

What is important when …

1. choosing a part-time job (working hours/responsibilities/pay)

2. looking for your first job (career opportunities/location of job/possibility of

making business trips)

3. working in a team (deciding people’s responsibilities/sharing information/having

a team leader)

4. buying products on the internet (safe payment system/wide choice of

products/quick delivery)

5. Attending an interview (good first impression/communication/knowing the


6. giving a presentation

Any presentation requires a clear strategy or plan to help you reach your objective. The aim is not to spend 20 minutes talking non-stop and showing a lot of nice pictures. It is to convey a message that is worth hearing to an audience who wants hear it. So you should give a outline of your talk in the beginning and a conclusion before you finish your presentation. The most significant thing is you should make the audience clear about your emphasis so that you can spend more time on the point you focus on and use less words in introduction.

7. making a business phone call in English

8. Preparing a resume

A resume is a brief summary of your qualifications, education, and experiences relevant to your job search objective. So when you are preparing a resume, you must review your experiences and design your descriptions to focus on your accomplishments, however, you should not list all of your experience on your resume which will make HR feel boring. On the contrary, you should do some research about the position, then you can

9. conducting salary negotiation

10. chairing a meeting


Topic areas

1.Written communication (company website/staff magazine)

2.Oral communication (welcoming visitors / entertaining clients / conferences /


3.Operation (teamwork/company culture)

4.Recruitment (interviewing/choosing the best candidate/advertising for a job opening)

5.Human resources other than recruitment (training/rewards/promotion)

6.Business and colleges (work experience program/student seminar)


What is important when …

1. choosing a part-time job (working hours/responsibilities/pay)

2. looking for your first job (career opportunities/location of job/possibility of

making business trips)

3. working in a team (deciding people’s responsibilities/sharing information/having

a team leader)

4. buying products on the internet (safe payment system/wide choice of

products/quick delivery)

5. Attending an interview (good first impression/communication/knowing the


6. giving a presentation

Any presentation requires a clear strategy or plan to help you reach your objective. The aim is not to spend 20 minutes talking non-stop and showing a lot of nice pictures. It is to convey a message that is worth hearing to an audience who wants hear it. So you should give a outline of your talk in the beginning and a conclusion before you finish your presentation. The most significant thing is you should make the audience clear about your emphasis so that you can spend more time on the point you focus on and use less words in introduction.

7. making a business phone call in English

8. Preparing a resume

A resume is a brief summary of your qualifications, education, and experiences relevant to your job search objective. So when you are preparing a resume, you must review your experiences and design your descriptions to focus on your accomplishments, however, you should not list all of your experience on your resume which will make HR feel boring. On the contrary, you should do some research about the position, then you can

9. conducting salary negotiation

10. chairing a meeting


Topic areas

1.Written communication (company website/staff magazine)

2.Oral communication (welcoming visitors / entertaining clients / conferences /


3.Operation (teamwork/company culture)

4.Recruitment (interviewing/choosing the best candidate/advertising for a job opening)

5.Human resources other than recruitment (training/rewards/promotion)

6.Business and colleges (work experience program/student seminar)


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