
资料( 一)


1 Jack’s computer isn’t working__________.

2 The old man over there has three __________.

3 Liu Ming has _________ in winning first prize in the singing competition.

4 You’d better take some _________ when listening to the class.

5 Julie and I keep ___________ by chatting on the Internet.

6 Mr.Green has two _________ . One is a boy, and the other is a girl.

7 The _______ have five boats and they catch a lot of fish every day.

8 When I came back from Beijing, the flowers in my house were_________.

9 The government has ___________ many study materials for the poor students here.

10 The boss has two_________ . They are drawing up a plan over there.

11 The computer is a great _________ in the 20th century. 12 The old man is receiving a _________ for cancer in hospital.

13 It’s really __________ news.

14 Old Adam is telling a story to his three___________.

15 Bob’s grandpa has been_________ for nearly six years.

16 Would you like to go to the _______ with me to buy some vegetable.

17 The factory needs three________ to make the machine. 18 My hometown__________ rapidly during the last ten years.

19 You will be late for the Class if you don’t walk_________.

20 Tim________ some money from the old man yesterday.

21 There is much_________ in the wind. I can’t see anything clearly.

22 Everyone should obey the _________.

23 It is an important _________ in modern history.

24 The smoke is ________ into the sky.

25 Water will________ into ice in winter.

26 The chairwoman _______ hands with me just now.

27 Sally_______ a rich man last year.

28 Have you ever been to a _________ country?

29 Old Henry has three ________ and they all live with him.

30 I can’t find my purse anywhere. Maybe someone has _______ it.

二、根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式填空, 每空一词。

1. John ________ _______ _________ (取得进步) in English since last term.

2. We should __________ __________ (向…学习) each other and help each other.

3. _________ _______ _______ (顺便问一下) ,how does your mother go to work every day?

4. He got up early _______ ______ _______ (为了) catch the morning train.

5. My father works in a big city ________ _______ (遥远的).

6. The little girl ________ ________ (迷路) on her way to the museum this morning.

7. Yesterday my best friend Kathy and I __________ ________ (玩得高兴) in the park.

8. I have something important to ________ ________ (处理) today.

9. We should brush our teeth ________ ________ (至少) twice a day.

10. The doctor asked Betty to stay in bed for _______ ______ ______(一些) days.

11. Uncle Xue has planted _________ ________ (成百上千) trees in the past two years.

12. We haven’t __________ _________ (决定)our winter plants.

13. My mother often helps people ___________ _________(在困难之中).

14. __________ __________ (多亏了) David, I got to the airport on time.

15. __________ _________ (根据) my watch, it is 4 o’clock.

16. We all thought it was very hard to finish the task on time. ___ ____ (事实上) ,it’s very easy.

17. Our government is trying to _______ more people_________(为…提供) jobs.

18. The manager of the factory_________ _________ (旨在) improve his workers’ working

conditions this year.

19. My mother told me to help the little girl________ ________ (在困难之中).

20. How much did Sandy________ _________ (付款) the computer.

21. The number of the cars in the town is _______ ______ (增加) 3,000 every year.

22. ________ ______ (多亏了) John, I passed the English exam.

23. ________ ________ (到目前为止) , the old man has helped 20 students return to school.

24. We didn’t go to the movie last Sunday _______ ______ (因为) the snow.

25. Why don’t you _______ _______ (拟定) a plan for your summer holiday?

26. _______ ________ (并非所有) doctors rest at the weekend.

27. _______ _______ (并非每个人) in my family can drive.

