
手偶:hello everyone ,I am miqi ,this is my house (用黑板的一头的圆

圈表示)I am going on a trip. 师:where are you going?

手:I am going to Beijing . 师:Do you live in Beijing?

手:No!I live in shijiazhuang. I live in a house. 师:Do you have a house in Beijing?

手:No!I go to a hotel !Here I go!I’m going on a trip to Beijing.Here’s my hotel!


讨论,你最喜欢北京的那个地方 (四)练习



情景表演----我去旅游 (六)结束课堂: 完善课本剧

Lesson14 May I go to Beijing?

一、教学目标: 知识目标


too„to„ , far from , from„to„ , work„hard„ 2.掌握下列句子

a. May I/ We _____(动词原形)? b.肯定回答:Yes, you may. 否定回答:No, you may not. 能力目标


2.能根据所学的句型,进行简单的问答。 情感态度与价值观:



1. May I/ We _____(动词原形)? 肯定回答:Yes, you may. 否定回答:No, you may not. 2.能用所学句式向别人征求意见。 三、教具准备: 1.单词短语卡片。 2. CAI 四、教学过程: review:

1. Greeting: T: Good morning! Ss: Good morning!

T: How’s the weather today? Ss: It’s sunny!

2. Review: T: Let’s go on a trip! Are you ready? Riding in my car car, let’s go on trips! Trip, trip, trip.

Ss: Riding in my car car, let’s go on trips! Trip, trip, trip. Riding in my car car, let’s go on trips! Trip, trip, trip.

Ⅱ、New concepts

1. Introduce: T: Oh, Beijing is great! (CAI the picture of Beijing)

S1: May I go to Beijing? T: Yes, you may.

The students listen to the teacher and follow the teacher. Use the next picture introduce “No, you may not.” 2. Practice: the teacher ask, the students answer, one ask, one answer. 3. Listening: Play the tape, students listen, read and answer the question: Where does Li Ming want to go?

4. Create situation: make dialogues in pairs, then check together. 5. Chant: demonstrate the chant with the action, then the students try to chant together. Ⅲ 、Class closing: to recite the text.

板书设计: Lesson18 May I go to Beijing? May I „?

Yes, you may. No, you may not. ⅠClass opening and

Lesson15 May I invite Danny and Jenny?

一、教学目标: 知识目标


come, go ,invite, leave for, arrive in 2.掌握下列句子

a. May I invite ___? b. This is ____.

c. When do you leave/ arrive? 能力目标

1.了解怎么对别人发出邀请,并且能够邀请别人。 2.能够用英语打电话邀请别人一起做某事。 情感态度与价值观:



1. 向别人发出邀请。

2. 打电话中所涉及到的基本语言。 教具准备:CAI, word cards, tape 教学过程: Class opening:

1. Greeting : Hello! How’s the weather today?

2. Review: Review the sentences: May I go to ? When is it? New concepts:

1. Introduce Explain the new words “invite” use a word card. 2. practice Ask the students use the CAI to practice the three dialogues.

3.Listening Play the tape, ask them to listen and answer the questions.

3. Role-play Check the students, give the good ones praise. 4. Create situation use the sentences constructions. Class closing To recite the text.


Lesson 15 May I invite Danny and Lenny?

come When do you leave for Beijing? go When do you arrive in Beijing?

Lesson16 How can we go to Beijing?




师:Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you.

How’s the weather, today? I feel cold? Do you? 2、复习:

师生对话:师:Hello. How do you go to school? 生:„„

师总结:every day ,we go to school. We go to school by bus, by bicycle, on foot. Or your father or mother drives you. 二、新授:

(出示飞机图片) What’s this?

It’s an airplane. Airplane 师领读后出示an 教授an airplane, 板书airplane,并找一些同学来读an airplane. 再告诉学生也可以说它是a plane. 师:an airplane is very big. And it is very fast.教师用打手势表示fast动作。生可学作,以此来理解单词的意思。板书单词fast并使此单词与前面的飞机单词构成一个句子An airplane is fast.。

A plane is fast.用学生熟悉的方式——手势指挥学生读这个句子。 再出示卡片蜗牛slow 图片。问学生Is it fast,too? It’s slow. 领读单词并做动作来表示单词的意思。What is slow? 师在黑板上板书A is slow.让学生来填。填完之后以其中一个为例,用手势来指挥学生来读句子。

