

姓名___________ 分数_____________



( ) 1. A. face B. flag C. foot

( )2. A. show B. here C. where

( )3. A.see B. feet C. tree

( )4. A. door B. doll C. dog

( )5. A. what B. color C. like


( )1. A. What color is it? B. Where is it? C. Show me your book.

( )2. A. What color do you like? B. Where is your book? C.What’s this?

( )3. A. This is a book. B. It’s a pen. C. It’s a cat.

( )4. A. What’s that? B. Go to school. C. Plant many trees.

( )5. A. I have a ruler. B.Stand in a line. C.Turn right.

( )6. A. How many doors? B. Where is the girl? C. What’s this?

( )7. A. I am Lily. B. She is Lucy. C. He is Tom.

( )8. A. I like apples. B. I have apples. C. This is my apple.

( )9. A. This is my nose. B. These are my feet. C. They are eyes.

( )10. A. Big I is a man. B.Big H are trees. C. Big G is mum.



f___c___ ( 脸 ) n___ s___ ( 鼻子 ) b___ n ___ n___ ( 香蕉 )

d___ g ( 狗 ) ___ ppl___ ( 苹果 ) h___ t ( 帽子 )

c___ ____ ( 猫 ) f___ ___t ( 双脚 ) s___ ___ ( 太阳 )


h , s , e ________ 她 e, h__________ 他 r , o , d,o ___________门

h, t , i,s ________这;这个 o , sh , w ___________把某物给某人看 an, t, p , l __________ 种植


1.This is my mouth 的汉语意思是________.

A. 这是我的嘴 B. 这些是我的嘴 C. 它们是我的嘴

2.What’s this? ________.

A. It’s a face. B. This is faces. C. They are faces.

3.下面正确的句子是 ________.

A. This is my feet. B. It’s my mouths. C. These are my teeth.

4.What color do you like? __________.

A. I like blue B. It’s white C. It’s a book.

5.How many doors?的汉语意思是 _________.

A.这是门吗? B.多少扇门? C. 这是什么?

6.How many doors? ________.

A. I have doors. B. It’s a door. C. Two doors.

7.I’m a girl 的汉语意思是________.

A. 我是一个女孩 B.我不是一个女孩 C. 她是一个女孩

8.Where is your pen? ________.

A.On the table. B. I have two pens. C. This is my pen.

9.Show me your book. __________.

A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. In the desk.

10.How many_____?

A. ruler B. rulers C. hairs

11.I have two ________.

A. noses B.mouths C. ears

12.Ten little children stand in ___ line.

A.a B. two C. four

13.What color is it? ________.

A.This is blue. B.It’s blue. C. I like blue.

14.What are these? __________.

A.They are eyes. B. They are ear. C. This is my teeth.

15.Where is your chair? 的汉语意思是 _________.

A. 你的椅子是什么颜色? B. 这是什么颜色? C. 你的椅子在哪里?


How are you? Four doors.

Stand in two lines. 跑向门

Show me your book.

What color do you like?

Where is your ball?

Go to school In the desk.

What color is it?

What’s this?

Run to the door.

Good morning!

How many doors?

六.画图题 Good morning! It’s red. Here you are. 去上学 It’s my nose. 站成两排 I’m fine. I like yellow.


姓名___________ 分数_____________



( ) 1. A. face B. flag C. foot

( )2. A. show B. here C. where

( )3. A.see B. feet C. tree

( )4. A. door B. doll C. dog

( )5. A. what B. color C. like


( )1. A. What color is it? B. Where is it? C. Show me your book.

( )2. A. What color do you like? B. Where is your book? C.What’s this?

( )3. A. This is a book. B. It’s a pen. C. It’s a cat.

( )4. A. What’s that? B. Go to school. C. Plant many trees.

( )5. A. I have a ruler. B.Stand in a line. C.Turn right.

( )6. A. How many doors? B. Where is the girl? C. What’s this?

( )7. A. I am Lily. B. She is Lucy. C. He is Tom.

( )8. A. I like apples. B. I have apples. C. This is my apple.

( )9. A. This is my nose. B. These are my feet. C. They are eyes.

( )10. A. Big I is a man. B.Big H are trees. C. Big G is mum.



f___c___ ( 脸 ) n___ s___ ( 鼻子 ) b___ n ___ n___ ( 香蕉 )

d___ g ( 狗 ) ___ ppl___ ( 苹果 ) h___ t ( 帽子 )

c___ ____ ( 猫 ) f___ ___t ( 双脚 ) s___ ___ ( 太阳 )


h , s , e ________ 她 e, h__________ 他 r , o , d,o ___________门

h, t , i,s ________这;这个 o , sh , w ___________把某物给某人看 an, t, p , l __________ 种植


1.This is my mouth 的汉语意思是________.

A. 这是我的嘴 B. 这些是我的嘴 C. 它们是我的嘴

2.What’s this? ________.

A. It’s a face. B. This is faces. C. They are faces.

3.下面正确的句子是 ________.

A. This is my feet. B. It’s my mouths. C. These are my teeth.

4.What color do you like? __________.

A. I like blue B. It’s white C. It’s a book.

5.How many doors?的汉语意思是 _________.

A.这是门吗? B.多少扇门? C. 这是什么?

6.How many doors? ________.

A. I have doors. B. It’s a door. C. Two doors.

7.I’m a girl 的汉语意思是________.

A. 我是一个女孩 B.我不是一个女孩 C. 她是一个女孩

8.Where is your pen? ________.

A.On the table. B. I have two pens. C. This is my pen.

9.Show me your book. __________.

A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. In the desk.

10.How many_____?

A. ruler B. rulers C. hairs

11.I have two ________.

A. noses B.mouths C. ears

12.Ten little children stand in ___ line.

A.a B. two C. four

13.What color is it? ________.

A.This is blue. B.It’s blue. C. I like blue.

14.What are these? __________.

A.They are eyes. B. They are ear. C. This is my teeth.

15.Where is your chair? 的汉语意思是 _________.

A. 你的椅子是什么颜色? B. 这是什么颜色? C. 你的椅子在哪里?


How are you? Four doors.

Stand in two lines. 跑向门

Show me your book.

What color do you like?

Where is your ball?

Go to school In the desk.

What color is it?

What’s this?

Run to the door.

Good morning!

How many doors?

六.画图题 Good morning! It’s red. Here you are. 去上学 It’s my nose. 站成两排 I’m fine. I like yellow.


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