28. There are _______ ______ (太多) spelling mistakes in your composition.

29. I have ______ _______ (太多) work to do

30. Drinking too much ______ ______ _______(有害) our health.

31. My bicycle ______ _______ (不见了). Who saw it?

32. Too many cars can cause _______ ________ (空气污染).

33. Dad came home _______ _______ ______ ______ (心情差) and threw his bag on the sofa.

34. I ______ ________ (给…写信) my parents once a month when I was in London.

35. The skirt is very beautiful.________ _______ (而且) , it’s not expensive.

36. You have _______ _______ (眼睛酸痛) . You’d better not work on the computer too long.

37. Bob’s mother ______ the milk ______ (把…倒入…) a cup and gave it to him.

38. Stop _______ _______ (制造噪音) , boys and girls. You should listen to the speech quietly.

39. Because of a medical accident, Carl _______ _________(变聋了)

40. My father is ________ ________ (试图) make me laugh.

41. Bill doesn’t like to speak______ _______ (在公共场合) .

42. Ava left the party in a hurry. ______ ______ _______ (结果), she left her umbrella there.


31 The ________ seasons are different from ours.

32 My father_______ me to turn the computer off.

33 You should look up the word in the dictionary and find the right _______ of it.

34 The apples are fifty _______ each.

35 Sometimes it’s hard for me to understand Lora because she speaks with a London _______.

36 The man walks slowly, because he is afraid of ________ into the fiver.

37 I have no difficulty making myself_______ when I was in Japan.

38 It is Sunday today. Barry doesn’t feel like _____ up early.

39 These children are enjoying ________ in the swimming pool.

40 Sally’s daughter played all day and she felt ________ early last night.

41 I have five _______ in my schoolbag for different lessons.

42 My daughter _________ what I said and went out.

43 What kind of _______ do you like to use when you brush your teeth?

44 It’s ________ of you to take an umbrella with you on such a hot day.

45 Our teacher asks us to read the ______ for three times.

46 I want to be a(n) _________ when I grow up.

47 To _________ are you writing the letter?

48 Eric can speak two foreign_________.

49 Which one should I take? I can’t find any _______ between the two camera.

50 If you go on ________ my homework, I will tell it to our teacher.

51 Dong Cunrui is one of our national ________.

52 Everyone here must make a self _________ before the speech.

53 After many years’ hard work, I _________ my dream at last.

54 I have _________ to the letters from my pen pals.

55 Mrs. Brown is ________ the room for her lost money.

56 Iron is a kind of _________ .

57 There is no _________ in my pen.

58 Scientists have now been able to _________ some animals.

59 Edison did lots of ___________ before he invented the bulb.

60 These women used to be __________ in an old man’s house.

















59. 60.












72. 73.













86. _______ ______ (确保) to arrive here before 8 o’clock , boys and girls. _____ ______ ______ (一开始) , Albert was weak in English, but now he is good at it. With the help of Dr. Lin, my uncle is getting well ______ _______ _______ (一天天)。 If we don’t take measures to save it , this kind of plant will _______ _______ (消失,灭亡). _______ _______ (人类)can’t live without food and water. The heavy rain has _______ _______ (冲走)much soil here. A strong wind _______ ________ (吹走) the leaves on the ground. Mom, who has ______ _______ (拿走) my basketball? Don’t _______ _______ (提到)this matter again , please. ______ ______ ______ (越来越多的)people have joined the club. People use the Internet ______ ______ ______ ______(全世界). Sunshine _______ _______ (透过窗户)the window and comes into my bedroom. I won’t _______ ________ (提到) the man again. My grandpa _______ _______ (砍倒) the tree in front of my house last Sunday. There are flowers on the hill ______ ________ ______ (到处). Please _______ the litter_________ (拿走) when you go out. This kind of bird has ________ ______ (消失). Don’t ______ _______ (放弃) English. I can help you with it. Tina stayed up late to work______ _______ (以便) everything can be ready tomorrow. Boris likes playing _____ ______ basketball _____ _______ (不仅…而且…) football. ______ _______ (快点), or you will be late for the meeting. My mother _______ ______ _______ _______ (鼓励我练习) playing the piano every day. You ______ _______ (应该) take your camera with you. We chose to stay at home ______ _______(而不是) going to the movies on such a rainy day. Will you ______ ______ ______ (参加) the sports meet, Felix? Let’s _______ ______ (关掉)the TV and go out to play. The children are playing volleyball ______ _______ ______(在海滩上). Every student in the class handed in their composition ______ ______ (按时) . John has _______ ________ (为…工作) Project Hope for three years. You _______ ______(应当) get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning. _______ _______ (确保) you turn off the computer when you leave home. _______ ________ (每隔多久) do you wash your clothes? Speak loudly _______ _______ (以便) they can hear clearly. He has bought three basketballs ______ _______ (到目前为止). I have _______ ________ (为…付款) the shirt. Why can’t I take it out of the shop? My father _______ ______ (砍倒) the trees here and planted many kinds of vegetables. ______ _______ _______ (…的数量)the apples on the table is 46. Dad often goes to Beijing ________ ________ (出差) This material ______ ______ ______ (与…相似) silk, but it is not natural. ______ _______ (通常), children like to see cartoon films. Our teacher ______ us _______ (把…分成) three groups and we began to play the game. Carl ________ ______ _______ _______ (没有困难完成) the work in two days. The old man never ______ _______ (提到) his lost son again from then on. You must go to the piano class on Sunday_______ _______ (按时).


