
Do you like meat?法制渗透教学设计

一. 教学内容


二. 教学目标

1. 知识目标:

(1)学生能正确听懂,说出,认读本课句型 :Do you like„.? Yes,I do./ No, I don’t.

(2)学生能正确听懂,说出,认读本课单词 : fish milk meat rice noodles

(3) 学生能初步认知交际用语“Pass me the„.,please. ” “Here you are.”

2. 技能目标:


3. 情感目标:


4. 法制渗透:《中华人民共和国食品安全法》

第三条 食品生产经营者应当依照法律、法规和食品安全标准从事生产经营活动,对社会和公众负责,保证食品安全,接受社会监督,承担社会责任。

三. 教学重点

1.学生能认读单词 noodles milk meat fish rice

2.学生能灵活运用 Do you like „..? 并作出相应回答“Yes, I do.” “No, I don’t. ”

四. 教学难点:

1.学生能区分和认读fish ,milk 和 rice 的不同元音发音。

2.学生能正确区分和认读 “do ” 和 “don ’t ”

五. 教学准备:



Step 1. Warming-up

1. Greeting

T:Good morning, boys and girls. You look happy today. So let’s enjoy a chant together! Who want to come here? Are you ready? One two,go!

T: Wow, many sports. I like basketball. What about you? S: ~~

2. Enjoy a chant of sports

Come on, come on, go, go, go.

Football, football, 踢足球.

Basketball, basketball, 打篮球.

Swimming, swimming, 去游泳

Skipping, skipping, 来跳绳。 ,

Table tennis, table tennis, I like table tennis. I don’t like skipping. I like riding bikes. Idon’t like swimming.

Step2. Leading-in and presentation

T: Sports can make us strong. But after sports, we will feel hungry and thirsty.Never mind, Welcome to Ms Lee’s restaurant.This is my restaurant.

T:Welcome,„, Do you like bananas?

S:Yes,I do./ NO, I don’t T:Here you are. S:Thank you.

T:Welcome,, Do you like apples? S:Yes,I do./ NO, I don’t T:Here you are. S:Thank you。 Step3. Learning words

Fish: 男女声读 Milk: 分组读

Meat: two by two,face to face

Rice: one by oone,louder and louder

Noodles: 拍单词卡读 Step 3. Practice

1. 板书总结

2. say a Chant of food (ppt ) T: There are many delicious food in my restaurant. Let’s say a


3. play a game: Lucky dog. (ppt) Step4. Text

T: What about our friends. Sam,Amy,Lingling,Tom? Let’s listen.

1. Watch the CD-ROM and answer two questions. Do you like meat, Lingling? Do you like fish,Amy?

2. read the book, Listen and match.

3. Listen and imitate

4. Learn “pass me the…and “Here you are.”

Step 5. Production

招聘服务员 (make a conversation)

T:Ms Lee’s restaurant needs some waiters.

A: Welcome, Do you like„? B: Yes, I do. Pass me the„.

No, I don’t. I like„ Pass me the„. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. Step 6. Summary

1. Sum-up (通过板书再次总结)

2. Winner (评出本节课表现较好的组) Step 7. Homework do an interview (ppt )

Do you like meat?法制渗透教学设计

一. 教学内容


二. 教学目标

1. 知识目标:

(1)学生能正确听懂,说出,认读本课句型 :Do you like„.? Yes,I do./ No, I don’t.

(2)学生能正确听懂,说出,认读本课单词 : fish milk meat rice noodles

(3) 学生能初步认知交际用语“Pass me the„.,please. ” “Here you are.”

2. 技能目标:


3. 情感目标:


4. 法制渗透:《中华人民共和国食品安全法》

第三条 食品生产经营者应当依照法律、法规和食品安全标准从事生产经营活动,对社会和公众负责,保证食品安全,接受社会监督,承担社会责任。

三. 教学重点

1.学生能认读单词 noodles milk meat fish rice

2.学生能灵活运用 Do you like „..? 并作出相应回答“Yes, I do.” “No, I don’t. ”

四. 教学难点:

1.学生能区分和认读fish ,milk 和 rice 的不同元音发音。

2.学生能正确区分和认读 “do ” 和 “don ’t ”

五. 教学准备:



Step 1. Warming-up

1. Greeting

T:Good morning, boys and girls. You look happy today. So let’s enjoy a chant together! Who want to come here? Are you ready? One two,go!

T: Wow, many sports. I like basketball. What about you? S: ~~

2. Enjoy a chant of sports

Come on, come on, go, go, go.

Football, football, 踢足球.

Basketball, basketball, 打篮球.

Swimming, swimming, 去游泳

Skipping, skipping, 来跳绳。 ,

Table tennis, table tennis, I like table tennis. I don’t like skipping. I like riding bikes. Idon’t like swimming.

Step2. Leading-in and presentation

T: Sports can make us strong. But after sports, we will feel hungry and thirsty.Never mind, Welcome to Ms Lee’s restaurant.This is my restaurant.

T:Welcome,„, Do you like bananas?

S:Yes,I do./ NO, I don’t T:Here you are. S:Thank you.

T:Welcome,, Do you like apples? S:Yes,I do./ NO, I don’t T:Here you are. S:Thank you。 Step3. Learning words

Fish: 男女声读 Milk: 分组读

Meat: two by two,face to face

Rice: one by oone,louder and louder

Noodles: 拍单词卡读 Step 3. Practice

1. 板书总结

2. say a Chant of food (ppt ) T: There are many delicious food in my restaurant. Let’s say a


3. play a game: Lucky dog. (ppt) Step4. Text

T: What about our friends. Sam,Amy,Lingling,Tom? Let’s listen.

1. Watch the CD-ROM and answer two questions. Do you like meat, Lingling? Do you like fish,Amy?

2. read the book, Listen and match.

3. Listen and imitate

4. Learn “pass me the…and “Here you are.”

Step 5. Production

招聘服务员 (make a conversation)

T:Ms Lee’s restaurant needs some waiters.

A: Welcome, Do you like„? B: Yes, I do. Pass me the„.

No, I don’t. I like„ Pass me the„. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. Step 6. Summary

1. Sum-up (通过板书再次总结)

2. Winner (评出本节课表现较好的组) Step 7. Homework do an interview (ppt )


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