

Marks or Ability分数与能力




Some students put stress on marks. One reason for that comes from the tradition of society. Most parents, teachers judge students from their marks. High marks mean honor. So students study hard to get high marks in order to satisfy their parents, please their teachers. The other reason can be found in our educational system. It is marks that decide a student's fate. As a result, the students have to gain high marks in their studies. In their points of view, marks are the most important thing.

Other students pay more attention to their ability, because they believe ability can accompany them to the end of their lives. Everyone is hound to graduate from schools and step into society, so they have to learn to communicate with other people, to deal with difficulties and to face the sharp competition. All this should be developed in school, so they consider the ability the most important.

In my opinion, we should not go to extremes. For one thing, we should not just pursue marks and neglect ability; for another, we should not concentrate on ability and ignore marks. Both marks and ability are crucial to students.


Marks or Ability分数与能力




Some students put stress on marks. One reason for that comes from the tradition of society. Most parents, teachers judge students from their marks. High marks mean honor. So students study hard to get high marks in order to satisfy their parents, please their teachers. The other reason can be found in our educational system. It is marks that decide a student's fate. As a result, the students have to gain high marks in their studies. In their points of view, marks are the most important thing.

Other students pay more attention to their ability, because they believe ability can accompany them to the end of their lives. Everyone is hound to graduate from schools and step into society, so they have to learn to communicate with other people, to deal with difficulties and to face the sharp competition. All this should be developed in school, so they consider the ability the most important.

In my opinion, we should not go to extremes. For one thing, we should not just pursue marks and neglect ability; for another, we should not concentrate on ability and ignore marks. Both marks and ability are crucial to students.


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