87. We have ______ _______ ______ (为…准备好) the coming final exam.

88. Peter will be our manager _______ ______ _______ (从现在开始).

89. Leo’s mother _______ _______ ________ (为…感到高兴) what he did and praised him.

90. This camera ________ _______ ________ (与…相似) that one, but it’s more expensive.

91. My English teacher _______ me_______ (把…看作) a hard-working student.

92. I tried to ______ myself _______ (使自己被听得见).

93. ________ ________ (一般而言) ,the parks are full on holidays.

94. _______ ________(至于)the breakfast, I have had it.

95. I’ll go to the airport to ______ Bill ________ (为..送行) later.

96. It is dangerous to ________ _______ (伸出) your hand like this.

97. After Carl _______ _______(进入) the car, his father closed the door.

98. Uncle Li stopped the car and _______ ________ (让…乘车) Sally at the school gate.

99. Who can tell me how the accident ________ _______ (发生)?

100. The earth ________ ________ (吸收) heat and light from the sun.

101. Sarah dealt with the math problem _______ _______ _______ ______ (用一种不同的方式). 102. Thanks to your help, I’m making progress _______ _______ _______ (逐渐),

103. Mr.Black has to work hard to ________ _______ _______(谋生) .

104. Amy _______ _______ (依赖) her parents until 18 years old.

105. My parents are ______ ______ (前往) America tonight.

106. I ______ ______ _______ (写日记) in English when I was in middle school.

107. Sarah goes to KFC ______ ______ (有时) with her parents

108. My father hasn’t coughed any more since he _______ _______ (放弃) smoking.

109. Once you ________ _______ ______ (陷入困境) , you can ask me for help.

110. Everyone in my class is busy preparing for the _______ ________ (期末考试).

111. I have _______ many _________ (犯错误) in my homework, so I have to do it again.

112. Bruce stayed up late last night to watch the football game, so he _______ ______ (感到瞌睡)


113. I’m not used to speaking ________ _______ (当众).

114. Please ________ _________ (相信) me .I can help you solve the problem.

115. China has _______ _______ (发射) another manned spaceship.

116. Work hard and you will _______ _______ ______ (实现你的梦想) in the future.

117. We human beings have ______ ________ _________ (踏上) the moon.

118. The plane will _________ ________ (降落于) Sydney Airport.

119. The skirt is very beautiful, and ______ _______ (而且), it is very cheap.

120. ______ _______ _______ _______ (毫无疑问) that my mom loves me so much.

121. What would you do, ________ _______ (例如), if you found a bag of money?

122. We don’t know when the world _______ _______ ______ (形成).

123. ______ ______ (多亏了) the doctor, I am well again.

124. It is a pleasure to _______ _______ (做生意) with you.

125. _______ ______ ______ _______ (在…帮助下) Linda, we got ready on time.

126. Many boys dream of becoming pilots when they ________ _________ (长大成人).

127. Lisa _________ _________ (指向) the photo on the wall and told me something about it. 128. China _______ ________ (发射) another manned spaceship this year.