If I want to go to the U.S., what can I take? 讲解take a/an___的意义。If I want to go to Tangshan, what can I take? How can I go to Tangshan?由此引出I want to take a/an _____. Let’s go to ____by _____.这两个句子。

Just now we know a bus is slow, a bicycle is slow, a truck is slow. So we know they are slower than an airplane.板书slower than an airplane 学生猜测短语的意思。并试着完成a _____ is slower than an airplane.学生可能会说A bus is slower than an airplane. A car is slower than an airplane. A train is slower than an airplane.„„

借学生的回答引出train. 并讲解。板书A train is slower than an airplane. Is a train is slower than a bus? A train is faster than a bus. Faster than 与slower than 比较,学生很容易理解意思。So we know a train is faster than a bus but slower than an airplane. Try to say a sentence like this?

师随意出示三张交通工具的图片,让学生来用faster than slower than说句子。


Li Ming and his mother are going on a trip toBeijing. How can they go to Beijing? 板书课题How can we go to Beijing? Today we will learn lesson21 .Let’s listen. How can they go to Beijing? After listening, try to answer my questions. 1) What does Li Ming want to take? 2) What does Li Ming’s mother want to take? 3) How can they go to Beijing finally?

听读对话并回答问题。 Listen and sing a song.

三、 拓展与运用

Trips are fun! Do you want to go on a trip toBeijing? Let’s go! Where do you want to go? Who do you want to with? Make a dialogue in your groups. You can use these sentences: Let’s go on a trip. I want to go to ____. How can we go to ______? May I ________?


Lesson 19: Meet LiMing’s Family



能听、说、读、写单词:at, evening, nice, meet, morning,afternoon. 学生能认读、 理解、 并应用下列基础的句型结构: Nice to meet you! Did you have a nice trip?



情感目标 学生可以增加其标准英语短语和词汇的总量。进一步激发学生学习 英语的兴趣。

教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:at, evening, nice, meet,

morning,afternoon. 学生能认读、 理解、 并应用下列基础的句型结构: Nice to meet you! Did you have a nice trip?

教 法:情景教学法



教学课时:2 课时


Step1、Greeting Good morning/afternoon, class! Where do we live? Step2、Review 用简单的句子英文复述故事 Billy Bee,再复述的过程中复习上一单元关于 旅行的词汇。

Step3、new words 教授本课新单词: 利用简笔画和电子白板演示白天昼夜的变化,呈现新单词 morning, afternoon, evening. “at” 的用法: ppt 出示钟表图片, 配合句型 what time do you ........? At .....in the ........解释“at”的用法,并加以练习。

Step4、new concepts













Step1、Greeting Good morning/afternoon, class! Where do we live? Step2、Review 以问题的方式复习课文内容。


1)小组活动: 演示是课文对话。

2) let’s do it! A. Ask and answer 2 B. Choose and write 完成 57 页表格和句子。


Lesson20 The Spring Festival Is Coming!


知识目标 能听、说、读、写单词:room, door, window, make, kid.

学生能认读、理解、并应用下列基础的句型结构:what do you do for the Spring Festival

能力目标 学生能用英语表达春节前的准备工作。

情感目标 体会中国春节的魅力

教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:room, door, window, make,kid. 学生能认读、理解、并应用下列基础的句型结构:what do you do for the Spring Festival

教 法:情景教学法



教学课时:2 课时


第一课时 S

tep1、Greeting Good morning, class!

Step2、Review 3 小组活动:完成表格,再说一说。 what time do you ........? At .....in the ........ name Go to school Have breakfast Go to bed Watch TV

Step3、 new concepts

1)讨论春节:出示图片,引出春节的英文表达 Spring Festival ,并练习 发音。

2) 小组活动:讨论问题”what do you do for the Spring Festival ?” 并汇 报结果。

3)学习新词汇:出示一张室内图:展示新词汇 room, door, window, kid. 并进行单词的听说练习。

4) 播放课文录音,第一遍,听;第二遍,跟读。

5) 、小组内读课文,解决划出的难点。

6) 、小组汇报找出的难点和以及解决的词句及未解决的词句。

7) 、教师帮助学生解决疑难。

8) 回答问题:

Step4、 homework



Step2、Review 齐读课文 小组活动:完成表格,再说一说。 What do you do for the Spring Festival ? 4 name what do you do for the Spring Festival? Step3、practice 让学生扮演春节大使,准备一个简短的陈述,向世界介绍中国的春节。

Step4、let’s do it. 1) read and match 2) pair work Talk about the Spring Festival Step5、activity book 指导学生完成配套练习。

Lesson21 What Year Is It?


