

第一章 名校模拟


One day, a tramp(流浪汉) was sleeping on a park bench, (satisfy) with the afternoon sunshine.

A couple walked by. The man stopped, woke the tramp up and asked him, ”Excuse me you have the time?” The tramp replied ,” I‟m sorry. I don‟t have a watch, so I don‟t know the time.” The man apologized and walked away with his wife.

The tramp lay down went back to sleep. Just then, a woman was out walking her dog, shook the tramp‟s shoulder until he woke up , said ,”I‟m sorry to trouble you, but do you happen (know) the time?” The tramp was a little he didn‟t have a watch and had no idea time. After the woman left, an idea (occur) to the tramp . He opened his bag and took out a pen and a piece of paper. He wrote down with all his strength, “I do not have a watch. I do not know the time.” He then hung the paper round his neck thinking that nobody would hold in his sleep. Fifteen policeman noticed the tramp and the sign around his neck. Out of a sense of responsibility, he woke the tramp up and said,” It‟ s 2:30 pm.”



1 satisfied 2 Do 3 who 4 and 5 to know

6 being woken 7 of 8 occurred 9 back 10 minutes


If you have much money, you need to put it away in the bank. Maybe you never opened that account(账户) , but someone else someone who used your name, your credit card number or your 造假is actually a crime.

The biggest problem is that you may not know that someone has taken away your identity (familiar) account you never opened , your credit report may include debts you never knew you had, you may see charges on your bills that you didn‟t sign for.

you take at least two First , contact the FTC at once and ask them (stop) that fake account at once. Second, not only review your report often, but also take good care of your own information.



1 did 2 personal 3 letting 4 which 5 until/till 6 unfamiliar 7 or 8 been stolen 9 measures 10 to stop


wanted to do something for the people of his town. But first he wanted (find ) out whether they deserved his help.

In the centre of the main road into the town, he very large stone. Then he (hide) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.

“Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man,but he did not try to remove the stone. man came along and did the same thing ; then another came, and another . All of them complained about himself ,”The night will be very dark. Some (neighbor) will come along (late) in the dark and will fall against the stone.”

Then he began to move the stone. He pushed with all his strength to move it. How great his the stone , he found a bag of money.



1 who/that 2 to find 3 a 4 hid 5 Another

6 it 7 saying 8 neighbours 9 later 10 Under


Jimmy is an automotive mechanic, but he lost his job a few months age. He was kind but always feared to apply for 1 new job.

One day, he gathered up all his strength and 2 (decide) to attend a job interview. It would be only an hour 3 the interview started. While waiting for a bus to the interview‟s office, he saw an elderly man was wildly kicking a car. Jimmy 4 (immediate) went up to lend him a hand. When jimmy finished 5 (work) on the car, the man asked him how much he should pay for the service. Jimmy said he just helped someone 6 need, and he had to rush for an interview. Then the man insisted on taking him to the office for his interview. Jimmy had to agree.

Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line of applicant waiting 7 (interview). One by one , they left the office with a 8 (disappoint) look on their faces. Finally his name was called. To his surprise , the interviewer was the old man he helped 9 (early) in the morning .”Sorry . I had to keep you waiting , but I was pretty sure I had made the right decision to have you as part of our workforce before you even stepped into the office . 10 (congratulate)!”



1 a 2 decided 3 before 4 immediately 5 working

6 in 7 to be interviewed 8 disappointed 9 earlier 10 Congratulations

Keeping a diary in English is one of the 1 (effect) ways to improve our English writing ability. 2 (compare) with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes 3 (little) time. It can help us to develop the habit of 4 (think) in English .If we persist in this practice , 5 (gradual) we‟ll learn how to express ourselves in English . In keeping a diary in English , we certainly run up against many 6 (difficulty) . In the first place, 7 often happens that we have trouble finding proper words and phrases to give expression to our mind . Secondly , there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese . And it is extremely hard for us 8 (put) them into English properly.

As far as I‟m concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese –english dictionary 9 easy reach. Whenever something beats us , we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary . We can also turn to our English teacher for help , if necessary. In short , I believe that it is of great use to keep a diary in English for 10 development of our writing skills.