129. “ Is it easy to walk _______ ________ (在太空) ?” the reporter asked the astronaut. 130. Our life has changed a lot since the Internet _________ ______ _________ (形成).

131. We _________ ________ __________ (不被允许) go out of the school during weekdays. 132. Bill worked hard and his dream ________ _______ (实现) at last.

133. The paper ________ ________ ________ (由…制成) wood.

134. The shelf _______ _______ ________ (被…用来) putting books on.

135. I can’t say _________ _________ (确切地) when he will arrive.

136. The man ________ ________ ________ __________ (为…作贡献) the improvement of the

environment here.

137. I saw the thief ________ _________ (逃跑) through the window.

138. ______ ________ _________ (令我们惊奇的是), he went abroad suddenly.

139. Carl, what will you do if you ________ _______ _______ (迷路了)?

140. We will go to climb the mountains at the weekend ______ _______ _________ (只要)it is


141. The police has _______ _________ (查明) the reason for the accident.

142. I will beat you in the game __________ (总有一天) .

143. Can you tell me when your dream will _______ ________ (实现) ?

144. Mr. Green experienced two wars _______ _______ ________ (在他的一生中).

145. Jack has changed five jobs ________ _________ (到目前为止) .

146. My grandmother ________ the dog _________ (把…看作) her child.

147. He ______ ________ (继续) working till 10:00 pm last Saturday.

148. I’m sorry I have ________ ________ (占据) much of your time.

149. My father _________ the car ________ (搜寻) his license, but he didn’t find it.

150. Rose forgot to turn off the light when she left home. ______ _______ (更为糟糕的是) , she

left her keys at home.

151. The guests _______ go _________ (直到…才) the rain stopped.

152. Are you ______ ________ (能) cook dumpling?

153. I hope to visit Hawaii _______ _______ (有朝一日).

154. My brother wants to travel _______ ________ (在太空)

155. I ________ the whole accident ________ _______ _______ ______ (亲眼看见).

156. The novel _______ ________ ________ (以…为根据) a true story.



资料( 一)


1 Jack’s computer isn’t working__________.

2 The old man over there has three __________.

3 Liu Ming has _________ in winning first prize in the singing competition.

4 You’d better take some _________ when listening to the class.

5 Julie and I keep ___________ by chatting on the Internet.

6 Mr.Green has two _________ . One is a boy, and the other is a girl.

7 The _______ have five boats and they catch a lot of fish every day.

8 When I came back from Beijing, the flowers in my house were_________.

9 The government has ___________ many study materials for the poor students here.

10 The boss has two_________ . They are drawing up a plan over there.

11 The computer is a great _________ in the 20th century. 12 The old man is receiving a _________ for cancer in hospital.

13 It’s really __________ news.

14 Old Adam is telling a story to his three___________.

15 Bob’s grandpa has been_________ for nearly six years.

16 Would you like to go to the _______ with me to buy some vegetable.

17 The factory needs three________ to make the machine. 18 My hometown__________ rapidly during the last ten years.

19 You will be late for the Class if you don’t walk_________.

20 Tim________ some money from the old man yesterday.

21 There is much_________ in the wind. I can’t see anything clearly.

22 Everyone should obey the _________.

23 It is an important _________ in modern history.

24 The smoke is ________ into the sky.

25 Water will________ into ice in winter.

26 The chairwoman _______ hands with me just now.

27 Sally_______ a rich man last year.

28 Have you ever been to a _________ country?

29 Old Henry has three ________ and they all live with him.

30 I can’t find my purse anywhere. Maybe someone has _______ it.

二、根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式填空, 每空一词。

1. John ________ _______ _________ (取得进步) in English since last term.

2. We should __________ __________ (向…学习) each other and help each other.

3. _________ _______ _______ (顺便问一下) ,how does your mother go to work every day?

