
Dear teachers and classmates,

It ’s ,my honor to speak here,and share some feelings and thoughts with you.

My name is kassia, a student from Class Two . in this summer vacation,I ’m very glad to take part in the English Summer Camp where we can have a chance to know the foreign teachers and experience their different teaching styles.I think it ’s a helpful activitity,so I feel very happy.

From the classes,I have learned a lot about how to improve my spoken English.

First, listening is very important .For the first few days,some classmates including me ,can ’t understand what all the teachers said.When you don’t know the sentences they said, don’t feel upset,but just insist on listening.You will get the meaning from their gestures or expressions,also you can guess the meaning by the words you have learned in the setences. If you stick to listening to them carefully and try your best to understand what they said,you will find that,you can understand them well gradually.

Second,interest is helpful .Knowing about the America culture is especially effective in fostering our interest.The teachers told us their families,the music,the school and geography about America.After that,many classmates become interested in America and want to have a

visit there , so we will spend more in learning English.

Third, vocabulary is necessary.The more words we memorize,The more we express exactly.But some classmates will say “It ’s too difficult to memorize so many words!”,so we should learn words in some useful and interesting ways.For example,we have played a game called “V ocabulary Relay Race”, during the race, everyone searches the words in mind and run to blackboard to write,we are all excited and the game help us learn lots of words to enlarge our vocabulary .Also,we can keep words with the help of pictures.Kim let us write down a new word and draw a picture simply about it.By drawing, I find it’s easier to remember a new word.So if you find a good way to learn words,you have made a small success.

Finally,speaking is the most important . It ’s normal for us to feel nervous when speaking in public, but if we speak more, we will feel relaxed gradually.To me, one class is very impressive,that is “Speech Class ”,and the most difficult is that it’s improvised .This is a challenge to us,we should have a quick thought,an exact expression and must overcome the feeling of nervous,Though we are afraid of this kind of activities,it’s really a good way to make progress.

So try your best to find the proper way of learning English, I think if you make great efforts, you will succeed!

That ’s all , thank you!!!

Dear teachers and classmates,

It ’s ,my honor to speak here,and share some feelings and thoughts with you.

My name is kassia, a student from Class Two . in this summer vacation,I ’m very glad to take part in the English Summer Camp where we can have a chance to know the foreign teachers and experience their different teaching styles.I think it ’s a helpful activitity,so I feel very happy.

From the classes,I have learned a lot about how to improve my spoken English.

First, listening is very important .For the first few days,some classmates including me ,can ’t understand what all the teachers said.When you don’t know the sentences they said, don’t feel upset,but just insist on listening.You will get the meaning from their gestures or expressions,also you can guess the meaning by the words you have learned in the setences. If you stick to listening to them carefully and try your best to understand what they said,you will find that,you can understand them well gradually.

Second,interest is helpful .Knowing about the America culture is especially effective in fostering our interest.The teachers told us their families,the music,the school and geography about America.After that,many classmates become interested in America and want to have a

visit there , so we will spend more in learning English.

Third, vocabulary is necessary.The more words we memorize,The more we express exactly.But some classmates will say “It ’s too difficult to memorize so many words!”,so we should learn words in some useful and interesting ways.For example,we have played a game called “V ocabulary Relay Race”, during the race, everyone searches the words in mind and run to blackboard to write,we are all excited and the game help us learn lots of words to enlarge our vocabulary .Also,we can keep words with the help of pictures.Kim let us write down a new word and draw a picture simply about it.By drawing, I find it’s easier to remember a new word.So if you find a good way to learn words,you have made a small success.

Finally,speaking is the most important . It ’s normal for us to feel nervous when speaking in public, but if we speak more, we will feel relaxed gradually.To me, one class is very impressive,that is “Speech Class ”,and the most difficult is that it’s improvised .This is a challenge to us,we should have a quick thought,an exact expression and must overcome the feeling of nervous,Though we are afraid of this kind of activities,it’s really a good way to make progress.

So try your best to find the proper way of learning English, I think if you make great efforts, you will succeed!

That ’s all , thank you!!!


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