

1,His brother often helps me my English. 2,I'm worried my son. He has a fever. 3,There 's something wrong my bike. 4,May I speak Miss Brown? 5,I live a big city, Tianjin. 6,Eating too much is bad you. 7,He is writing a letter a pen. 8,The paper flower is made Kate. 9,What do you usually have breakfast. 10,Thankyou for helping me my maths. 11,Don't read the sun. 12,What can we buy a hundred yuan. 13,The shoes are too short the boy. 14,Ann likes singing on her way school. 15, nice lamps! Can I have a look them? 16,What this coat? 17,Do you want else? Nothing ,thanks. 18,Draw a map your classroom groups. 19,It's time us to go to school. 20,The little boy is playing games his friends.


1,I'm sorry . I don't take money me.

A. In B.with C. of 2,I want to make some English signs visitors.

A.For B.to C.of 3,China is famous its food.

A.to B.in C.for 4,What's the matter the child?

A.To B. at C. with

5,Do you go to school bike on foot?

A.On,by B.for ,on C. by,on 6,I can act a panda.

A.On B. at C. as 7,Let's learn Leifeng.

A.In B. for C. from 8,We play games groups.

A.In B.on C. at 9,Let me introduce the girl you.

A.Of B.at C. to 10,Don't pass the paper that.

A.Of B.to C. like


1. any chairs in the classroom?

A. Are there B. IS there C. There are D. There are't

2. School is this? It's .

A. Who's, ours B. Whose, kate's C. Whose, kates

D. Who ,ours.

3. We are class?

A. In the same B. in same C. same D. on same

4. One of my from Tianjin.

A. teachers, are B. teacher, is C. teacher, are

D. teachers, is

5. cate the cat is!

A. How B. What an C. What D. What a

6. How about this afternoon?

A. shopping B. going shop C. going shopping

D. to go shopping

7. Let him show around school.

A. our , her B. us him C. we his D. us his

8. She sings well , ?

A. does't she B. is she C. does she D. does her

9. My uncle likes football.

A. plays B. playing C. playing the D. plays the

10. There any bread on the table.

A. isn't B. are C. is D. are't

11. do you like the bananas?---A little.

A. How B. What C. Whose D. Which

12. I feel much now.

A. good B. better C. well D. very

13. your firend have science class here?

A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are

14. ---What are there? – pigs and cats.

A. They B. These are C. There are D. They are

15. One of these students his schoolbag.

A. find B. finds C. is finding D. to find


1,His brother often helps me my English. 2,I'm worried my son. He has a fever. 3,There 's something wrong my bike. 4,May I speak Miss Brown? 5,I live a big city, Tianjin. 6,Eating too much is bad you. 7,He is writing a letter a pen. 8,The paper flower is made Kate. 9,What do you usually have breakfast. 10,Thankyou for helping me my maths. 11,Don't read the sun. 12,What can we buy a hundred yuan. 13,The shoes are too short the boy. 14,Ann likes singing on her way school. 15, nice lamps! Can I have a look them? 16,What this coat? 17,Do you want else? Nothing ,thanks. 18,Draw a map your classroom groups. 19,It's time us to go to school. 20,The little boy is playing games his friends.


1,I'm sorry . I don't take money me.

A. In B.with C. of 2,I want to make some English signs visitors.

A.For B.to C.of 3,China is famous its food.

A.to B.in C.for 4,What's the matter the child?

A.To B. at C. with

5,Do you go to school bike on foot?

A.On,by B.for ,on C. by,on 6,I can act a panda.

A.On B. at C. as 7,Let's learn Leifeng.

A.In B. for C. from 8,We play games groups.

A.In B.on C. at 9,Let me introduce the girl you.

A.Of B.at C. to 10,Don't pass the paper that.

A.Of B.to C. like


1. any chairs in the classroom?

A. Are there B. IS there C. There are D. There are't

2. School is this? It's .

A. Who's, ours B. Whose, kate's C. Whose, kates

D. Who ,ours.

3. We are class?

A. In the same B. in same C. same D. on same

4. One of my from Tianjin.

A. teachers, are B. teacher, is C. teacher, are

D. teachers, is

5. cate the cat is!

A. How B. What an C. What D. What a

6. How about this afternoon?

A. shopping B. going shop C. going shopping

D. to go shopping

7. Let him show around school.

A. our , her B. us him C. we his D. us his

8. She sings well , ?

A. does't she B. is she C. does she D. does her

9. My uncle likes football.

A. plays B. playing C. playing the D. plays the

10. There any bread on the table.

A. isn't B. are C. is D. are't

11. do you like the bananas?---A little.

A. How B. What C. Whose D. Which

12. I feel much now.

A. good B. better C. well D. very

13. your firend have science class here?

A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are

14. ---What are there? – pigs and cats.

A. They B. These are C. There are D. They are

15. One of these students his schoolbag.

A. find B. finds C. is finding D. to find


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