知识目标 能听、说、读、写单词:year, also

能力目标 会用英文表达中国的十二生肖。

情感目标 体会中国春节的魅力

教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:year, also 会用英文表达中国的十二生肖。

教 法:情景教学法



教学课时:2 课时



Step2、Review 5 向全班同学介绍中国的春节。 出示图片,复习动物名称。 Step3、new concepts.

1) 新词汇学习:出示日历,引出并学习心词汇: year , mouth.

2) 十二生肖:小组讨论十二生肖的英文名称,小组汇报。

3) 出示图片,认识十二生肖。

4) 播放录音。第一遍听,第二遍跟读。

5) Q:how many animals are there ? What are they?



Step4、practice Modal Play: 出示十二生肖的图片,学生在小组内介绍中国的年。 Group work:

Step5、homework 看图片说属相,同一属相的学生站起来。



Step2、Review 小组比赛:背诵十二生肖的动物名称。

Step3、new concepts.



3)学生对话练习,以年龄和属相为话题英文对话。句子提示: 6 How old are you? father’s/........ Year?

4)对话练习展示。 Step4、practice

1) 完成图表 Family The year mother What is your year? What is your mother ’s/ What is his/her year? father Cousin

2) let’s do it!



Lesson22 Special Holiday in China


知识目标 能听、说、读、写单词:boat, moon, wonderful 学生能认读、 理解、 并应用下列基础的句型结构: the dragon boat festival, the mid-autumn festival

能力目标 学生能用英语表达春节前的准备工作。

情感目标 体会中国春节的魅力

教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:room, door, window, make,kid. 学生能认读、理解、并应用下列基础的句型结构:what do you do for the Spring Festival

教 法:情景教学法



教学课时:1 课时

教学过程: 第一课时


Step2、Review 介绍十二生肖的动物名称。

Step3、new concepts.

1)讨论中国的节日。 Do you know any Chinese holidays? What are they? What do we do on holidays? What holiday do you like best?

2) 新词汇学习:出示图片,引出并学习心词汇: boot, moon

3) 播放录音。第一遍听,第二遍跟读。

4) Q:what is Li Ming’s favourite holidays? What does Danny love?



Step4、practice 1)小组活动:完成表格 Holiday The dragon boot festival New year’s day What do you do? 8 The mid-autumn day The spring festival

2)let’s do it



Lesson 23: What do we need for the trip?


知识目标 能听、说、读、写单词:those, that 学生能认读、理解并应用下列基本的句型结构: I like this/these .... don’t like that/those.... 学生能了解字母组合 ow, oa 在单词中的发音及规则。


情感目标 准确掌握指示代词 this, that, these, those 并能灵活运用。 I 通过对这次北京旅行知识的学习,学生可以增加其标准英语短语和 词汇的总量。进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:those, that 学生能认读、理解并应用下列基本的句型结构: I like this/these .... don’t like that/those.... 教 法:情景教学法

学法指导:小组合作 课件使用:多媒体课件,单词卡、实物。

教学课时:2 课时


Step1 Class Opening and review

1、 Class Opening 9 I Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围] Good morning/afternoon, class!

2、Review (1)复习 near 和 far.(叫两名学生上台,一名站在教师旁边,另一名站在 教室的另一角。 )教师: (指着身边的学生) 处的学生)Is 学生: 话。 ) (2)用物品提示操练来复习一般名词的复数形式。

Step2 New Concepts

(1)教学 this, that, these, those 利用教室的物品示范下列句型:教师: (举起一件物品)The This is near.(指着远处一件物品)The 品) The is near, near or far? is far.(叫其他的学生重复上述对话,最后让学生自己引导对 is

near.(指着远处的学生问近 is far, That is far.(举起两件物 s are s are near. These are near. (指着远处两件物品) The far Those are far.