4. He got up early _______ ______ _______ (为了) catch the morning train.

5. My father works in a big city ________ _______ (遥远的).

6. The little girl ________ ________ (迷路) on her way to the museum this morning.

7. Yesterday my best friend Kathy and I __________ ________ (玩得高兴) in the park.

8. I have something important to ________ ________ (处理) today.

9. We should brush our teeth ________ ________ (至少) twice a day.

10. The doctor asked Betty to stay in bed for _______ ______ ______(一些) days.

11. Uncle Xue has planted _________ ________ (成百上千) trees in the past two years.

12. We haven’t __________ _________ (决定)our winter plants.

13. My mother often helps people ___________ _________(在困难之中).

14. __________ __________ (多亏了) David, I got to the airport on time.

15. __________ _________ (根据) my watch, it is 4 o’clock.

16. We all thought it was very hard to finish the task on time. ___ ____ (事实上) ,it’s very easy.

17. Our government is trying to _______ more people_________(为…提供) jobs.

18. The manager of the factory_________ _________ (旨在) improve his workers’ working

conditions this year.

19. My mother told me to help the little girl________ ________ (在困难之中).

20. How much did Sandy________ _________ (付款) the computer.

21. The number of the cars in the town is _______ ______ (增加) 3,000 every year.

22. ________ ______ (多亏了) John, I passed the English exam.

23. ________ ________ (到目前为止) , the old man has helped 20 students return to school.

24. We didn’t go to the movie last Sunday _______ ______ (因为) the snow.

25. Why don’t you _______ _______ (拟定) a plan for your summer holiday?

26. _______ ________ (并非所有) doctors rest at the weekend.

27. _______ _______ (并非每个人) in my family can drive.

28. There are _______ ______ (太多) spelling mistakes in your composition.

29. I have ______ _______ (太多) work to do

30. Drinking too much ______ ______ _______(有害) our health.

31. My bicycle ______ _______ (不见了). Who saw it?

32. Too many cars can cause _______ ________ (空气污染).

33. Dad came home _______ _______ ______ ______ (心情差) and threw his bag on the sofa.

34. I ______ ________ (给…写信) my parents once a month when I was in London.

35. The skirt is very beautiful.________ _______ (而且) , it’s not expensive.

36. You have _______ _______ (眼睛酸痛) . You’d better not work on the computer too long.

37. Bob’s mother ______ the milk ______ (把…倒入…) a cup and gave it to him.

38. Stop _______ _______ (制造噪音) , boys and girls. You should listen to the speech quietly.

39. Because of a medical accident, Carl _______ _________(变聋了)

40. My father is ________ ________ (试图) make me laugh.

41. Bill doesn’t like to speak______ _______ (在公共场合) .

42. Ava left the party in a hurry. ______ ______ _______ (结果), she left her umbrella there.


31 The ________ seasons are different from ours.

32 My father_______ me to turn the computer off.

33 You should look up the word in the dictionary and find the right _______ of it.

34 The apples are fifty _______ each.

35 Sometimes it’s hard for me to understand Lora because she speaks with a London _______.

36 The man walks slowly, because he is afraid of ________ into the fiver.

37 I have no difficulty making myself_______ when I was in Japan.

38 It is Sunday today. Barry doesn’t feel like _____ up early.

39 These children are enjoying ________ in the swimming pool.

40 Sally’s daughter played all day and she felt ________ early last night.

41 I have five _______ in my schoolbag for different lessons.

42 My daughter _________ what I said and went out.

43 What kind of _______ do you like to use when you brush your teeth?

44 It’s ________ of you to take an umbrella with you on such a hot day.

45 Our teacher asks us to read the ______ for three times.

46 I want to be a(n) _________ when I grow up.

47 To _________ are you writing the letter?

48 Eric can speak two foreign_________.

49 Which one should I take? I can’t find any _______ between the two camera.

50 If you go on ________ my homework, I will tell it to our teacher.

51 Dong Cunrui is one of our national ________.

52 Everyone here must make a self _________ before the speech.

53 After many years’ hard work, I _________ my dream at last.

54 I have _________ to the letters from my pen pals.

55 Mrs. Brown is ________ the room for her lost money.

56 Iron is a kind of _________ .

57 There is no _________ in my pen.

58 Scientists have now been able to _________ some animals.

59 Edison did lots of ___________ before he invented the bulb.

60 These women used to be __________ in an old man’s house.

















59. 60.