1 effective 2 Compared 3 less 4 thinking 5 gradually 6 difficulties 7 it 8 to put 9 within 10 the

A Frenchman went to a small Italian town 1 stayed with his wife at the best hotel there . One night, he went out for 2 walk alone. It was late and the small street was dark and 3 (quietly). Suddenly he felt someone behind him. He turned his head saw an Italian young man 4 quickly walked past him. The man was nearly 5 of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his watch was gone. He thought that 6 must be the Italian who had taken his watch. He decided 7 (follow) him and get back the watch . Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian . Neither of them understood the other‟s language. The Frenchman frightened the Italian with his fist(拳头) while 8 (point) at the Italian‟s watch. In the end the Italian gave up his watch to the Frenchman . When he returned to the hotel, the Frenchman told his wife what had happened. He was 9 (great) surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table . Now he realized that by mistake he 10 (rob) the watch and it was the italian‟s .



1 and 2 a 3 quiet 4 who/that 5 out

6 it 7 to follow 8 pointing 9 greatly 10 had robbed

第二章 原创练习

For some time ,I had been thinking that I wanted to do something to make strangers smile . I decided that I 1 (leave) small notes around shops and other public places with positive sayings or kind of words for strangers 2 (find) .

A friend on facebook posted that she had received a lot of beautiful paper from an artist friend and was wondering what to with it . I told her about my idea , and she 3 (immediate) said that this must be what her paper was meant for.

So two friends on opposite 4 (side) of the world started leaving these random notes of kindness. I leave my notes without 5 (expect) any particular result . It doesn‟t matter whether they are read 6 thrown away. The main thing is that I did this act.

I now carry around a notebook in 7 I write down lovely and inspiring phrases that I find. And I buy packs of Post-its to write notes on whenever I see 8 opportunity to make a stranger smile.

I only leave the notes when I am feeling in a 9 (happily) mood, as I don ‟t want to pass any negative energy on to someone else.

I sign them all 10 (say) that this note is left for you by a stranger to make you smile . Then , I add a heart.


1 would leave 2 to find 3 immediately 4 sides 5 expecting 6 or 7 which 8 an 9 happy 10 saying

The following tips 1 (help) you to get a girl‟s phone number .

You need to relax before you even approach a girl. Once you‟ve calmed 2 , make eye contact, smile, 3 go up to her to show her what a great gay you are. Give her all of your attention. This doesn ‟t mean that you should stare into her eyes. It does mean that you should make her see 4 she says matters to you.

Onec you „ve moved past the introductions, it‟s time 5 (get) her to like you enough to want to spend time with her again. She doesn‟t have to think that you‟re 6 man she has been waiting for all her life; all she has to think is “Hey, this guy is cool. I want to more of this.”

Have her open up to you. Lean in a little 7 (close), and encourage her to tell you something about herself that she doesn‟t just tell anyone. Start building a strong 8 (connect).

Ask for her number at the peak of the conversation , or you‟ll lose. Just when you‟ve having the most fun 9 (talk) to the girl or when you ‟re laughing the hardest is 10 (exact) when you should ask.


1 will help 2 down 3 and 4 what 5 to get

6 the 7 closer 8 connection 9 talking 10 exactly

Nancy : The film starts at 7:30. Let ‟s have something 1 (drink)

Alan: That ‟s 2 good idea.

Nancy: Something smells good.

Alan : Right, that‟s popcorn. Would you like popcorn?

Nancy : yes, I‟d love some. Do you know 3 invented popcorn?

Alan : I heard that popcorn was first eaten by the Indians of North America .

Nancy : When did they start eating it?

Alan : Thousands of years ago.

Nancy: I see.

Alan: Did you know that the Indians not only ate popcorn, 4 they also used popcorn to

make headdresses and necklaces , and in religious ceremonies?

Nancy : Yes, I 5 (see) that in films before. And a deerskin bag full of popcorn was served at

6 first Thanksgiving dinner at Plymouth Rock in 1621.

Alan : You know , popcorn grew much more popular during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

But it became 7 (real) popular when movie 8 (theater) across the continent set

about 9 (serve) the snack. By 1947 , 85 percent of movie houses were selling


Nancy : Wow, you are kind of an expert 10 popcorn! the movie‟s about to start. Let‟s go.


1 to drink 2 a 3 who 4 but 5 have seen 6 the 7 really 8 theaters 9 serving 10 on/in

If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! It might mean the 1 (differ) between life and death. This is the surprising advice of a British book.

