
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:谭薇 李盘欣 杜江源 黄亚男 马向东


摘要:为了缩短豆豉的发酵时间,降低豆豉含盐量,避免有毒真菌的污染,对豆豉低盐高效发酵工艺进行了研究。以淋出酱油中氨基酸含量为指标,确定了豆豉醅发酵原料配比为黄豆15 g∶麸皮6 g;豆豉曲制作过程中,米曲霉种曲的接种量为5%~10%,培养时间36 h;豆豉发酵过程中,最佳含盐量为7.5%,最佳温度50 ℃,发酵时间为7 d。该工艺杂菌污染少、发酵周期短、产品质量高,并且最终的成品营养丰富,氨基酸态氮含量达到0.83 g/100 g。 关键词:米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae); 高温发酵; 豆豉; 低盐

中图分类号:TS214.2 ; ; ; ;文献标识码:A ; ; ; ;文章编号:0439-8114(2015)02-0421-03 DOI:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2015.02.041

New Technology of Producing Fermented Bean with Low Salt Content

and High Efficiency

TAN Wei1,LI Pan-xin2,DU Jiang-yuan1,HUANG Ya-nan2,MA Xiang-dong1

(1. College of Life Science, Hubei University/Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Green Transformation of Bio-Resources,Wuhan 430062,China;2. Nanjiecun (Group ) Co.,Ltd of Henan Province,Linying 462600, Henan,China )

Abstract: In order to shorten the fermentation time and reduce the salt content of fermented bean and avoid the pollution of toxic fungi, the process of producing fermented bean with low-salt and high-efficiency was studied. The amino acid content in soy sauce was used as standard, the optimal proportion of raw material of fermentation were 15 g soybeans and 6 g brans. The inoculation amount of aspergillus oryzae was 5%-10%. The temperature of fermented bean koji-making was 30℃ and the time was 36 hours. The optimal content of salt during fermentation was 7.5%. The optimal temperature was 50 ℃. The fermentation time was 7 days. When the pollution of toxic fungi was controlled , the fermentation period was short and the quality of the products was high. The final product contained rich nutrition with the content of amino acid nitrogen of 0.83 g/(100 g). Key words: ;Aspergillus oryzae;high-temperature ;fermentation;fermented bean;low salt 豆豉是日常生活中较受欢迎的调味品之一。早在公元前2世纪,我国已经开始生产豆豉


龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:谭薇 李盘欣 杜江源 黄亚男 马向东


摘要:为了缩短豆豉的发酵时间,降低豆豉含盐量,避免有毒真菌的污染,对豆豉低盐高效发酵工艺进行了研究。以淋出酱油中氨基酸含量为指标,确定了豆豉醅发酵原料配比为黄豆15 g∶麸皮6 g;豆豉曲制作过程中,米曲霉种曲的接种量为5%~10%,培养时间36 h;豆豉发酵过程中,最佳含盐量为7.5%,最佳温度50 ℃,发酵时间为7 d。该工艺杂菌污染少、发酵周期短、产品质量高,并且最终的成品营养丰富,氨基酸态氮含量达到0.83 g/100 g。 关键词:米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae); 高温发酵; 豆豉; 低盐

中图分类号:TS214.2 ; ; ; ;文献标识码:A ; ; ; ;文章编号:0439-8114(2015)02-0421-03 DOI:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2015.02.041

New Technology of Producing Fermented Bean with Low Salt Content

and High Efficiency

TAN Wei1,LI Pan-xin2,DU Jiang-yuan1,HUANG Ya-nan2,MA Xiang-dong1

(1. College of Life Science, Hubei University/Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Green Transformation of Bio-Resources,Wuhan 430062,China;2. Nanjiecun (Group ) Co.,Ltd of Henan Province,Linying 462600, Henan,China )

Abstract: In order to shorten the fermentation time and reduce the salt content of fermented bean and avoid the pollution of toxic fungi, the process of producing fermented bean with low-salt and high-efficiency was studied. The amino acid content in soy sauce was used as standard, the optimal proportion of raw material of fermentation were 15 g soybeans and 6 g brans. The inoculation amount of aspergillus oryzae was 5%-10%. The temperature of fermented bean koji-making was 30℃ and the time was 36 hours. The optimal content of salt during fermentation was 7.5%. The optimal temperature was 50 ℃. The fermentation time was 7 days. When the pollution of toxic fungi was controlled , the fermentation period was short and the quality of the products was high. The final product contained rich nutrition with the content of amino acid nitrogen of 0.83 g/(100 g). Key words: ;Aspergillus oryzae;high-temperature ;fermentation;fermented bean;low salt 豆豉是日常生活中较受欢迎的调味品之一。早在公元前2世纪,我国已经开始生产豆豉



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