72. 73.













86. _______ ______ (确保) to arrive here before 8 o’clock , boys and girls. _____ ______ ______ (一开始) , Albert was weak in English, but now he is good at it. With the help of Dr. Lin, my uncle is getting well ______ _______ _______ (一天天)。 If we don’t take measures to save it , this kind of plant will _______ _______ (消失,灭亡). _______ _______ (人类)can’t live without food and water. The heavy rain has _______ _______ (冲走)much soil here. A strong wind _______ ________ (吹走) the leaves on the ground. Mom, who has ______ _______ (拿走) my basketball? Don’t _______ _______ (提到)this matter again , please. ______ ______ ______ (越来越多的)people have joined the club. People use the Internet ______ ______ ______ ______(全世界). Sunshine _______ _______ (透过窗户)the window and comes into my bedroom. I won’t _______ ________ (提到) the man again. My grandpa _______ _______ (砍倒) the tree in front of my house last Sunday. There are flowers on the hill ______ ________ ______ (到处). Please _______ the litter_________ (拿走) when you go out. This kind of bird has ________ ______ (消失). Don’t ______ _______ (放弃) English. I can help you with it. Tina stayed up late to work______ _______ (以便) everything can be ready tomorrow. Boris likes playing _____ ______ basketball _____ _______ (不仅…而且…) football. ______ _______ (快点), or you will be late for the meeting. My mother _______ ______ _______ _______ (鼓励我练习) playing the piano every day. You ______ _______ (应该) take your camera with you. We chose to stay at home ______ _______(而不是) going to the movies on such a rainy day. Will you ______ ______ ______ (参加) the sports meet, Felix? Let’s _______ ______ (关掉)the TV and go out to play. The children are playing volleyball ______ _______ ______(在海滩上). Every student in the class handed in their composition ______ ______ (按时) . John has _______ ________ (为…工作) Project Hope for three years. You _______ ______(应当) get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning. _______ _______ (确保) you turn off the computer when you leave home. _______ ________ (每隔多久) do you wash your clothes? Speak loudly _______ _______ (以便) they can hear clearly. He has bought three basketballs ______ _______ (到目前为止). I have _______ ________ (为…付款) the shirt. Why can’t I take it out of the shop? My father _______ ______ (砍倒) the trees here and planted many kinds of vegetables. ______ _______ _______ (…的数量)the apples on the table is 46. Dad often goes to Beijing ________ ________ (出差) This material ______ ______ ______ (与…相似) silk, but it is not natural. ______ _______ (通常), children like to see cartoon films. Our teacher ______ us _______ (把…分成) three groups and we began to play the game. Carl ________ ______ _______ _______ (没有困难完成) the work in two days. The old man never ______ _______ (提到) his lost son again from then on. You must go to the piano class on Sunday_______ _______ (按时).


87. We have ______ _______ ______ (为…准备好) the coming final exam.

88. Peter will be our manager _______ ______ _______ (从现在开始).

89. Leo’s mother _______ _______ ________ (为…感到高兴) what he did and praised him.

90. This camera ________ _______ ________ (与…相似) that one, but it’s more expensive.

91. My English teacher _______ me_______ (把…看作) a hard-working student.

92. I tried to ______ myself _______ (使自己被听得见).

93. ________ ________ (一般而言) ,the parks are full on holidays.

94. _______ ________(至于)the breakfast, I have had it.