One day, Henry Jackson 2 (work) in a restaurant kitchen. He picked 3 a dish from the table ,and suddenly a snake appeared and bit him on the hand. A few days 4 (early) , the snake came to the

restaurant from Asia in the box of bananas. It climbed out of the box and hid under the dish. “ I tried 5 (catch) it and was bitten again,” Mr Jackson said.

Anyway , Mr. Jackson stayed calm. 6 (use) his mobile phone, he took a photo of the snake . Soon his hand ached 7 (bad) and then his chest began to hurt. He went to the hospital. Not knowing what kind of snake it was , the doctors didn‟t know what to do with Mr. Jackson‟s problem. Then Mr. Jackson remembered the photo, from 8 the doctor knew the kind of the snake. They gave Mr. Jackson the right medicine 9 he recovered soon.

“ Stay calm if bitten by a snake. Take a photo and then show it to the doctor,” said Mr. Jackson, “ Oh, and if 10 snake doesn‟t smile for the photo , don‟t worry!”

Answers :

1 difference 2 was working 3 up 4 earlier 5 to catch

6 Using 7 badly 8 which 9 and 10 the

My daughter‟s birthday is May 29 . As it was Monday , we preferred to celebrate it earlier on Saturday . On Friday the 1 (entirely) family were busy packing the presents and putting funny pins on them. I promised my little princess that I would wake her up in the morning 2 distribute the presents to her classmates.

I woke up at 5:30 when I realized that 3 earthquake struck. I woke my husband up and asked Him 4 (carry) my daughter and ran out . We were watching our house shaking from outside. Howerer , as we 5 (plan) , I went to my daughter‟s school but no one was there except the teacher 6 warned us to get back to our houses as a tsunami(海啸)might come soon.

7 (return) to my house, I began to wonder about the presents: to whom we should deliver? After several 8 (discuss) , we decided to give them to the children in the hospital. Entering the hospital, I was really shocked . There were thousands 9 people bleeding and lying outside the rooms. A boy came up with a bandage on his head. 10 (quick) I handed over one present to him.

Answers :

1 entire 2 and 3 an 4 to carry 5 had planned 6 who/that 7 Returning 8 discussions 9 of 10 Quickly


第一章 名校模拟


One day, a tramp(流浪汉) was sleeping on a park bench, (satisfy) with the afternoon sunshine.

A couple walked by. The man stopped, woke the tramp up and asked him, ”Excuse me you have the time?” The tramp replied ,” I‟m sorry. I don‟t have a watch, so I don‟t know the time.” The man apologized and walked away with his wife.

The tramp lay down went back to sleep. Just then, a woman was out walking her dog, shook the tramp‟s shoulder until he woke up , said ,”I‟m sorry to trouble you, but do you happen (know) the time?” The tramp was a little he didn‟t have a watch and had no idea time. After the woman left, an idea (occur) to the tramp . He opened his bag and took out a pen and a piece of paper. He wrote down with all his strength, “I do not have a watch. I do not know the time.” He then hung the paper round his neck thinking that nobody would hold in his sleep. Fifteen policeman noticed the tramp and the sign around his neck. Out of a sense of responsibility, he woke the tramp up and said,” It‟ s 2:30 pm.”



1 satisfied 2 Do 3 who 4 and 5 to know

6 being woken 7 of 8 occurred 9 back 10 minutes


If you have much money, you need to put it away in the bank. Maybe you never opened that account(账户) , but someone else someone who used your name, your credit card number or your 造假is actually a crime.

The biggest problem is that you may not know that someone has taken away your identity (familiar) account you never opened , your credit report may include debts you never knew you had, you may see charges on your bills that you didn‟t sign for.

you take at least two First , contact the FTC at once and ask them (stop) that fake account at once. Second, not only review your report often, but also take good care of your own information.



1 did 2 personal 3 letting 4 which 5 until/till 6 unfamiliar 7 or 8 been stolen 9 measures 10 to stop


wanted to do something for the people of his town. But first he wanted (find ) out whether they deserved his help.

In the centre of the main road into the town, he very large stone. Then he (hide) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.

“Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man,but he did not try to remove the stone. man came along and did the same thing ; then another came, and another . All of them complained about himself ,”The night will be very dark. Some (neighbor) will come along (late) in the dark and will fall against the stone.”

Then he began to move the stone. He pushed with all his strength to move it. How great his the stone , he found a bag of money.