(2)提示学生英语中的一些特殊的名词复数形式 板书:this that Sweater Pencil Shirt Skirt these those Sweaters Pencils Shirts skirts Scissors Clothes pants jeans (名词的特殊形式。 )

(3)教师利用教室周围摆放的物品用以演示 this,后跟名词单数,近的; that 后跟名词复数,远的;these 后跟名词复数,近的;those 后跟名词的复数,远 的。This/that 后跟 is; these, those 后跟 are. ※ 教师利用各种表情动作使意思表达更清楚。 (教师可指着近处的物品解释 these/this, 教师可指着远处的物品解释 those/that,) ※ 请一些学生在举出一些例子来

Step3. Practice 利用单词卡中的词卡向学生示范如下句型作单词替换:I like this/ that/ these/ those _____(表示颜色或其他类形容词)_____(单件或多件物品名 称) 。请几名学生一边说句子一边用手指着单词。


Step5、布置作业 用句型 I like this/that/these/those


Step1 Class Opening and review

1、 Class Opening Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围] Good morning/afternoon, class!

2、Review 利用单词卡中的词卡向学生示范如下句型作单词替换:I like this/ that/ these/ those _____(表示颜色或其他类形容词)_____(单件或多件物品名 称) 。请几名学生一边说句子一边用手指着单词。

Step2、New Concepts


(2)与学生一起讨论:李明计划去北京旅游,他会准备些什么?李明最喜欢什 11 ........ 么衣服?




Step3、let’s chant! 教授歌谣,让学生表演唱。

Step4、let’s do it! 指导学生完成句子。

Step5、letters and sound!

Step6、布置作业 用句型 I like this/that/these/those ........

Lesson24 Year Animals


知识目标 能听懂理解故事

能力目标 学生能就故事进行提问和回答。

情感目标 激发和保持学生学习英语的兴趣。


教 法:情景教学法



教学课时:1 课时

Step1 Class Opening and review

1、 Class Opening Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围] Good morning/afternoon, class! Where do we live?

2、Review 12 复习十二生肖的英文名称

Step2 Story 1、Prepare to read


2、讨论:故事发生在何时何地?故事的人物是谁?故事中有哪些重要的东 西?

(1)小组派代表汇报。 (2)教师指名评议。




2、reading 1、放录音,让学生注意听英美人是怎样朗读故事的。



Step2 Story 讨论: 1、用提问的方式,检查学生理解的情况。 2、激发学生就故事本身做出各自的评论。



手偶:hello everyone ,I am miqi ,this is my house (用黑板的一头的圆

圈表示)I am going on a trip. 师:where are you going?

手:I am going to Beijing . 师:Do you live in Beijing?

手:No!I live in shijiazhuang. I live in a house. 师:Do you have a house in Beijing?

手:No!I go to a hotel !Here I go!I’m going on a trip to Beijing.Here’s my hotel!


讨论,你最喜欢北京的那个地方 (四)练习



情景表演----我去旅游 (六)结束课堂: 完善课本剧

Lesson14 May I go to Beijing?

一、教学目标: 知识目标


too„to„ , far from , from„to„ , work„hard„ 2.掌握下列句子

a. May I/ We _____(动词原形)? b.肯定回答:Yes, you may. 否定回答:No, you may not. 能力目标


2.能根据所学的句型,进行简单的问答。 情感态度与价值观:



1. May I/ We _____(动词原形)? 肯定回答:Yes, you may. 否定回答:No, you may not. 2.能用所学句式向别人征求意见。 三、教具准备: 1.单词短语卡片。 2. CAI 四、教学过程: review:

1. Greeting: T: Good morning! Ss: Good morning!

T: How’s the weather today? Ss: It’s sunny!

2. Review: T: Let’s go on a trip! Are you ready? Riding in my car car, let’s go on trips! Trip, trip, trip.

Ss: Riding in my car car, let’s go on trips! Trip, trip, trip. Riding in my car car, let’s go on trips! Trip, trip, trip.

Ⅱ、New concepts

1. Introduce: T: Oh, Beijing is great! (CAI the picture of Beijing)

S1: May I go to Beijing? T: Yes, you may.

The students listen to the teacher and follow the teacher. Use the next picture introduce “No, you may not.” 2. Practice: the teacher ask, the students answer, one ask, one answer. 3. Listening: Play the tape, students listen, read and answer the question: Where does Li Ming want to go?

4. Create situation: make dialogues in pairs, then check together. 5. Chant: demonstrate the chant with the action, then the students try to chant together. Ⅲ 、Class closing: to recite the text.

板书设计: Lesson18 May I go to Beijing? May I „?