95. I’ll go to the airport to ______ Bill ________ (为..送行) later.

96. It is dangerous to ________ _______ (伸出) your hand like this.

97. After Carl _______ _______(进入) the car, his father closed the door.

98. Uncle Li stopped the car and _______ ________ (让…乘车) Sally at the school gate.

99. Who can tell me how the accident ________ _______ (发生)?

100. The earth ________ ________ (吸收) heat and light from the sun.

101. Sarah dealt with the math problem _______ _______ _______ ______ (用一种不同的方式). 102. Thanks to your help, I’m making progress _______ _______ _______ (逐渐),

103. Mr.Black has to work hard to ________ _______ _______(谋生) .

104. Amy _______ _______ (依赖) her parents until 18 years old.

105. My parents are ______ ______ (前往) America tonight.

106. I ______ ______ _______ (写日记) in English when I was in middle school.

107. Sarah goes to KFC ______ ______ (有时) with her parents

108. My father hasn’t coughed any more since he _______ _______ (放弃) smoking.

109. Once you ________ _______ ______ (陷入困境) , you can ask me for help.

110. Everyone in my class is busy preparing for the _______ ________ (期末考试).

111. I have _______ many _________ (犯错误) in my homework, so I have to do it again.

112. Bruce stayed up late last night to watch the football game, so he _______ ______ (感到瞌睡)


113. I’m not used to speaking ________ _______ (当众).

114. Please ________ _________ (相信) me .I can help you solve the problem.

115. China has _______ _______ (发射) another manned spaceship.

116. Work hard and you will _______ _______ ______ (实现你的梦想) in the future.

117. We human beings have ______ ________ _________ (踏上) the moon.

118. The plane will _________ ________ (降落于) Sydney Airport.

119. The skirt is very beautiful, and ______ _______ (而且), it is very cheap.

120. ______ _______ _______ _______ (毫无疑问) that my mom loves me so much.

121. What would you do, ________ _______ (例如), if you found a bag of money?

122. We don’t know when the world _______ _______ ______ (形成).

123. ______ ______ (多亏了) the doctor, I am well again.

124. It is a pleasure to _______ _______ (做生意) with you.

125. _______ ______ ______ _______ (在…帮助下) Linda, we got ready on time.

126. Many boys dream of becoming pilots when they ________ _________ (长大成人).

127. Lisa _________ _________ (指向) the photo on the wall and told me something about it. 128. China _______ ________ (发射) another manned spaceship this year.

129. “ Is it easy to walk _______ ________ (在太空) ?” the reporter asked the astronaut. 130. Our life has changed a lot since the Internet _________ ______ _________ (形成).

131. We _________ ________ __________ (不被允许) go out of the school during weekdays. 132. Bill worked hard and his dream ________ _______ (实现) at last.

133. The paper ________ ________ ________ (由…制成) wood.

134. The shelf _______ _______ ________ (被…用来) putting books on.

135. I can’t say _________ _________ (确切地) when he will arrive.

136. The man ________ ________ ________ __________ (为…作贡献) the improvement of the

environment here.

137. I saw the thief ________ _________ (逃跑) through the window.

138. ______ ________ _________ (令我们惊奇的是), he went abroad suddenly.

139. Carl, what will you do if you ________ _______ _______ (迷路了)?

140. We will go to climb the mountains at the weekend ______ _______ _________ (只要)it is


141. The police has _______ _________ (查明) the reason for the accident.

142. I will beat you in the game __________ (总有一天) .

143. Can you tell me when your dream will _______ ________ (实现) ?

144. Mr. Green experienced two wars _______ _______ ________ (在他的一生中).

145. Jack has changed five jobs ________ _________ (到目前为止) .

146. My grandmother ________ the dog _________ (把…看作) her child.

147. He ______ ________ (继续) working till 10:00 pm last Saturday.

148. I’m sorry I have ________ ________ (占据) much of your time.

149. My father _________ the car ________ (搜寻) his license, but he didn’t find it.

150. Rose forgot to turn off the light when she left home. ______ _______ (更为糟糕的是) , she

left her keys at home.

151. The guests _______ go _________ (直到…才) the rain stopped.

152. Are you ______ ________ (能) cook dumpling?

153. I hope to visit Hawaii _______ _______ (有朝一日).

154. My brother wants to travel _______ ________ (在太空)

155. I ________ the whole accident ________ _______ _______ ______ (亲眼看见).

156. The novel _______ ________ ________ (以…为根据) a true story.




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