1 who/that 2 to find 3 a 4 hid 5 Another

6 it 7 saying 8 neighbours 9 later 10 Under


Jimmy is an automotive mechanic, but he lost his job a few months age. He was kind but always feared to apply for 1 new job.

One day, he gathered up all his strength and 2 (decide) to attend a job interview. It would be only an hour 3 the interview started. While waiting for a bus to the interview‟s office, he saw an elderly man was wildly kicking a car. Jimmy 4 (immediate) went up to lend him a hand. When jimmy finished 5 (work) on the car, the man asked him how much he should pay for the service. Jimmy said he just helped someone 6 need, and he had to rush for an interview. Then the man insisted on taking him to the office for his interview. Jimmy had to agree.

Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line of applicant waiting 7 (interview). One by one , they left the office with a 8 (disappoint) look on their faces. Finally his name was called. To his surprise , the interviewer was the old man he helped 9 (early) in the morning .”Sorry . I had to keep you waiting , but I was pretty sure I had made the right decision to have you as part of our workforce before you even stepped into the office . 10 (congratulate)!”



1 a 2 decided 3 before 4 immediately 5 working

6 in 7 to be interviewed 8 disappointed 9 earlier 10 Congratulations

Keeping a diary in English is one of the 1 (effect) ways to improve our English writing ability. 2 (compare) with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes 3 (little) time. It can help us to develop the habit of 4 (think) in English .If we persist in this practice , 5 (gradual) we‟ll learn how to express ourselves in English . In keeping a diary in English , we certainly run up against many 6 (difficulty) . In the first place, 7 often happens that we have trouble finding proper words and phrases to give expression to our mind . Secondly , there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese . And it is extremely hard for us 8 (put) them into English properly.

As far as I‟m concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese –english dictionary 9 easy reach. Whenever something beats us , we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary . We can also turn to our English teacher for help , if necessary. In short , I believe that it is of great use to keep a diary in English for 10 development of our writing skills.



1 effective 2 Compared 3 less 4 thinking 5 gradually 6 difficulties 7 it 8 to put 9 within 10 the

A Frenchman went to a small Italian town 1 stayed with his wife at the best hotel there . One night, he went out for 2 walk alone. It was late and the small street was dark and 3 (quietly). Suddenly he felt someone behind him. He turned his head saw an Italian young man 4 quickly walked past him. The man was nearly 5 of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his watch was gone. He thought that 6 must be the Italian who had taken his watch. He decided 7 (follow) him and get back the watch . Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian . Neither of them understood the other‟s language. The Frenchman frightened the Italian with his fist(拳头) while 8 (point) at the Italian‟s watch. In the end the Italian gave up his watch to the Frenchman . When he returned to the hotel, the Frenchman told his wife what had happened. He was 9 (great) surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table . Now he realized that by mistake he 10 (rob) the watch and it was the italian‟s .



1 and 2 a 3 quiet 4 who/that 5 out

6 it 7 to follow 8 pointing 9 greatly 10 had robbed

第二章 原创练习

For some time ,I had been thinking that I wanted to do something to make strangers smile . I decided that I 1 (leave) small notes around shops and other public places with positive sayings or kind of words for strangers 2 (find) .

A friend on facebook posted that she had received a lot of beautiful paper from an artist friend and was wondering what to with it . I told her about my idea , and she 3 (immediate) said that this must be what her paper was meant for.

So two friends on opposite 4 (side) of the world started leaving these random notes of kindness. I leave my notes without 5 (expect) any particular result . It doesn‟t matter whether they are read 6 thrown away. The main thing is that I did this act.

I now carry around a notebook in 7 I write down lovely and inspiring phrases that I find. And I buy packs of Post-its to write notes on whenever I see 8 opportunity to make a stranger smile.

I only leave the notes when I am feeling in a 9 (happily) mood, as I don ‟t want to pass any negative energy on to someone else.

I sign them all 10 (say) that this note is left for you by a stranger to make you smile . Then , I add a heart.


1 would leave 2 to find 3 immediately 4 sides 5 expecting 6 or 7 which 8 an 9 happy 10 saying

The following tips 1 (help) you to get a girl‟s phone number .