Yes, you may. No, you may not. ⅠClass opening and

Lesson15 May I invite Danny and Jenny?

一、教学目标: 知识目标


come, go ,invite, leave for, arrive in 2.掌握下列句子

a. May I invite ___? b. This is ____.

c. When do you leave/ arrive? 能力目标

1.了解怎么对别人发出邀请,并且能够邀请别人。 2.能够用英语打电话邀请别人一起做某事。 情感态度与价值观:



1. 向别人发出邀请。

2. 打电话中所涉及到的基本语言。 教具准备:CAI, word cards, tape 教学过程: Class opening:

1. Greeting : Hello! How’s the weather today?

2. Review: Review the sentences: May I go to ? When is it? New concepts:

1. Introduce Explain the new words “invite” use a word card. 2. practice Ask the students use the CAI to practice the three dialogues.

3.Listening Play the tape, ask them to listen and answer the questions.

3. Role-play Check the students, give the good ones praise. 4. Create situation use the sentences constructions. Class closing To recite the text.


Lesson 15 May I invite Danny and Lenny?

come When do you leave for Beijing? go When do you arrive in Beijing?

Lesson16 How can we go to Beijing?




师:Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you.

How’s the weather, today? I feel cold? Do you? 2、复习:

师生对话:师:Hello. How do you go to school? 生:„„

师总结:every day ,we go to school. We go to school by bus, by bicycle, on foot. Or your father or mother drives you. 二、新授:

(出示飞机图片) What’s this?

It’s an airplane. Airplane 师领读后出示an 教授an airplane, 板书airplane,并找一些同学来读an airplane. 再告诉学生也可以说它是a plane. 师:an airplane is very big. And it is very fast.教师用打手势表示fast动作。生可学作,以此来理解单词的意思。板书单词fast并使此单词与前面的飞机单词构成一个句子An airplane is fast.。

A plane is fast.用学生熟悉的方式——手势指挥学生读这个句子。 再出示卡片蜗牛slow 图片。问学生Is it fast,too? It’s slow. 领读单词并做动作来表示单词的意思。What is slow? 师在黑板上板书A is slow.让学生来填。填完之后以其中一个为例,用手势来指挥学生来读句子。

If I want to go to the U.S., what can I take? 讲解take a/an___的意义。If I want to go to Tangshan, what can I take? How can I go to Tangshan?由此引出I want to take a/an _____. Let’s go to ____by _____.这两个句子。

Just now we know a bus is slow, a bicycle is slow, a truck is slow. So we know they are slower than an airplane.板书slower than an airplane 学生猜测短语的意思。并试着完成a _____ is slower than an airplane.学生可能会说A bus is slower than an airplane. A car is slower than an airplane. A train is slower than an airplane.„„

借学生的回答引出train. 并讲解。板书A train is slower than an airplane. Is a train is slower than a bus? A train is faster than a bus. Faster than 与slower than 比较,学生很容易理解意思。So we know a train is faster than a bus but slower than an airplane. Try to say a sentence like this?

师随意出示三张交通工具的图片,让学生来用faster than slower than说句子。


Li Ming and his mother are going on a trip toBeijing. How can they go to Beijing? 板书课题How can we go to Beijing? Today we will learn lesson21 .Let’s listen. How can they go to Beijing? After listening, try to answer my questions. 1) What does Li Ming want to take? 2) What does Li Ming’s mother want to take? 3) How can they go to Beijing finally?

听读对话并回答问题。 Listen and sing a song.

三、 拓展与运用

Trips are fun! Do you want to go on a trip toBeijing? Let’s go! Where do you want to go? Who do you want to with? Make a dialogue in your groups. You can use these sentences: Let’s go on a trip. I want to go to ____. How can we go to ______? May I ________?


Lesson 19: Meet LiMing’s Family



能听、说、读、写单词:at, evening, nice, meet, morning,afternoon. 学生能认读、 理解、 并应用下列基础的句型结构: Nice to meet you! Did you have a nice trip?



情感目标 学生可以增加其标准英语短语和词汇的总量。进一步激发学生学习 英语的兴趣。

教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:at, evening, nice, meet,

morning,afternoon. 学生能认读、 理解、 并应用下列基础的句型结构: Nice to meet you! Did you have a nice trip?

