



☆专题1: 被动语态


我吃了一个苹果, 那现在苹果怎样了?苹果被我吃了。正如汉语中的被字句,英语中的“被字句”我们称之为被动语态。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。

2、五种基本句型结构之一: 主+谓+宾 E.g: I eat an apple. Tom plays basketball.

(注:在“主+谓+宾”结构中,主语是动作的执行者,宾语是动作的承受者。) 3、被动语态谓语结构:be done(过去分词) 1.主动语态:主语是动作的执行者 e.g.

2.被动语态:主语是动作的承受者 e.g.




Some new computers were stolen last night. 一些新电脑在昨晚被盗了。(不知道电脑 是谁偷的)


The door was opened.(没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者) 3)、只需强调动作的承受者时。

The window was broken by mike.窗户是迈克打破的。

5、各种时态的被动语态结构: be done( 总结构)


1. 判断时态:

2 主变宾:主动语态句子中的宾语变被动语态句子中的主语(同时宾变主)。 3. 谓动变被动:把谓语动词变成被动结构(be + done)

4. 主语放by后,主格变宾格:把主动语态中的主语放在介词by(被)之后,将主格变

e.g.:1、All the people laughed at him. He was laughed at by all people. 2、He cuts down a tree A tree is cut down by him. 3、I am eating an apple. An apple is being eaten by me. 4、They grow rice in South China. Rice is grown in South China.

5、They will do their homework tomorrow. Their homework will be done by them tomorrow . 7、含有情态动词的被动语态



e.g:1.We can repair this watch in two days. This watch can be repaired by us in two days. 2.He must finish this work soon. This work must be finished by him soon. 3.We should plant trees in spring. Trees should be planted by us in spring.


三、汉语中含有“据说”、“据悉”、“有人说”、“大家说”等时。例如: It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and „„

It was reported that her mother died of SARS. 众所周知„ „ It is well known that „ 据推测说„ „ It is supposed that „

三、汉语中含有“据说”、“据悉”、“有人说”、“大家说”等时。例如: It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and „„ It was reported that her mother died of SARS. 众所周知„ „ It is well known that „ 据推测说„ „ It is supposed that „ 四、汉语中含有“被”、“由”等词时。 例如:

Tina is asked to come by Paul. Tina是被Paul叫来的。

五、某些句子习惯上用被动语态。例如: He was born in October,1989.



( )1. The flowers ___ often.

A. must be water B. must be watered C. must watered D. must water ( )2. The books may___ for two weeks.

A. be kept B. be borrowed C. keep D. borrow ( )3. The broken bike____ here by Mr Smith.

A. can mend B. can mended C. can be mend D. can be mended ( )4. Now these magazines________ in the library for a long time. A.have kept B. are keeping C. have been keeping D. have been kept ( )5. The pot ___ for ___ hot water

A. used; keeping B. was used; keeping C. is used; to keep D. are used; keep ( )6. Tea ___ in the south of China.

A. grows B. is grown C. were grown D. will grow ( )7. The bridges___ two years ago.

A. is built B. built C. were built D. was built ( )8. The bike ___ 500 yuan.

A. was cost B. costed C. cost D. is costed ( )9.--Kate got her driver’s license yesterday.

-- I think 15-year-olds _______ drive. They are not calm enough. A. should be allowed not to B. should allow to C. shouldn’t be allowed to D. should be allowed to ( )10. The People's Republic of China __ on October 1, 1949.

A. found B. was founded C. is founded D. was found

五、 拓展训练


1. The teacher told him not to waste time on playing computer games. ______________________________________________________ 2. The workers are building a new railway between the two cities. ______________________________________________________ 3. They should do it right now.

______________________________________________________ 4. They named the boy Johnson.

_______________________________________________________ 5. The monster let the little girl clean the cave.

______________________________________________________ . 6.eople in the town laugh at Mike for his fancy dress.

_______________________________________________________ 7.We can’t do it in one day.

_________________________________________________________ 8.Young people must take good care of old people




( )1. English ____ in Canada.

A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken ( )2. This English song___ by the girls after class.

A. often sings B. often sang C. is often sang D. is often sung ( )3. This kind of car ___ in Japan.

A, makes B. made C. is making D. is made ( )4. New computers ___ all over the world.

A. is used B. are using C. are used D. have used ( )5. Our room must ___ clean.

A. keep B. be kept C. to be kept D. to keep ( )6. Doctors ___ in every part of the world.

A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. will need ( )7. His new book___ next month.

A will be published B. is publishing C. is being published D. has been published

( )8. Japanese ___ in every country.