You need to relax before you even approach a girl. Once you‟ve calmed 2 , make eye contact, smile, 3 go up to her to show her what a great gay you are. Give her all of your attention. This doesn ‟t mean that you should stare into her eyes. It does mean that you should make her see 4 she says matters to you.

Onec you „ve moved past the introductions, it‟s time 5 (get) her to like you enough to want to spend time with her again. She doesn‟t have to think that you‟re 6 man she has been waiting for all her life; all she has to think is “Hey, this guy is cool. I want to more of this.”

Have her open up to you. Lean in a little 7 (close), and encourage her to tell you something about herself that she doesn‟t just tell anyone. Start building a strong 8 (connect).

Ask for her number at the peak of the conversation , or you‟ll lose. Just when you‟ve having the most fun 9 (talk) to the girl or when you ‟re laughing the hardest is 10 (exact) when you should ask.


1 will help 2 down 3 and 4 what 5 to get

6 the 7 closer 8 connection 9 talking 10 exactly

Nancy : The film starts at 7:30. Let ‟s have something 1 (drink)

Alan: That ‟s 2 good idea.

Nancy: Something smells good.

Alan : Right, that‟s popcorn. Would you like popcorn?

Nancy : yes, I‟d love some. Do you know 3 invented popcorn?

Alan : I heard that popcorn was first eaten by the Indians of North America .

Nancy : When did they start eating it?

Alan : Thousands of years ago.

Nancy: I see.

Alan: Did you know that the Indians not only ate popcorn, 4 they also used popcorn to

make headdresses and necklaces , and in religious ceremonies?

Nancy : Yes, I 5 (see) that in films before. And a deerskin bag full of popcorn was served at

6 first Thanksgiving dinner at Plymouth Rock in 1621.

Alan : You know , popcorn grew much more popular during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

But it became 7 (real) popular when movie 8 (theater) across the continent set

about 9 (serve) the snack. By 1947 , 85 percent of movie houses were selling


Nancy : Wow, you are kind of an expert 10 popcorn! the movie‟s about to start. Let‟s go.


1 to drink 2 a 3 who 4 but 5 have seen 6 the 7 really 8 theaters 9 serving 10 on/in

If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! It might mean the 1 (differ) between life and death. This is the surprising advice of a British book.

One day, Henry Jackson 2 (work) in a restaurant kitchen. He picked 3 a dish from the table ,and suddenly a snake appeared and bit him on the hand. A few days 4 (early) , the snake came to the

restaurant from Asia in the box of bananas. It climbed out of the box and hid under the dish. “ I tried 5 (catch) it and was bitten again,” Mr Jackson said.

Anyway , Mr. Jackson stayed calm. 6 (use) his mobile phone, he took a photo of the snake . Soon his hand ached 7 (bad) and then his chest began to hurt. He went to the hospital. Not knowing what kind of snake it was , the doctors didn‟t know what to do with Mr. Jackson‟s problem. Then Mr. Jackson remembered the photo, from 8 the doctor knew the kind of the snake. They gave Mr. Jackson the right medicine 9 he recovered soon.

“ Stay calm if bitten by a snake. Take a photo and then show it to the doctor,” said Mr. Jackson, “ Oh, and if 10 snake doesn‟t smile for the photo , don‟t worry!”

Answers :

1 difference 2 was working 3 up 4 earlier 5 to catch

6 Using 7 badly 8 which 9 and 10 the

My daughter‟s birthday is May 29 . As it was Monday , we preferred to celebrate it earlier on Saturday . On Friday the 1 (entirely) family were busy packing the presents and putting funny pins on them. I promised my little princess that I would wake her up in the morning 2 distribute the presents to her classmates.

I woke up at 5:30 when I realized that 3 earthquake struck. I woke my husband up and asked Him 4 (carry) my daughter and ran out . We were watching our house shaking from outside. Howerer , as we 5 (plan) , I went to my daughter‟s school but no one was there except the teacher 6 warned us to get back to our houses as a tsunami(海啸)might come soon.

7 (return) to my house, I began to wonder about the presents: to whom we should deliver? After several 8 (discuss) , we decided to give them to the children in the hospital. Entering the hospital, I was really shocked . There were thousands 9 people bleeding and lying outside the rooms. A boy came up with a bandage on his head. 10 (quick) I handed over one present to him.

Answers :

1 entire 2 and 3 an 4 to carry 5 had planned 6 who/that 7 Returning 8 discussions 9 of 10 Quickly


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