教 法:情景教学法



教学课时:2 课时


Step1、Greeting Good morning/afternoon, class! Where do we live? Step2、Review 用简单的句子英文复述故事 Billy Bee,再复述的过程中复习上一单元关于 旅行的词汇。

Step3、new words 教授本课新单词: 利用简笔画和电子白板演示白天昼夜的变化,呈现新单词 morning, afternoon, evening. “at” 的用法: ppt 出示钟表图片, 配合句型 what time do you ........? At .....in the ........解释“at”的用法,并加以练习。

Step4、new concepts













Step1、Greeting Good morning/afternoon, class! Where do we live? Step2、Review 以问题的方式复习课文内容。


1)小组活动: 演示是课文对话。

2) let’s do it! A. Ask and answer 2 B. Choose and write 完成 57 页表格和句子。


Lesson20 The Spring Festival Is Coming!


知识目标 能听、说、读、写单词:room, door, window, make, kid.

学生能认读、理解、并应用下列基础的句型结构:what do you do for the Spring Festival

能力目标 学生能用英语表达春节前的准备工作。

情感目标 体会中国春节的魅力

教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:room, door, window, make,kid. 学生能认读、理解、并应用下列基础的句型结构:what do you do for the Spring Festival

教 法:情景教学法



教学课时:2 课时


第一课时 S

tep1、Greeting Good morning, class!

Step2、Review 3 小组活动:完成表格,再说一说。 what time do you ........? At .....in the ........ name Go to school Have breakfast Go to bed Watch TV

Step3、 new concepts

1)讨论春节:出示图片,引出春节的英文表达 Spring Festival ,并练习 发音。

2) 小组活动:讨论问题”what do you do for the Spring Festival ?” 并汇 报结果。

3)学习新词汇:出示一张室内图:展示新词汇 room, door, window, kid. 并进行单词的听说练习。

4) 播放课文录音,第一遍,听;第二遍,跟读。

5) 、小组内读课文,解决划出的难点。

6) 、小组汇报找出的难点和以及解决的词句及未解决的词句。

7) 、教师帮助学生解决疑难。

8) 回答问题:

Step4、 homework



Step2、Review 齐读课文 小组活动:完成表格,再说一说。 What do you do for the Spring Festival ? 4 name what do you do for the Spring Festival? Step3、practice 让学生扮演春节大使,准备一个简短的陈述,向世界介绍中国的春节。

Step4、let’s do it. 1) read and match 2) pair work Talk about the Spring Festival Step5、activity book 指导学生完成配套练习。

Lesson21 What Year Is It?


知识目标 能听、说、读、写单词:year, also

能力目标 会用英文表达中国的十二生肖。

情感目标 体会中国春节的魅力

教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:year, also 会用英文表达中国的十二生肖。

教 法:情景教学法



教学课时:2 课时



Step2、Review 5 向全班同学介绍中国的春节。 出示图片,复习动物名称。 Step3、new concepts.

1) 新词汇学习:出示日历,引出并学习心词汇: year , mouth.

2) 十二生肖:小组讨论十二生肖的英文名称,小组汇报。

3) 出示图片,认识十二生肖。

4) 播放录音。第一遍听,第二遍跟读。

5) Q:how many animals are there ? What are they?



Step4、practice Modal Play: 出示十二生肖的图片,学生在小组内介绍中国的年。 Group work:

Step5、homework 看图片说属相,同一属相的学生站起来。



Step2、Review 小组比赛:背诵十二生肖的动物名称。

Step3、new concepts.



3)学生对话练习,以年龄和属相为话题英文对话。句子提示: 6 How old are you? father’s/........ Year?

4)对话练习展示。 Step4、practice

1) 完成图表 Family The year mother What is your year? What is your mother ’s/ What is his/her year? father Cousin

2) let’s do it!



Lesson22 Special Holiday in China


知识目标 能听、说、读、写单词:boat, moon, wonderful 学生能认读、 理解、 并应用下列基础的句型结构: the dragon boat festival, the mid-autumn festival

能力目标 学生能用英语表达春节前的准备工作。

情感目标 体会中国春节的魅力

教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:room, door, window, make,kid. 学生能认读、理解、并应用下列基础的句型结构:what do you do for the Spring Festival

教 法:情景教学法



教学课时:1 课时

教学过程: 第一课时


Step2、Review 介绍十二生肖的动物名称。

Step3、new concepts.

1)讨论中国的节日。 Do you know any Chinese holidays? What are they? What do we do on holidays? What holiday do you like best?