A. is not spoken B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is not speaking ( )9. These papers ___ yet.

A. have not written B. have not been written

C. has not written D. has not been written





☆专题1: 被动语态


我吃了一个苹果, 那现在苹果怎样了?苹果被我吃了。正如汉语中的被字句,英语中的“被字句”我们称之为被动语态。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。

2、五种基本句型结构之一: 主+谓+宾 E.g: I eat an apple. Tom plays basketball.

(注:在“主+谓+宾”结构中,主语是动作的执行者,宾语是动作的承受者。) 3、被动语态谓语结构:be done(过去分词) 1.主动语态:主语是动作的执行者 e.g.

2.被动语态:主语是动作的承受者 e.g.




Some new computers were stolen last night. 一些新电脑在昨晚被盗了。(不知道电脑 是谁偷的)


The door was opened.(没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者) 3)、只需强调动作的承受者时。

The window was broken by mike.窗户是迈克打破的。

5、各种时态的被动语态结构: be done( 总结构)


1. 判断时态:

2 主变宾:主动语态句子中的宾语变被动语态句子中的主语(同时宾变主)。 3. 谓动变被动:把谓语动词变成被动结构(be + done)

4. 主语放by后,主格变宾格:把主动语态中的主语放在介词by(被)之后,将主格变

e.g.:1、All the people laughed at him. He was laughed at by all people. 2、He cuts down a tree A tree is cut down by him. 3、I am eating an apple. An apple is being eaten by me. 4、They grow rice in South China. Rice is grown in South China.

5、They will do their homework tomorrow. Their homework will be done by them tomorrow . 7、含有情态动词的被动语态



e.g:1.We can repair this watch in two days. This watch can be repaired by us in two days. 2.He must finish this work soon. This work must be finished by him soon. 3.We should plant trees in spring. Trees should be planted by us in spring.


三、汉语中含有“据说”、“据悉”、“有人说”、“大家说”等时。例如: It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and „„

It was reported that her mother died of SARS. 众所周知„ „ It is well known that „ 据推测说„ „ It is supposed that „

三、汉语中含有“据说”、“据悉”、“有人说”、“大家说”等时。例如: It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and „„ It was reported that her mother died of SARS. 众所周知„ „ It is well known that „ 据推测说„ „ It is supposed that „ 四、汉语中含有“被”、“由”等词时。 例如:

Tina is asked to come by Paul. Tina是被Paul叫来的。

五、某些句子习惯上用被动语态。例如: He was born in October,1989.



( )1. The flowers ___ often.

A. must be water B. must be watered C. must watered D. must water ( )2. The books may___ for two weeks.

A. be kept B. be borrowed C. keep D. borrow ( )3. The broken bike____ here by Mr Smith.

A. can mend B. can mended C. can be mend D. can be mended ( )4. Now these magazines________ in the library for a long time. A.have kept B. are keeping C. have been keeping D. have been kept ( )5. The pot ___ for ___ hot water

A. used; keeping B. was used; keeping C. is used; to keep D. are used; keep ( )6. Tea ___ in the south of China.

A. grows B. is grown C. were grown D. will grow ( )7. The bridges___ two years ago.

A. is built B. built C. were built D. was built ( )8. The bike ___ 500 yuan.

A. was cost B. costed C. cost D. is costed ( )9.--Kate got her driver’s license yesterday.

-- I think 15-year-olds _______ drive. They are not calm enough. A. should be allowed not to B. should allow to C. shouldn’t be allowed to D. should be allowed to ( )10. The People's Republic of China __ on October 1, 1949.

A. found B. was founded C. is founded D. was found

五、 拓展训练


1. The teacher told him not to waste time on playing computer games. ______________________________________________________ 2. The workers are building a new railway between the two cities. ______________________________________________________ 3. They should do it right now.

______________________________________________________ 4. They named the boy Johnson.

_______________________________________________________ 5. The monster let the little girl clean the cave.

______________________________________________________ . 6.eople in the town laugh at Mike for his fancy dress.

_______________________________________________________ 7.We can’t do it in one day.

_________________________________________________________ 8.Young people must take good care of old people




( )1. English ____ in Canada.

A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken ( )2. This English song___ by the girls after class.

A. often sings B. often sang C. is often sang D. is often sung ( )3. This kind of car ___ in Japan.

A, makes B. made C. is making D. is made ( )4. New computers ___ all over the world.

A. is used B. are using C. are used D. have used ( )5. Our room must ___ clean.

A. keep B. be kept C. to be kept D. to keep ( )6. Doctors ___ in every part of the world.

A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. will need ( )7. His new book___ next month.

A will be published B. is publishing C. is being published D. has been published

( )8. Japanese ___ in every country.

A. is not spoken B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is not speaking ( )9. These papers ___ yet.

A. have not written B. have not been written

C. has not written D. has not been written



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