed up economic development.

7. Supposing we miss the train, what shall we do?

8. It will be half a year before he graduates from that famous university.

9. It’ s vital that we carry out the operation at once.

10. We were swimming in the lake when it began to rain.

第 10 期 B4 版 Keys: (One possible version)


1. sooner or later 2. breaks his word

3. were legally obliged to


Dear Peter,

I have known that you are eager to know something about the Tomb-Sweeping Day of China from your letter. Now let me give you an introduction to it.

The Tomb-Sweeping Day is one of China’ s

important and traditional festivals and it has been made a public holiday by law since 2008. It falls either on April 4th, 5th or 6th, when people will show respect for the dead. On that day, the whole family get together and go to the tombs with flowers, a variety of fruit and good wine. They place them in front of the tombs and pray for the dead for a happy life in heaven, and at the same time hope the living to live happily forever. Then, they begin to sweep the tombs. Also, they go for a spring outing.

It has proved that this festival not only refreshes our memories about the dead, but also inspires us, the living, to make greater progress. That’ s why Chinese people make it a special festival and observe it every year.

Looking forward to your coming to China.

Yours, Li Hua

第 10 期 B1 版 Keys: (One possible version)



1. pressure 2. absorbed 3. announced

4. expose 5. ceremony 6. mildest

7. surrounded 8. previous

9. constant 10. acquire


A. 1. accused 2. charged

B. 1. hurt 2. wound 3. harm 4. injuries

C. 1. demands 2. require 3. required


1. (1) impression (2) impressed (3) impressive

2. (1) admiring (2) admirable (3) admiration

3. (1) various (2) vary (3) variety

4. (1) approve (2) approval

5. (1) electric (2) electrical

(3) electronic (4) electricity



1. refer to 2. arranged for

3. is supposed to 4. worried about

5. consisting of 6. over and over again

7. depend on 8. make a list of

9. first aid 10. carry; out


1. (1) left behind (2) Leave; alone

(3) leave; out

2. (1) taken the place of (2) take place

(3) in place (4) in place of

3. (1) catch sight of (2) in sight

(3) lost sight of (4) at sight of

4. (1) The number of (2) A number of

5. (1) broke down (2) broke away from

(3) broken into (4) broke in

(5) broke out


1. fell ill 2. eager to 3. make sense of

4. leave; alone 5. break up

第 10 期 B2 版 Keys:(One possible version, 客


阅读方略 1-2 CC


A. 1. that 2. surrounding 3. to listen

4. what 5. bleeding 6. better

7. to feed 8. accustomed 9. impression

10. because

B. 1. interesting 2. acquaintance

3. inspired 4. to visit

5. had been 6. was talked

7. why 8. that

9. What 10. Thankful

第 10 期 B3 版 Keys: (One possible version, 客




1. invited to 2. do; know 3. tied to

4. If possible 5. Hard; tried

6. Though exhausted 7. are; advanced

8. burnt 9. did; fall 10. if taken


1. experienced 2. inspired 3. polluted

4. grown 5. repaired 6. Devoted

7. untouched 8. asked 9. included

10. puzzled


1. did he believe 2. Worried about

3. receiving 4. had; gone 5. not go




1. It is; that 2. There was a

3. so as to 4. The moment

5. about to; when



1. was to blame 2. Not only can

3. where 4. As you can imagine

5. when necessary 6. should be

7. There is no doubt 8. makes sense

9. informed of 10. consists of


1. Only if we have respect for others can we get respect from others.

2. We’ ll have a picnic by the lake this Saturday unless it rains or it’ s very cold.

3. It’ s worthwhile to take the trouble to explain it fully to the customers.

4. It was my father’ s quick action and his knowledge of first aid that saved my life.

5. Several years later, I dropped medicine and took up law.

6. Many countries are faced with the problem of how to speed up economic development.

7. Supposing we miss the train, what shall we do?

8. It will be half a year before he graduates from that famous university.

9. It’ s vital that we carry out the operation at once.

10. We were swimming in the lake when it began to rain.

第 10 期 B4 版 Keys: (One possible version)


1. sooner or later 2. breaks his word

3. were legally obliged to


Dear Peter,

I have known that you are eager to know something about the Tomb-Sweeping Day of China from your letter. Now let me give you an introduction to it.

The Tomb-Sweeping Day is one of China’ s

important and traditional festivals and it has been made a public holiday by law since 2008. It falls either on April 4th, 5th or 6th, when people will show respect for the dead. On that day, the whole family get together and go to the tombs with flowers, a variety of fruit and good wine. They place them in front of the tombs and pray for the dead for a happy life in heaven, and at the same time hope the living to live happily forever. Then, they begin to sweep the tombs. Also, they go for a spring outing.

It has proved that this festival not only refreshes our memories about the dead, but also inspires us, the living, to make greater progress. That’ s why Chinese people make it a special festival and observe it every year.

Looking forward to your coming to China.

Yours, Li Hua


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