2) 新词汇学习:出示图片,引出并学习心词汇: boot, moon

3) 播放录音。第一遍听,第二遍跟读。

4) Q:what is Li Ming’s favourite holidays? What does Danny love?



Step4、practice 1)小组活动:完成表格 Holiday The dragon boot festival New year’s day What do you do? 8 The mid-autumn day The spring festival

2)let’s do it



Lesson 23: What do we need for the trip?


知识目标 能听、说、读、写单词:those, that 学生能认读、理解并应用下列基本的句型结构: I like this/these .... don’t like that/those.... 学生能了解字母组合 ow, oa 在单词中的发音及规则。


情感目标 准确掌握指示代词 this, that, these, those 并能灵活运用。 I 通过对这次北京旅行知识的学习,学生可以增加其标准英语短语和 词汇的总量。进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:those, that 学生能认读、理解并应用下列基本的句型结构: I like this/these .... don’t like that/those.... 教 法:情景教学法

学法指导:小组合作 课件使用:多媒体课件,单词卡、实物。

教学课时:2 课时


Step1 Class Opening and review

1、 Class Opening 9 I Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围] Good morning/afternoon, class!

2、Review (1)复习 near 和 far.(叫两名学生上台,一名站在教师旁边,另一名站在 教室的另一角。 )教师: (指着身边的学生) 处的学生)Is 学生: 话。 ) (2)用物品提示操练来复习一般名词的复数形式。

Step2 New Concepts

(1)教学 this, that, these, those 利用教室的物品示范下列句型:教师: (举起一件物品)The This is near.(指着远处一件物品)The 品) The is near, near or far? is far.(叫其他的学生重复上述对话,最后让学生自己引导对 is

near.(指着远处的学生问近 is far, That is far.(举起两件物 s are s are near. These are near. (指着远处两件物品) The far Those are far.

(2)提示学生英语中的一些特殊的名词复数形式 板书:this that Sweater Pencil Shirt Skirt these those Sweaters Pencils Shirts skirts Scissors Clothes pants jeans (名词的特殊形式。 )

(3)教师利用教室周围摆放的物品用以演示 this,后跟名词单数,近的; that 后跟名词复数,远的;these 后跟名词复数,近的;those 后跟名词的复数,远 的。This/that 后跟 is; these, those 后跟 are. ※ 教师利用各种表情动作使意思表达更清楚。 (教师可指着近处的物品解释 these/this, 教师可指着远处的物品解释 those/that,) ※ 请一些学生在举出一些例子来

Step3. Practice 利用单词卡中的词卡向学生示范如下句型作单词替换:I like this/ that/ these/ those _____(表示颜色或其他类形容词)_____(单件或多件物品名 称) 。请几名学生一边说句子一边用手指着单词。


Step5、布置作业 用句型 I like this/that/these/those


Step1 Class Opening and review

1、 Class Opening Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围] Good morning/afternoon, class!

2、Review 利用单词卡中的词卡向学生示范如下句型作单词替换:I like this/ that/ these/ those _____(表示颜色或其他类形容词)_____(单件或多件物品名 称) 。请几名学生一边说句子一边用手指着单词。

Step2、New Concepts


(2)与学生一起讨论:李明计划去北京旅游,他会准备些什么?李明最喜欢什 11 ........ 么衣服?




Step3、let’s chant! 教授歌谣,让学生表演唱。

Step4、let’s do it! 指导学生完成句子。

Step5、letters and sound!

Step6、布置作业 用句型 I like this/that/these/those ........

Lesson24 Year Animals


知识目标 能听懂理解故事

能力目标 学生能就故事进行提问和回答。

情感目标 激发和保持学生学习英语的兴趣。


教 法:情景教学法



教学课时:1 课时

Step1 Class Opening and review

1、 Class Opening Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围] Good morning/afternoon, class! Where do we live?

2、Review 12 复习十二生肖的英文名称

Step2 Story 1、Prepare to read


2、讨论:故事发生在何时何地?故事的人物是谁?故事中有哪些重要的东 西?

(1)小组派代表汇报。 (2)教师指名评议。




2、reading 1、放录音,让学生注意听英美人是怎样朗读故事的。



Step2 Story 讨论: 1、用提问的方式,检查学生理解的情况。 2、激发学生就故事本身做出各自的评论。




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